Why should they communicate? Everyone treats them like garbage. I wouldn't communicate with this community, either.
Do you think that if Colossal Order had delivered the perfect CS2 game, with everything we wanted and no/few bugs and mods and assets available from the start...... that people would still treat them like garbage?
While I 100% agree that treating people like garbage is NEVER the way you should handle your concerns and criticisms of the game, it is something that they have control over. They made decisions where the deadline was more important than anything else, to the point that even the content creators and mod creators that had access to the beta were more or less blindsided by the release date...... and that came back to bite them in the most unfortunate ways possible.
But in the end, if you make mistakes, you have to sit on the blisters and take the heat. Stopping most of the communication with the community only leaves an even worse taste in many mouths. I understand they themselves aren't keen on being chastised once again for the mistakes they already made and are trying to fix now, but that comes as part of making bad decisions. The decisions were made, and now they have to live with it.
Regardless of how toxic and vile the players become, there is still a core set of players who really want the game to succeed, and communication about what is happening is very much appreciated.
I have been (and still am) on some official game forums where devs post at least 2 or 3 times a week, answering questions, elaborating on upcoming plans and patches, explaining why something can, and cannot be done, etc..... and just in general, even if it is the news no one wanted to hear, just be open and frank with the community, including when they made mistakes.
Communication, and frequent communication at that is absolutely key to the success of the game after such a dismal launch. And I am very sorry that because of that they now have to deal with toxic people..... but such is life.