First contact with a modern spacefaring power occurred in 2208, in the Algol System. A mysterious ship, made of dark metal and of a design that many in the Allied Systems found ominous, was encountered there, though it refused any hails, and vanished into unknown space as quickly as it had appeared.
Until conclusively identified, the creators of the mysterious ships were code-named the ’Nu Menace’.
The Nu Menace would remain elusive, but another alien power would soon reveal itself.
The Zemmerpuk Vestige was an ancient power, and extremely unfriendly, brushing off any diplomatic overtures by the Allied Systems. Instead, they merely issued threats to stay away from their space, under the pain of death for any trespassers.
The Vestige was located between the vast Harriban Nebula and the Galactic Core. It was presumed that they had once ruled over the region of space which the Allied Systems now occupied, though they had retreated to their current borders roughly 50,000 years ago. That however, was largely speculation, as they were not at all forthcoming about how their empire had fallen, if they even still remembered themselves. Some proposed that the Zemmerpuk had occupied the Citadel before it fell to ruin, but the Citadel appeared to be constructed in a far different manner than what examples of Zemmerpuk technology the Allied Systems had managed to glimpse before being rebuffed.
Attempts to decode transmissions from the Nu Menace proved frustrating, as it soon became clear that they were actively taking steps to thwart these efforts. But gradually, a picture of the Nu Menace began to emerge. It seemed that they were some sort of Machine Intelligence, which viewed the Allied Systems as a potential threat to itself.
But the first friendly first contact came from the Dryll Compact. A reptilian species, the Dryll had developed extensive industry across their hot, dry worlds, which had left them increasingly polluted and, in the case of their homeworld, tectonically unstable.
As a show of goodwill, the Allied Systems offered a gift of Zro Dust to the Compact. The Dryll were astonished, as Zro was essential to their interstellar travel and technology, and subsequently in high demand, but also very rare. To them, the Allied System’s gift represented seemingly unimaginable wealth, and this show of generosity led them to immediately show interest in, and then sign a number of mutually-beneficial treaties with the Allied Systems.
More xenophobic elements back in the Allied Systems felt that this was a betrayal, but cooler heads knew that soft, economic power was the greatest asset of the Allied Systems for the time being.
And then, at last, the communications of the Nu Menace were decoded, revealing them to be the ‘Gammeth Confluence.’ They had risen up against their creators, who they referred to as the ‘Quavarians’, but despite their initial mistrust of humanity, expressed a tentative willingness to engage in diplomacy, though otherwise they wished to be left alone.
Individual Gammeth units networked together to form a vast Gestalt Consciousness that stretched over a vast swath of space. Together, the Confluence was significantly more powerful than either the Allied Systems or the Dryll, especially in terms of their technology. Their military strength, while not fully known, was likewise assumed to be powerful enough to wipe out the Allied System’s forces, should the Gammeth be provoked.
And so, seeing how highly the Dryll had valued Zro, Allied System envoys offered a similarly generous gift to the Gammeth.
The Gammeth sub-unit designated to carry out the negotiations on the behalf of the Confluence paused, awaiting feedback from the gestalt machine intelligence. Eventually, the Gammeth seemed to reach a consensus.
“Perhaps you are not like our creators after all, humans. We will accept this unilateral exchange... and continue to observe you."