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Tinto Talks #20 - 10th of July 2024

Welcome to another Happy Wednesday, for the 20th Tinto Talks, where we give out a lot of secret information about our absolutely 100% super-secret game Project Caesar.

First of all, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your great feedback, which is helping us shape this into an even better game.

Today we talk about what will replace the Technology Levels and National Ideas of EU4. While some aspects of the Idea system are covered by the Societal Values and/or the Laws of a country, this new system will cover the rest.


Maybe these advances are good for us?

What were different effects from the Technology Levels and Ideas are now something we call “Advances”. Advances can unlock new diplomacy, new units, new abilities for units, new character actions, new subject interactions, new estate privileges, new laws, new policies in laws, new inheritance systems, new casus belli, new government reforms, new cabinet actions, new buildings, additional levels for buildings and new production methods. An Advance can also unlock mechanics like investing in stability, building roads, collecting taxes and much more. Last but not least, advances can also give you important stats like more literacy for your nobles, or better military tactics.

At the start of each age, each country will get a new Advances Tree, which will be unique to that country. A tree usually contains about 100 advances, some which are common, and some that are specific to who you are playing. Every tree, except the Age of Tradition, has 4 different starting points, a common one, and one from each institution. The ones from an institution tend to unlock relevant advances to that institution.


Eventually all advances will have fitting and often unique icons, but for now, the sickle is good!

About 70% of all advances in a tree tend to be common for every country, but the rest depends entirely on which country you are playing. Over one third of the advances in a tree in Age of Renaissance and Age of Discovery does not require any institutions to research.


This is part of the tree unlocked by the Meritocracy Institution..

We also took the national ideas and adapted to advances. Some of them made no sense and were lost, but in general the starting bonuses ended up as two Age of Traditions advances you start with already researched, and the rest is spread over the rest of the ages, with what was the finishing bonus as an advance in Age of Revolutions. In many cases they have been moved to the appropriate time as well, so currently many unique and powerful Swedish advances are in the Age of Absolutism. We have also heavily revised those whose names survived, and when we work in making unique content for a country, we aim to add more advances as well.


Poland currently has 16 unique advances...

We also have a lot of unique advances for what culture you are playing, or what religion you are playing, if you are a country that can own locations or not, and for what type of government you have.

Some of the ideas from the idea groups ended up directly as advances unique for certain types of countries, like the Horde Government ones were converted to unique advances for Steppe Hordes, and the Divine Ideas as unique advances for Theocracies.

However most of the ideas ended up being sorted into an administrative, diplomatic or military focus, with at least 10 in each category for every age, starting with the Age of Renaissance?

Why 3 categories? Well, at the start of each age, you will pick one focus, which will add those advances to your tree for that age. Now you may think, why would anyone pick something else than the military? First of all, there are different powerful benefits and tough choices you have to make. Let's take a look at the choice in the Age of Renaissance.
  • Administrative - Better Administrative Efficiency, Lower Interests, better proximity propagation, Cheaper Mercenaries and more..
  • Diplomatic - Better Merchants, More Diplomatic Reputation, March Subjects, Cheaper Warscore Costs and more.
  • Military - More Prestige from Battles, Monthly Tradition gains and more.

Hard or easy choice?

At the start of an age, the tree is populated with the advances depending on what your country is at that time as well, so you will only get relevant advances to choose from in that age. If you switch tags or change religion or government form, that will be seen in the next age.

The Advances tree for Age of Traditions is a bit unique in that it has many starting points, and there are many countries, particularly in the New World, who do not start with all of them. Metallurgy, Agriculture, Written Alphabet, Ship Building & Meritocracy are different starting points who all have trees. Feudalism, which requires to have embraced the institution to research, is in the Agriculture tree, and requires Horse Riding researched first. Legalism is part of the Written Alphabet tree and requires Codified Laws and the institution to have spread to unlock their sub-tree. Many of these are more expensive to research.

This together with lots of unique advances in the first three ages provides an interesting progress as a new world or similar type of country outside of the Eurasian Core.

Each advance has a research cost that is the same for almost all advances. There are a few keystone advances such as “Written Alphabet” that are far more costly though. Every country generates “research” each month, which is “paid” directly into the advance you are currently researching. While a bit unrealistic, but good from a quality of life perspective, you can store up to a year's research without having an advance being researched. There is also a sort of catch up mechanic where advances from an earlier age are cheaper than the current age.

The amount of research you do depends on what type of country you are, if you are a settled country, or still a nomadic group of pops, and on the power of your liturgical language. The satisfaction of the clergy estate and the average literacy of your country also impacts how quickly you research.


As you build up the literacy of your population you're research will grow .

You can also fully automate research and let the AI keep researching for you, and of course we got a proper research queue, so you can just select which techs you want to get, and it will add all prerequisites to the queue as well, and you can keep adding any valid advance to the queue.

Stay tuned, as next week we will delve into the fun and joy of exploration..


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But why? It seems a lot of people here seem to only want good consequences from their choices and no downsides. Which in my opinion is one of the biggest problems of EU4 and the reason why it is so easy. Instead of min/max-ing every advancement, this system comes with a downside (e.g. not focusing on military this age) and I love that. It also seems less prone for the AI to make bad decisions. If the decisions become more granular/selective and you can almost pick individual advancements the player will always outsmart the AI (and also at a risk that every campaign you feel you should select the best one).

thats why i advocate for more interaction and expansion with advisers. Its an opportunity for paradox to create a more high level experience what they missed out on in vic3.
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What if you could only spend extra gold(to represent direct funding) to make universities/etc better? So that you can only get the benefits if your country actually has a "scientific network" already setup, instead of transmuting gold into the research aether.
So basically an "Education" slider that would impact literacy growth and research generation ?
I recall commenting in a thread about HoI4 focus trees that EU4 ideas would be amazing reimagined as a tree. So I'm definitely onboard with this!

What I will say though is that all this dynamic and unique content kinda removes the strength trees have of making planning ahead easy. And if the advancements are just dropped in at the start of an age, that's several jarring moments where you lose all your bearings. Will there be some kind of preview of what you'd be getting? Or will say the tooltip for the switch religion button tell me what the unique advancements for that religion are? Something akin would be nice.

I'm also intrigued by how locking unique advancements (EDIT, as in once you enter an age you're stuck with what you were at the start) kinda suggests an attempt to move away from EU4s rampant tag switching, but then saying most of Swedens advancements are in the age of absolutism suggests you might be able to pull a Humankind, switch tags and/or religion each age and stack some pretty dope modifiers in a way just not possible in EU4. That's me going on a lose limb though, as it depends entirely on what the name of the game is. Stuff we won't know until we've gotten to play the game.
First - i like what i see. and i think the choice at the beginning of an age is fine.

Still i give a solution for a problem i do not absolutely see myself so it is just food for thoughts.

how about we do not get a choice per age put per institution? We would split each "group" in three.

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This idea is great. Even though I don't have a problem with the current system, extra granularity would be nice here.
This is for 10% of your advances, its not a big deal.
Something I'd posit is that it may "only" be 10% of advances, but those ones are VERY important ones, like "debt and loans," "mercenary recruitment," "marcher lords," "privateers," "anti-piracy league." If I'm understanding this correctly, you're gating entire mechanics behind these gated categories, which is the real issue I have with this system. If the gated advances weren't so big, then it wouldn't be as big a deal.
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In EU4, the ages begin 180 months after a specific event ex. Age of Reformations after Protestantism spawns.

What are the triggers for the ages in Project Caesar?
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I do kind of want to avoid the "alliances are invented in 1840" weirdness trap that victoria 3 falls into. So "imperial ambition" being something you only unlock after adopting meritocracy in like 1450 or whatever is really strange (because as we know, nobody had any kind of ambition to create an empire before 1450). Couldn't it be renamed to something else?

Another thing I would like to have seen more of is tech spread, ie. contact with other nations sometimes being the most efficient path to acquiring new advances, even when it's not an entire institution, so for many advances, you would end up importing them from other countries. This was a really big factor in adopting new advances historically outside Europe, typically they were imported from Europe in some form, often by hiring Europeans to build stuff for you. Adding this kind of gameplay would be a big step in making the game feel more immersive.
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Why not let players switch their focus every...ten or twenty years or so? This way if players want a more balanced spread drom the pool of 30 focus advances, they get access to some of the other techs at the expense of not getting the full number.
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Is it possible to get some more tech tree screenshots? So we can see the differences in what is available per age? Or even per type of nation or what 'owning a location' means.
Why not let players switch their focus every...ten or twenty years or so? This way if players want a more balanced spread drom the pool of 30 focus advances, they get access to some of the other techs at the expense of not getting the full number.
functionally you can, you just select a different focus in the next age.
the main post said that choosing a focus is meant to be a hard choice that defines how you play your country during an age.
I am hoping that the bonuses from each foci are powerful enough to stop a “meta” choice
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Not everyone wants to play a totally bland game, where every tag is the same.

You can make every tag distinct and flavourful without having to rely on Simon-says-so modifiers.

"The Spanish navies are worse than English navies because the English have a God-given affinity to floaty shooty things" vs "British isles are home to sturdier wood and their institutions allow the naval officers to develop X or Y."

I don't understand how the first one is great and the second one is bland.
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Something I'd posit is that it may "only" be 10% of advances, but those ones are VERY important ones, like "debt and loans," "mercenary recruitment," "marcher lords," "privateers," "anti-piracy league." If I'm understanding this correctly, you're gating entire mechanics behind these gated categories, which is the real issue I have with this system. If the gated advances weren't so big, then it wouldn't be as big a deal.
You aren't understanding it correctly.
Will non- european countries be as strong as europeans as how it is in eu4 rn? it used to be that europeans are 4/5 techs ahead but now they are all the same tech and strenght. will this be the same in ceasar?
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I have about 130 potential proposals for advances in Poland and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Unfortunately, I cannot provide links because they are treated as spam, but just enter the given names in Google and a Wikipedia article on this subject will appear. Unfortunately, some of them are only in Polish, so in such a case I will put the Polish name after a slash. The dates are very arbitrary, because it is impossible to assign much of the progress to a specific year, but since I started writing this way, I wanted it to be uniform. Not all of them were important, some were not even created, but they could have been an alternative to current history. Even if they aren't useful as advances, they might be useful as government types, special buildings, privileges, or other mechanics I don't know about yet.

1355 Privilege of Buda

1358 Kraków Cloth Hall

1362 Statutes of Casimir the Great

1364 Jagiellonian University

1374 Privilege of Koszyce

1382 Sejm

1385 Union of Krewo

1388 Privilege of Piotrków/Przywilej piotrkowski (1388)

1422 Privilege of Czerwińsk/Przywilej czerwiński

1422 Incompatibilitas

1423 Warta statute/Statut warcki

1433 Privilege of Fedlneńsk-Kraków/Przywilej jedlneńsko-krakowski

1433 Neminem captivabimus

1444 Crane Gate in Gdańsk/Brama Żuraw w Gdańsku

1454 Privilege of Cerekw/Przywilej cerekwicki

1454 Statutes of Nieszawa

1454 Pospolite ruszenie

1454 Noble democracy/Demokracja szlachecka

1456 Provincial Sejm/Sejm prowincjonalny

1466 Vistula trade/Handel wiślany

1466 Czopowe/Czopowe

1468 Piotrków Sejm/Sejm piotrkowski 1468

1485 Great Crown Hetmans

1492 Field Crown Hetmans

1492 Cossack

1493 Senate/Chamber of Deputies/Senat (I Rzeczpospolita)

1496 Statutes of Piotrków

1498 Poll tax/Podatek pogłówny

1496 Folwark

1501 Privilege of Mielnik

1501 Rokosz

1503 Polish hussars

1505 Nihil novi

1514 Council of Four Lands

1517 Quantity theory of money

1519 Gresham–Copernicus law

1520 Privilege of Toruń/Przywilej toruński

1526 Monetae cudendae ratio

1543 Copernican heliocentrism/De revolutionibus orbium coelestium

1562 Polish Brethren

1563 Kwarcian army

1563 Brest Bible

1563 Kwarta tax

1564 Marshal of the Sejm/Marszałek sejmu (I Rzeczpospolita)

1568 Privilegium de non tolerandis Christianis

1568 Maritime Commission/Komisja Morska

1569 Act of the Union of Lublin/Akt unii lubelskiej

1569 Golden Liberty

1569 Royal Foot Guards

1569 Most Serene Republic

1569 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth

1569 Voivode

1570 Sandomierz Agreement

1572 Royal elections/ Free election

1572 Hood Sejmik/Sejmik kapturowy

1572 Registered Cossacks

1573 Henrician Articles

1573 Pacta conventa

1573 Warsaw Confederation

1573 Ordinary Sejm/Sejm zwyczajny

1578 Crown Tribunal

1578 Wybraniecka Infantry

1579 Reiter/Rajtaria

1579 Academia et Universitas Vilnensis Societatis Jesu

1595 Union of Brest

1595 Zamoyski Academy

1600 Treaty of Chudnov

1605 Jesuit College in Toruń/Kolegium jezuitów w Toruniu

1606 Paradisus Judaeorum

1613 Crown Fiscal Tribunal/Trybunał Skarbowy Koronny

1620 Privilegium de non tolerandis Judaeis

1625 Cossack register/Rejestr kozacki

1626 Commission of Royal Ships/Komisja Okrętów Królewskich

1629 Hearth tax

1649 Treaty of Zboriv

1651 Treaty of Bila Tserkva

1652 Liberum veto

1655 Łan infantry/Piechota łanowa

1658 Treaty of Hadiach/Polish–Lithuanian–Ruthenian Commonwealth

1661 Merkuriusz Polski Ordynaryjny

1665 Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios vocant

1665 Collegium Hosianum

1664 Sarmatism

1665 Hasidic Judaism

1673 Dym infantry/Piechota dymowa

1676 Armoured companion

1678 Amica complanatio

1689 Palace on the Isle

1702 University of Wrocław

1704 Warsaw Confederation

1715 Uhlan

1717 Silent Sejm

1725 Operalnia

1730 Vilnian Baroque

1731 Familia (political party)

1733 Głos wolny wolność ubezpieczający

1740 Collegium Nobilium

1743 Persjarnia in Słuck/Pas kontuszowy

1747 Załuski Library

1755 Frankism

1765 Monitor (Polish newspaper)

1765 National Theatre, Warsaw

1776 Provincial uniform/Mundur wojewódzki

1767 Cardinal Laws

1769 Republic of Paulava

1770 Thursday Dinners

1770 Zabawy Przyjemne i Pożyteczne

1773 Commission of National Education

1774 Gazeta Warszawska

1775 Permanent Council

1775 Society for Elementary Books

1776 Royal Artillery School/Królewska Szkoła Artylerii

1778 Persjarnia in Kobyłka/Pas kontuszowy

1782 Old-Polish Industrial Region

1788 Great Sejm

1788 Hetmans Party

1788 Patriotic Party

1791 Constitution of 3 May 1791

1791 Reciprocal Guarantee of Two Nations

1794 Scythemen

1794 Proclamation of Połaniec

1794 Supreme National Council

1794 Directorate of Treasury Tickets/Dyrekcja Biletów Skarbowych

1800 Warsaw Society of Friends of Learning

1807 Constitution of the Duchy of Warsaw

1807 December decree/Dekret grudniowy

1810 Music School for singers and theatre actors/Chopin University of Music

1815 Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland

1816 Warsaw University of Life Sciences

1816 Royal University of Warsaw/University of Warsaw
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Cool, so now we see the mechanism for Pasifika people to have access to the outrigger canoe advancement for lower lumber cost light ships, or wayfinding advancements for easier oceanic navigation :cool:
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will there also be some negative advances? ones that will have negative modifiers/spawn negative events, but are prerequisities for something else, so you will often choose them despite of their character?
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I like the idea of advancements. Things like horses and horse riding being prerequisites for Feudalism make a lot of sense, since cavalry seems to have been a very important part of most historical aristocracies. I also think that limiting the number of advancements is a good idea, so you don't spend every game winding your way through the exact same "tech tree".

That said, I don't think the current idea for implementing those restrictions will play well. Confining some advancements to arbitrary silos for a hundred years seems annoying and arbitrary. Still, it's hard to know for sure without all the details (which are of course 100% secret), and I am cautiously optimistic.

I have two broad suggestions for restricting advancements:
  1. Lock unique advancements behind culture, religion, and geography, not specific countries or events. Locking certain things to specific tags made EU4 feel a lot more gimmicky and unbalanced to me. Since individual nations were getting attention, and not shared systems, it lead to some tags getting overshadowed by others. It also lead to your power level being significantly influenced by what label your blob had, which got kind of silly.
  2. It doesn't really make sense to me to ask whether a country will be focusing on administration, diplomacy, or the military: it will probably be concerned about all three. I think it is usually more interesting to ask which part of the three they are focused on. Clerks or priests, spies or marriages, ships or knights, and so forth.
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