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I somehow doubt that
I have a couple old ones, can't recall what patch or iteration each one was from, but they left quite the impressions on me.

First, this is true pacifism:
True Pacifism.png

Second, I think this one-system empire needs some help:
Good deal!.png


  • Good deal!.png
    Good deal!.png
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I posted this in the beta branch thread but it's too strange not to post here as well.

I've got some mysterious Trade Value flowing through my empire. Normally, I'd be happy to have free TV, but I'm an ME, so I have no idea what is happening. The system named Phonok in the picture below is especially confounding, since the trade route inexplicably stops right there. It can't be coming from the guy to my right, since they do not control any systems past our borders. Everything north of the system Mavall (just below CORE EXTENSION 015), following the hyperlane network, once belonged to the FP empire to my north, so I thought the trade route was a remnant of their stuff, but there was never a starbase in Phonok. I have tried clearing out the piracy, but it just comes back.

View attachment 450297

Strangely enough, I am actually collecting 5.38 TV, which isn't even the amount the trade route is worth. It can't be because piracy is reducing it, but I just finished clearing all of it. I have checked all of my planets and none of them are producing TV, which MEs can't produce anyway.

View attachment 450298

If it ended there I could accept it as a remnant trade route of the FP I attacked, but it gets weirder. I now have a trade route running across my core territory, which was never once controlled by an organic empire.

View attachment 450299

I'm going to build a starbase in each of these systems in an attempt to forcibly update the piracy. Hopefully that will work.

EDIT 1: The starbases only work as long as they exist. Even waiting a month so everything updates and then disbanding the starbased just makes the piracy come back. This has annoyingly already spawned a nothing little pirate fleet that I had to swat.

EDIT 2: I've found it! Some organic empire on the other side of the wormhole REALLY wanted to get that TV to their capitol. Thanks to @metalosse for the tip. This is the most convoluted trade route I've seen thus far. I've closed my borders to them in response to this. I might take some of their territory for annoying me like this.

View attachment 450306
View attachment 450305
This bug still exists. I got the exact same thing in my 2.2.6 ME playthrough. Building defense platforms removed both the piracy and the trade routes.
Um.. okay?
Yuth precursor capital complex ruins on a ruined Cybrex ringworld. Does that mean the Yuth are actually the Cybrex? :eek:

This needs some explanation, unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to screenshot what happened.
- The L-Gate cluster is dead.
- When I opened the L-Gate TWO of my systems had ETHER DRAKES spawn out of nowhere. Fortunately they were NEUTRAL and didn't attack. They quickly moved towards the L-Gates though and jumped through them. I was expecting them on the other side (L-Gate entry system guarded by 2 Ether Drakes would have been something), unfortunately... nothing.
WTF did just happen?
Look and behold my abomination - as a rogue servitor you are here to serve and protect - but sometimes those fleshies want their own freedom. Create them their own misery. Slave empire with Serviles as the main species. No one is capable/allowed to do specialist or ruler jobs. A hunger strike (events -50% slave output -50% slave upkeep) plagues the planet and slowly they are going to wish to be pampered by me the benevolent servitor.

Got a new tech to hide my megastructures. Invisible Dyson Sphere in the making.
Um.. okay?
Yuth precursor capital complex ruins on a ruined Cybrex ringworld. Does that mean the Yuth are actually the Cybrex? :eek:
View attachment 461768

This needs some explanation, unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to screenshot what happened.

That's an issue I've ran into with Guilli's Planet Modifiers before. I think it's because finding their homeworld and ending the precursor chain means it can't use that empire in the modifier discovery events.

- The L-Gate cluster is dead.
- When I opened the L-Gate TWO of my systems had ETHER DRAKES spawn out of nowhere. Fortunately they were NEUTRAL and didn't attack. They quickly moved towards the L-Gates though and jumped through them. I was expecting them on the other side (L-Gate entry system guarded by 2 Ether Drakes would have been something), unfortunately... nothing.
WTF did just happen?
View attachment 461769


Some Corsairs are coming for me.
Why are there so many balck holes and L-Gates in one place!? If the nanites spawn, I'm gonna be in a really awkward position.
Screenshot (372).png
Fanatic purifier surrendered to a just-awakened Benevolent Interventionists (xenobphile), only to fight alongside them against the swarm. These crazy men seem not that mad after all.


  • 2019_03_17_1.png
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Fanatic purifier surrendered to a just-awakened Benevolent Interventionists (xenobphile), only to fight alongside them against the swarm. These crazy men seem not that mad after all.

What I find strangest about this and most deserving of being in this thread is that a non-player fanatic purifier actually survived to the Crisis stage.
What I find strangest about this and most deserving of being in this thread is that a non-player fanatic purifier actually survived to the Crisis stage.
Well, I pushed end game date to 2375 and there are 3 FPs in the galaxy. There is a giant federation of AI (when you force spawn several federation builders and a fanatic befriender...), which can exterminate the FP, but somehow angered FE. I was trying to get tributes instead of going above admin cap and micro all that crap, and fanatic purifier isn't exactly the best kind of person to expropriate. Even metal heads will hand me their energy & mineral despite hate me to death.
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Well, I pushed end game date to 2375 and there are 3 FPs in the galaxy. There is a giant federation of AI (when you force spawn several federation builders and a fanatic befriender...), which can exterminate the FP, but somehow angered FE. I was trying to get tributes instead of going above admin cap and micro all that crap, and fanatic purifier isn't exactly the best kind of person to expropriate. Even metal heads will hand me their energy & mineral despite hate me to death.

I gotcha... and was only teasing, in any case. I've been playing small galaxies with super early end dates myself since 2.2, and also exploiting a decidedly feudal approach to conquering rather than actually going wide myself, until they figure out a more workable solution to all the planetary micro. Early end game while staying small also provides a nice challenge despite the weaker AI, imo, especially with a tech penalty as well.
I mean, CEO "Computer Dodecahedron" should be a dead giveaway.

Which is precisely why I moused over the species name. I'm just going through the motions of getting ready for a war with a Devouring Swarm, Racket shows up, "Okay, what are they offering this time--" and I glance up and see the name... look down at the food that they need... "Okay, somethings wrong here."

That's something I saw the first time I ran into them, too. It was rather confusing- my only thought is that maybe its meant to be some contingency for if you don't have Distant Stars? You'd have to dig through the files to know for sure, I guess.

I do have all the DLCs up to this date, so it beats me. Still, I'm totally blaming them for the Contingency if they show up. Even if all hub worlds show up in my territory, I'm hunting those guys down with my fleets first thing!
I do have all the DLCs up to this date, so it beats me. Still, I'm totally blaming them for the Contingency if they show up. Even if all hub worlds show up in my territory, I'm hunting those guys down with my fleets first thing!
I have all the DLC as well- but that doesn't mean something couldn't be misfiring!

I have Megacorp, but I still sometimes run across "megacorporations" that are actually just oligarchies with the Corporate Dominion civic.