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Since the economy 2.0 patch all my single family homes stay at level 1 or 2 and the residents are extremely poor. Meanwhile everything from medium up to high residential levels up through the roof and is hyper wealthy. High density commercial also no longer reaches level 5. Are you aware of this issue? Can you work on balancing this out? It really breaks building any type of suburbs.
"While the asset editing features are not fully complete yet"

Good grief, what on earth is going on in the studio? Just before the game released one of your team told us on the stream that asset modding is just days or weeks away and would very quickly be available after launch. The game was released 1 year ago!!
Scam or not, you're to decide, viewer.
Remember, they NEVER gonna fix broken expectations and missed time, it is impossible by our reality rules.
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Кто-нибудь обнаружил, какой мод приводит к исчезновению пользовательского интерфейса при строительстве дорог?
No, so far only the road update icon has disappeared. It came after the grid, and now it's gone. Is it really just me?

I have it like this:

But it should be like this:
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still waiting on my refund
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"hey guys, the Content Creator DLCs have been ready since the beginning of the year, they're so beautiful, but you will have access to them soon."

"hey guys, the region packs have been ready for a year, they're so incredible, but you will have access to them soon."

2026: "hey guys... soon"
Yup: Maybe I will try the game again after some of these come online.
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Scam or not, you're to decide, viewer.
Remember, they NEVER gonna fix broken expectations and missed time, it is impossible by our reality rules.
I'm just running out of patience and frankly interest now. I truly hope Paradox shakes the tree here, clearly it's not working with their current work force.

A core feature missing for a year is ridiculous especially one that probably was top of most players expectations and wishlist after the impact it has on CS1.
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Just imagine how much better off this game would be right at this very second if they made the correct decision to use the Steam Workshop instead of whatever mess they're still somehow unable to cobble together.

Is it too late for a refund?
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I just booted one of my cities to test out the new patch. I read the warnings about mods so picked a vanilla city with 150K residents and turned all mods off. I have to say where I was getting ~20 FPS before on all high graphics settings I'm now getting a solid 30 FPS. This might not seem like much but it's a 20-30% increase, and moving around the world now feels so much smoother.

Obviously like many I'm looking for further improvements and fixes, but credit where credit is due, something you changed made my experience better, so thanks!
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Game when exiting to main menu exits to desktop plus vehicles are despawning all over the shop and took 6 months to get a population of 1k, also the traffic is bugging out with microstutters
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Ok, so, I loaded a fairly big city after not touching the game for a while... I turned all of the mods off, to make a safe save... Then, I decided to let it run in the background for a while, as I was working, (the PC / GPU fans were making crazy noises, being pushed to their limit, my customers were complaining about lags in our video-calls, but I survived IRL...), then when I was having dinner... then I watched my dose of YouTube for the day..., while the game was simulating in the background. Then CS2 finally got my attention and I have been playing with the tourist stuff since...

I really like this live view where we see tourists moving around the city (cook book instruction : remove the "Parks & Attractions" and the "Attractiveness" overwhelming coloration. You can see the tourists in blue and where they sleep in pink)

From my point of view the tourist drop is ok, I assume it was fake before and now it's real... After all, no one would come in our town if they have nowhere to sleep! I also assume & hope that over time, as I get commercial demand for hotel rooms and fulfil them, it will get back up there.

And slowly I see rooms being taken

Again, I assume I will get more "lodging" demand when the yellow line will hit the blue line.
fyi, I deleted commercial buildings several times but never achieved to get an hotel to spawn where I wanted it, even after dropping the taxes on Lodging, recreation and entertainment (maybe I should just keep Lodging down?)


Anyway, thanks for the patch.

Please revise the decision to make the Grand Hotel not displayed as an Hotel : Bug report to make the Grand Hotel an Hotel

Meanwhile, I will let it run overnight, and I so hope I will still want to play this week-end! Keep bringing updates, dev team! (and management team : by the way quick patches is your way to success! A mini-patch every week x 6 worth way-way-way more than a small patch every 6 weeks with no communication, from your customer point of view).

For players with faster hardware, can you please share your conclusions or pre-conclusions on the last patch vs the current state of tourism?

Have a great day everyone reading this :)

PS : This post could have been about simulation speed... Forum members, feel free to X this! But personally I do not care (ok it's not true), but as long as a simulated day is shorter than a real day by x factor, it can be ok, I intend to play this game for years once it's fixed and letting a simulation run overnight is part of life in this day and age.... I mean we are not playing a shooter! We are playing a simulation game, the more the game simulates realistically, the better it is! !! Having a 15+fps when we build, even on slower hardware, is enough to enjoy it. Seeing immediate impacts of our changes in the city would be great, but not to the cost of loosing the full City Simulation concept. The bases are good, please do not make this a painter & fake city simulation game (even if we like our cities to look good), An old wise not-friend of mine once told me "roll with the punches" in a situation similar to what CO/Paradox are facing, after reflecting on it, he was so right, even if it took me a while to be at peace with his comment... In the end taking a punch (1st year) does not decide the end of the fight, we expect 12 rounds!!!


  • Grand Hotel bug, view setup.JPG
    Grand Hotel bug, view setup.JPG
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Я попробовал, но это не помогло.
У меня игра вдобавок еще и вылетает через 5 минут.

Что еще я могу сделать?
Delete C:\Users\User\AppData\LocalLow\Colossal Order and replay game
and without waiting for the mods to load, run new citiy. The mods will start downloading again, don't worry.
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If you are having issues
If you use mods or your city has used mods at some point, you may need to wait for the mods to be updated. You can always test if an issue is mod-related by selecting "No Active Playset," restarting the game, and starting a new city.

If you experience issues without mods, please report them on the bug forum. Include as much information as you can about what's happening, what you have tried, etc. Attach the save where the issue is happening, so we can look into it. Bugs reported in this thread are going to get lost, so please put them in the right forum. Thanks!
If you are having issues
If you use mods or your city has used mods at some point, you may need to wait for the mods to be updated. You can always test if an issue is mod-related by selecting "No Active Playset," restarting the game, and starting a new city.

If you experience issues without mods, please report them on the bug forum. Include as much information as you can about what's happening, what you have tried, etc. Attach the save where the issue is happening, so we can look into it. Bugs reported in this thread are going to get lost, so please put them in the right forum. Thanks!
Thanks for the info link, disabled a ton of mods but eventually got sick of having to restart the game to figure out which if any cause the issues since the update.

I (We) understand with a game that supports such variable mods that some will need to be updated in line but the whole having to restart the game is going to get tiresome co_avanya over time with the quality of life updates/patches. Is there some other way that the team at CO could possibly look at implementing to rid the need of a full restart every time you add/remove a mod with the upcoming Asset Editor?
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