How much time has passed since AoW3 on athla?
First I thought, it was very soon after, characters who aren't Wizard-Kings, elves or otherwise are still around and looking the same ish age they were, like Laryssa, but some have backstories suggesting they've spent CENTURIES being tormented in the astral sea or lost since we last saw them, other's seem to imply they're ancestors also lived and struggled under this invasion of wizard-kings.
Werlac's blurb certainly implies this isn't just after we last saw him but that he's spent a long time travelling world to world, Arvik too. Even Laryssa's backstory has her whirling through the astral sea for who knows how long.
Is there an answer?
has it been weeks, years, days or centuries? or do we just not know
First I thought, it was very soon after, characters who aren't Wizard-Kings, elves or otherwise are still around and looking the same ish age they were, like Laryssa, but some have backstories suggesting they've spent CENTURIES being tormented in the astral sea or lost since we last saw them, other's seem to imply they're ancestors also lived and struggled under this invasion of wizard-kings.
Werlac's blurb certainly implies this isn't just after we last saw him but that he's spent a long time travelling world to world, Arvik too. Even Laryssa's backstory has her whirling through the astral sea for who knows how long.
Is there an answer?
has it been weeks, years, days or centuries? or do we just not know
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