There is interest, Duke, but not everyone likes beta testing. We need to get a stable first release out that is reasonably free of bugs and then solicit some suggestions.
What you and others are doing in the MP forum is also good. I've noticed that there are more fictional MP games in general being started, as people get tired of doing the "same old, same old". Ryoken and others have been regularly cranking out alternate GCs for MP just for a change of pace. There is definately a niche for Abe, provided we can get it seaworthy.
Speaking for myself: I can only give a little bit of feedback, as I can either play the game *or* develop material for the game, not both. From my 1.5 beta tests, I can make several observations:
1) There are still a few bugs in the event files, some of which I have appraised you of and sent fixes for.
2) No countries should have ferocious = yes in their AI files. Unless we are talking about Napoleonic France, this is most often a death sentence. At best it will create eternal wars in just about every game. ( BYZ and FIN have ferocity)
3) Hungary is too strong in 1419. Lots of wealthy provinces compared to his neighbors. In the long run, this is a good thing due to the ortho techgroup (which I do not mind), but it is very hard on the Byzantium and Ukraine at the start.
4) We need to redo Scotland's leaderfile.
5) The Ukraine, Byzantium and Hungary are all fine being in the orthodox techgroup, so don't listen to anyone carping about this. The only thing I'd like to see is perhaps some events to help the Byzantium do naval research.
I have loads of things I'd like to see implemented for specific countries, but I think I should leave those suggestions for other threads and later dates.
Here are a few things that I really like about Abe:
1) No flipping ToT -- AMEN
2) No Spain, No Austria -- Particularly if you happen to play EEP or AGCEEP, these two nations are juggernauts almost every time. The top economic and continental powers.
3) The colonial side of the game has a lot more variety. There are more viable colonial powers and less areas that 'traditionally' belong to one country. Ie. no central america is spanish, no US is english, etc.
4) The fate of certain important continental areas is less certain. There are 3 or more *viable* powers in germany, gaul and eastern europe. The Aberration could see a powerhouse Bavaria, Hanse, or Bohemia from one game to the next.
5) Gallia Universalis
The bottom line: nothing is predestined in the Aberration.