I never meant to say you did. Though you could stand to be a bit less supercilious about it, it's understandable that you're confusing my generic "you" with meaning you specifically; I could have used "one" without changing the intended meaning as well, and likely should have. My apologies for the confusion that my unfortunate choice of wording in context engendered.
As for your other, less-understandable assumptions, I actually know at least four theories as to the mother alone, entirely leaving aside the father. So, given that I did not mention a binary option in my post (the closest being the detailing of a second choice under two primary assumptions that I explicitly outlined) and made absolutely no specifications about which, if any, I personally believed, why in the world would you assume I believe it to be a binary choice? True, though, I was taking a sideways swipe at R+L=J, which plainly at least one other user picked up on to make their own amusing rejoinder, but that was the most that could be read into it.