This works very well!! Thank you for fixing the issue where the political view terrain didn't correspond to the terrain view terrain!
- 1
I never experienced that with pure All in One Gold, so it must be something to do with Dr Bob submod.HI,
I played 5 test matches with Switzerland and in all of them Germany declared war: against Lithuania 3 times in 1935
and 2 times to communist china always in 35, i installed the latest version of Dr Bob's patch
does it only happen to me?
Resolved,I never experienced that with pure All in One Gold, so it must be something to do with Dr Bob submod.
This has been happening in all mods that use WiF as a base since DH 1.05. I try to help SOV (and the game) by giving them blueprints when I play other nations, but it usually doesn't help. @DrBob has been trying to fix this though. God Bless him!Germany seems to destroy the Soviets in 1942 most every time.
I don't know if it's responsible or not, but I just noticed that the 'lessons from the winter war' event for SU gives +1 mobilization(bringing them up to the equivalent of the 'partial mobilization' decision, but does not give them the huge lump of MP that decision usually gives. It also happens when the SU would be better off waiting a while.This has been happening in all mods that use WiF as a base since DH 1.05. I try to help SOV (and the game) by giving them blueprints when I play other nations, but it usually doesn't help. @DrBob has been trying to fix this though. God Bless him!
Good find. I'll eliminate it from my copy.Found it:
####################################################################################### db suply was -20000
# 3183088 Lessons of the Winter War (by Aregorn 051120)
event = {
id = 3183088
country = SOV
random = no
name = "EVT_NAME_3183088"
desc = "EVT_DESC_3183088"
style = 2
picture = "lessons_learned_finishwar"
action_a = {
name = "3183088a"
ai_chance = 100
command = { type = supplies value = -200 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 6330 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2080 }
command = { type = domestic which = professional_army value = 1 }
action_b = {
name = "3183088b"
ai_chance = 0
command = { type = domestic which = professional_army value = -1 }
I think this event predates the 'mobilization' system because " command = { type = domestic which = professional_army value = 1 }" would have made sense for the old 'paid-army vs draft army' slider but effectively does the opposite with the new system.
Hi, thanks for posting this. It looks like I modded the supplies but did not notice the prof. army being old version. Nice catch. I don't see a trigger. It might be called from another event so you would have to delete or mod the other event also. Is is triggered by event 3183077, just above it so remove that call or delete that event also. I believe it will cause a crash if not removed.Found it:
####################################################################################### db suply was -20000
# 3183088 Lessons of the Winter War (by Aregorn 051120)
event = {
id = 3183088
country = SOV
random = no
name = "EVT_NAME_3183088"
desc = "EVT_DESC_3183088"
style = 2
picture = "lessons_learned_finishwar"
action_a = {
name = "3183088a"
ai_chance = 100
command = { type = supplies value = -200 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 6330 }
command = { type = gain_tech which = 2080 }
command = { type = domestic which = professional_army value = 1 }
action_b = {
name = "3183088b"
ai_chance = 0
command = { type = domestic which = professional_army value = -1 }
I think this event predates the 'mobilization' system because " command = { type = domestic which = professional_army value = 1 }" would have made sense for the old 'paid-army vs draft army' slider but effectively does the opposite with the new system.
Hi, i have noticed alot of IC changes in the gold version. Not sure why it was done but it does help some nations, hurts others. I have noticed China and India increased. I think Hun. and Rom. were lowered. From your work above, old prov. file causing issues, then I would manually change the existing file numbers to the old IC numbers. Very time intensive. Maybe, change a couple of the main ones. I may do it but I don't have the time now.So after researching a bit further i found that ic values are screwed up for so many nations, Finland and Bulgaria for example start with less than 10 ic while India got 132. Where are the values saved, values from grand campaign / other all in one for 1933 seem correct more or less i want to copy them....
Edit: Ok so it seems the province.csv was reworked in a way that ruined ic for many countries. Does using the province.csv from the other all in one do the trick? And in gold version there are 2 province.csv, one in the map folder and another in map_1 whats that about can someone with some knowledge about that stuff tell me?
provinces_old is the one gold was using and the other is from normal all in one, i dont know why this file was changed at all if it messes so many countries up....
My game crashes when i want to use the old file for gold, i dont know what changed so much for the file to be incompatible....
HI, I never looked at the UK surrender events. Looks like it some modifying, not sure where it is located. I did not add the 9/10 forts. China was surrendering way early so I think they were added for balance.Ok, the UK surrender happened, but then I(as Germany) get dragged back to war with them when Pearl Harbor happens(because victory over UK somehow allied me with Japan, and Japan DoWd UK even though the British pacific possessions went to Japan when they surrendered to me so they had no reason to.) The UK surrender event presumably won't fire *again* and they can't really be annexed because they somehow have level 10 forts in Scotland, including on a VP site that I would need to take in order to annex them.
The ring of level 9 forts around Chongquing in China seem kind of excessive too.
Having my own issues with this one - any ideas on why I can't build CVs?First of I absulutly enjoy this MOD.
But now to my poblem, why can`t I build CVs & escort CVs.
If somebody could enlighten me I would be greatfull.
Is it me or an event that needs to trigger? Any way still a great MOD.
In what year? I'm guessing it's the Washington/London naval treaties. I'm pretty sure they expire around 36 or 37 and you'll see a pop up or decision. Sorry, haven't played AIO in a long time.Having my own issues with this one - any ideas on why I can't build CVs?