Why was the Hatchyman realized?
(I know the real answer to this, but I'll give the 'alternate facts' answer) It was to keep me happy, Legend...MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not interested in taking the heaviest mechs I have in order to complete a hard mission. When you look through the books, Assault lances are usually not made up of all assault mechs, so how about a system that ensures that you have to use everything in your inventory?
Actual question:
To get more variety into lance composition, can there be a lance tonnage limit? Like say, 300 tons for an assault.
And instead of Skull difficulty, it shows the tonnage you are going against and you pick your mechs accordingly.
So you see that you are going up against 300 tons and you can only take your 300 tons and you know that you never will face off against more than 2 assault mechs, but those mediums that accompany them will be working their way up your flank.
Cuz this is my current meta for tough missions: 2 pilots with Master Tactician in assault mechs and 2 brawlers in max armored CQB heavies. They all move first and bring an enemy mech down every round with concentrated fire. If I do it any other way, the mission takes WAAAAAAAAYYYY too long.
I don't mod. It's not that enjoyable of an experience for me to be playing with program files.
Very possible I missed this answer or have forgotten about it in the last 2 years.