I am a fan of blue Portugal. I don't really want to open the can of worms of fiddling around with major power colours in a 10 year old game, but if I did then I would probably just swap Portugal and Tlemcen.
I think Tlemcen's colour is fine as it is.
I would really like to make Portugal to get Dahomey's map colour though (it makes almost identical to Victoria 3), but if Portugal to colonize the West Africa, it may mix with Dahomey (although, in most cases it's guaranteed to be annexed by Benin (green) or it's neighbours.
So on the second thought, If Portugal will change to Dahomey's colour, Tlemcen is better off having the current Portugal's shade of green.
And yes, it may create a precedent for a complete country map colour overhaul, but I think that the following countires' map colour definitely should be chanched:
- Greece and Rum shoudl swap should get Sardinia-Piedmont's colour instead of purple, similar to the map colour of Naples;
- Rum should get Greece's purple instead of it's current light-blue, similar to Sardinia-Piedmont;
- Sardinia-Piedmont should be grey-ish like current Two-Sicilies colour (and it's flag should be changed places with Sicily proper) - like in Victoria 3;
- Two-Sicilies are better off as green, but maybe a lighter tint to be easily distinguished when you form Italy;
- Persia and Bukhara should swap their colours to be more easily distinguished from its neibours - Ottomans and Russia:
(Maybe) Ottomans should be changed to red, but it would require for the change of Albania's colour too (maybe a more darker tint?), although it's quite fine - even when it borders Russia and gets it's provences occupied by it;
- Romania should be light-orange - closer to HOI series, and more distinguishable from independent Nitra;
- Byzantium's colour should be more purple, like the one used in CK series;
- United Germany is better with grey colour, just like in Victoria series, and it's current darker shade of green being suitable for someone else.