Enewald: Quite nice indeed, so long as you can handle them all!
Karaiskandar: Badboy is in the update.
aldriq: I'd like either Bremen or Vorpommern as second coastal. As a reminder, Hinterpommern doesn't have a port!
coz1: Yup, exactly. New foes in the update.
It's February 1462 and Brandenburg has been out of the multiple wars raging in the Lowlands since the summer of 1461. Burgundy and France and several of our allies are still warring however. In the east Lithuania has vassalized the Teutonic Order.
The French-Burgundian Alliance's wars, February 1462.
Nothing important happens in our snakish country and only two things worth mention until 1464. In December 1463 Austria annexes Styria, through game-driven historical events. Berg, still at war with Provence but not with Burgundy, seizes Münster from Provence. Earlier Münster had been conquered by the Danish but Provence reconquered it later. Stettin joins the alliance we are in during 1463. As a step towards gaining more land and hopefully a first province with a port I sign a royal marriage with Stettin in May 1464. I can't ask them to become my vassals as they are at war.
Styria's annexation and Brandenburgs' diplomatic overtures to Stettin, 1463-1464.
Stettin changes into Pomerania in October 1464 due to game driven-historical events. We keep the military alliance and royal marriage with them. After the winter, in 1465, both Burgundy and France decide they have had enough of the war against the Guelderian Alliance. Guelders pays 88 ducats in indemnities. Only Provence keeps figthing against Berg and Cologne and France and Burgundy do continue the war against Denmark for another year until they have to admit to a small defeat.
Relative peace in Western Europe, September 1466.
Badboy Brandenburg, May 1463.
In May 1466 I receive the event 'Capital Attraction' in Brandenburg giving me a few hundred extra inhabitants in berlin and 35 free ducats. We also raise to Level 4 in Land Technology but we need one more level to be able to initiate assaults.
Brandenburg's capital grows and it's army gets better, May 1466.
After more then half a decade of peace for Brandenburg another war arrives. Historical events give me the choice of claiming the Bohemian throne and cores on all of Bohemia's provinces as well as instant war with them. I dcide to take my chances and go for it. If need be I an always retreat to some remote province to recruit more regiments. Berg and Pomerania dishonor the alliance but Guelders, Mainz and Friesland honor the call to arms.
The Bohemian throne, December 1466.
Bohemia's allies also join the fun. Mainz attacks the Bavarian province Baden but is countered by Swiss and Bavarian armies and is defeated. Meanwhile the Palatinate has moved their army in Mainz and are sieging the city. Marwitz takes my army to Erz to attack Bohemia and see what armies they hide there.
The situation in March 1467.
As so often happens in life, I am not allowed a little pleasure. The alliance leaders Guelders and Bavaria decide to end it in June 1467, before anything decisive has happened. Guelders pays 75 ducats in indemnities. At least I still have the cores on Bohemian provinces so I can try again later. That'll be as leader of an alliance though, so that I can't get fooled by my allies!