Big events happen during the early months of the year 1476. In January Switzerland of all nations declares war on Savoy. I guess they miss their Genevan brethren. Savoy is allied with Burgundy. Switzerland gets help from Austria, Bavaria and Bohemia. An insane sounding giggle slips from my lips and in February I declare war on Bohemia. Most of their armies are on their way to Burgundy so I'll have it easy for a while.
Albrecht Achilles walks into Erz in March and foolishly gets his **** whipped by a much smaller Bohemian army. It was like 1 vs 4 in numbers for Brandenburg. *sigh*
Second try in August and this time my monarch succeeds. The Bohemians walk into Bohemia proper and get wiped out by rebels sieging the capital. *another weird giggle*
Albrecht Achilles sieging Erz, Hessen sieging Silesia, August 1476.
Meanwhile I started collecting war taxes and recruited 13000 extra soldiers to siege Silesia. Brandenburg also gained a level in Land Technology.
Land Tech 5, Assaults, June 1476.
In December a 10k strong Bohemian army is completely wiped off the map by the Bohemian rebels. A month later however the rebels are defeated by 16k Bohemians. Hessen (a generic leader, not the nation) succeeds sieging Silesia and the siege of Erz is also progressing quite nicely. There is a large army of Bohemians gathered in Sudeten though. *insane frightened shrieking sound*
Situation in January 1477.
Hessen moves to Erz to help Albrecht sieging there and the Bohemians march from Sudeten to Moravia to pick up some more soldiers and then go siege Silesia. Now we can only hope that the Brandenburgian garrison soldiers are of better stock then the Bohemian ones.
Situation in March 1477.
Albrecht conquers Erz in June. We are quite outnumbered by now and new regiments are being assembled in Brandenburg. One month later 30k lazely sieging Bohemians get their behinds kicked by 5000 rebels and are sent running to their mothers in Moravia. Fate is stil on my side for now. Albrecht moves to Silesia to defeat the rebels as the siege there is going rather well for my enemies, rebel or Bohemian.
Situation in June and August 1477 respectively.
Now it is 1477 as I have no doubt already mentioned and years before this war erupted I remebered 1477 is the year Burgundy gets inherited by Austria. Of course I completely forgot that when I started this war. In August 1477 it happens and the war ends for Burgundy, which means Austria, bohemia and Switzerland make short work of Savoy in no time. Nevertheless I continue my quest for Brandenburgian cores on Bohemian land and start sieging Sudeten and Bohemia. Maybe if I can get one more province out of this the bohemians will agree to cede either Silesia or Erz.
Sadly, fate has turned it's back on me. Bavarian troops start pouring into Bohemia to retake Silesia while the Bohemians themselves resiege Erz and a token Austrian force stands ready in Moravia waiting for ore of their kin.
Situation in February 1478.
In April 1478 a large Austrian force moves in to help the Bavarians in silesia and I decide to agree to te peace offer from alliance leader bavaria. At least I get some money out of this. *fists banging on desk in rage*
Thus ends the Second Brandenburgian-Bohemian War. Third time lucky they say, no?
I continue the session a few years until 1482. In August 1479 Isabella marries Ferdinand and Spain is born. In June 1480 my Infrastructure technology goes up one level so we can now build refineries and in February 1482 we move one step towards Land.
Events 1478-1482.
Situation Europe, January 1479.