ArmdChair said:
1) I chose 'no' for the event about trying to buy the Almirante LaTorre. Yet, when war was declared on August 2nd, the British seized her from me, also giving me a walloping percentage over to 'fascism'. WAD or bug?
Looks like a mistake in the (very complex) event chain.
Action b in the Turkish event 41006 (saying no to buying the ship) should sleep both the British event to seize the ship and the Ottoman event to receive it.
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME41006B"
command = { type = sleepevent which = 56354 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 41007 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 41008 }
2) The event 'The Reshadieh is Complete'. Well, I received the Sultan Osman I. WAD or bug?
As far as I can see from the unitnames.csv file, the first battleship Turkey gets (whether through actually building it, or by event) will be called Sultan Osman I, and the second Resadiye. You can't actually specify the name of a unit in an event, so this problem can't be fixed. If it really bothers you, manually rename the ship.
3) Should the Hejaz and Yemen occupation forces simply be doomed to expire from a lack of supplies. Lots of the Turkish forces are originally placed in provinces without the minimum '34' infrastructure. Could someone be polite enough to explain just what the idea was about doing that without providing some kind of relief?
I'm not the expert here (paging Allenby...) but presumably the Ottoman forces are located in their historical locations. Either move them, or keep on reinforcing them back up to strength with replacements. (Which is presumably what the Turks had to do in real life, too).
4) The 'Ottoman Declaration of War' event. The 'no' choice displays 'ACTIONNAME41012B' instead of the actual description.
Cut-and-paste error by the writer of event 41013. The description is given as:
name = "EVT_41012_NAME" should be: name = "EVT_41013_NAME"
desc = "EVT_41012_DESC" should be: desc = "EVT_41013_DESC"
and likewise the action choices should be "ACTIONNAME41013A" and "ACTIONNAME41013B".
5) A-H has 'Vienna Falls', surrenders, new nations arise. Montenegro, Austria, Hungary, Czecholslovakia. Not long afterwards game CTD's. Is the CTD related to the large number of internal operations required in such a short period of time for the AI? Could the new nation creation be 'spread out' over a few weeks to mitigate the AI problems? Please explain the probable cause for a CTD like this.
Sounds like one of the 'Day of Defeat' events... so, once more, paging Allenby (or Ptan). I suspect a missing tech problem - the game (now) copes perfectly well with the even larger number of new countries caused by the Russian Revolution.
Thanks for letting us know about the problems - it's very helpful.