Hmm.. I just played a game where I won as Germany.. sorry if you guys picked up on these bugs before. Anyhow, when I defeated russia, it collapsed and I chose not to send lenin over to russia, so no soviet union. However, the communist Ukraine breakaway still formed.
When Britain was defeated, independent ireland, nepal and bhutan were still at war with me! Britain revoked military access so I couldn't even get to those damn little countries. Also, when I chose to not implement the Schlieffen plan (or at some point), I was set back to -999 diplomatic influence so I was incapable of doing anything diplomatically.. er, this may have been intentional, but whatever.
Also, I had to fight a ridiculous war against Japan since they were still at war with me after I defeated the entente. I understand a new event for a treaty with Japan after the defeat of the entente is in the works, but it still sucked. When A-H and I occupied Japan, there was no defeat event, so we ended up annexing Japan (haha).
Anyhow, that's it. Your mod is awesome and I enjoy it much more than HOI! Time for a new country to play!