MateDow said:Here is a sneak peak at the new naval doctine tree so people can see where I am going with this...
....Carrier Armored Deck Doctrine....
Apologies if way out of of date here - planning to revisit HoI this Christmas following enforced break of ten months, during which it is clear that there have been some quite radical improvements.
Anyway, I was pondering how you intended modelling the USN vs RN carrier differences. Earlier posts suggested a simple size of airgroup differentiation, so that the typical US Fleet Carrier with 100 aircraft was a higher tech than, say, an RN carrier of the late 30s with, say, 40 aircraft.
One can get too hung up on these issues - after all HoI is a strategy game and some abstraction or generalisation is needed. But I thought it worth airing the well-known issue of protection and air group size. After all, the Yorktowns had a smaller displacement (albeit much greater length) than the contemporary Ark Royal and the slightly later Illustrious class, yet carried far more aircraft. Yet one would hardly say that, in terms of the technology, the US carriers were more advanced than the British. Of course, the armoured decks of the I class is one of the factors in the reduced capacity of the British ships, but far more important was the RN doctrine that all aircraft must be stowed below - no deck parking. This was for two reasons - concern about the environmental damage to aircraft parked on deck, and, more importantly, the need to clear the deck during air attacks. The I class were built specifically with the need to operate within range of enemy land-based aircraft. The RN did not believe that ship-based fighter defence could prove effective against land-based attack (one of the factors in the low priority given to developing competitive naval fighters for the FAA). Therefore, AA fire was seen as the main defence, and the need accepted to absorb damage rather just hope it could be avoided. Later in the war, especially for Far East ops, the RN accepted deck parking, fitted outriggers, and doubled the number of aircraft embarked in the very same carriers.
Apologies for rambling and stating what you are probably all too aware of. I just ponder how this might be represented. Perhaps the US and RN ships should be seen as the same tech, but the Armoured Deck doctrine should:
- increase defence
- possibly increase slightly the AA defence (the RN carriers as built had better AA than the US as built)
- penalise the Carrier Air Group stats fairly heavily
Again, if all this is already in, apologies: I have not had the time yet to plough through the current downloads!