I am just finishing up my work with a naval tech tree (now time for the debugging and testing). I took a look at MKShepards naval tech tree and decided to just stay with what I am working with now. It is detailed, and I feel it does for naval vessels what he has done for armor. I will post (or request) reference numbers in the artillery tree for naval guns. If you are curious about the tech tree, take a jaunt over to Naval Mods and check it out. MDow
I am just finishing up my work with a naval tech tree (now time for the debugging and testing). I took a look at MKShepards naval tech tree and decided to just stay with what I am working with now. It is detailed, and I feel it does for naval vessels what he has done for armor. I will post (or request) reference numbers in the artillery tree for naval guns. If you are curious about the tech tree, take a jaunt over to Naval Mods and check it out. MDow