Okay, we can re-name the Federation, but we must rember that it is a dictatorship and is the antipode to UGRIS.
Here is my map so far.
Terra is red, the greys (who are now an ally of the Federation, not a puppet) are circled in Grey.
Thye nations circled in Green, Purple, Dark Orange, and pink are the Federation's vassals, used as a buffer... the blue, pink, light blue and orange are just allies.
Beyond Terra is UGRIS which will always be in conflict (not always a war, but conflict) with the Federation (which is what I'll call it until we get a better name).
I left Terra some near-by planets to expand into.
The planets in the dark orange, purple and orange are sparcely populated. UGRIS, as I mentioned, will be made up of independent states with several major states and military orders. All these nations are allied with one another and will act together.
Expanding on Reveilled's idea for the core, I'll make it much like Germany in EUII, a bunch of independent states with no alliances who just fight amonst themselves until one proves to be the victor...