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Originally posted by Crook
Well, MOS has a no = RUS in there, so clearly they're not at fault. So, it means Russia can revolt regardless of the fact that other principalities are still there, therefore the only solution will be to have all these no = rya etc as a condition for Russian revolt, a bit drastic if you ask me.

I see your point--makes sense.

However I think it is far worse to have Russia revolt (say in 1480), before Muscovy (or in rare cases one of the other principalities) has had the event trigger to assume the mantle of the orthodox church. Is it really likely that a bunch of Ugric rebels would have formed the Russian Empire before the mid-16th century?

Two possible solutions:

1. Move Arkhangelsk (269) and Olonets (267) from the minimum field to the extra field in revolts.txt.

2. Advance the starting potential rebel date forward to give Russia time to form correctly. (Worse solution than the first one IMHO).

Any thoughts?


P.S. This is technically not a bug. The problem exists in the Paradox GC too, though for some reason I never saw it happen until 1.5/EEP1.1...perhaps the northern provinces are suffering more rebellions for some reason.
I really don't see the need for a Russian revolter in 1480. If the principalities are swallowed they can be revolters. The RUS revolter is only needed as the principality revolter disappear.
It might be a symptom of Russia being able to form (and revolt) in 1480, rather than 1520. This is forty fewer years for the AI to capture enough provinces to trigger the Byzantine Mantle event, and furthermore there is a larger Golden Horde around still for Russia to revolt from (I tend to see Russia revolt in the south far more often then in Karelia/Arkhangelsk/etc).

I'd suggest moving the startdate of the Russia revolter back to 1520 or so, while leaving the Byzantine Mantle events where they are.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock
I really don't see the need for a Russian revolter in 1480. If the principalities are swallowed they can be revolters. The RUS revolter is only needed as the principality revolter disappear.
Actually, a fairly early Russia revolter does serve a legitimate purpose - occasionally I see a countries like Siber take Novgorod or Vladimir as part of an alliance with the Golden Horde, preventing the Byzantine Mantle events from triggering. The revolter keeps the possibility of Russia forming at all alive.

Events giving the principalities an option to join Russia (similar to the famous non-occurring 3900 Netherlands event), fixing the religion to Orthodox, and moving the capital might be in order, also, if Russia exists but none of the Byzantine Mantle events have triggered.
Originally posted by Korath
Events giving the principalities an option to join Russia (similar to the famous non-occurring 3900 Netherlands event), fixing the religion to Orthodox, and moving the capital might be in order, also, if Russia exists but none of the Byzantine Mantle events have triggered.

I like this idea a lot. It will certainly make it more likely that a proper Russia forms.

Another solution that may seem a little convoluted:

Perhaps if Russia forms by revolt, each principality meeting certain conditions gets a chance to absorb the Russian revolter and assume the name for itself. This has the advantage that a human player trying to form Russia doesn't get screwed by a revolting Russia in 1480. No need to trigger the event from the existing Russia since it could not be a human player and therefore doesn't need to get a choice in the matter. Implement an event that says something like:

#The Empire of Russia#
event = {

	id = xxxx
	trigger = {
		owned = {
			province = 270 # Moscow
			data = -1
		atwar = no
                                exists = RUS
                                NOT = {
                                               event = 3403  # MOS Russia event
                                NOT = {
                                               event = 3485 # RYA Russia event
                                NOT = {
                                               event = 3482 # NVG Russia event
	random = no
	country = MOS
	name = "xxxx"
	desc = "xxxx"
	style = 2

	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1520 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1820 }

	action_a ={				#Take over the Byzantine Mantle#
		name = "xxxx"
		command = { type = vp value = 200 }
		command = { type = stability value = 3 }
		command = { type = population which = 270 value = 5000 }
                                command = { type = inherit which = RUS }
		command = { type = country which = RUS }
	action_b ={				#Let Russia fend for itself#
		name = "xxxx"
		command = { type = vp value = -100 }
		command = { type = stability value = -3 }

(This would obviously have to be tested and tweaked as I'm not sure you can inherit a country and become that country in one action, but this could easily be split in to multiple events. I'd also want to test different combinations of which provinces should be controlled by Muscovy, etc, for it to fire. You'd want similar events for the other principalities.)

Just brainstorming here.

Originally posted by Crook

The problem with landtech is that Russia continuously loses wars against Sweden, who (surprise, surprise) grab Novgorod quite consistently (remember that Moscow CoT now ;) ).


I don't see Russia losing wars to Sweden; I see Russia losing wars to the alliance of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Lithuania, Poland, and often Courland, Prussia and France. The problem isn't a Russia that can't defeat Sweden but a Russia that seems to get whalloped by large European factions that it can't possibly compete against.

And even so, in my non-EEP Paradox game Russia still manages to become rather monolithic more often than not. It's in the EEP where Russia gets crippled.

I do oppose to all these tiny little states in Balkans who have no business being there because they're extremely ahistorical (Bulgaria) or unbalancing (Greece). Super-Bulgaria or Greece ruling the Balkans is even worse IMHO.

I feel the same way about all those new, insignificant little states in Central Asia/India. Another example of YMMV.

BTW, does anyone have a condensed collection of the events that *didn't* make it into the EEP? I was slavering over the idea of playing the Mamelukes with Annabale's events and would like to get all the 'rejects' so I can see if I want to add them into my game or not.

You want just the rejects, or all the events that were never submitted?
Originally posted by maxpublic

BTW, does anyone have a condensed collection of the events that *didn't* make it into the EEP? I was slavering over the idea of playing the Mamelukes with Annabale's events and would like to get all the 'rejects' so I can see if I want to add them into my game or not.


Can't really help you, most of the events I submitted (Portuguese, Venetian, Knights) are there in one form or another.:)
Originally posted by maxpublic

I feel the same way about all those new, insignificant little states in Central Asia/India. Another example of YMMV.


Well, the main difference is that those states existed, and Bulgaria and Greece didn't. But I understand that some people have double standard when it comes to EU: it's only Europe that counts, right?
Just like the Maya, whose state played such a key role in the 15th century.
Originally posted by maxpublic
I feel the same way about all those new, insignificant little states in Central Asia/India. Another example of YMMV.
Well Hyberdad did exist in 1419 as Bahamí and later as Bijapur which was the most powerful nation until the British in southern india, Bikaner existed as the Rajput Confederation (or actually within it) which by the time of the Mughul invasion was the militarily the most powerful nation in india...the only one 2 added that were ahistorical this time were holland and Khorasan (Herat) which i know the latter is not far fetched.

Anyways we have tons of ids open even with all we've added.
Don't know if this is a bug with the EEP install, but after a few days of having it installed with my game (v. 1.05), my save game files became unusable. They would crash the game while loading up. Happened on multiple occassions.
That's a Paradox event!

EU 1.05/EEP 1.1a

County of Holland appeared as a revolter in the 1520's. It did not have a shield or flag for some reason.

I have not looked in to finding the cause but wanted to report it in case anyone else has seen it.

Re: Bug

Originally posted by chris8b
EU 1.05/EEP 1.1a

County of Holland appeared as a revolter in the 1520's. It did not have a shield or flag for some reason.

I have not looked in to finding the cause but wanted to report it in case anyone else has seen it.


Is it a bug? Anyway, it has appeared as a revolter in my game at about 1500 (It was Austrian after the Burgundian inheritence)(as an aside, Burgundy came back as well, single province state in Franche Comte, also rebelling against the Austrians)(Poor Austrians).
the county should still be able to revolt :p
makes no sense for certain parts of europe to always be able to revolt and others 'just can't' :rolleyes: