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Originally posted by Fate
When playing the Knights in the Fantasy EEP everytime you reload from a save the +6 revolt risk event triggers. EU2 crashes reguarlly, so you end up having insane revolt risk in Lebanon, Aleppo, Samaria, and Judea. Is there a way to stop the revolt risk event from triggering more than once?

I did not have this happen while testing, however, I very recently started a Knights game, so I will try to hurry it along as best I can and see if I can reproduce this. I can't think why that should happen off the top of my head. They are not random, so I thought the events should only trigger once...

Anyone else seen this???
Originally posted by Johnny Canuck

If you don't think you'll have time, I can see if Havard will let me post the modified 1419_eng file on his site, & just tell people to download it & overwrite the existing 1419_eng file. You certainly have earned a vacation!

BTW, generally speaking, when are you thinking of for a v1.2? We have some ideas underway in the British Isles thread, but it will be a while before they are done.

Well, in general things will become more hectic from now on. My family is finally moving in here, so I'm no longer a "bachelor" ;) Anyways, I was thinking more like mid-to end of August or so.
Originally posted by Pishtaco
There's a bug in the Welsh file, the boar of cornwall event has triggers

#The Boar of Cornwall#
event = {

id = 20802
trigger = {
event = 20801 # The Red Dragon#
event = 20806 # The Prayer Book Rebellion
random = no
country = WLS

"event = 20806" should be "event = 20807".

Oops, sorry about this, Pishtaco. I must have copied the number wrong when I redid the numbering on the events. I will fix this for v1.2.
Originally posted by Crook

Well, in general things will become more hectic from now on. My family is finally moving in here, so I'm no longer a "bachelor" ;) Anyways, I was thinking more like mid-to end of August or so.

Mid- to late-August sounds good to me. Good luck with the folks! ;)
Originally posted by Fate
Annibale I guess this problem only occurs in multiplayer then (I forgot to mention that, I was in a game with two other people). Perhaps it's some Paradox bug instead of an EEP bug.

MMM, I've never played, or tested events, in multiplayer, so that could be. I will still see if anything nasty happens this time around.

Sorry about that!
Some have noticed that AI MOS or RUS does not do very well in the beginning. AI MOS was getting trouced early in my EEP games, so I decided to tone down the early EEP events involving MOS, SUZ, and the WAR command. I've always understood that the WAR command should be used sparingly.

I replaced the multiple places where the war command was used with casusbelli statements (and cut the numbers of troops awarded to each nation in half). Only one trial so far, but MOS did very well, they have annexed Novgorod, Suzdal, and Tver, (and maybe Ryazan, can't remeber now). When 1480 rolls around they will be set up very well to become Russia.
Originally posted by Annibale
Some have noticed that AI MOS or RUS does not do very well in the beginning. AI MOS was getting trouced early in my EEP games, so I decided to tone down the early EEP events involving MOS, SUZ, and the WAR command. I've always understood that the WAR command should be used sparingly.

I replaced the multiple places where the war command was used with casusbelli statements (and cut the numbers of troops awarded to each nation in half). Only one trial so far, but MOS did very well, they have annexed Novgorod, Suzdal, and Tver, (and maybe Ryazan, can't remeber now). When 1480 rolls around they will be set up very well to become Russia.

Muscovy was in a real hole from 1433-1448 or so, why make evrything easy for them?
Originally posted by Annibale

Conversely, why cripple them so that they can not perform historically?

They're far from crippled, you only have to teach AI how to fight against a one-province country. I rarely see them losing to Suzdal, it's the fact that they get into wars against Poland-Lithuania-Bohemia-Brandenburg and Sweden-Denmark-Norway and sometimes against the Golden Horde at the same time. I think they're overly aggressive, they should annex everyone diplomatically, and not fight their ass out.
Originally posted by Crook

They're far from crippled, you only have to teach AI how to fight against a one-province country. I rarely see them losing to Suzdal, it's the fact that they get into wars against Poland-Lithuania-Bohemia-Brandenburg and Sweden-Denmark-Norway and sometimes against the Golden Horde at the same time. I think they're overly aggressive, they should annex everyone diplomatically, and not fight their ass out.

Well, the "war" command has been known to contribute to nations ahistoric self-destruction when employed in trials. Why use it? You want MOS to fight less? Again, why use it? Perhaps try to turn down their warmonger rating? As far as 'teaching the AI anything , including fighting a one-province minor, that is not going to happen. We will have to deal with it as is.
Originally posted by Annibale

Well, the "war" command has been known to contribute to nations ahistoric self-destruction when employed in trials. Why use it? You want MOS to fight less? Again, why use it? Perhaps try to turn down their warmonger rating? As far as 'teaching the AI anything , including fighting a one-province minor, that is not going to happen. We will have to deal with it as is.

This is one of the cases where it's needed, and most of the times it works out fine. Warmonger rating will be lowered (I think it's 90 right now).
The "war" command can work in some cases. JG1Beck did some testing on using a war command to force a war between France & England in the 1620s. I was afraid that using the war command would mess up one of the countries, but out of about 20 or so cases, in only one or two did even one province exchange hands. The general timidity of the AI actually makes the war command option a bit more viable than I had originally expected. Of course, I can't speak about the specific circumstances of using the war command with Muscowy in the 1400s.
Except that it ought to be tested. But I suppose as it's in the EEP that is what is happening!
Originally posted by Pishtaco
There's a bug in the Welsh file, the boar of cornwall event has triggers

#The Boar of Cornwall#
event = {

id = 20802
trigger = {
event = 20801 # The Red Dragon#
event = 20806 # The Prayer Book Rebellion
random = no
country = WLS

"event = 20806" should be "event = 20807".

Related to this, there are two Prayer Book Rebellion events, one in the English file and one in the Welsh, and both happen at once. One of them should be removed - the one in the Welsh file preferably, and the triggers on the Boar event should be changed to the event in the English file.
Originally posted by Solmyr

Related to this, there are two Prayer Book Rebellion events, one in the English file and one in the Welsh, and both happen at once. One of them should be removed - the one in the Welsh file preferably, and the triggers on the Boar event should be changed to the event in the English file.

The one to remove is the English event, as the Welsh event has a command that is necessary for the Boar of Cornwall event. There were supposed to be two different major_eng files: one for the historical option (with the Prayer Book Rebellion event in it as is), & one for the fantasy option (with the Prayer Book Rebellion event removed). Just delete the Prayer Book Rebellion event in the English file (for the fantasy option only), & all should work fine. Sorry about the problem.
Wouldn't it be better to have the Welsh one a month before the English one, and trigger the English one on the Welsh one not happening? That way if Wales is not independent England will still have the revolt.
Originally posted by Isaac Brock
Wouldn't it be better to have the Welsh one a month before the English one, and trigger the English one on the Welsh one not happening? That way if Wales is not independent England will still have the revolt.

Actually, both events are for England. The one for England that is in the Welsh fantasy file is there because it is only used in the fantasy version, so I just grouped it with the other Welsh fantasy events. I suppose I ought to rearrange this to avoid confusion.
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Triggers should still do the trick though. Or am i missing something?