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Originally posted by Isaac Brock
Triggers should still do the trick though. Or am i missing something?

Both events occur for England (country=ENG). There is no Welsh Prayer Book Rebellion, just the English one in the Welsh fantasy file (hence the confusion).
The English version of the Guinness brewery event (sorry, don't have the id here) has a typo in the name line, it says name - "Guinness brewery", it should be name = "Guinness brewery". The error is fatal because it crashes the game in 1759 when the event takes place (if England controls Dublin, that is; the Eire version of the event is fine).
Originally posted by Fate
In South Africa GC 1.05 there were two African nations of Zulu and Xhosa, were these removed intentionally or were they just missed?
They were included in 1.05 since there are no way of making them appear later in the game (no revolter in empty provinces).
As far as I know, intentionally because those countries didn't exist in 1419.
Originally posted by Solmyr
The English version of the Guinness brewery event (sorry, don't have the id here) has a typo in the name line, it says name - "Guinness brewery", it should be name = "Guinness brewery". The error is fatal because it crashes the game in 1759 when the event takes place (if England controls Dublin, that is; the Eire version of the event is fine).

Oops, sorry about that. I will fix that for EEP v1.2.
Joan of Arc

Clould you please fix the text of this event ?

It is Jeanne d'Arc and not Joan ( english ) or Jean ( Male ).

Been there quite since the start, sometimes some people said it will gone , then it is back.... Needless to say it drive me mad everytime I saw it.
Either Joan of Arc, or Jeanne d'Arc should be acceptable. Of course we have neither right now.
Assassination of Noble - Bug?

I got this event playing last night. It is Random Event ID 1051.
Options were:

a) Ignore it

Stability -1

b) Use as excuse to crush opponents

Stability -3
Aristocracy -1

Shouldn't that be Aristocracy +1 ? :confused:
I would think that is what "crushing the opponents" is all about?
Re: Assassination of Noble - Bug?

Originally posted by Amber Knight
I got this event playing last night. It is Random Event ID 1051.
Options were:

a) Ignore it

Stability -1

b) Use as excuse to crush opponents

Stability -3
Aristocracy -1

Shouldn't that be Aristocracy +1 ? :confused:
I would think that is what "crushing the opponents" is all about?

Who killed that noble? Probably some assassin hired by another noble. Crush would mean a punishment to crush aristocratic opposition, I don't think you mean peasants or burghers.
Who killed that noble? Probably some assassin hired by another noble.
"Noble families were the bulwark of power during these times. Assassination of a powerful house leader was seen as a critical blow to those families' fortunes. With the rise of religious strife assassinations of rival religion's nobles became increasingly common."

Crush would mean a punishment to crush aristocratic opposition, I don't think you mean peasants or burghers.
It doesn't say who actually arranged the assassination. It could have been a noble or a peasant/burgher.

Whichever it was, their action resulted in a weakening of a noble families' power. i.e. it would decrease the overall power of the Aristocracy.

Since the assassins "opposition" is to the power of a noble family, crushing them is surely going to be done by the king/nobility, to restore that power.

If so, that means a move back towards Aristocracy (restoring the power of the nobility, actually going even further and increasing it).

In truth, the wording of the description assumes that the state is Aristocratic biased. Otherwise it makes little sense. And that is a further reason why i suggest that crushing the opposition would mean a move further in that direction.

Though thinking about it again, having written this, I think it would make more sense to move the "Aristocracy -1" from option b) to option a), rather than change it to a +1 in option b). What do you think?
If the case of assisinating the noble it should be to raise centralization instead of lowering aristocracy. I mean by killing of a major noble family there are less rivals to your power, thus you have more control over your government theoretically. This also allows for this to be done by any class (the assasin for hire that is) because even if he were from another noble family, it would increase his own power since there would be one less noble family to contend with. If it were a commoner, the same result, one less family, thus putting more power to the king, Khan, Sultan, etc.
I play a multiplayer game (EEP GC) with a friend as Castille first then I become Spain in 1476. My prob is that once I Become Spain, each time I try to chat, in fact when I hit shift-f12, I have a CTD. Is this a known bug, and if so, how to fix it?
Chatting from what I hear, has always been known to cause crashes. My piece of wise information: silence allows you to concentrate better.:D