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Originally posted by Amber Knight
"Noble families were the bulwark of power during these times. Assassination of a powerful house leader was seen as a critical blow to those families' fortunes. With the rise of religious strife assassinations of rival religion's nobles became increasingly common."

In my opinion the issue here is with the description rather than the effects. How about
"Noble families held a lot of power during these times. Assassination of a powerful house leader was seen as a critical blow to those families' fortunes. With the rise of religious strife assassinations of rival religion's nobles became increasingly common. Such assasinations presented opportunities for the crown to increase its power at the expense of the great nobles."
I don't think anyone can argue that St. Bartholomew's Day ( as a well known example of the assasination of a grandee) increased centralization!
Assassination of Noble

I don't think anyone can argue that St. Bartholomew's Day ( as a well known example of the assasination of a grandee) increased centralization!
Isaac, the current change is actually Aristocracy -1 when crushing the opposition. So you are agreeing with Jinnai that it should be Centralisation +1.

I think that is OK too. Definitely more appropriate than what it is at present.

Hi all,

To be funny (or not as the case may be...)
The reason the IGC was great is that i worked on it! The reason the EEP has problems is because i have not worked on it! :D

Now, i agree that Crook is being autocratic and obnoxious, but, he is ,by and large, correct.
so take that! nyeeah!

I took one look at the random event thread and had a heart attack! those events were largely worse than the origional random events which are bad enough! i especially liked the free manufacturies events... oh so historical! or the "i have high aristocracy so my nobles hand me cash all the time" events! those are so bad! Crook was on the right track toning many events down, i took it further and either deleted or modified most of the new random events. My friends and i also deleted every 'flavor' event from the origional EU2 since they were all so moronic.

The whole COT idea is fatally flawed anyway, so we will never get a really good version, we just have to do the best we can.
Short history lesson for those who don't know:
The rise of Novgorod as a 'COT' came from two causes; the increase in wealth in Europe creating more of a market for squirrel fur and, the destruction of Kiev, the Kerch trade towns etc by the Mongols which caused the steppe trade route to switch north for a bit. by 1460 the trade routes were becoming stronger to the south, and the squirrel fur market collapsed. Novgorods' brief rise to power was over. Moscow was THE official center for all trade in European Russia. period.

So, i have also noticed the strange rise to power of Oman (mind you, Omans population through this period was around 250,000!). This ripples out and since Oman tends to ally with one of the sheep those two countries tend to divide Persia between them. Tomorrow the world!!

Well, this is easy, Oman now has two centers of trade, Mascate and Zanzibar. Now, my first thought was to get rid of Zanzibar as unhistorical. However, at that time i was reading a rather interesting book about the early Ming and their naval policy(wow, 1 Ming ship could have taken out the whole Portugese navy in 1430!). So i finished my book and lo and behold the Chinese had been trading (directly and indirectly) with Zanzibar for quite some time and it was a well known center of trade in the Indian ocean. hmmm...

So, after thought and research, i axed Mascate(never liked it, even in EU1) and I reinstated Isfahan from the start. I am about half tempted to get rid of that ridiculous center of trade in Genoa and move it to Vienna. But that goes along with my city growth theories that Paradox was never interested in. grumble. Yes, this gives the Timurids a bit more wealth early on but, i ask you, is this a bad thing? i never see the Mughals form and take Delhi. not once. In my last 3 games the Mughals ended up with Kabul and 1 other Afghan province. ooh! they are a power! eek.

I also put Orleans into France so England doesn't annex Orleans in 1419. This gives France a chance.
I give Brabant to Burgundy from the start since the only reason Brabant is shown seperate is because Brabant is playing the part of Hainault in the origional game but this is no longer needed in the EEP because of MKJ's Holland/Hainault mods.
Brabant(the duchy) was no more independent of Burgundy than the Duchy of York is independent of England.

I don't know if there will ever be a good answer to the natives/existant country colonization argument. I was always amused in EU1 when my Portugese could make half of India Portugese! To make it 'realistic' we should be able to put trade posts in provinces other people own. Or most countries should get virtually no merchants while some of the coastal European countries should get lots.

with bunchs of humility,
Camrade Crook,

EEP RUS team (on http://www.snowball.ru/forums) is now experiencing several problems while adapting Project for the Russian usage :)
thus, we need you badly for consultation, especially as regards questions of specific russian changes made to EEP 1.1a (actually, the problems of painless insertion of our changes into EEP files):

i mean introduction of Ferrara and Morea (latter is really needed to weaken greeks so that they won't crush Turkey so quickly):)

and introduction of Livonian Order - what influences Teutonic Order and Prussia, in fact in our variant of EEP Prussia shouldn't be in 1419 - but will appear acc. to corresponding event: thus, Livonian Order appears in Estland, Livland and Kurland - and later will be transformed into Kurland, whereas Teutonic Order will take the lands of Prussia.

So i'll be really grateful if you help us -

EEP RUS team
Originally posted by Crook
Check your PM

Checked. No i don't agree, initially Turkey is tremendously weak - i do not mean its army or economy - the main drawback of Turkey in every game starting since 1419 is badboy - it devours turks - and my personal notices tell me that Morea is really needed - in 9 cases out of 10 Turkey is crushed and disappears before 1500: byzantine divides it with either Ak Koyunlu or Persia - doesn't really matter who, in any case Turkey doesn't have enough forces to resist - bad boy makes its evil deed: the whole world fights against it. And if we introduce Morea, greeks lose half of their opportunities and Turkey in this case can lead nation historically as it should be!:D

Ok i'll try advice: but what i have notice is that new countries with tags uxxx seem not to appear in EEP even if their tags are inserted in 1419a.inc but do appear when inserted in Snowball file:confused:

Is this a bug or did i mix something???

Khimaira / [wiggles] Chimera
Originally posted by Khimaira

i mean introduction of Ferrara and Morea (latter is really needed to weaken greeks so that they won't crush Turkey so quickly):)

EEP RUS team

Care to post thoughts on Ferrara? [slowly gong OT] Shouldn't Modena province be part of Ferrara as the d'Este ruled both?
Originally posted by Isaac Brock

Care to post thoughts on Ferrara? [slowly gong OT] Shouldn't Modena province be part of Ferrara as the d'Este ruled both?

Hmm, you are actually right! Even the name for it was Duchy of Ferrara and Modena. But i am not really strong at history of Italian states - we just try to adapt EEP to Russian language, since Russian Europa gamers keep on asking us to do that, maybe later we'll sit and think harder over it.

The thing is that if we let Ferrara possess Modena, we'll have to erase Modena from the starting countries, won't we?

Anyway, possible scenario file:

# Urbino in Marche# -------------- so you think we'd better call it Ferrara or Urbino?

country = {
tag = U17
colonialattempts = 0
colonialnation = no
major = no
colonists = 0
cancelledloans = 0
extendedloans = 0
treasury = 99
inflation = 0
merchants = 0.083333
religion = { type = catholic }
culture = { type = italian }
diplomacy = {
relation = { tag = PAP value = -100 }
knownprovinces = { 233 231 232 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 263 264 265 266 267 268 270 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 450 461 462 463 464 465 466 469 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 490 491 492 493 494 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 744 745 746 806 817 819 820 821 840 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 917 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1057 1058 1331 1361 1362 1469 }
ownedprovinces = {
392 }
controlledprovinces = {
392 }
nationalprovinces = {
392 }

city = {
name = "õÒÂÉÎÏ"
fortress = { level = 1 }
population = 20000
location = 392
capital = yes
landunit = {
id = { type = 6001 id = 201 }
name = "áÒÍÉÑ õÒÂÉÎÏ"
location = 392
infantry = 5000
cavalry = 2000
artillery = 0
technology = {
stability = { level = 2 value = 42 }
infra = { level = 1 value = 20 }
trade = { level = 1 value = 20 }
land = { level = 1 value = 50 }
naval = { level = 1 value = 0 }

Any ideas and comments will be of real value for us!
Originally posted by Khimaira

Checked. No i don't agree, initially Turkey is tremendously weak - i do not mean its army or economy - the main drawback of Turkey in every game starting since 1419 is badboy - it devours turks - and my personal notices tell me that Morea is really needed - in 9 cases out of 10 Turkey is crushed and disappears before 1500: byzantine divides it with either Ak Koyunlu or Persia - doesn't really matter who, in any case Turkey doesn't have enough forces to resist - bad boy makes its evil deed: the whole world fights against it. And if we introduce Morea, greeks lose half of their opportunities and Turkey in this case can lead nation historically as it should be!:D

Ok i'll try advice: but what i have notice is that new countries with tags uxxx seem not to appear in EEP even if their tags are inserted in 1419a.inc but do appear when inserted in Snowball file:confused:

Is this a bug or did i mix something???

Khimaira / [wiggles] Chimera

In 1419a.inc you need to "include 1419_uxx.inc" with the right path. Add 1419_uxx.inc to EEP\Scenarios\1419. Add Uxx tag into selectable list in EEP_GC.eug. That's all.
I've posted a list of Sienese rulers in the Italian thread. I mean there isn't much you can do as it was a republic the whole time, but that's that. I don't have a good source on Modena, but....
1452 18 may Duchy - dinasty Este duke Borso
1471 19 august duke Ercole I
1505 25 january duke Alfonso I (I)
1510 18 august Church Territory Francesco Gavazzo
1511 1 february Territory of H.R.E.
1514 17 june Church Territory Fabbiano Lippi
1516 29 june Gian Francesco Guicciardini
1527 6 june Duchy - dinasta Este duke Alfonsto I (II)
1530 21 march Spanish Occupation Pietro Zappata of Cardenas
1531 21 april Duchy - dinasty Este duke Alfonso I (III)
1534 31 october duke Ercole II
1559 3 october duke Alfonso II
1597 27 october duke Cesare
1628 11 december duke Alfonso III
1629 25 july duke Francesco I
1658 14 october duke Alfonso IV
1694 6 september duke Rinaldo (I)
1702 1 august Spanish Occupation
1707 7 february Duchy - dinasty Este duke Rinaldo (II)
1734 20 july French Occupation
1736 23 may Duchy - dinasty Este duke Rinaldo (III)
1737 26 october duke Francesco III (I)
1742 6 june Austrian Occupation
1748 30 april Duchy - dinasty Este duke Francesco III (II)
1780 22 april duke Ercole III
1796 october Union to Republic Cisalpina
1799 20 june Austrian Occupation

Originally posted by Crook
How about some Siena rulers? I'm tired to look at the same Modena guy.

SIENA An important commercial center in northern Italy, located in the hill country about 40 miles (65 km.) south of Florence.
To the Lombards....................................570-770
To the Franks......................................770-814
To the Kingdom of Italy............................814-1014
Within the Holy Roman Empire......................1014-1186
Charles (HRE 1355-78)..................................1355 d. 1378
Nicholas (Patr. Aquiliea 1350-8).......................1355 d. 1358
John Galeazzo (Duke of Milan).....................1390-1392 d. 1402
John Galeazzo (restored)..........................1399-1402
John Maria (Duke of Milan)........................1402-1404 d. 1412
Pandolf the Magnificent...........................1502-1512
Borghese..........................................1512-1515 d. 1526
Francis...........................................1522-1523 deposed
Fabio.............................................1523-1525 deposed d. 1529
To Spain..........................................1531-1552
To France.........................................1552-1555
To Spain..........................................1555-1557
To Florence (Grand Duchy of Tuscany) thereafter...
Several small enclaves along the south coast of Sienan territory, collectively known as the Stato dei Presidii, remained in Spanish hands until 1708, were occupied by Austria 1708-1735, then were under Neapolitan authority 1735-1801, when they, like the rest of Siena and Tuscany, became involved in the Napoleonic Kingdom of Etruria, and were turned over to Tuscany after 1814.

Crook, Is that you were asking for?
Which is almost exactly the list that I've posted on the Italian thread :(

Most of the Presidial States were never ruled by Siena, but were occupied by the Spanish in 1559 when Siena was subjugated.
Has everything been fixed? Causes found? When will see 1.2? Wasn't Crook on vacation or something. When will he be back?