That is a neat historical insight, but I'm not that knowledgeable on this particular topic - it was just a balancing attempt (with a stat mistake)
Merging new EOD versions is a little bit annoying since I'm very far detached from the base mod version, even in terms of minister files etc. I made a lot of haphazard fixes back when I was starting out, whenever I had issues with any of the data files. For example iirc early on I encountered an issue where French State had no generals at all, so I copypasted a file from Vichy France or something to that extend.
I would love to just slap an updated file in, could you try editing it via Notepad++ maybe?
I know about Ski Infantry, it's probably on the chopping block since it's barely supported tech/doctrine-wise. I could take a look if it was improved in EoD 2.5
Ye, I know, EoD has its internal problems - like dissapearing of generals from reichskommisariats (IDK why, files exists and should work)
Ok, Notepad helped, here is your file.
I deleted some german Mot, Mec and Armour div so there will be no double with SS counterparts
I also made some corrections in polish unit names
Considering, that mountain divisions were and are best equipped for winter operations, I'd just add some boni for Fin and Sov mountaineers instead of additional unit type - and delete unit as a whole, it would be easier for AI to manage I think, eventually copy Mnt modifiers in doctrines section (while still there would be need for adress GFX issues).
Also, if I may suggest some:
France is furiously driven to attack Germany after March 1939, they could easilly switch Interventionism policy to 1 Belligerence to declare war, which Germany almost always have, thus making war before Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. Maybe some event tweak would help?
(Yes, I'm spamming diplo campaign and eat Denmark, Norway and Yugoslavia as early as possible, especially that it's easy to make puppet Serbia with bunch of Yugoslavian divisions - my record is 22 of them)
Eastern Reichscommisariats should be aviable to release after 1940, it is possible to eat Baltic states during Polish Campaign without infuriating Soviets and release RK Ost and greater GG Polen - which makes Barbarrosa way easier. Also I'd suggest colour change for RK Ost, it's very similar to soviet one.
Updated revolt file included
Bad German-Italian relations - it should reset to 0 or somethin in plus during spanish civil war (historically accurate, because after Franco, two Axis powers become more close to eachother, which allowed for Anschluss)
Soviet tech teams are mess - I made some changes for myself, but probably you would consider them as some OP shit. Neverthelles, look into that file and ask some questions if you like. Similar was made for Poland - but it is rudimentary and I need to rewrite it at some point. Generally Poland is a mess in DH, some really wierd tech teams, lack of portraits, given to much IC (or CZE before Munich should have total IC higher, they were industrial powerhouse of Austria-Hungary and only reliable tanks exporter in the world exept Brits and USA, still feels more playable than Poland).
There are 3 Cavalry-SS divisions, one given by event (Florian-G) and two which could be build. Saving some consistiency I changed them into SS infantry, but I think, they should be added via event like F-G one, with cav brigade and for some balancing matter - reduce their max strenght.
Puppeting Poland by Germany in 1939 via joining pact of steel, and sole giving up Torun province is not enough - Gdynia and Katowice should be given to Germany too, in exchange for free polish hand against Lithuania or giving parts of Ukraine reaching Black Sea after German-Soviet War. Actually, german claim should include all pre-1914 provinces - sooner or later would have to bow to that claims, like Czechoslovakia did. Short austrian painter was very driven to retake those territories in the long run.
Yes, it would impact polish dissent rate very hard. Historically Poles were highly anti-german at that time, to the point, that polish officials stated, that even if they wanted to join axis, common citizens would took them off power for doing that, similar scenario to Yugoslavian. Also, Poles were very dissatisfied by outcome of End of Czechoslovakia - Because Slovak part were seen as polish sphere of interest and thus - should be given to friendly hungarian government
So whole Event Chain, IF there are plans for rewriting them, would look like:
1. Munich: France and Britain ask for Polish support and giving acces for Soviet army to interviene (long term scenario - ending up with communist coup but maybe not making puppet state) - it was historicall proposition, but denied. Also in case of German - Allies War, it should quickly escalated into GER+HUN against FRA+ENG+SOV+CZE+YUG+ROM (Little Entante - not mandatory tho), with Poland probably joining allies or commintern if soviet units pass enabled. This kind of preemptive war should be very unlikely. Btw, German economical influences in balkan states are very missrepresented, while it highly impact Romanian politics during invasion of Poland.
2. End of Czechoslovakia - Slovakia to Hungary
3. Ask Poland to join Pact of Steel
4. If Poland joined, then disabled Klajpeda chain and replace it with partition of Lithuania
5. Ribbentrop-Molotov, just buying time, so rather Bessarabia, Estonian and Latvian provinces, I have no information if Poland would loose eastern provinces
6. War in the west, Schliffen plan 2.0 Electric Boogaloo in late 1939
This is very unlikely scenario, after Czechoslovakia colapse and german claims against Poland, government decided, that there will be no cesions of land, war would be fought with or without Allies support (and even nowadays, there are mixed opinions about that, but in the long run, fate of Poland would be far worse than historical, loosing eastern lands and without any recompensation in the west).