voting_rights: depend on serfom and aristocracy (default value is “none”). If the people aren’t free enough they will not be likely to vote. You should at least reach serfdom = 5 to be able to get some voting rights. There after the values are dependant on aristocracy. The lower, the more voting rights.
Hmmm. Another variant would be this:
First, test Freedom. If serfdom >= 5, there will be voting rights.
Now look at the Aristocracy/Plutocracy slider. If it is close to Plutocracy than the Serfdom/Freedom slider to Freedom, the voting rights will be Census. If it is close to Aristocracy than Freedom, they will be landed. If the Freedom slider is close to the extreme positions than the Aristocracy/Plutocracy slider, then there is universal suffrage. In case of a tie, Census or Landed win out.
Ehh... clear?