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Montezuma II

Kinda wish there were GOT-related Avatars
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Jun 24, 2013
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Hello to all!

I was wondering if anyone knew any good Houses to play as when the goal is to become a King in Westeros, this basically means any Empire-tier title but the Iron Throne/Westeros preferably. If so, what Bookmark?

Thanks in advance!
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House Stark, as Jon Snow.

When Stannis offers to make you a legitimate heir, take the offer. Reclaim the North. Then gain your independence.
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House Stark, as Jon Snow.

When Stannis offers to make you a legitimate heir, take the offer. Reclaim the North. Then gain your independence.

Only if Stannis fails in his war of course. Which he inevitably will, due to AI stupidity.

But for the OP.
It depends. If you like playing lore friendly, then the Lord Paramount Houses, except for the Tyrells, are all of kingly descent, even the Baratheons. Below them, there are the Dustins, Umbers, Boltons, Flints of Breakstone Hall, Lockes, Glovers, and a handful of others in the North. In the Westerlands, there are the Reynes (pre Tywin anyway), the Marbrands, the Westerlings, and a couple others I do believe. The Vale has a few too - the Royces were High Kings of the Vale before the Arryns stole it, the Corbrays were kings of the Fingers, the Sunderlands kings of the Sisters, the Waynwoods were possibly kings. In the Riverlands, practically every house (except ironically enough the Tullys) once claimed a crown. I personally always enjoy doing it as House Blackwood. In the Reach, there of note the Hightowers of Oldtown, the Redwynes of the Arbor, and possibly the Tarlys of Hornhill.
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All the AI has to do is lose Dragonstone (a pitifully easy task) and they'll surrender. Then it's just left to whether or not you get spared by Tommen.
All the AI has to do is lose Dragonstone (a pitifully easy task) and they'll surrender. Then it's just left to whether or not you get spared by Tommen.

I was able to win independence war against Tommen, because he was still fighting Aegon, therefore nobody came to his help. I sieged KL, caputred him and Myrcella and became King in the North.
Unfortunately, today, after downloading new version, I encountered bugs with Valyrian swords in that save file and had to delete it. But North remained independent under king Jon Stark and also his son Eddard Stark.
You may try house Velaryon of Driftmark in post-Targaryen starts. I believe they are the only High Valyrian house in Westeros in those bookmarks.
I enjoy trying to claim the title of king of the Claw as house Crabb by becoming the king of the Claw, Dragonstone and console commanding any titular kingdom just to destroy it a few days later in order to take the "Found Custom Empire" decision.
And obviously - I'm surprised nobody mentioned them yet - the Blackfyres.
Even more obviously - Targaryens in the latest two bookmarks.
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Go for a house with good genetics, such as the Umbers or Crakehalls, and manage to make it to the throne with your good traits intact. In that general line of thinking, any of the second-tier houses (the Royces, Harlaws, Hightowers, and Manderlys of the land) could easily make the jump towards becoming a Lord Paramount, and then gaining the throne through war or marriage.
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Bring glory back to House Mudd! Lords of Oldstone, True Kings of the Rivers and Hills, and Last of The Kings of the Southern First Men!
There should be two members of House Mudd in the 7996/7998 start, as wards under the Lord of The Neck (House Reed). Try to recreate Tristifer IV, The Hammer of Justice!

That's what I do when I want to mess around in the mod lol.
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House Florent of Brightwater Keep. As they have a better claim to the Reach than do the Tyrells through the now extinct House Gardener, the road to the Iron Throne is there. A more difficult position is House Crane of Red Lake as you're descended from a Florent mother.
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House Florent of Brightwater Keep. As they have a better claim to the Reach than do the Tyrells through the now extinct House Gardener, the road to the Iron Throne is there. A more difficult position is House Crane of Red Lake as you're descended from a Florent mother.
To be fair, pretty much every major house of the Reach has a better claim to it than the Tyrells.
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House Langward of Langward Hall starts with the shabiest keep (where you can't even build a new city/sept/fortress), but have a crown made of stars as their Coat of Arms. Makes for both a good chalenge and a CoA that would make sense for a king.

Or go the other way around and fly the mighty banner of house Falwell, a fool jugling burning stars, because THAT is the real description a king's job, trying to keep a thousand fiery balls on the air at the same time, while everyone tries to kill you for that fool's chair.

Hm... it looks like I'm in a stars on the air mood.
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Any Rhoynar character playable, colonize and conquer de jure kingdom of Rhoynar. You'll become the most overpowered person in all of Essos, given Aegon doesn't conquer Westeros.
Velaryon, Plumm, and Penrose are all derived from Targ lineage and start off at the count tier. I have had some using them.

It is especially interesting if you use the custom house feature to make yourself the Son of Brown Ben Plumm with a non-westeros culture. Lysene works best for me as Aegon almost always loses, and after he gets killed Varys if alive will show up in your court.
Any interesting characters in Essos?

The Pureborn of Qarth is a little out of the way, but you have three (!!!) merchant republics under your belt, have no significant feudal vassals that could cause trouble, and you have a useful religion. You will not be lacking in cash, and there's a couple of things you could do with said cash, such as try the slaving system or bribe the Warlocks. If one desires, as a long-term project, you can colonize most of the ruins around you and have levies equal to that of a mid-tier Westerosi lord paramount. Asabhad is your neighbor and you can conquer it if you want.

As for how you become the King of Westeros, the answer is a little more roundabout; after one has a massive amount of money stored up, the event to buy an egg will likely fire at least once in a character's lifetime. Alternatively, one could choose to assassinate Dany while she is your vassal on the off chance one of her dragons will likely stay in Qarth, but that could be a little risky.
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Bring glory back to House Mudd! Lords of Oldstone, True Kings of the Rivers and Hills, and Last of The Kings of the Southern First Men!
There should be two members of House Mudd in the 7996/7998 start, as wards under the Lord of The Neck (House Reed). Try to recreate Tristifer IV, The Hammer of Justice!

That's what I do when I want to mess around in the mod lol.
I really hope to eventually see House Mudd in the house customizer