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As much as I love both GRRM and Tolkien, I will say this. It is incredibly unfair to compare anyone in world building to J RR Tolkien. The man was a fellow at Oxford and a tutor at Pembroke college. He was fluent in Anglo Saxon and had a very good knowledge of French, Italian, Latin (obvs), old Norse and various Celtic languages. GRRM is a writer, Tolkien was a scholar (the man went to my old school, so knowledge of him was practically compulsory). People calling GRRM the 'American Tolkien' is unfair both on George and on Tolkien, they are different as night and day.

Tolkien based so much of his world building on knowledge of the Ango-Saxons (his first love) as well as his time in the trenches, GRRM bases a lot of his writings on his refusal to fight in Vietnam. Tolkien spent a lot of his time inventing languages as the linguist that he was, GRRM allowed others to invent his languages for him. Both created detailed lineages for their important characters and both showed the horrors of war, Yet to compare the two is both disingenuous as well as intellectually dishonest. AWOIAF can no more be called GRRM's Silmarillion than Twilight be called a modern Dracula.

This is not to say that I did not enjoy AWOIAF, but it was still wank in places. Grover, Elmo and Kermit are my main examples, but over stuff (by Elio and Linda mainly) was atrocious.

I suppose most of my dislike comes from people who DO compare the two, and say that Tolkien's writing was boring and his worldbuilding was awful.

Fuck, GRRM respects Tolkien's writing.
I just don't think it's fair to say that GRRM can't world build because he's not Tolkien. Tolkien was an exceptional, once in a hundred years human being. Tolkien's world building was like nothing else we will see in our lifetimes.

GRRM's is not bad though. That is my only point.
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I just don't think it's fair to say that GRRM can't world build because he's not Tolkien. Tolkien was an exceptional, once in a hundred years human being. Tolkien's world building was like nothing else we will see in our lifetimes.

GRRM's is not bad though. That is my only point.
It really does say a lot.:)

I like GRRM's worldbuilding except where I don't. It's the places I don't where I'll scream about it.
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I think my point is: I'm not asking GRRM to be Tolkien. But he's able to write an entertaining setting sometimes, which is why failures like AWoIaF or some of the other places where his worldbuilding falls flat on its face are so annoying.

It's because he can do better than that.
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Here's a few suggestions for Houses that can be played with some themes and restrictions to them so that it won't be a curbstomping to the throne.

Blackwood - always marry with First Men or Valyrians, never with Andal invaders and aim to convert the whole South back to the Old Gods
Bracken - always take whatever chance you get, any chance at all, to fuck over the Blackwoods no matter how damaging it would be to your long term goals
Peake - never use anything but arms and duels to solve conflicts or reach your goals and always educate your children to be warriors
Hightower - always take the learned approach and always stay nice with the Faith
Reyne - if anyone harms a kinsman or kinswoman you track them down and kill them dead, dead and dead no matter who it was
Dayne - never support a dishonorable or tyrannical liege and oppose them honorably, no daggers in the night here
Caron - always oppose the Dornish no matter what they do, and refuse to join with people looking like or having in recent times been married with, Dornish
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Here's a few suggestions for Houses that can be played with some themes and restrictions to them so that it won't be a curbstomping to the throne.

Blackwood - always marry with First Men or Valyrians, never with Andal invaders and aim to convert the whole South back to the Old Gods
Bracken - always take whatever chance you get, any chance at all, to fuck over the Blackwoods no matter how damaging it would be to your long term goals
Peake - never use anything but arms and duels to solve conflicts or reach your goals and always educate your children to be warriors
Hightower - always take the learned approach and always stay nice with the Faith
Reyne - if anyone harms a kinsman or kinswoman you track them down and kill them dead, dead and dead no matter who it was
Dayne - never support a dishonorable or tyrannical liege and oppose them honorably, no daggers in the night here
Caron - always oppose the Dornish no matter what they do, and refuse to join with people looking like or having in recent times been married with, Dornish

How about a Reyne playthrough after the Reyne-Tarbeck Rebellion? What would be a suggested start and challenge and themes for that game?

House Hightower: We Hedge Our Bets
^I've done the Blackwood, Hightower, Reyne, and Dayne plays before and they are so fun!

True that! I usually play with the Lannisters but other House are good and fun when playing with some restrictions on your behavior

How about a Reyne playthrough after the Reyne-Tarbeck Rebellion? What would be a suggested start and challenge and themes for that game?

House Hightower: We Hedge Our Bets

All good ideas, and here are a few more.

Frey - build the largest dynasty you possibly can and treat everyone outside of your family like dirt
Bolton - always torture captives, execute and so on and rule by terror and deal with the many tyranny issues you'll run up
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How about a Reyne playthrough after the Reyne-Tarbeck Rebellion? What would be a suggested start and challenge and themes for that game?

House Hightower: We Hedge Our Bets

Well, I'd say that you will probably need to fight out the war with Tywin and win it in a case like this. Otherwise if you're using the Custom Ruler stuff this would be the ideal to work towards. Do note that I don't know how much you can do with the designer so maybe this will not be possible to enact entirely, but its what you could strive for.

Start in AL 262
Roger Reyne
Titles: Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Lord of Casterly Rock, Castamere and Lannisport
Born in AL 218
Traits: Brave, Formidable Fighter, 3-dot military leader, Aggressive leader, family man, cruel, dishonorable (?)
Stats: At least 15-18 or something in the military field, and probably fairly low scores in the rest of the values but medium level in diplomacy to represent that he is legitimate ruler or lots of prestige

Family relations
Lady Elyn Tarbeck (nee Reyne) - lady at Tarbeck Hall
Ser Reynard Reyne - landless courtier at Roger's court

Note: Apparently not spouses or children are mentioned to Roger or Reynard which I personally find odd, but there it is, but you could presumably put some in without it hurting the canon, I would think.