As you say - story,
story. What G(u)RRM basically did is that he took a very short, specific period of English history, modified it slightly - ever so slightly, names are even there, barely hidden, in oldest, most important elements of this quasi-worldbuilding, Stark = York, Lannister = Lancaster and so on - and decided to tell us a
story. Story about characters, interactions between them, their dilemmas and personal problems, about past of their families, destiny of heroes and so on. Political drama smudged by some elements of shallow fantasy. World is
secondary is Martin’s books and it shows. You ask how these things would enhance the story - like I give a damn. I’m not talking right now about plot of the ASoIaF, but about… Planetos let’s call this setting. It’s a
shallow setting. It only works on most basic of levels.
Nothing makes sense on deeper one. Continent of roughly South America’s size whole speaks same language and it has really basically the same culture, same technological level of advancement, same customs and laws. Differences are there, but they are shallow, or, better - they are provincial. They would be justified on a national level, on a level of realm size of... heh, go figure, England? Or Britain as an island. But this is fricking
continent, and now it becomes unrealistic. Faith of the Seven has
millions of adherents judging by its history and available statistics, yet it’s the same
everywhere, no religion
ever worked this way.
Same with chivalric culture of southern Andal Seven Kingdoms. It was a specific set of historical circumstances that occured during a specific, short, period of medieval European history that led to phenomenon that Martin is copying. Christian values, Germanic traditions. How the hell is this the same in Seven Kingdoms? It makes
no sense.
Do you really care about the inner writing of the seven as a religion? In what way would that effect the story? In what way would that add to anything?
You come off as little bit… stupid, writing such things. “Do you really care about inner writing of the Christianity as a religion? In what way would that effect the story? In what way would that add to anything?”
Well, looking by dozens of Christian sects, stories of heresies, schisms and religious wars, it adds a lot. But whatever, MUH TYRION AND MUH CHARACTERS AND SO DEEP WORLD. What do I know.
The cultural differences are definitely there between the northman, iron islanders, dornish, valyrians and then the andal descendants who make up the rest of Westeros.
Not counting Valyrians, who are obviously something else, they are almost the same. They speak same language, they have almost same names and surnames, they act the same, they follow the same laws and customs, they all adhere to aristocratic culture of the same kind, they do look the same. There are differences, like religious ones and so on, but they are shallow. It's like thay are not there. Only Dorne somehow stands out (it's quite obvious why - it's ONLY thing that Martin added to the combined map of England and Ireland that make up map of his OH SO ORIGINAL Westeros...).