(Pre-Conquest) Any lord in Andalos : "The Northerners of Westeros have yet to bend the knee in front of the Seven, and the domination our Brethen across the Narrow Sea were supposed to achieve has yet to come. Let us go to their aid; Let there be a second conquest!"
(Post-Conquest) Any lord in Andalos : "The Vile Valyrians, all of them born out of the abomination known as incest, rule over our Brothers of the faith in Westeros, stopping them from taking their rightful places as Kings and Queens. It is the Seven who punished the Dragonlords for their crimes by bringing the Doom; Let us finish what They started!"
(War of the Five Kings) Any lord in Andalos : "The Andals finally rule over the Iron Throne that was forged so many years ago by the dragonlords, but the struggle is not over, for there are still men and women, in the northern regions of our promised land, who follow the false, cruel gods of the forest. Westeros belongs to the Andals; let us remind this to the mens who call themselves "King in the North" and "King Beyond The Wall"
(Any bookmark after the Red Wedding) Any lord in Andalos : Terrible! Stannis Baratheon, the very brother of the man who took the Red Keep from the Valyrians, has declared himself a faithful of R'hllor, and declared his war of Conquest against the rightful, Seven worshipping, Andal Lord of the Seven Kingdoms! We cannot let a follower of the red slaver god rule over our promised land as King; Prepare the ships, men, for Dragonstone must fall!"
(Post-Conquest) Any lord in Andalos : "The Vile Valyrians, all of them born out of the abomination known as incest, rule over our Brothers of the faith in Westeros, stopping them from taking their rightful places as Kings and Queens. It is the Seven who punished the Dragonlords for their crimes by bringing the Doom; Let us finish what They started!"
(War of the Five Kings) Any lord in Andalos : "The Andals finally rule over the Iron Throne that was forged so many years ago by the dragonlords, but the struggle is not over, for there are still men and women, in the northern regions of our promised land, who follow the false, cruel gods of the forest. Westeros belongs to the Andals; let us remind this to the mens who call themselves "King in the North" and "King Beyond The Wall"
(Any bookmark after the Red Wedding) Any lord in Andalos : Terrible! Stannis Baratheon, the very brother of the man who took the Red Keep from the Valyrians, has declared himself a faithful of R'hllor, and declared his war of Conquest against the rightful, Seven worshipping, Andal Lord of the Seven Kingdoms! We cannot let a follower of the red slaver god rule over our promised land as King; Prepare the ships, men, for Dragonstone must fall!"
You can by adding the custom dynasty trait thing in the ruler customizer and, once in-game, make yourself the big bro of said wards. I once did so and ended up rebuilding Harrenhal just to rename it Newstones ('Cause fuck originality), while giving Riverrun and Oldstones to my second and third brothers as wedding giftsI really hope to eventually see House Mudd in the house customizer
Which is why I always play house Hightower when I go for the Reach. The fact that Aegon didn't make them Lord Paramount makes no senseTo be fair, pretty much every major house of the Reach has a better claim to it than the Tyrells.
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