So @Trin Tragula suggested I made a thread suggesting dynamic province names. As far as I can see there are no Danish province names in game already.
Since this obviously is a huge task I will do it in several small bites; other people chiming in would be appreciated too. Given that the sources also give names in other language I will suggest those too.
The sources I will be using are the Atlas of Frederik V of Denmark. It is a huge world atlas with 3535 charts distributed over 55 volumes. Most of those charts are maps. Those are in many languages meaning that you can see the names used in those languages at the time the maps were made. Frederik V died 14.1.1766 and most maps are from the first half of the 1700s, but there are older ones too---some even much older. I will be naming that source FV.
The other source is Geographie til Ungdommens Brug, 5th edition, Christian Sommerfelt, Copenhagen, 1797. As seen it is by semi famous Christian Sommerfelt who was a really skilled geographer and many other things. Among other people the famous Carsten Niebuhr also helped Sommerfelt in getting the names of places. I will call that source CS.
Another source is Matthias Moth. Matthias Moth was one of the closest advisors to Christian V and he was also highly interested in knowledge. Around 1700 he made a giant dictionary covering the entirety of Danish as it was back then. No word was too obscene or obscure. It also includes Icelandic, Faroese, and Norwegian words.
He also had an encyclopedia be part of the dictionary (because why not). It's something like 60 tomes in total. His work has been digitised by the Danish Language and Literature Association here:
@Trin Tragula do you need province numbers too, or is mentioning their name enough?
Back in the day dashes weren't used in Danish and places where you would have a dash would have an = instead. I have kept using that, since it firstly is what CS uses and it is the authentic thing to do.
For CS some names have a previous name noted in parenthesis. I will note those too. A few times two names are mentioned; I will separate those by commas.
Here we go:
1775 Holstein -> Holsteen. CS
2348 Chios -> Scio (Chius). CS
382 Damascus -> Damâsk (Damascus). CS
378 Tarabulus -> Trábulos (Tripolis i Syrien). CS
1855 Sidon -> Seide (Sidon). CS
405 Tadmor -> Palmyra. CS
377 Aleppo -> Háleb, Aleppo, (Chalybon). CS
2313 Antioch -> Antâki (Antiochia). CS
331 Erzurum -> Ærzerûm (Arze). CS
418 Diyarbakir -> Diarbekr (Amid). CS
409 Hillah -> Helle. CS
410 Baghdad -> Bagdád. CS
408 Basra -> Básra. CS
385 Mecca -> Mékke. CS
384 Medina -> Medîne. CS
2329 Yanbu -> Jâmbo. CS
2331 Jeddah -> Dsjidda. CS
390 Sana'a -> Saná. CS
388 Aden -> Aden (Arabia emporium). CS
400 Muscat -> Maskát (Moscha). CS
1201 Zanzibar -> Zansjibar. CS
1205 Mogadishu -> Mokadischu. CS
2258 Cape Coast -> Cap Coast. CS
1177 Cape -> Got=Haabs=Forbierg. CS. Its capital should be Cap=Staden in case province capitals are dynamic too.
There is the question of the Danish colonies in India and Africa.
In India we had Trankebar and Frediriksnagôr. As far as I can see Trankebar lies within what is the Tanjore province in game. Hence Tanjore should be called Trankebar when Danish.
Frederiksnagôr is what is called Serampore these days. I think it lies in the province of Bengal Delta meaning that Bengal Delta should be called Frederiksnagôr when Danish.
2026 Tanjore -> Trankebar. CS
561 Bengal Delta -> Frederiksnagôr. CS
There also are the colonies in Africa. These all were placed on the Gold Coast and were Christiansborg, Fredensborg, Kongsteen, Prindsensteen, and Augustaborg. As far as I can see Prindsensteen is just inside Whydah. Of the others they all lie within Gold Coast. Christiansborg was the biggest and oldest, so it must give the name. So:
1139 Gold Coast -> Christiansborg. CS
1141 Whydah -> Prindsensteen. CS
If deemed desirable other West African coastal provinces (provinces without any Danish name) could be named after the other forts. While not historical it would give flavour---and those three unused fort names were used for West African possessions IRL so who knows if they would also have been used if the fort with that name was placed somewhere else on the West African coast.
That's it for now.
Addition on the 21st of Marts.
So I did another stint in finding dynamic names. Like before I only looked in CS this time.
Lets look at the British Isles. I haven't spent much time on Scotland, since I am not sure exactly how provinces change there with Mare Nostrum.
369 Orkey -> Ørkenøerne, Orkneys (Orcades). CS
As far as I have been able to see the only change to England is the addition of Devon.
236 London -> Middlsex. CS
233 Cornwall -> Kaarnwæll. CS
Devon -> Dewon=Shiire. CS (Ended up not getting in; should it ever be added then here is the Danish name for it.)
243 Lincolnshire -> Lincoln=Shiire. CS
237 Oxfordshire -> Oxford=Shiire. CS
239 Gloucestershire -> Gloster=Shiire. CS
1861 Derbyshire -> Derbe=Shiire. CS
247 Yorkshire -> York=Shiire. CS
249 Cumbria -> Cumberland. CS
244 Lancashire -> Pfalzgrevskabet Lænkæster, Lancashire. CS
242 Gwynedd -> Nord=Wæles. CS
241 Glamorganshire -> Syd=Wæles. CS
243 Wessex -> Westsex. CS
Then there is the question of the province of Marches (province 240). For obvious reasons that isn't directly referred to in CS. The direct translation would be Markerne. That could be used if the concept of the Welsch Marches is to be preserved. Otherwise it consists of 5 shires as far as I can see. Staffordshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, and Warwickshire. If the name is chosen to follow one of those shires, then here is the names given in CS.
Herefordshire -> Hereford=Shiire. CS
Shropshire -> Shrop=Shiire. CS
Staffordshire -> Stafford=Shiire. CS
Worcestershire -> Vorster=Shiire. CS
Warwickshire -> Warrik=Shiire. CS
Of those 5 shires Herefordshire is deemed so unimportant by CS that it doesn't get a detailed description, but just is mentioned in the tally of the shires of England.
If Markerne isn't used, I don't know which shire the name should be based on.
@Trin Tragula could would it be possible for you to give me a screenshot of Lithuania with province names visible? Otherwise I will have to wait until Mare Nostrum releases to do anything about Lithuania. Anyway there are a few things in the Baltics I am confident about not having changed.
35 Ösel -> Øsel. CS
37 Livland -> Lifland. CS
36 Reval -> Revalske Statholderskab. CS (This one is a bit icy. On one side Narva was part of Revalske Statholderskab; on the other side CS makes a point about Narva being unimportant compared to what is Reval in game. And just calling it Reval seems wrong too when there is an actual name for the province and the province did contain much more than just the city of Reval. So I think it can be defended to have the in game province of Reval called Revalske Statholderskab despite not including Narva.)
Now lets look a bit on Western Prussia:
255 Kalisz -> Gnesen, Gniesna. CS
43 Danzig -> Danzig. CS (just pointing out that it is Danzig and not Gdansk.)
2963 Notec -> Netzeland, Netz=Districtet. CS
254 Poznan -> Posen. CS
256 Plock -> Plozk. CS
1859 Chelmno -> Culm. CS
1939 Leczyca -> Lentschiza. CS
262 Krakow -> Krakov (Cracovia, Carodunum). CS
257 Warszawa -> Warschava, Varschau, (Varsaria). CS
I'm going to stop here for now.
Additions from the 12th of April.
So I got a little time this morning.
@Trin Tragula do I need to ping you every time I update or have you subscribed to the thread and if so do you then actively read it?
Well firstly there is a correction to the English names. When writing them Mare Nostrum hadn't yet released and I thought that the new province around Cornwall was Devon. Turned out to be Somerset.
I will leave the name for Devon in in case it ever is added.
4130 Somerset -> Sommerset. CS
On to the North then.
1979 Färöarna -> Færøerne. CS
17 Akershus -> Aggershuus, Christiania. CS
24 Agder -> Christiansand. CS
315 Finnmark -> Finmarken. CS
1 Stockholm -> Stokholm. CS
1985 Närke -> Nerike. CS
2 Östergötland -> Øster=Gøtland. CS
7 Västergötland -> Vester=Gøtland. CS
5 Värmland -> Værmeland. CS
6 Skåne -> Skaane. CS
1982 Blekinge -> Bleking. CS
3 Småland -> Smaaland. CS
16 Bohuslän -> Bahuslehn, Bohuslæn. CS (Does anybody know if this is a mutilation of the pre 1658 name?)
20 Trøndelag -> Trondheim. CS (I am a bit ambivalent on this, since while it was Trondheim in CS I am pretty sure it has been called Trøndelag in Danish at least until the loss of Skåneland. Do any of you have an idea here @Quaade @radiatoren?)
Don't have time for more now.
So the section on the old North mentions Trandheim and Trondelagen as the two equivalent names for Trøndelag back in the old North. As far as I remember lagen means law in Old Norse---i.e. Trondelagen being under the law of Tronde (whoever that is) (unless I am completely mistaken). An equivalent would be Danelagen.
Anyway it appears that Trondelagen was an archaic name in 1797 and Trondheim the then current one. Though when that changed I don't know.
I think having it as Trøndelag (or Trondelagen which appears more appropriate) when under Norway and Trondheim when under Denmark could make sense to show the change in naming convention. Though I don't know. It sure is a hard province name to decide on. Though if Trøndelag is used in Danish then I think it should be Trondelagen given that is how CS writes it. Though it is a good question if there actually was a vowel change in the name or CS wanted to write it in the old style with a miniscule e over the o instead of using an ø and the e then wasn't printed (he used the miniscule e version for some of the Swedish names for some bizarre reason). But given he has been dead in something like 200 years we obviously can't ask, so if he is used it should probably be Trondelagen with an o, since that was what he wrote.
Anyway lets continue with Scandinavia.
21 Hålogaland -> Nordlandene. CS (If somebody else is looking in CS too then this mentioned in the section about the Old North. By the way this should definitely be changed for Norwegian too. Whether it should be Nordlandene or Haalogaland (or possibly even Halogaland as in Old Norse) I don't know, but given å (the letter, not the sound) didn't exist in Norwegian until 1917, the letter å has no place in Norwegian names in game. The same goes for Danish names where å didn't exist as a letter until 1948.)
10 Jämtland -> Jæmtland. CS (Jämtland seems sketchy for the Norwegian name given Norway uses æ and not ä. @Sleepyhead wasn't there something about Jämtland being called something else in Norwegian?)
9 Hälsingland -> Hælsingeland. CS
11 Västerbotten-> Vesterboten. CS
27 Åbo -> Aabo= og Biørneborg=Lehn, Finland. CS
19 Österbotten -> Østerbotn, Uleaaborg Landshøvdingedømme. CS
31 Savolax -> Savolax, Kuopio. CS (With Kuopio only becoming noteworthy in the really late game, as CS also notes by saying it is a new town, I think keeping it as Savolax is the best of the two possibilities.)
1930 Åland -> Aaland. CS
4124 Karelia -> Karelen. CS
4123 Pirkanmaa. Now this one is a bit of a problem, since the area was part of Åbo and not in any way noteworthy given CS doesn't mention a thing about that part of the county. (Now I wonder how such an unimportant piece of land warranted a province...
Anyway due to it not being an independent administrative unit and being unimportant CS doesn't give any name. The Finnish name obviously is ruled out as a plausible name, since there is no way a Denmark having taken Finland would use Finnish names. The Swedish name is Birkaland which as far as I can see refers back to the Scandinavian word birk (to the Danes: it is the administrative unit, not the tree, we talk about here) which was a really old administrative unit independent of the shires. If I am correct that the etymology of Birkaland is land of the birks then the Danish name obviously would be Birkeland.
So lacking any sources on this except common knowledge about ancient administrative units I would propose Birkeland. And if that isn't used then using the Swedish Birkaland. While not correct it is much less wrong than using a Finnish name.
With regard to Lappland, Jokkmokk and especially Rovaniemi then I don't know. Lappland was divided into 6 chiefdoms when CS wrote (Åsele, Uleå, Piteå, Luleå, Torneå, and Kiemi); I think Kiemi is Kemi, but not certain. Using the names of these Lapp divisions (Aasele=Lapmark, Uleaa=Lapmark, Piteaa=Lapmark, Luleaa=Lapmark, Torneaa=Lapmark, Kiemi=Lapmark) for the three Lappland provinces (Lappland, Jokkmokk, Rovaniemi) would make sense, but I don't know which should be given what name.
Does anybody know this?
Rovaniemi might very well be Kiemi=Lapmark though, since CS mentions this Lapp division to be administered together with Österbotten. But I don't know.
Speaking of the Lapps then CS is a goldmine of statements which are funny due to being horribly un PC these days. This is written under Lappland: "Indbyggerne bekiende sig til den Christelige Religion, ere og forsynede med Kirker og Præster, men ere dog ikke frie for Levninger af grov Overtroe."
45 Lübeck -> Lybek, Lübeck. CS
44 Hamburg -> Hamborg. CS writes Hamburg, but that most likely is him using the German name due to the strong presence German had i the 1700s. As can be seen from this excert from the list of consumption for Tycho Brahe's wedding in 1503 it was called Hamborg 500 years ago just as it is today. The source is a site on Danish history run by Aarhus University.
"Item, 2. Tønner Hamborg Øll, Tønnen VI. Marck. "
296 Kaluga -> Kolugiske Statholderskab. CS
295 Moskva -> Moscau, Moskva. CS
294 Tver -> Tveerske Statholderskab. CS
308 Yaroslavl -> Jaroslavlske Statholderskab. CS
310 Novgorod -> Novgorodiske Statholderskab. CS
314 Vologda -> Vologda Statholderskab. CS
306 Nizhny Novgorod -> Nischgorodske Statholderskab, Nischnei=Novgorodske Statholderskab. CS
Additions on November 10th 2016:
4149 Kolding -> Koldinghus.
4141 Ditmarschen -> Ditmersken; alternatively Dytmersken.
Arguments found in this post.
Since this obviously is a huge task I will do it in several small bites; other people chiming in would be appreciated too. Given that the sources also give names in other language I will suggest those too.
The sources I will be using are the Atlas of Frederik V of Denmark. It is a huge world atlas with 3535 charts distributed over 55 volumes. Most of those charts are maps. Those are in many languages meaning that you can see the names used in those languages at the time the maps were made. Frederik V died 14.1.1766 and most maps are from the first half of the 1700s, but there are older ones too---some even much older. I will be naming that source FV.
The other source is Geographie til Ungdommens Brug, 5th edition, Christian Sommerfelt, Copenhagen, 1797. As seen it is by semi famous Christian Sommerfelt who was a really skilled geographer and many other things. Among other people the famous Carsten Niebuhr also helped Sommerfelt in getting the names of places. I will call that source CS.
Another source is Matthias Moth. Matthias Moth was one of the closest advisors to Christian V and he was also highly interested in knowledge. Around 1700 he made a giant dictionary covering the entirety of Danish as it was back then. No word was too obscene or obscure. It also includes Icelandic, Faroese, and Norwegian words.
He also had an encyclopedia be part of the dictionary (because why not). It's something like 60 tomes in total. His work has been digitised by the Danish Language and Literature Association here:
@Trin Tragula do you need province numbers too, or is mentioning their name enough?
Back in the day dashes weren't used in Danish and places where you would have a dash would have an = instead. I have kept using that, since it firstly is what CS uses and it is the authentic thing to do.
For CS some names have a previous name noted in parenthesis. I will note those too. A few times two names are mentioned; I will separate those by commas.
Here we go:
1775 Holstein -> Holsteen. CS
2348 Chios -> Scio (Chius). CS
382 Damascus -> Damâsk (Damascus). CS
378 Tarabulus -> Trábulos (Tripolis i Syrien). CS
1855 Sidon -> Seide (Sidon). CS
405 Tadmor -> Palmyra. CS
377 Aleppo -> Háleb, Aleppo, (Chalybon). CS
2313 Antioch -> Antâki (Antiochia). CS
331 Erzurum -> Ærzerûm (Arze). CS
418 Diyarbakir -> Diarbekr (Amid). CS
409 Hillah -> Helle. CS
410 Baghdad -> Bagdád. CS
408 Basra -> Básra. CS
385 Mecca -> Mékke. CS
384 Medina -> Medîne. CS
2329 Yanbu -> Jâmbo. CS
2331 Jeddah -> Dsjidda. CS
390 Sana'a -> Saná. CS
388 Aden -> Aden (Arabia emporium). CS
400 Muscat -> Maskát (Moscha). CS
1201 Zanzibar -> Zansjibar. CS
1205 Mogadishu -> Mokadischu. CS
2258 Cape Coast -> Cap Coast. CS
1177 Cape -> Got=Haabs=Forbierg. CS. Its capital should be Cap=Staden in case province capitals are dynamic too.
There is the question of the Danish colonies in India and Africa.
In India we had Trankebar and Frediriksnagôr. As far as I can see Trankebar lies within what is the Tanjore province in game. Hence Tanjore should be called Trankebar when Danish.
Frederiksnagôr is what is called Serampore these days. I think it lies in the province of Bengal Delta meaning that Bengal Delta should be called Frederiksnagôr when Danish.
2026 Tanjore -> Trankebar. CS
561 Bengal Delta -> Frederiksnagôr. CS
There also are the colonies in Africa. These all were placed on the Gold Coast and were Christiansborg, Fredensborg, Kongsteen, Prindsensteen, and Augustaborg. As far as I can see Prindsensteen is just inside Whydah. Of the others they all lie within Gold Coast. Christiansborg was the biggest and oldest, so it must give the name. So:
1139 Gold Coast -> Christiansborg. CS
1141 Whydah -> Prindsensteen. CS
If deemed desirable other West African coastal provinces (provinces without any Danish name) could be named after the other forts. While not historical it would give flavour---and those three unused fort names were used for West African possessions IRL so who knows if they would also have been used if the fort with that name was placed somewhere else on the West African coast.
That's it for now.
Addition on the 21st of Marts.
So I did another stint in finding dynamic names. Like before I only looked in CS this time.
Lets look at the British Isles. I haven't spent much time on Scotland, since I am not sure exactly how provinces change there with Mare Nostrum.
369 Orkey -> Ørkenøerne, Orkneys (Orcades). CS
As far as I have been able to see the only change to England is the addition of Devon.
236 London -> Middlsex. CS
233 Cornwall -> Kaarnwæll. CS
Devon -> Dewon=Shiire. CS (Ended up not getting in; should it ever be added then here is the Danish name for it.)
243 Lincolnshire -> Lincoln=Shiire. CS
237 Oxfordshire -> Oxford=Shiire. CS
239 Gloucestershire -> Gloster=Shiire. CS
1861 Derbyshire -> Derbe=Shiire. CS
247 Yorkshire -> York=Shiire. CS
249 Cumbria -> Cumberland. CS
244 Lancashire -> Pfalzgrevskabet Lænkæster, Lancashire. CS
242 Gwynedd -> Nord=Wæles. CS
241 Glamorganshire -> Syd=Wæles. CS
243 Wessex -> Westsex. CS
Then there is the question of the province of Marches (province 240). For obvious reasons that isn't directly referred to in CS. The direct translation would be Markerne. That could be used if the concept of the Welsch Marches is to be preserved. Otherwise it consists of 5 shires as far as I can see. Staffordshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, and Warwickshire. If the name is chosen to follow one of those shires, then here is the names given in CS.
Herefordshire -> Hereford=Shiire. CS
Shropshire -> Shrop=Shiire. CS
Staffordshire -> Stafford=Shiire. CS
Worcestershire -> Vorster=Shiire. CS
Warwickshire -> Warrik=Shiire. CS
Of those 5 shires Herefordshire is deemed so unimportant by CS that it doesn't get a detailed description, but just is mentioned in the tally of the shires of England.
If Markerne isn't used, I don't know which shire the name should be based on.
@Trin Tragula could would it be possible for you to give me a screenshot of Lithuania with province names visible? Otherwise I will have to wait until Mare Nostrum releases to do anything about Lithuania. Anyway there are a few things in the Baltics I am confident about not having changed.
35 Ösel -> Øsel. CS
37 Livland -> Lifland. CS
36 Reval -> Revalske Statholderskab. CS (This one is a bit icy. On one side Narva was part of Revalske Statholderskab; on the other side CS makes a point about Narva being unimportant compared to what is Reval in game. And just calling it Reval seems wrong too when there is an actual name for the province and the province did contain much more than just the city of Reval. So I think it can be defended to have the in game province of Reval called Revalske Statholderskab despite not including Narva.)
Now lets look a bit on Western Prussia:
255 Kalisz -> Gnesen, Gniesna. CS
43 Danzig -> Danzig. CS (just pointing out that it is Danzig and not Gdansk.)
2963 Notec -> Netzeland, Netz=Districtet. CS
254 Poznan -> Posen. CS
256 Plock -> Plozk. CS
1859 Chelmno -> Culm. CS
1939 Leczyca -> Lentschiza. CS
262 Krakow -> Krakov (Cracovia, Carodunum). CS
257 Warszawa -> Warschava, Varschau, (Varsaria). CS
I'm going to stop here for now.
Additions from the 12th of April.
So I got a little time this morning.
@Trin Tragula do I need to ping you every time I update or have you subscribed to the thread and if so do you then actively read it?
Well firstly there is a correction to the English names. When writing them Mare Nostrum hadn't yet released and I thought that the new province around Cornwall was Devon. Turned out to be Somerset.
I will leave the name for Devon in in case it ever is added.
4130 Somerset -> Sommerset. CS
On to the North then.
1979 Färöarna -> Færøerne. CS
17 Akershus -> Aggershuus, Christiania. CS
24 Agder -> Christiansand. CS
315 Finnmark -> Finmarken. CS
1 Stockholm -> Stokholm. CS
1985 Närke -> Nerike. CS
2 Östergötland -> Øster=Gøtland. CS
7 Västergötland -> Vester=Gøtland. CS
5 Värmland -> Værmeland. CS
6 Skåne -> Skaane. CS
1982 Blekinge -> Bleking. CS
3 Småland -> Smaaland. CS
16 Bohuslän -> Bahuslehn, Bohuslæn. CS (Does anybody know if this is a mutilation of the pre 1658 name?)
20 Trøndelag -> Trondheim. CS (I am a bit ambivalent on this, since while it was Trondheim in CS I am pretty sure it has been called Trøndelag in Danish at least until the loss of Skåneland. Do any of you have an idea here @Quaade @radiatoren?)
Don't have time for more now.
So the section on the old North mentions Trandheim and Trondelagen as the two equivalent names for Trøndelag back in the old North. As far as I remember lagen means law in Old Norse---i.e. Trondelagen being under the law of Tronde (whoever that is) (unless I am completely mistaken). An equivalent would be Danelagen.
Anyway it appears that Trondelagen was an archaic name in 1797 and Trondheim the then current one. Though when that changed I don't know.
I think having it as Trøndelag (or Trondelagen which appears more appropriate) when under Norway and Trondheim when under Denmark could make sense to show the change in naming convention. Though I don't know. It sure is a hard province name to decide on. Though if Trøndelag is used in Danish then I think it should be Trondelagen given that is how CS writes it. Though it is a good question if there actually was a vowel change in the name or CS wanted to write it in the old style with a miniscule e over the o instead of using an ø and the e then wasn't printed (he used the miniscule e version for some of the Swedish names for some bizarre reason). But given he has been dead in something like 200 years we obviously can't ask, so if he is used it should probably be Trondelagen with an o, since that was what he wrote.
Anyway lets continue with Scandinavia.
21 Hålogaland -> Nordlandene. CS (If somebody else is looking in CS too then this mentioned in the section about the Old North. By the way this should definitely be changed for Norwegian too. Whether it should be Nordlandene or Haalogaland (or possibly even Halogaland as in Old Norse) I don't know, but given å (the letter, not the sound) didn't exist in Norwegian until 1917, the letter å has no place in Norwegian names in game. The same goes for Danish names where å didn't exist as a letter until 1948.)
10 Jämtland -> Jæmtland. CS (Jämtland seems sketchy for the Norwegian name given Norway uses æ and not ä. @Sleepyhead wasn't there something about Jämtland being called something else in Norwegian?)
9 Hälsingland -> Hælsingeland. CS
11 Västerbotten-> Vesterboten. CS
27 Åbo -> Aabo= og Biørneborg=Lehn, Finland. CS
19 Österbotten -> Østerbotn, Uleaaborg Landshøvdingedømme. CS
31 Savolax -> Savolax, Kuopio. CS (With Kuopio only becoming noteworthy in the really late game, as CS also notes by saying it is a new town, I think keeping it as Savolax is the best of the two possibilities.)
1930 Åland -> Aaland. CS
4124 Karelia -> Karelen. CS
4123 Pirkanmaa. Now this one is a bit of a problem, since the area was part of Åbo and not in any way noteworthy given CS doesn't mention a thing about that part of the county. (Now I wonder how such an unimportant piece of land warranted a province...

Anyway due to it not being an independent administrative unit and being unimportant CS doesn't give any name. The Finnish name obviously is ruled out as a plausible name, since there is no way a Denmark having taken Finland would use Finnish names. The Swedish name is Birkaland which as far as I can see refers back to the Scandinavian word birk (to the Danes: it is the administrative unit, not the tree, we talk about here) which was a really old administrative unit independent of the shires. If I am correct that the etymology of Birkaland is land of the birks then the Danish name obviously would be Birkeland.
So lacking any sources on this except common knowledge about ancient administrative units I would propose Birkeland. And if that isn't used then using the Swedish Birkaland. While not correct it is much less wrong than using a Finnish name.
With regard to Lappland, Jokkmokk and especially Rovaniemi then I don't know. Lappland was divided into 6 chiefdoms when CS wrote (Åsele, Uleå, Piteå, Luleå, Torneå, and Kiemi); I think Kiemi is Kemi, but not certain. Using the names of these Lapp divisions (Aasele=Lapmark, Uleaa=Lapmark, Piteaa=Lapmark, Luleaa=Lapmark, Torneaa=Lapmark, Kiemi=Lapmark) for the three Lappland provinces (Lappland, Jokkmokk, Rovaniemi) would make sense, but I don't know which should be given what name.
Does anybody know this?
Rovaniemi might very well be Kiemi=Lapmark though, since CS mentions this Lapp division to be administered together with Österbotten. But I don't know.
Speaking of the Lapps then CS is a goldmine of statements which are funny due to being horribly un PC these days. This is written under Lappland: "Indbyggerne bekiende sig til den Christelige Religion, ere og forsynede med Kirker og Præster, men ere dog ikke frie for Levninger af grov Overtroe."
45 Lübeck -> Lybek, Lübeck. CS
44 Hamburg -> Hamborg. CS writes Hamburg, but that most likely is him using the German name due to the strong presence German had i the 1700s. As can be seen from this excert from the list of consumption for Tycho Brahe's wedding in 1503 it was called Hamborg 500 years ago just as it is today. The source is a site on Danish history run by Aarhus University.
"Item, 2. Tønner Hamborg Øll, Tønnen VI. Marck. "
296 Kaluga -> Kolugiske Statholderskab. CS
295 Moskva -> Moscau, Moskva. CS
294 Tver -> Tveerske Statholderskab. CS
308 Yaroslavl -> Jaroslavlske Statholderskab. CS
310 Novgorod -> Novgorodiske Statholderskab. CS
314 Vologda -> Vologda Statholderskab. CS
306 Nizhny Novgorod -> Nischgorodske Statholderskab, Nischnei=Novgorodske Statholderskab. CS
Additions on November 10th 2016:
4149 Kolding -> Koldinghus.
4141 Ditmarschen -> Ditmersken; alternatively Dytmersken.
Arguments found in this post.
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