Bonus points for making a fungoid species with a tendency toward religious fanaticism.
Juffo-Wup, anyone?
Juffo-Wup, anyone?
Not really. I mean, yeah, you could interpret it that way, but if you choose to interpret everything in everyway it can be interpreted, then you're going to get nowhere. Maybe "seven families of species" is clearer, though I don't really want to call taxonomy too much into it.It's. It sounds like a chracter driven game like CK2 with seven playable alien dynasties.
Hmm, missed that. Basically it is a whole other Kingdom.The unidentified one is a fungus. You can see it in the name of the picture.
Not really. I mean, yeah, you could interpret it that way, but if you choose to interpret everything in everyway it can be interpreted, then you're going to get nowhere.
Hmm, missed that. Basically it is a whole other Kingdom.
I'm too lazy to remake the chart now though, the basic point is the same, you can't really use a "one line" taxonomic term to classify the 7 "types".
Especially is one of the "types" is a generic water type. That has a lot of crossover. Dolphines are closer to us then squids I think.
I really don't think it would be that common of a problem. It should be obvious that you aren't playing as one dynasty of aliens almost immediately.I just mean... how many of the average players would understand it the correct way? There is still a high chance that most people would understand 'family' in the common use and not as 'biological families'. Especially in a Paradox game.
But there aren't 7 playable species. That's the entire issue.Choose between 7 different playable Species
Design a custom species picking from 6/7 different classes of organisms ( mammalian, avian, so on)
Hm... Could be. I thought it had a lot of eyes and insects have a lot of them.No. It's a fungus.
Hm... Could be. I thought it had a lot of eyes and insects have a lot of them.
Good catch. I forgot that we already saw an insectoid on that Discovery screenshot. That would be another way to rule out this picture as insectoid.
Look at the name of the picture It's a fungoid.
Look at the name of the picture It's a fungoid.
I don't like "type" because it's so generic, though. "Types of aliens." Ugh. Yuck. Far worse than even phenotype.
We mean basically mammalian, avian,...
But there aren't 7 playable species. That's the entire issue.
Just use the words "class" (mammalian) and "sub-classes" or "races" (like humans etc.)
*senseI have to agree, class seams to make the most scene.
That's what people are complaining about. I don't mind it too much, but there are people that complain that that isn't accurate, and instead insist on even more inaccurate taxonomical terms.What if we used the word "phenotype"? That only refers to the physical expression of genes, so it would be quite apt in this context.