Hey my friend,i absolutely love your mod. When do you plan to release a 1.03 compaible version ? The game isn't the same without your icons.
Wonderful icon set thank you. Also do you have any plans for an expansion of the Communist Germany Models to include a larger time period.
I need to add one thing here. When choosing the Communist Germany path in DH Full, the country tag is still GER, which means that the icons will still be those of GER. If you want to use DDR icons in the 1933 scenario as Germany, either you need to change the tag (through event I suppose) or rename all DDR icons in the models folder to GER.
It sounds like a bit of work. I would like to see them though. Can you make Spartakusbund soldiers icons for early Communist Germany units?
Separate folder with Com ger icons should do it, player can overwrite original ones with comger set. Changing tag would probably kill events for Communist Germany.I will make the icons, at least for the army. But I won't be able to solve the tag problem I think.
Separate folder with Com ger icons should do it, player can overwrite original ones with comger set. Changing tag would probably kill events for Communist Germany.
Can you make marine and air force icons (german or soviet ones) just with replaced flag symbol?
What happened to model of the Me262 ? (GER 12_8). It was one of the coolest.
Thanks for reporting this. It should be fixed now.
hmmm....12_8 still looks like a propeller plane and 12-9 and 12-10 are now missing.
Otherwise, I love your work!
Why do not you use tags for DDR? I did them as GER?