- Various government reform changes
- Feudal Theocracy (tier 1 monarchy reform) now uses Divine Ideas, and can't use Aristocratic Ideas
- (more I haven't listed yet)
- New diplomatic modifier, "Declared War on Neighbor" which appears to result from declaring war on any country vaguely near the affected country, not strictly neighbor
- Lhasa CoT, naval and land force limit gives access to more admirals and generals (scaled). The ratio is 1 per 80 FL, rounded down (80/160/240 etc for new leaders)
- You cannot sell crownland if you have less than 10% crownland now. Previously you could sell at anything above 0%.
- colonial nations need more income to start to colonize(seems to be around 7 income and 2 profit whereas in 1.31 they started to colonize even with very low income and before that 5 income and no profit was enough). This is in the patchnotes, but I would have assumed the opposite from reading them
- unconditional surrender doesn't require the Mare Nostrum DLC anymore
- province changes:
- the province Tharawal (4858) in Australia gained a level 1 center of trade
- the culture in the provinces Ohrid(4780) and Skopje (3001) changed from serbian to bulgarian
- the culture in Ladakh(2074) changed from Kashmiri to Tibetan
- the trade good in Passau(4709) changed from fish to salt and in Tsaparang(2128) from wool to gold
- the provinces 4678 and 2190 (Bayankhongor/Qaraqorum) switched places
- the culture+religion of Taozhou(2183) changed to tibetan+vajrayana
- some provinces changed the name of the capital
- the dutch revolt disaster ticks up faster if the stability is below 2
- completing the mission Restore Mali Authority hides the disaster Decline of Mali
- forming the Mongol Empire sets the hidden global flag is_forming_the_mongol_empire which gets removed after 10 days and while it is active, the unguarded nomadic frontier disaster can't end. I don't really understand why it exists. Maybe it is supposed to prevent some kind of race condition if the Mongol empire is formed while the game checks if the disaster should end
- the privilege Increased Levies now gives 33% manpower at 100% crownland and while it is active, the nobles are exempt from seizing land
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