To get things organised, I've decided to post a comprehensive list of sprites we may need. As people contribute graphics, I'll edit this post to keep it up-to-date.
If you have a sprite, please post a message to this thread describing what it is, and whether it's fully animated (with walk, stand and fire animations for all directions) or only partial. If you can, post a preview picture.
If you're working on a sprite, please also post here to make sure nobody duplicates your work.
I suggest general discussion about sprites still goes in the Graphics thread, to keep this one clear.
At a pinch we could use the existing sprites (so I'd propose that this area is low priority). However, for maximum realism we should have:
French, in pantalon rouge - done
German, in Pickelhaube
British, in 1914 uniforms (can't we just use the 1916 uniform?)
US, in 1917 uniforms (use the British sprite?)
Fortress Infantry
I suggest a heavy weapon, such as a Vickers machine gun or '75 field gun, being fired. The Walk animation should show it being dragged/towed/carried.
Medium Tank - British - done
Medium Tank - German - done
Medium Tank - French (a St-Chaumond?)
Light Tank - British (a Whippet?)
Light Tank - French (an FT-17?)
Other countries: use the British medium sprite and the French light sprite (except Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey which could use the German medium sprite).
Fighter Aircraft
Basic Fighter (eg a Fokker Eindecker or FE.2)
Improved Fighter (eg a Nieuport or Fokker Triplane)
Advanced Fighter (eg a Sopwith Camel or Fokker D.VII)
Tactical Aircraft
Basic Tactical (eg a BE2c)
Improved Tactical (eg a RE.8)
Advanced Tactical (eg a Bristol F.2B)
Strategic Bomber Aircraft
Heavy Bomber (eg a Gotha)
Naval Aircraft
A seaplane of some description
Dreadnought - could use existing sprites.
Other Ships
Could use existing sprites, or perhaps add extra funnels to them!
If you have a sprite, please post a message to this thread describing what it is, and whether it's fully animated (with walk, stand and fire animations for all directions) or only partial. If you can, post a preview picture.
If you're working on a sprite, please also post here to make sure nobody duplicates your work.
I suggest general discussion about sprites still goes in the Graphics thread, to keep this one clear.
At a pinch we could use the existing sprites (so I'd propose that this area is low priority). However, for maximum realism we should have:
French, in pantalon rouge - done
German, in Pickelhaube
British, in 1914 uniforms (can't we just use the 1916 uniform?)
US, in 1917 uniforms (use the British sprite?)
Fortress Infantry
I suggest a heavy weapon, such as a Vickers machine gun or '75 field gun, being fired. The Walk animation should show it being dragged/towed/carried.
Medium Tank - British - done
Medium Tank - German - done
Medium Tank - French (a St-Chaumond?)
Light Tank - British (a Whippet?)
Light Tank - French (an FT-17?)
Other countries: use the British medium sprite and the French light sprite (except Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey which could use the German medium sprite).
Fighter Aircraft
Basic Fighter (eg a Fokker Eindecker or FE.2)
Improved Fighter (eg a Nieuport or Fokker Triplane)
Advanced Fighter (eg a Sopwith Camel or Fokker D.VII)
Tactical Aircraft
Basic Tactical (eg a BE2c)
Improved Tactical (eg a RE.8)
Advanced Tactical (eg a Bristol F.2B)
Strategic Bomber Aircraft
Heavy Bomber (eg a Gotha)
Naval Aircraft
A seaplane of some description
Dreadnought - could use existing sprites.
Other Ships
Could use existing sprites, or perhaps add extra funnels to them!