Yeah, but we know that many Lord & Ladies in the Riverlands secretly support them. It would be possible to be a Brotherhood supporter, if you are a Riverland lord. I like this idea.
Supported, not joined.
Yeah, but we know that many Lord & Ladies in the Riverlands secretly support them. It would be possible to be a Brotherhood supporter, if you are a Riverland lord. I like this idea.
I don't see a problem with having the Brotherhood Without Banners as a secret society, or at least don't agree with the objections to the idea that have been expressed thus far.
Fundamentally, it would be highly thematically similar to the Monastic Orders in vanilla Monks and Mystics. You can't really join them per se because you're a feudal lord and they're literally just a bunch of monks, but you can serve as a lay member and use your position of privilege to support them—as well as strive to uphold the same principles they preach in your own daily life. Obviously you wouldn't be participating in guerilla activities yourself as a "supporter" of the Brotherhood Without Banners, but you could be funneling them supplies, pulling strings to get their members out of being hanged, etc. Their principles of sticking up for the smallfolk could also inform (via society events) how you rule your people, maybe giving you traits like just and kind while costing you some prestige. Really, it would just be a secret and secular version of the vanilla Monastic Orders.
What about Water Dancers? They don't seem too wroth to me but incredibly patient and diligent. It seems having a Bravos society would be much like the vanilla one where you get good traits out of it.