By the way, RP, your kings in Burgundy have Norman culture. That translates to anglosaxon in my converter. Now, I could change this if I were given a good argument; 'norman' could arguably go to french, anglosaxon, or scandinavian - take your pick. I chose anglosaxon so that a historical, ie Norman, English dynasty would get its correct culture. But if you don't have a good argument, I suggest you change your King's culture to Dutch right quick, or you're going to end up with some very nasty culture issues in EU2.
Incidentally, this is a problem in several places, where the CK cultures don't really match what you'd expect for the EU2 cultures. This is fixable by softcoding where provinces are concerned, but more difficult for state cultures. I suggest you all download the converter, take a look at the latest save, and inform me if there are any really terrible issues with the conversion. While I'm confident mine is better than the inbuilt, if only because it gets cetnralisation right, I do want it to be as good as possible.