Introducing a new medieval period mod for EUII...
In a Nutshell:
-Timeframe: 844AD-1337AD
-Scenarios: 844, and in the future 1067 and 1205.
-Ideally, it will allow conversion into the AoI scenarios allowing gameplay from 844 to 1914. (Yet to be implemented)
Longer Explanation:
This mod I originally planned to create for the MWATK map but that was never completed and it's current version is inadequate for a proper game. So i decided to use the next best thing, the WATKABAOI map. I then came up with an idea, wouldn't it be awesome if you could play a medieval scenario and then be able to convert it into a renaissance game. And then MedWorld was born. This mod is designed to, as best as possible, be converted into the WATKABAOI 1337 scenario. Ofcourse this is yet to be tested as the mod is not finished.
Status and To-Do List:
1: add 876 scenario
.............a) add european nations....................-done
.............b) adjust known provinces.................-mostly done
.............c) adjust religions............................-done for europe
.............d) adjust diplomacy..........................-vassals only
.............e) add asian nations.........................-done
.............f) CoTs..........................................-done
.............g) add armies..................................-basic
2: add AI files..............................................-partial
3: adjust tech tables.....................................-done
4: add major events.......................................-prescribed european events, partially written
5: add monarch lists......................................-partial
6: add leader lists
7: add flags and shields..................................-partial
8: adjust national colours................................-done for starting nations
9: rewrite culture system................................-in progress
10: add 1067 scenario
.............a) nation placement/tech...................-partial, Europe completed
.............b) religions
.............c) CoTs
.............d) diplomacy/interaction
11: add 1205 scenario
.............a) nation placement/tech
.............b) religions
.............c) CoTs
.............d) diplomacy/interaction
12: add other events
In a Nutshell:
-Timeframe: 844AD-1337AD
-Scenarios: 844, and in the future 1067 and 1205.
-Ideally, it will allow conversion into the AoI scenarios allowing gameplay from 844 to 1914. (Yet to be implemented)
Longer Explanation:
This mod I originally planned to create for the MWATK map but that was never completed and it's current version is inadequate for a proper game. So i decided to use the next best thing, the WATKABAOI map. I then came up with an idea, wouldn't it be awesome if you could play a medieval scenario and then be able to convert it into a renaissance game. And then MedWorld was born. This mod is designed to, as best as possible, be converted into the WATKABAOI 1337 scenario. Ofcourse this is yet to be tested as the mod is not finished.
Status and To-Do List:
1: add 876 scenario
.............a) add european nations....................-done
.............b) adjust known provinces.................-mostly done
.............c) adjust religions............................-done for europe
.............d) adjust diplomacy..........................-vassals only
.............e) add asian nations.........................-done
.............f) CoTs..........................................-done
.............g) add armies..................................-basic
2: add AI files..............................................-partial
3: adjust tech tables.....................................-done
4: add major events.......................................-prescribed european events, partially written
5: add monarch lists......................................-partial
6: add leader lists
7: add flags and shields..................................-partial
8: adjust national colours................................-done for starting nations
9: rewrite culture system................................-in progress
10: add 1067 scenario
.............a) nation placement/tech...................-partial, Europe completed
.............b) religions
.............c) CoTs
.............d) diplomacy/interaction
11: add 1205 scenario
.............a) nation placement/tech
.............b) religions
.............c) CoTs
.............d) diplomacy/interaction
12: add other events
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