Lannistercest, I'm coming. Trying to salvage the relationship AT ANY COST. ಠ⌣ಠ
Quick update: ACOK, Joffrey won the war against the North in record time and Jaime was released. It took quite a lot of cheating and testing around to get him back in Cersei's bed, here a condensed version:
1) give_title c_darry Lancel
2) play Lancel
3) event "break up with lover"
4) play Jaime
5) move Cersei
6) event "visit chamber" Cersei
7) realise you just made Cersei fall for herself, say "fuck!", then laugh because it's so very
8) give_title c_whatever Cersei (keep track of its previous owner! You'll give it back to him later, we just need his castle for ... things.)
9) play Joffrey
10) transfer Cersei to Jaime's vassals
11) raise levies at Cersei's location / move those from White Sword Tower over; assign Jaime as the army's leader
12) play Cersei
13) event 450 -> encourage Jaime's affections
14) play Jaime
15) wait a few days for event 451 to trigger, visit Cersei's chamber
16) play Cersei
17) wait a few days for a pretty cool event you're unlikely to ever get in normal play, choose option "What took him so long?!" -> Cersei and Jaime are now finally where they belong, i.e. in each others' breeches
18) play Jaime
19) give_title c_whatever previous_owner -- Cersei should be back in the Iron Throne's court now, if not, play as Joffrey and move Cersei via console
20) kill any possible husbands Cersei might have acquired during her brief period of stupid AI control
21) lean back in your seat with the White Book before you, look awesome in your golden armour, flash a smile and say "The Things I do for love". Then go and rut.
The things I do for love. Really, there should be an event for Cersei to switch back to Jaime as her lover when he returns.