On the Taoist, I will fix that, thanks for commenting about it. It should be tao_opinion, because there is a religion in game with code name of "tao".
Big blobs? Nah, I actually really enjoy the balkanized approach. Have you checked out the Lux submod for Less Balkanized Lux Invicta? It makes some larger realms for people who don't enjoy the chaos of small realms as much. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/submod-less-balkanised-lux-invicta.1124803/
Big blobs? Nah, I actually really enjoy the balkanized approach. Have you checked out the Lux submod for Less Balkanized Lux Invicta? It makes some larger realms for people who don't enjoy the chaos of small realms as much. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/submod-less-balkanised-lux-invicta.1124803/