I think Kaisyd's and maybe some other minors, get their vampire traits but no base/inherited disciplines on being embraced?
Ah yes, looks like I was mistaken in part. You need either the base trait, from vampire strain/clan presumably, or the advanced many old vampires start with, though the tooltip only mentions base trait and complains about it missing even with the advanced trait. If you can get sufficient resonance experience from nomming others, you can still unlock the perks with the advanced trait. Though you cannot choose a resonance focus as in screenshots or previous versions (removed feature?). You would have to diablerize vampires to gain access to new resonance trees like animal though.had this problem too. couldn't pick any talents from the animal tree. did I miss a button? first timer to this mod.
Having the Animalism Trait or the Advanced Animalism trait should let you buy perks in the Animalism tree. Having Protean or Advanced Protean should let you pick perks in the Protean Tree. As you are a Nosferatu, you should start with Animalism (or if you are an elder in canon, have Advanced Animalism).i guess I just don't know what the base discipline trait is or how to get it. Do I have to do a quest or something in order to spend perk points? theres nothing in any of my event tabs or decisions that would indicate to me why these perk points are greyed out when I have a point to spend. Seems like a bug.
heres a screenshot
Actually, I have implemented it (in the attached files). It makes the whole branch learned if a character has an associated trait or advanced discipline. Feel free to use it as you see fit.Some characters have traits or advanced disciplines that usually are given at the end of lifestyle branch. I think it would be more consistent if such characters already had the whole branch learned and were restricted from learning other lifestyle perks, while younger vampires could learn new perks freely.
Actually, I have implemented it (in the attached files)...
Overhauling? Not really, vanilla lifestyles are important to the gameplay (they are the trigger for the majority of CK3's events) and work well enough for most creatures of the WoD. We will certainly tweak them a little (like the Gallant tree, arguably overpowered for vampires right now).
I wanted to get something productive done this evening but I have to try this.Earlier I suggested a feature
Actually, I have implemented it (in the attached files). It makes the whole branch learned if a character has an associated trait or advanced discipline. Feel free to use it as you see fit.
Maybe it's me the guy you're talking about ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ , I'm actually translating your work.I think someone is already working on a chinese translation (or as said as such in the discord). I don't have his name (Sparc might). Anyway though, you are welcome to translate the mod if you want to.
Fixed in out development build. PDS changed the prestige levels from 10 to 5 in script_values.hey if anyone could clarify for me since im not sure whats going on but is unifying Italy purposely broken or am i missing something? because its telling me i need level 9 prestige and as far as im aware theirs only 5 levels.