I would recommend "Dark Ages : British Isles" as a good sourcebook for the interconnection between vampires and werewolves in Dark Ages. And especially between Fianna and Mithras.
Yes, I'm using it.
What's Ireland for vampires? Ireland is three dominions: Uilidh, ruled by Eileen, who is tributary to Mithras; The Pale, vassal of London under De Warrene; The Connachta, bestial Ventru who accept leadership of Rory of Kerry. Werewolves? Of course there are werewolves, they're raiding, you better stay in cities; but consider them as
polities? Are you kidding?
For werewolves? Tara is Fianna's capital caern. Beyond the Pale, we're saying about one caern in Ulster, some caerns in Connacht (where also "some creature", called "the Thief" and "Witch of Connacht"; she is only named vampire in werewolves' outlook, as she hunt werewolves. Rory of Kerry? De Warren? who?). Pale is despoiled by Circle of Red (which isn't even mentioned in vampire overlook). Of course there are vampires there, they always stalk human cities if unchecked, but werewolves can't attack because Circle of Red, so it goes.
The same is for England.
For vampires, it's, beyond any kind of doubt, Baronies of Avalon, Mithras' realm. There is some kind of lupines who attacking, but doesn't they always, we're living in Dark Ages, after all. We would even sent our enemies into lupin-infested wilds, to ensure they would be ripped.
For werewolves, though, England is a throne seat of Simon du Austere Howl,
High KIng of Silver Fangs, with realms of Fenrir on the east and Fianna in the west (who are fighting). Leeches? Sure, there are leeches in human cities, but who cares about their politics? Mithras (or, well, any vampire) doesn't even mentioned in werewolves' outlook. Until Circle of Red happened in 1220, Fenrirs had a caern in London, of all places
For Hermetics, by the way, it's the land to fight Massasa War, and, yeah, there is some strange vampire cult of solar deity, some offshot of Mithraism, which can be, possibly, likely, directed against Tremere.
For Fianna, it's not leeches who should be wrestled for Britain, it's Fenrirs and Silver Fangs.
Then, when we win, we would purge human cities from leeches, but it wouldn't be a war, it would be pest control. If we would deal with Circle of Red, of course.
For vampires, it's another vampires who should be wrestled for Britain. Of course, as we do it we should be aware of this pesky flea-carriers; well, don't leave cities. Why would you anyway. Until you're Magda; if you're Magda, please, let them eat you already.
It's not like Garou of Britain never cross their ways with vampires; of course they are. And of course, there would be personal vendettas, daring attacks on citadels, despoiling caerns, things like this. My point is that political map is very different depends on who you asking - vampires or lupines, because neither consider each other as polities. Salisbury would be a city in the Fief of Winchester and the Protector’s Caern lead by Simon du Austere Howl, the same time.