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Princes of Darkness, Version 1.3.0, "Corvinus", Change Log, March 17, 2021
- Updated for CK3 1.3.0 "Corvus" Update

- 1.3 compatibility. - Sparc
- Einherjar have Gruesome Festivals with Northern Lords Flavor Pack. - Sparc
- Gangrel Dynasty has access to Adventurer and Pillage Legacies. - Sparc
- Ravnos Dyansty has access to Adventurer legacy. - Sparc
- Added 21 new custom investigations. - Karde
- Added 16 characters. - Karde
- Added 7 Great Persons, bringing us to 85 Great Persons in the mod right now. - Karde
- Added Kemintiri's investigation. - Karde
- Bald canon character fix. - Sparc, Wata, Karde and Kukul
- Show more Traits GUI fix. - Wata
- Show prowess in character attribute lists. - Redguard
- Random Toreador, Malkavians and Einherjar may be poets. - Sparc
- Poet is a virtue for Conscience and Devoted to Michael doctrines. - Sparc
- Berserker is a virtue to Road of the Beast. - Sparc
- Izhim ur Baal, Rhys the Rhymer, Guillaume de Lorris, Aighar akhu Quzmanand and Ki Yuen are poets. - Sparc

According to CK3 wiki in 1.3 Argentiera mine should have moved from a barony in Cagliari to Cagliari's capital holding.
Did you miss that part or did you intentionally leave it where it was?

That's where Helena of Troy starts in PoD and also that just freaking happens to be the character I'm starting from, I was even eyeing that mine very recently and cursing in the vein of "damn, another special building wasted on a baron, PI really shouldn't do that to people" then I see the patch notes and I get "hell yeah!" only to look at it in "1.3-updated" version of PoD and see it's still NOT there in it. The resulting "Grrrrr factor" is out of this world...

Anyway, the question is real and meaningful - are you gonna update it any time soon or should I just start my game already without it?

Edit: Nevermind the urgency. I just went and home-brewed me some mines. I'd still would rather not do it myself every time. BTW wanna guess what was my last game before I installed PoD? It was an Iceland run. Yup. I did an iceland run right before PI added more real-estate to Iceland... And then I switch from that straight to Cagliari... That's... one heck of a coincidence.

(modded Iceland from LotK though, but that's an irrelevant story, then again LotK hasn't updated past 1.3 so I guess that IS somewhat relevant...)

We have a Wiki that can answer a lot of questions about how to play the mod.

If only.
At least it didn't answer MY lot of questions.
Last time I checked (and that was very recently) I only found 11 pages there.

I'm not familiar with any form of PnP WoD.
All my involvement with WoD is limited to the 2 video games. Namely Redemption and bloodlines. (Didn't play CK2's version of PoD either.)
What I AM well familiar with is the fact that fluff loses most of its value during conversion from tabletop with real master and real people to video games with stricter rules, engine limitations, and increased importance of balance over RP.

Descriptions like "You gain supernatural balance and grace, becoming able to walk and even [missing some word here?] across the slimmest of ledges and supports." are a prime example of what I'm talking about. If this was taken out of a perk description in an action video game I'd take it at face value, sure it's a perk that expands my movement options. In PnP I know I could bounce it off of my GM whenever I feel like it should be usable. In a conversion from PnP game to GSG though? Yeah... not buying it. Somehow I'm rather sceptical about seeing an event where I'll see a direct effect of my supposed new ability, so as far as I'm concerened, fluff be damned, all I can expect to to put to use from it are the stated +5 to resitance to 3 different scheme types.

But as SOME point some parts of all that fluff can become quite real and tangible, yet you can never be sure where that happens before it happens unless you're the one who made the conversion.

And that basically means you can't (well at least I can't, I like to play my games well informed) comfortably play PnP>VG conversions without a manual made specifically for said conversions.

For example we have Kiasyd bloodline in the mod (What can I say? I have a soft spot for weird and rare things like this, so this caught my attention). With some of them having Mytherceria trait and some having Mytherceria Advanced trait. But there's no such focus in the mod. So is it actually implemented somehow through events or are those just dead weight and/or placeholder traits?

Then there are concepts.
Like Diablerie. If you never played PnP WoD you don't have much of an idea about what it is. If you did you still can't be sure of what it is exactly in this particular mod.
Or I dunno... what about banes? Your ruleset rule mentioned them. I have a very vague idea of what those are and even less of an idea of what those are inside the actual PoD-modded CK3.

Or take blood sorcery for example. In-game tool-tip says "each faction has it's own way of invoking the power of the blood" or some-such.
But there's only one Blood Sorcery focus, and far as I can tell it all leads to the exact same list of powers.
Are there any actual IN-GAME events supporting those "own ways of invoking" or did you just use a lore-y description instead of a functional one?

And then there's just plain old "simple" questions. I find it hard to belive that it'll actualy take me ~200 months to get one perk point. So I'm pretty sure monthly focus XP is NOT going to be my main source of advancement like it was in vanilla game. But the mod doesn't give me an overview of other sources of focus XP. So how am I supposed to make an estimate?

I could continue pelting you with questions but I believe it's now apparent enough that I have too many of them, and more importantly, apparent enough WHY I have too many of them. So lets cut to the chase - could you please increase the priority of making a manual for PoD?

It's indubitably not going to be there in time to save me from the horrors of having to blindly stumble my way into the rules of the game I'm playing (I REALLY don't get people who like playing their games that way) but maybe this will be in time to save the other like-minded individuals that decide to "get into" your mod later.

Has Happened:
Red-XIII got "doesn't know the rules of the game" modifier: -95% stress loss, game confuse scheme success chance +1000%.
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You are awfully harsh for a mod made by (until literally last month) two guys on their spare time. Can we do better to explain things? Yes, of course. Will you ever get the professionally made experience of a professional game by actual paid devs with years of experience? You won't, ever.

We have an active discord where we answers questions such as yours. We have this wiki (yes this "only like 11 pages wiki", also made by the same two guys to help new players) where we actually describe disciplines and what they do, one of your critics. And their effects is getting better explained in game each patch. Some disciplines don't do anything yet, like Myther for Kiasyd, because, you guessed it, it's just a mod. We improve on them each patch, blood sorcery and vicissitude are prime example of those.

Critics are fine, reports are also fine (we will change the Cagliari stuff, it's slipped by us because a freaking entire DLC dropped on us in three days of warning with hundred of changed files and we scrambled to have a working mod as soon as possible despite this), but please, keep in mind that this is a work of passion by some guys in their basements, not a state of art game made by an experienced team like PDX.
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And then there's just plain old "simple" questions. I find it hard to belive that it'll actualy take me ~200 months to get one perk point. So I'm pretty sure monthly focus XP is NOT going to be my main source of advancement like it was in vanilla game. But the mod doesn't give me an overview of other sources of focus XP. So how am I supposed to make an estimate?
Most of your questions confuse the hell out of me too, but this one i can answer: drinking from your herd gives you between 25 and 500 xp a to a discipline bundle (sanguine and whatnot, except animal, you have to drink from animals for that) depending on their resonance (which seems to be entirely random). This is your main source of xp for disciplines. So my approach is to drink a sip from each of the herd each 1 or 2 months, and stick my focus on the classic lifestyles because there seem to be few other sources of those sorts of xp.
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Yes, you gain resonance/disciplines XP by hunting mortals. The type of resonance and quality is depending on the "quality" of the mortal and his traits. There is a chart.

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According to CK3 wiki in 1.3 Argentiera mine should have moved from a barony in Cagliari to Cagliari's capital holding.
Did you miss that part or did you intentionally leave it where it was?

That's where Helena of Troy starts in PoD and also that just freaking happens to be the character I'm starting from, I was even eyeing that mine very recently and cursing in the vein of "damn, another special building wasted on a baron, PI really shouldn't do that to people" then I see the patch notes and I get "hell yeah!" only to look at it in "1.3-updated" version of PoD and see it's still NOT there in it. The resulting "Grrrrr factor" is out of this world...

Anyway, the question is real and meaningful - are you gonna update it any time soon or should I just start my game already without it?
What if I told you that mine was always there for the taking...
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What if I told you that mine was always there for the taking...
Now we are talking mines by the way, why did you remove the Mali mines? I was planning on moving the shadow curtain to Mali so I had more gold to feed my army of Zmei and to get away from all the inquisitors :D
Nothing intended. We have to change each province file (since we need to make them of one of our religions and not a vanilla's one) and maintaining them to follow vanilla's changes of them is quite complicated and, quite frankly, a chore. So we often miss things.
Nothing intended. We have to change each province file (since we need to make them of one of our religions and not a vanilla's one) and maintaining them to follow vanilla's changes of them is quite complicated and, quite frankly, a chore. So we often miss things.
Oh okay, I thought it might have been a balance thing. You can have my version of the Mali history if you like. All I did was copy-paste special_building_slot = mali_mines_01 into the vanilla provinces. It works.


  • k_mali.txt
    8 KB · Views: 0
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Last time I checked (and that was very recently) I only found 11 pages there.

And then there's just plain old "simple" questions. I find it hard to belive that it'll actualy take me ~200 months to get one perk point. So I'm pretty sure monthly focus XP is NOT going to be my main source of advancement like it was in vanilla game. But the mod doesn't give me an overview of other sources of focus XP. So how am I supposed to make an estimate?

Now 13 pages! An ominous, cursed number!

POD Wiki: Resonance

Also, for the record, we did not leave players completely in the dark. Since day 1 of Princes of Darkness Mod for CK3 (and day 1 of CK3), resonance has been listed in the game concepts inside the mod, inside the game play.

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Then there are concepts.
Like Diablerie. If you never played PnP WoD you don't have much of an idea about what it is. If you did you still can't be sure of what it is exactly in this particular mod.

* note: we removed agents from the diablerie scheme to make it less easy. Also, you can diablerize prisoners.
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Princes of Darkness, Version, "Herd Automation", Change Log, March 21, 2021

Includes new Spanish Translation:

"¡El mod Princes of Darkness llega finalmente al español! Es una traducción MUY temprana. Habrá muchos bugs (Corrigiéndose y otros desconocidos) Pero debería ser suficiente para disfrutar del juego. ¡Si encuentras alguno, repórtalo para que pueda corregirlos! Toda ayuda es bienvenida. ¡A través de las sombras perseveramos!"

Change Log:
- Herd automation. - Thaumaturge
- Spanish translation. - Nikuzo
- Chinese translation updates. - Chilemiao
- Fixed the missing culture and religion of new provinces. - Karde
- Fixed the missing Kukul's portraits. - Karde
- Added the Poet trait to some more characters. - Karde
- Fix vassal contract GUI. - Thaumaturge
- Hair and beards fixes for canon characters and easter eggs. - Sparc
- Survey loading screen. - Sparc
- Fixed the lifestyles initialization event trying to give perks to unlanded chars (which is illegal). - Karde
- Fixed a wrong trigger in Gehenna_omen (looking from is_vampire from an empty event). - Karde
- Tweaks to the last Glycon and Witches of Echidna to have less one sided stats, but overall better ones. - Karde
- Fixed the last witch of echidna spawning in "Calabria straits" a non existing province. - Karde
- Fixes for c_trent, k_mali and k_sardinia. - Karde
- Fixed the last Glycon and Witches of Echidna not getting blood potency. - Karde
- Baali houses modifiers tweaked so that they hate their own house less
- Marriage fixes. - Kukul
- The marriage window now defaults to "all" and not "fertile" to propose candidates. - Kukul
- New, legacy track for hunters. - Kukul
- Some fixes to the Antediluvian hunt quest. - Karde
- ^ Yes, you read that correctly. Surprise! It was in the 1.3.0 update! ^
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You are awfully harsh...
I've been told I'm harsh in general. I mean no hostility by it, just trying to underline the importance or information.
Also important to keep in mind that the modification itself is quite extensive, regardless of how many people it was made by.
Which is why it raises so many questions.
Most of your questions confuse the hell out of me too, but this one i can answer: drinking from your herd gives you between 25 and 500 xp a to a discipline bundle (sanguine and whatnot, except animal, you have to drink from animals for that) depending on their resonance (which seems to be entirely random). This is your main source of xp for disciplines. So my approach is to drink a sip from each of the herd each 1 or 2 months, and stick my focus on the classic lifestyles because there seem to be few other sources of those sorts of xp.
Thanks, that was useful.
Anything you can tell me about mentors?

And before anyone gets an idea to play the smartass again, yes I've read the game concepts. That's how I learned about mentors in the first place.
But that description is too vague.
Yes, you gain resonance/disciplines XP by hunting mortals. The type of resonance and quality is depending on the "quality" of the mortal and his traits. There is a chart.

Saw that already. Still leaves the question of how many. In-game concepts don't say so either.
There are different approaches to giving out info to the players and there seems to be a strong (and weird to me) trend of never giving people the numbers.
Would you like it if building tool-tips in ck said "this next upgrade is going to give you more taxes and more levies"?
I know I wouldn't.
What if I told you that mine was always there for the taking...
o_O ?
What if I asked you what exactly do you mean?
Vampires can't control a mine in Cagliari? This mod is unplayable. You better stop until it gets patched!
No technically they can (and actually do - baron of Iglesias is also a vampire, you know). Just need to hold a non-capital barony. Which makes it not worth it most of the time.
Would you still start a game of CK knowing that playing that same character is about to get to feel more rewarding in a freaking day or two? (People like gimmicks, I'm no exception)

P.S. Is it just me or did a hell of a lot of people overreact to my post?
Do I sound that agro?
You tease! Any hints on what direction one would need to go in to try this?
You can't miss it actually (unless you are not playing a Cainite obviously). It will happen during an appropriate time for it (so when the young are rebelling).

Triggering the event is very easy. Succeeding in it though... it's almost impossible (unless you cheat obviously) though there are ways to ease the process.
Anything you can tell me about mentors?
You can ask anyone with whom you have a special relationship (lover, friend, soulmate and best friend) for mentoring as a character interaction (right-click their portrait.) It should be mentioned that they can only teach you disciplines they themselves possess and it will cost you prestige and stress.
You can't miss it actually (unless you are not playing a Cainite obviously). It will happen during an appropriate time for it (so when the young are rebelling).
Ah, haven’t played through to the revolt in this patch. Can *every* Ante be hunted or just the “living” ones(so no Ventru/Saulot/etc.)?