I've been playing your mod the past 2 weeks and I've been enjoying it thoroughly. I've done a Tzimisce game and now playing with Helena of Troy. I was reading an earlier discussion on this forum with that Red XIII fella. I must say the patience and understanding you showed was commending. If Red XIII tone wasn't the most diplomatic, he made a few fair points and one in particular:
I do agree with him that you guys should sort out what you have before you add extra systems. However, if he meant balance, I, on the other hand, mean flavor.
The amount of changes and the content that is right now in the mod is pretty incredible. This is quite an achievement ! Sure it's unbalanced, sure the AI, already lacking in vanilla, doesn't really get it but none of that matters because it's FUN. I did feel I was playing a vampire of enormous powers, I did feel stuck in a millenia long struggle and I did feel that most those characters are half mad, half sociopath. Congratulations because I'm not a guy who plays mods usually, I'm very vanilla in every game I play but this one caught me.
To give some context maybe regarding my comments, I never played Vampire DA or Masquerade, I read both rulebooks and some extensions, I decided Dark Ages seemed more fun and wrote a campaign that I never managed to master because I travel all the time with my job. One day, I hope. What I'm saying is that I'm familiar with the World of Darkness but I'm not a specialist, I don't know every bits and pieces of lore. Which means I don't have particular expectations regarding this or that character, or this or that narrative ark. As a matter of fact, the campaign I wrote was based in Jerusalem and when I read the official Jerusalem book I ditched it because it seemed a bit dumb and I started from scratch. I love the setting of VDA, I like the lore, I like how they designed vampires, but I read a few campaigns and to be honest, I don't like them so much. It's very... American. Comic Books style. Full of cliché, lacks subtlety and it's too black and white for Vampires. But I digress. What I want to say about that is that I don't feel compelled that this mod should strictly follow the canon.
Anyways, enough of context!
Just a few quick tweaks that would be nice before going to the core of the topic:
It would be practical to allow replenishment of summoned and spawned army. I know that for the sake of balance it's a tough call, but the simple reason is that it makes army management tedious when you have 10 regiments of 1-3 gouls, 5-6 regiments of 1-3 mass embraced vampires etc... Maybe there are other ways this could be balance. Yearly cost of blood? Monthly masquerade exposure risk?
Herd management would deserve it's own menu at some point in the future.
Fixing the ages of vampire would be cool as well. But maybe you have a hard coded cap you can't break. Like Helena of Troy should be way older than 1170ish years old.
Polish what you have is what I mostly want to say. Don't waste time on trying to balance things out yet because, it's a Paradox Game, it's never balanced and doesn't have to be, you want a challenge? Pick that count surrounded by three kings with each a claim on you. You want to lay back? start in Ireland. People choose their balance within the game, but the game is not balanced if you see what I mean and doesn't have to be. So I wouldn't spend too much time on that unless something is utterly broken, like the Zmei
I think Disciplines could be a nice focus, at the moment, some of them don't exist (like the Fae thing and I think Obtenebration) some are really nice (Vicissitude) and some are mostly flat bonuses (Obfuscate) which is ok, the bonuses make sense, but it lacks gameplay and flavor. Why is Vicissitude so much fun? Because you interact a lot with it, I enjoyed fleshcrafting my ghouls, I enjoyed summoning nightmarish creatures. I felt my character was an adept of vicissitude, it felt like a lifestyle, like Rurik Rustovich end of the night routine : "alright, finished my night at the office, gonna kiss my wife and fleshcraft my latest ghoul while sipping a glass of blood before going to bed" hahahahaha. Obfuscate on the other hand, I never feel I have it, I never feel my vampire is this night stalker "shadow amongst the shadows" beast eavesdropping in every corner of the city.
Your mod will never be balanced and doesn't have to be, your mod is a RPG development of a semi RPG platform, what makes your mod so great is the RPG aspect, not painting the map with your color. So my advice is: go full on RPG. Take your time, develop the disciplines so they feel like a lifestyle, change the flavor texts of some scheme or decisions ("Call for Hunt" comes to mind, "Hunt Mortal" flavor text based on predator type could be nice), keep adding events and quests. Those are the kind of changes I would enjoy, I don't care playing the Inquisition or having a new starting date, or invading america with Baba Yaga. I want this immersion in the Vampire Dark Age world to go even deeper. I want every discipline to feel like they are an actual part of my character (like Vicissitude), I want quests, I want custom flavor text, I want fucked up events where some crazy Antediluvian or even Methuselah arise and start messing up with the world. And I do not care if it's canon or not. Though I would understand it would be shocking for the hardcore fans.
So yeah, those are my thoughts on your mod at the moment. It's a great mod, thank you for making it, and moreover, thank you for all this fun I had the past two weeks!
Golf India