Thanks for the kind words.
Your marshal can train your knights up to 30 prowess with his dedicated task. It's obviously quicker if he is good at his job.
Beyond that, the short answer is : you can't. No amount of training will make you as powerful as Jamal or Menele. So the real answer to "how to improve my knights?" is to acquire more powerful characters for your court. There are multiples way of doing that but one popular one (especially for Helena) is to filter the character finder for unlanded people and sort them by prowess then summon and/or seduce them to come to your court. You can also fabricate hooks on them, start a revenant breeding program (especially if you are Tzimisce)....
For Inquisitors, it's mainly about buildings, but Inquisitors will always be less powerful prowess wise than vampires, it's by design (and lore). They have other advantages though.