There is a bug in my game. Some characters appear without clothes particularly the chaplain. And my ruler character appears to not be wearing any pants?
At least we can get resistance to delay schemes. There are buildings that can be built in every holding to give scheme success chance that essentially scales with domain limit but scholar religion aside nothing to counter that. Hostile scheme success chance reductions from disciplines are not abundant enough to counter that. Getting 95% success against characters even without agents is trivial.There's so much plot resistance in the majority of discipline trees that everyone is pretty much untouchable. You already get a fat bonus to resistance because of title rank. 30% protection from being an emperor and then 15% for every perk you pick up from a discipline tree and those perks are littered everywhere.
4. Marriage is a contentious subject between me and Sparc. The current situation is a compromise between our stances and unlikely to change, except small tweaks.
1. Often requested, not worked on right now but will probably happen at some point.
2. A contract is already supposed to do that, it's not yet functional though.
3. It shouldn't really happen, unless the mortals you are landing are related to the von Murnau or you are playing the Inquisitor bookmark as a vampire (which isn't really intended).
4. Marriage is a contentious subject between me and Sparc. The current situation is a compromise between our stances and unlikely to change, except small tweaks.
5. Royal Court seems perfect for that. So we will wait for this DLC for primogens.
The medieval practice of "Blood Marriage" as typified by the modern "Vermillon Wedding" by Victoria Ash of Clan Toreador with Tegyrius of the Banu Haqim, allowed the Preservationists of the Banu Haqim to enter into the Camarilla en masse. That it is a "medieval practice" was retconned into the canon by V5. But events like Alexander of Paris with Lorraine (childe of Salianna) can be interpreted as a similar sort of blood marriage.The revenants producing hunters should be investigated, sounds weird. Glad you liked the endgame narrative events.
For the marriage thing...
- Sparc thinks that love (and even marriage) is a staple of vampire medias, where they often are depicted as sensual creatures and that kind of thing. As such, he would prefer unrestricted marriages for all vampires in the mod (which isn't the case right now, some faiths are forbidding it).
- I am more of a purist and in the WoD, vampire marriage isn't a thing (barring some very rare exceptions) so I would prefer no marriage at all (except very specific exceptions) and replacing them with a free alliance slot for all vampires.
So the current statut quo is a compromise between these two stances.
What about giving all vampires a huge marriage malus sort of like how some religions get the "your concubines are sacrilegious" modifier and then rename the elope scheme to blood marriage or something?The medieval practice of "Blood Marriage" as typified by the modern "Vermillon Wedding" by Victoria Ash of Clan Toreador with Tegyrius of the Banu Haqim, allowed the Preservationists of the Banu Haqim to enter into the Camarilla en masse. That it is a "medieval practice" was retconned into the canon by V5. But events like Alexander of Paris with Lorraine (childe of Salianna) can be interpreted as a similar sort of blood marriage.
There is also issues when we fight against a core mechanic of CK3. Sometimes we get away with it, sometimes the engine and countless events rebel against us, such as our ongoing jyhad against Vampire babies.
We should put the question to the current WOD team how common is blood marriage supposed to be in the the 1200-1500s.
1. Could be interesting but not necessary.I have suggestions from a combination of playing the mod while watching kindred: the embraced.
1. Give a mortal/ghoul to a vassal/childe vampire for them to turn (Especially would be good for those historical event mortals.)
2. disallow/allow a childe permission to embrace (maybe using the permission to marry switch? disallow the event if ticked? id that works.)
3. Sending notification event to liege's when a landed mortal becomes a hunter? It's a bit of a surprise when you go to check your ghoul subjects are marrying correctly and see they're all hunters.
4. Can AI ghouls/revs be banned for marrying vamps? as they really like to and then, cant have kids.
5. Primogens? extra court positions or even a tab with a slot for each clan and only members of that clan can fill? Idk how or what thatd do but you know, Primogens. maybe just a vanity title?
any of these sound good?