Princes of Darkness, Version, September 14, 2020
- Diablerie scheme has been massively reworked and expanded. Scheme targets will now try to avoid the diablerie through use of fleeing, hiding, mesmerism or entrancement (this is not even the final form!) Failing that, they will fight their attacker. Risks are much greater now, and failure more likely than not. This was a highly requested feature. Torpor vampires can no longered be diablerized, we will write a separate event chain for that. - Sparc
- Added a telepathy power to discover a secret from target. - thaumaturge
- Added an interaction to blood bond prisoner. - thaumaturge
- Improved blood bonds with a flag to determine if you already have a full bond with someone else and piety costs for religions that are against bonding . Plus an extremely minor event in which you get stress. - thaumaturge
- Added a personal interaction to reduce masquerade exposure, has several options. - thaumaturge
- Rough fix for female player characters embracing childer and being regarded as potential heris. - Jernfalk
- Huge update to localizaiton - FaolDeTeine
- Fix for missing 10th generation secret assignment for Unclear lines of descent for independent Dynasties in Character Generator. - Sparc
- Canon vampires at 1230 will be at least 16 years old. - Sparc
- The ratio of random unlanded characters being mortals vs. vampires has greatly increased in favor of mortals. - Sparc
- Blood Surges now last one year with a three year cooldown. - Sparc
- All vampires may now spawn armies with mass ghouls and mass embraced vampires. - Sparc
- Shapeshifted forms no longer have a duration. A character is in a shifted form until they make a decision to revert to 'human'. Characters must return to human before taking on another non-humanoid form. If you are a 3D modeller who is reading this change log, we could use your help with some shapeshift forms. Yes, you. - Sparc
- Diablerie, Summon, Entrance, Rationalize, Bloodbond schemes no longer can target vampires in torpor. - Sparc
- Added Nagaraja, Kiasyd, Maeghar, Gargoyle, True Brujah, Old Clan Tzimisce, Harbringer of Skulls and Cacophony to inherit clan effect. - Sparc
- Unlimited Vassal Contract Modification. - iCECORE
- Found mortals now has a more accurate representation of what sort of people you would find randomly at night on the medieval era. - Karde
- Peasant leaders are no longer all reincarnations of Alexander giving you an easy 30+ martial prisoner whenever you want. Goes into common/scripted_character_templates. - Karde
- Reduced the likelihood of peasant faction spawning to make room for other, more threatening ones. - Karde
- Fix for Vlad, Tyler and Giangaleazzo not actually adventuring after spawning. - Karde
- Fix for the dynasty legacy unlocking part of the objectives. - Karde
- Fix for broken Werter DNA. - Karde
- Greatly boosted our Adventurers (+Izhim) event armies, notably with men at arms. - Karde
- Fix for the titles objectives not having vamp elective. - Karde
- Fixed Aksum and Golconda mismatched realms. - Karde
- Fixed Izydor and Zamra Matoub localized names. - Karde
- Fixed Serbia's orthodox provinces. - Karde
- Expanded Via Liberatio's description. - Karde
- Fixed localization bug with presence. - Sparc
- Did a little fix in the masquerade increase scripted effect. - thaumaturge
- Added event type icons for auspex, dominate and presence. - hastur
- Added event themes for auspex, dominate and presence. - Sparc
- Road of Night now has conviction rather than conscience virtue tenet. - Sparc
- Vampires can now hunt mortals while at war. - Sparc
- Added interaction icons for Coverup Masquerade and Telepathy Spying. - Sparc
- Spawn Army and Call Animals now have a 12 month cool down. - Sparc
- You can no longer have a private herd of ghouled horses of variable quality. - Sparc
- One Hundred New Portraits!:
FaolDeTeine: Gratiano
Wata: John DeYork, Saint Regis, Viktor, Geoffrey du Temple, Goratrix, Matasuntha, Chinkhai, Thetmes, Sejanus, Isouda, Vencel Rikard, Magda, Hektor, Niktia, Aconia, Melusine, Hukros, Vola the Red, Antinous the Boy-King, Mithras (revision, now less "dweeby"), Morrow, Fabrizo Ulfilia, Roque, Arnulf Jörmungandrsson, Darvag, Marconius, Shaagra, Etienne De Poitiers, Petaniqu, Celestyn, Bindusara, Cretheus, Xavier de Cincao, Azaneal, Wulfgar, Milov Petrenkov, Norbert Von Xanten, Albin, Ardan Lane, Adana De Sforza, Antara, Montano (revision), Sophoniba, Jamal, Jerek Slobodny, Mandiraili Sotko, Titus Brutus, Jolanta, Eshumnazar, Geidas, Horst De Novara, Edward De Warene, Valdur, Guthur, Mikkel, Andreal, Gunnar Jacobson, Anatole, L'Enfant Perdu, Marcellus Rufus, Bela Rusenko, Dionysius, Fatima al-Faqadi, Fortinbras, Hilderic, Karmenita Yoryari, Leopold Valdemar, Rutor, Ismael
Jernfalk: Qarakh, Josephus
Miskatonic81: Anna Komnene
Tyronis: Callisti Y Castillo, Ambrosio Luis Mondcado, Natalya Syatoslav, Zamra Matoub, Alferic of Szatmar, Filaereus of Freistadt, Biturges, Divino, Karl the Blue, Lotharius, Mendacamina, Badr, Jurgen von Verden, Andreas Aegyptus, Erik Longtooth, Juliote De Sost, Veronique d'Orelans, Malgorzata, Constancia, Jarvais Bani, Tabitha al Masri
bickando: Fan Wan Kuei (revision), Chuang Tzu, Esclarmonde la Noire
Albin: Noriz, Velya the Flayer, Gorchist, Yorak, Tabak, Szechenyi Jolan