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Princes of Darkness, "Via Regalia", Version 1.15.0, 3/12/2025 New


Princes of Darkness, "Via Regalia", Version 1.15.0, 3/12/2025​

  • Compatibility with Crusader Kings III 1.15.0 "Crown" update and "Crowns of the World" DLC

Gameplay Additions​

  • Added a character interaction to offer one of the potions in your inventory to another character

Gameplay Changes​

  • The "Install New Ruler" CB now lets you choose beneficiaries who are already landed
  • Tweaked the logic for characters staying in your court when going from landed -> landless. Characters you'd be able to invite anyway (e.g. Coterie members or ghouls) stay with you. Also, former camp followers (if you went landless -> landed -> landless again) stay with you too, and can be reinvited in the future
  • Enabled the Ingame Character Creator trait for Adventurers in the Ruler Designer
  • Cleaned up various requirements for vampire mechanics that shouldn't show up for half-splats that don't participate in vampire politics (like ghoul hunters or ghouled werewolves)
  • Added a dedicated game rule for letting all splats learn Sorcery in Custom Mode (previously, it was part of the splat-mixing game rule)
  • Any splat can now recruit torpid vampires after waking them up, as long as they're able to have diplomatic relations with vampires in the first place (previously, it was just a few select ones like Black Spiral Dancers)
  • Integration of the monuments DLC into PoD (buildings effects and prerequisites tweaked, some locations changed to not conflict with PoD wonders etc). The game rule to enable them has thus been removed
  • Lucita's ghouls will now follow her if she choose to become landless via her starting event
  • Ghouls (with a master) are now protected from being culled by CK3 population control script
  • Removed sorcerer trait from existing characters that can't be sorcerers post Vecson's rework


  • Clarified some tooltips for domicile buildings that require Ashen Adventurer experience
  • Made sure the PoD "DLC" doesn't show up as "disabled" in the new DLC window
  • Added checkbox to crafting GUI to enable alert when cooldown for it has ended.


  • Added a debug interaction for forcing a character into prison and skipping the duel event that usually happens


  • Various tooltip/loc/grammar fixes
  • Added a bandaid fix to prevent torpid family members from joining your adventurer camp
  • Prevented the "Silence Missionaries" contract from firing its events multiple times
  • Fixed the Ashen Military Order domicile buildings that wouldn't get "saved" on the landless <-> landed transition
  • Updated the tooltips for being at your herd/ghoul cap since they're not based on stats anymore
  • Various small fixes (loca, misleading wraith dynasty legacy, wrong faith mortals pulled by scout talent, haven defenses losing properties at higher levels)
  • Fix for ambassador patrons becoming independent if gifted land by their landless ambassador
  • Fixed a weird script logic issue that resulted in Aquitaine inheriting Leon if Lucita became landless
  • Added a safeguard so that Fae/Demons who get trapped in the Umbra don't take their artifacts with them
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