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Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 8, Version 11/4/2024
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    Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 8, Version 11/4/2024​

    • Compatibility with Crusader Kings 3 version (Traverse) and Wandering Nobles DLC
    • The new DLC activities and lifestyles are in. Available for every splat.


    • Landless adventurers now get regional events and Great Persons
    • Landless characters can now invite other characters to their camp if they're Coterie members, servants (e.g. Herd members or bound Wraiths), or if you hold certain supernatural hooks on them (e.g. Conditioning or Strong Blood Oath)
    • If you create a Vampire in the Ruler Designer with no disciplines, the game now adds the appropriate clan disciplines automatically
    • Selecting a religion in the in-game character creator no longer assigns you a random faith from that religion. Instead, it opens a new GUI where you can select your faith manually
    • The duel during the Unholy Ascension Baali objective now uses your uncapped prowess
    • Inquisitors prospects are now from a random West European culture instead of always being the culture of their liege
    • You can now ask for Glamour enchantments even if you're full on Glamour (QoL for Kinain who want to learn new Arts)
    • Finishing the Constantinian objective now makes all Constantinian Fae faiths accept Hunters, instead of just the other way around
    • You can now gain Ferocity renown xp by preparing for war during your pack training #This should give the renown starved Bastet a more consistent option to rank up


    • Added knowledge of Blood Magic traditions to a few Easter Egg characters
    • The Keystone artifact no longer spawns at the start of the game. Instead, it spawns along with the other Eyestones if the Shattering happens. Also, the Eyestones no longer spawn if the Shattering is prevented
    • Dracon and Nikita taken over by Dracon now have a pressed claim on Byzantium
    • Thomas Feroux is now Greek culture for ease of access to rebuilding Constantinople


    • Moved the message feed a little to the left again so the added sidebar buttons from PoD don't prevent you from closing messages
    • Events where you can change a character's visual or real age now have a custom GUI that runs much faster than the previous event options
    • The vanilla travel start event is now skipped when starting a Journey, since they have their own intro events
    • The "Disloyal Champions" event now shows portraits of the champions


    • Made a certain lamb more shiny


    • Fixed the floating hair, teeth and clothes behind the Chiropteran Marauder form
    • Fixed the glitched inventory window (also fixed in the Search&Trade Artifacts compatch)
    • Fixed various crashes to desktop when hovering over tooltips in the Tal'Mahe'Ra window
    • Fixed the vanilla widget from scheme events so that it no longer expands outside its layout and messes up the event window
    • Picking a clan that knows Blood Sorcery in the in-game character creator now also gives you knowledge of the appropriate Traditions
    • Characters who can resurrect (e.g. Demons) will no longer get pruned and perma-killed if they become wanderers after losing all their land
    • Made sure to hide the message feed if PoD's sidebar windows (Journeys, Umbra, etc) are open so the messages don't clip with the window contents
    • Fixed a bug that would let you take certain Mummy decisions multiple times before closing the event window
    • Fixed an obscure bug that would let Gantenbeins convert to Via Set when visiting Ombos
    • Cleaned up some unlocalized modifiers
    • Deleted some duplicate texture files
    • Karelian culture now has starting counties following vanilla
    • Some loca fixes
    • Training in the umbra now costs flat piety with each training tick instead of a -piety multiplier modifier
    • Small stuff (tweaks to a predator event logic, temple of theotokos prerequisites fix, wraiths can absorb more horses, wights can be murdered)
    • Violetta is now properly a matron
    • Camelot is now longer literally unbreachable at higher levels
    • The fae reclamation CB now requires king+ level (it's using a vanilla CB that was never meant for dukes so won't work properly for them)
    • Demons can no longer use the Infernalist interaction to discover another Demon's True Name since they get their own version of the interaction
    • You can no longer try to discover a Demon's True Name after you've already bound them
    • Added a missing faith hostility doctrine to Iku
    • Forgiving characters can't "forgive" hooks on their clones anymore
    • Fixed an house unity decision issue
    • Small fixes (removed the useless fake lvl2 Parthenon, tomb building inconsistencies)
    • Fixed Rock Lord event not giving a starting blood sorcery flag
    • Soft Walker is now properly house head of the Raas
    • Fixed the Hanging Gardens not appearing for realsies this time. Probably
    • Fixed a rare case where the taint the land perk could result in not being able to siege some provinces
    • Changed Implacable Vengeance perk to account for potential stacking, also clarified that it works for all rivals and not just nemesis
    • Chinese translation by Chilemiao
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    Princes of Darkness, "Danse Macabre", Version 1.14.1
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    Princes of Darkness, "Danse Macabre", Version 1.14.1 11/19/2024
    • Compatibility with Crusader Kings 3 version 1.14.1 (Traverse) and Wandering Nobles DLC and Hotfix
    Game rule tweaks
    • Overhauled the game rule window to make it more compact
    • Added the ability to change certain game rules from POD while the game is ongoing
    • Added a "Custom" setting to the "Game Modes" game rule. Selecting it will give you access to a number of more granular game rules that let you mix and match the mechanics from Storyteller Mode, Samuel Haight Mode, and the default settings
    • Added a game rule for disabling Loyalty mechanics when Custom Mode is selected
    • Added an optional game rule for making endgame events like the Age of the Inquisition start sooner
    • Split the Patron & Easter egg game rule into 2 separate rules
    • Added an optional game rule for silly easter egg characters (previously, they were tied to Samuel Haight mode)

    Landless checks
    Note that landless is still in testing for PoD. Those are just incremental improvements, not an official release
    • Made an adjustment pass for landed triggers across the whole mod. Interactions, decisions, and events that previously required a landed user or target are now available for landless characters...
    • ...Within reason. Mechanics that have landed requirements (e.g. owning vassals, buildings, or certain landed titles) are still only available to landed characters. Other requirements weren't changed (for now).
    • Notable changes:
      • Enabled all artifact decisions (e.g. the Book of Nod) and custom character creation decisions (e.g. becoming a Ghoul by draining a prisoner in Haight mode) for landless characters
      • Landless characters can now advance their Dharma (for Kuei-Jin) or Rank (for Fera)
      • Landless Kuei-Jin and Fae can now foster heirs using their adoption decisions
      • Abilities that injure another character's knights can now target landless adventurers
      • Most generic Fae objectives can now be done by landless adventurers (stopping the Black Death, bringing back the Prodigals, etc)
      • Removed the building requirement from the Schemes of the Ratkin objective so that landless characters can fulfill the requirements
      • Many miscellaneous fixes for events that didn't fire for landless characters, like Umbra pet events

    • Set the default of the vanilla "Impact of Advantage" game rule to 2% (back to the pre-DLC value, until PoD's advantage modifiers get balanced)
    • The reset perks button has been removed #Prone to being exploited and doesn't make sense in the PoD vision for perks being powers
    • Made the Diablerie scheme work properly with the RTP scheme format and added a failure event
    • Added an opinion penalty when a knight leaves due to lack of loyalty, to prevent some edge cases where it was trivial to reinvite them after they leave
    • Inquisitors will now keep gaining Convictions XP from in-game actions (e.g. winning wars or gaining vassals) if they unlocked access to other types of Convictions from supporting other Inquisition orders
    • The costs and cooldowns of trait-editing abilities (like Will Over Form or Reweaving) are now only applied if you actually use the ability, not when opening the window
    • Added a Golconda only option for a Sargon Codex event to not make you 100% fall of Golconda with not outs
    • Werewolves can now gain wisdom rank XP by doing the spiritual quest option during pack training
    • Added a tooltip explaining Bastet kinfolk gift limitations
    • Nerfed an education 5 patron character
    • Removed unbondable as a potential crime trait #Caused issues and made dubious sense
    • The French event giving you true faith while converting you to via pura now also gives you a modifier making converting faiths very costly #The intent was always to have the event commit you to this faith and not just an easy way to gain true faith then switch back to your old faith
    • You can no longer steal artifacts from yourself with Sorcery
    • The Predator types events have been tweaked and their loca completely redone
    • Tweaked the werewolves buildings (and stewardship perk) to now look at Weaver alignment instead of warder of men faith #Meaning non WoM werewolves weaver aligned faiths can now also build stuff in high dev counties
    • AI ordinated inquisitors will now be more culturally varied (same fix as for players in the previous patch)
    • Achieving the Question of Horus objective as Cabirus now removes the eternally hunted modifier if you have it
    • When Hardy Jr awakens, he will now lose his existing relationships
    • The mummy legacy buildings cost is no longer (literally) over 9000
    • Ward against death won't try to ward characters that can't die anyway
    • Removed the piety cost to maintain umbra training action that was hard to properly show to the player. Reduced the training rewards to compensate
    • If one of the three characters that know the spell of life somehow become a bane mummy, they now lose access to it
    • The requirement for the "Occult Affiliation" line of buildings can now also be fulfilled with secret Sorcerers, not just characters with the trait

    • Most Giovanni are now Cisalpine instead of Italian to follow where vanilla puts Venice culture wise
    • Added Sithia's dev character

    • Character interactions with many options (e.g. Shapeshift) now get a scrollbar
    • The list of lifestyle focuses now gets a scrollbar if the player has an excessive amount of them
    • Added some alternative localization if an Infiltration Mission fails against a character who can't imprison you
    • Clarified a tooltip when you're unable to convert a character to your Demon religion because they aren't your cultist

    • Picking a Gargoyle caste in the in-game character creator now also applies their appearance flags (horns, wings, etc)
    • Ifrit now get their lore-appropriate grey skin and fiery eyes instead of fully being made out of rock
    • Added Skeleton forms
    • Cappadocian older than a century at maximum hunger may appear as skeletons (Giovanni, Lamia, etc... excluded).
    • Added worse and worst battle scars to barbershop
    • Increased scarification on certain canon Nosferatu and Fae characters
    • Increased scarification on random Nosferatu
    • Fixed Crinos Garou leaf
    • Added Crinos Garou Forms to Barbershop Fera list
    • Added new Gargoyle castes: Golden Manticore (Simba), Onyx Cat (Bastet), Sand Serpent (Setite), Rattler (Cappadocian) and Fairy (Fae).
    • added horns and wings to Gargoyle Shadow caste
    • Random Tzimisce may get four eyes or fantasy skin colors
    • A minority of random Tzimisce will be more comely, handsome or beautiful. Most of those won't be weird, but a minority of them will be.
    • There is now more to love with Virstania, the Mother of Gargoyles
    • The Trolls Wallach, Coruisk, Pythos and Alyss are now rotund.
    • Some random gluttonous Nosferatu will be fat.
    • Added diseased and balding hairstyle options to barbershop choices.
    • Some random Nosferatu will have diseased and balding hairstyles.
    • Some aged Cappadocians will have diseased and balding hairstyles.
    • Dionysus hairstyle altered. He now wears a cloak covering it, so he appears as his canon art.
    • Apacia, Queen of Tombs, now looks more like her canon art. Blondes have more fun. She's too beautiful to turn into a skeleton.

    • Chinese translation by Chilemiao

    • The Force Vassalization CB now requires the attacker's and defender's splats not to be hostile
    • Fixed some Forge recipes in the crafting menu that would result in a 0-day cooldown (which the game would interpret as a neverending cooldown)
    • Fixed character_travel_speed_mult in the Antu demon form
    • You can no longer select unavailable or mindless characters as GHW beneficiaries
    • You can no longer stack an unlimited amount of patron deities
    • Going through the in-game character creator to switch your splats now properly resets the buildings of Rome if you're holding it
    • Turning a Wraith into another splat now correctly removes their Arcanoi and Risen Disciplines
    • Fixed a Bastet perk that could add a duplicate of the Court of Sokhta to your list of Umbra Realms
    • Fixed a faulty DLC trigger in the Inspire (Intellect) Lore interaction
    • Fixed an error from case-sensitive file names on Linux/macOS
    • Fixed Mammon unique interaction
    • Made a few remaining temporal head vampire religions into no head of faith #A relic of when we thought head of faiths could work for the mod, which they don't
    • Replaced Mithras' dagger visual for a vanilla dagger, our own doesn't display in the royal court
    • Lions in the Colosseum can no longer kill your entire soul
    • Fixed a landing issue causing a broken event for the Bagheera
    • Fixed a vanilla bug that would cause you to look for a court physician at the start of the Black Death even if you already have one
    • The Ante hunt now has more robust checks to determine whether the involved canon characters are alive or not. Also, those characters won't appear if they're wights
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    Princes of Darkness "Dress Up & Act Petty" Update, Version, November 28th, 2024
  • Princes of Darkness "Dress Up & Act Petty" Update, Version, November 28th, 2024
    • Compatibility with Crusader Kings 3 version (Traverse) and "West Slavic Attire" Content Creator Pack
    • Razkoljna took off the head scarf
    • Fix for event spawned inquisition titles not getting assigned to the proper holders

    • 1Like
    Princes of Darkness, "Via Regalia", Version 1.15.0, 3/12/2025 New
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    Princes of Darkness, "Via Regalia", Version 1.15.0, 3/12/2025​

    • Compatibility with Crusader Kings III 1.15.0 "Crown" update and "Crowns of the World" DLC

    Gameplay Additions​

    • Added a character interaction to offer one of the potions in your inventory to another character

    Gameplay Changes​

    • The "Install New Ruler" CB now lets you choose beneficiaries who are already landed
    • Tweaked the logic for characters staying in your court when going from landed -> landless. Characters you'd be able to invite anyway (e.g. Coterie members or ghouls) stay with you. Also, former camp followers (if you went landless -> landed -> landless again) stay with you too, and can be reinvited in the future
    • Enabled the Ingame Character Creator trait for Adventurers in the Ruler Designer
    • Cleaned up various requirements for vampire mechanics that shouldn't show up for half-splats that don't participate in vampire politics (like ghoul hunters or ghouled werewolves)
    • Added a dedicated game rule for letting all splats learn Sorcery in Custom Mode (previously, it was part of the splat-mixing game rule)
    • Any splat can now recruit torpid vampires after waking them up, as long as they're able to have diplomatic relations with vampires in the first place (previously, it was just a few select ones like Black Spiral Dancers)
    • Integration of the monuments DLC into PoD (buildings effects and prerequisites tweaked, some locations changed to not conflict with PoD wonders etc). The game rule to enable them has thus been removed
    • Lucita's ghouls will now follow her if she choose to become landless via her starting event
    • Ghouls (with a master) are now protected from being culled by CK3 population control script
    • Removed sorcerer trait from existing characters that can't be sorcerers post Vecson's rework


    • Clarified some tooltips for domicile buildings that require Ashen Adventurer experience
    • Made sure the PoD "DLC" doesn't show up as "disabled" in the new DLC window
    • Added checkbox to crafting GUI to enable alert when cooldown for it has ended.


    • Added a debug interaction for forcing a character into prison and skipping the duel event that usually happens


    • Various tooltip/loc/grammar fixes
    • Added a bandaid fix to prevent torpid family members from joining your adventurer camp
    • Prevented the "Silence Missionaries" contract from firing its events multiple times
    • Fixed the Ashen Military Order domicile buildings that wouldn't get "saved" on the landless <-> landed transition
    • Updated the tooltips for being at your herd/ghoul cap since they're not based on stats anymore
    • Various small fixes (loca, misleading wraith dynasty legacy, wrong faith mortals pulled by scout talent, haven defenses losing properties at higher levels)
    • Fix for ambassador patrons becoming independent if gifted land by their landless ambassador
    • Fixed a weird script logic issue that resulted in Aquitaine inheriting Leon if Lucita became landless
    • Added a safeguard so that Fae/Demons who get trapped in the Umbra don't take their artifacts with them
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