# Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide", Version, Change Log, 12/25/2023
## Fae Release
- 2 new splats: True Fae and Changeling
- A new bookmark (Dark Ages: Fae)
- 48 new bookmarked characters
- 278 new canon characters in total, 35 of which have custom portrait DNA
- 41 playable kiths (16 Kithain, 4 Jinn, 5 African Kiths, 6 Phyla, 10 Hsien)
- 66 new dynasties
- 46 new faiths
- 32 new perk trees, for a total of 219 new perks
- A new struggle: The War of Seasons
- A new sect: The Patron Council
- 11 new major objectives for all Fae, and 14 unique objectives for Fae houses
- 32 new Journeys to learn Arts and master the Realms
- 23 new special buildings for Fae around the world
- 21 new men-at-arms
- A ridiculous amount of new artifacts
- A variety of fantastical portrait choices
- "Dreams of Darkness" by Serial Symphony, a new 8 track sound track for the mod.
- New mechanics, new events, and much more
## Known issues
- Some portrait effects for full replacement forms have lingering assets like hair, eyebrows, teeth, eyes and the leaf.
## Vassal Contracts
- Kuei Jin and Shih now use the tax jurisdictions system for their contracts
- Base vampire contracts have been reworked for clarity and maintenance improvements
- A lot of new faction-/realm-/culture-specific contracts have been added for vampires, mummies, demons and inquisitors
## Predator Stories
- Added 61 events for Vampires based on the player's predator type
- Added some restrictions to predator type selection: e.g. vampires with a monstrous appearance can't be sirens
- Added a decision to change one's predator type
- Ability to ghoulify added to 2 events, as well as 2 unforgiving events having slight tweaks if you are a certain type of vampire and less unforgiving for everyone
## Umbra Adventures
- Traveling from one area of the Umbra to another now requires overcoming a series of challenges (unless there's a stationed explorer at the destination)
- Challenges can involve duels against spirits, skill checks, or a chance for treasure
- Fast-traveling with the Umbra Map now requires having level 1 knowledge of your destination
- Added many new umbra realms
- Deep Umbra access is now unlocked independently from Spirit Wilds access
- Overhauled some of the more overpowered Umbra interactions (Inventium)
- You can now discern the local Gauntlet and Shroud directly in the Umbra window
- Added "being in the umbra" check to more actions
## Kuei-Jin balance
- Kuei-Jin now don't get lifestyle experience bonuses from their Dharma anymore. Instead, they get Umbra exploration speed and reduced Stress gain
- Changes to Dharma trait experience:
- Face of the Gods: You now get Dharma experience every 3 months if your capital has your faith
- Inward Way: You now get Dharma experience for completing an Umbra adventure
- Resplendent Crane: You now get Dharma experience every 3 months if your capital has your culture
- Thousand Whispers: You now get a new decision that lets you sacrifice relationships for dharma experience
## Torment
- The Demon trait now has an experience track, representing the demon's Torment
- The lower a Fallen's Torment, the longer their hosts will last before they die
- Certain Arcana perks can now only be taken at high Torment
- You gain Torment by: Committing murder, torturing prisoners, gaining rivals, or making sacrifices to greater demons
- You lose Torment by: Gaining positive relationships, or gifting money or artifacts
## Roguelike Mode
- An OPTIONAL hard mode that can be selected via game rule.
- The game will switch you to a random one-province ruler on the map. Alternatively, you can let the game generate a fully randomized Vampire for you, with random traits and disciplines.
- Your ruler will also be cursed. You can select one of the following curses:
- No Wealth: -100% Domain Tax
- No Love: -1000 General Opinion
- No Rest: +300% Stress Gain
- No Belongings: -100 Domain Limit
- No Curiosity: Unable to learn new Disciplines, Arts, or Numina
- No Guile: -1000% Hostile Scheme Success Chance
- Alternatively, you can let the game select a random curse for you, or gain all of the curses at once.
- You only have one life. If your initial ruler dies while they're still cursed, it's game over
- Finishing one of the major objectives will remove your curses. Good luck
## Gameplay
- Gold and Renown values (e.g. costs or event rewards) now don't scale as much with technological eras anymore
- Added the Gargoyle Primogen court position
- Added Rookery buildings for Gargoyles
- Resonance XP from drinking blood now scales linearly with the amount of blood taken (instead of exponentially)
- Manually feeding on herd members once again doesn't award resonance xp (like before the hunger rework)
- The prestige cost of the Learn New Abilities Journey now increases by 500 every time you learn a new ability this way
- Journey progress now isn't blocked by anything. You can gain progress during the Planning Phase even when traveling or in an activity. However, you are still blocked from starting the Travel Phase if it doesn't make sense for your character to travel
- Removed travel points of interest from Kingdom/Empire capitals and walls
- New Secrets:
- Demonology is now a secret
- The Journey to learn Demonology can now be undertaken by anyone, but it's a lot more costly
- Demonology is now considered criminal or shunned based on Infernalism crime doctrines (with a reduced opinion penalty)
- You can now gain hidden "trait experience" in demonology even if the trait is secret. Hidden trait experience unlocks character interactions and decisions (but no stat boosts). When the secret is revealed, hidden trait experience gets converted into actual trait experience
- Sorcery is now a secret
- The Journey to learn sorcery is now available to everyone. Characters whose faith considers magick a crime will now gain sorcery as a secret instead of a trait
- The Sorcery decision to become immortal can now be taken even if Sorcery is a crime in your faith, but it will reveal your Sorcery secret
- The character interactions Purification (Valeren), Fugue (Fae), and Propaganda (Grand City) can now also hide Sorcery
- You can no longer blackmail fellow Coterie members for secret abilities that would be useful during an adventure (Unbondable, Sorcerer, Infernalist)
- Characters now need to study before they can edit others' traits. Mummies and Fae will need to study true names, and Vicissitude users need to study anatomy
- Changed the triggers for many vanilla travel events that required the presence of vanilla buildings. This should make travel less repetitive
- Artifact pieces can now be merged into more powerful artifact pieces, or grafted onto existing artifacts
- Teleport abilities can now also be used to teleport your entourage to the next destination when traveling
- Becoming an Infernalist while having True Faith now makes you lose it, gain massive stress, and become depressed
- Baali and Wu Kuei now get their own version of the Learn Demonology Journey. It's free, Planning Speed is instant, and it doesn't increase the cost of other Journeys
- Owning the Blood Horn or successfully drinking from the Holy Grail now gives your character infinite blood
- The "Forever Indomitable" decision now actually destroys the Masquerade, removing Masquerade mechanics from every splat
- The diarchy power balance now shifts slower towards equilibrium, which should leave more time to influence it
- AI Golconda Seekers now slowly accumulate insight on their own
- AI Golconda Seekers who aren't in the same Coterie as a player will attempt the Suspire on their own. The higher their bravery, the sooner they will make the attempt
- Added decisions for getting rid of surplus perk points in vanilla lifestyle trees
- Unburden the Bestial Soul (Valeren interaction) now also removes the Frozen Grief modifier
- You can now use Coterie skills when trying to imprison a high-prowess character
- Winning a war with the Final War CB (Demon objective) now converts each target province to your faith, to prevent ungodly amounts of Inquisition factions
- The Soultaker artifact now also acts as an energy vessel
- Piety loss for characters who injure/exsanguinate an innocent mortal while following a Conscience faith is now doubled if that mortal is a child
- Inviting other players in multiplayer to your Coterie now has no restrictions. You can do it regardless of opinion, location, or splats
- Fixed a building inconsistency
- Vampires with their capital in India can now always employ a Ravnos primogen, even if they aren't Ravnos themselves
- Justicar's cost for claiming titles is now higher
- Removed a too sunny vanilla event
- Removed the free state government type from the mod #Never really used for anything meaningful, its theme and flavor will be improved by using them in a vassal contract rework context
- Added visceratika advanced as an option to evade the fire during the survey event
- Removed a non working Iberian CB for the AI
- Demonic thralls can't be ordinated as Inquisitors anymore
- Lowered the gold cost per soldier define #which should make raising levies less of a very bad idea
- Added a rework of the Mummy tomb event chain into decisions #Thanks Aaron for the bulk of the script
- Tweaks to tribal authority to not be misleading anymore, and be actually rewarding at higher levels
- Herdify is now restricted to courtiers #The previous unlimited range led to exploits, bypassed many other mechanics (those helping bring people to court or finding great courtiers) and was silly tone wise ("Hello fellow Prince, don't mind me walking on your land and poaching your best courtier.")
- Tribal authority now provides new bonuses, including the ability to disable vassal wars
- Recommend embrace interaction now properly removes pre existing relation like ghouls hooks
- The frenzied critters event is now less punitive
- Elope, for the AI, can now only be started if they care about pregnancy or if they are still young and foolish (less than 100 years old)
- Added Sophoniba's dead sire #because someone noticed
- Small sorcery nerfs
- Small nerfs to demon buildings to account for their new contracts
- Clarified the Lay of hands and Restoration perks descriptions
- Tweaked a vanilla tour event
- Removed the scandalous priests events. Again.
- The AI is now less likely to give gifts
- Mood of the clans part of the primogen removed #The primogen court positions are still there as usual. This only removes the part where clans get angry if you don't have primogens. We are thinking of more interesting ways to represent their political influence.
- AI will now only consider gifting common artifacts
- Removed revenants dynasty perks tooltips talking about feudal contracts since those aren't used anymore
- Wraiths buildings are now less spookingly OP
- Nerfed the gold gain from pillage and battlefield looters perks
- Fixed some stress events pulling torpored characters
- Random infernalist spawned via Daimoinon decisions are less godlike (heh)
- Reduced the AI likelihood of asking for excommunication and overloading a player head of faith
- Added 5 unique Point of Interest travel events
- Lowered the Learning requirement for the Tremere Visceratika decision (35 -> 30)
- House Eater now has resistance to to the Discover True Name scheme. The Eater himself is completely immune
## Graphics
- 23 new 3d models for animal forms, used by Pooka (and secret future stuff...)
- Added female versions of plate armor, ancient greek war armor, ancient egyptian clothing, and the smurfy phrygian cap
- Added fog to all the dank alleyways
- Added trippy shaders to certain Golconda events
- Added fire shaders to the Survey event where a fire breaks out
- The following infernal investments now change your character's appearance and reveal you as a demon worshipper: Claws, Horns, Wings, Demon Hide
- Added four Resonance Coat of Arms Emblems design from Vampire: the Masquerade -- Blood Hunt
- Added Fae and some other outstanding COA Colored Emblems to COA Designer GUI
- Gave Roc men-at-arms an illustration and icon
## Quality of Life
- Added a "Torture all Prisoners" decision
- Added a "Demand Payment for all Hooks" interaction when right-clicking your own character
- Added a character interaction when right-clicking yourself that rolls back the progress of schemes that got stuck at 100%
- When a Journey ends and you still have paused Journeys below 100% progress, one of them will get automatically resumed
- If you return from an activity or travel plan and got some paused Journeys at 100% progress, the game will now ask you if you want to resume one of them
- Mummies now get notified by an event when their resurrection process has completed
- The interaction to buy perks after achieving Golconda now lets you buy multiple perks at once
## Interface
- The game now notifies you if you're using the Search & Trade Artifacts mod without the compatibility patch: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3108318083
- Opening the travel planner when a Journey is finished now pauses the game
- Moved the message feed a tiny bit to the left so it doesn't get blocked by POD's giga-sidebar
- Removed trait tooltips from Journey names so that the buttons are easier to click
- The Princes of Darkness "DLC" is now "enabled"
- Added the PoD event earmark to some events that were missing it
- Hid the Theocracy and Gender Equality doctrines in the UI since they're the same for 99% of faiths
## Bugfixes
- Journeys that got stuck in the travel phase after returning home should fix themselves automatically now
- Splats without the Masquerade shouldn't end up with Masquerade modifiers anymore
- Vampires who lose all their blood after getting fed on will no longer go into torpor. This should hopefully curtail the recent Torpor Epidemic
- The game now checks if battle modifiers can be cleared after every battle, to prevent them getting stuck during raids
- More safeguards to prevent canon artifacts from getting destroyed
- Fixed some edge cases where knights on Golconda would still kill enemy knights
- Characters will now properly lose injuries and illnesses when resurrecting after an accident
- The "Lilith, the Mother" tenet now awards piety on torture as intended
- Characters with increased life expectancy (e.g. Revenants or Werewolves) will no longer look super old when they turn into Vampires
- Fixed an issue where Thralls would not become Infernalists under some circumstances
- Just characters will no longer get stress for executing hostile splats (e.g. Inquisitors executing Vampires)
- Fixed Werewolves not gaining any buildings after conquering a non-tribal holding
- Fixed double ordination interactions for custom inquisition knightly orders
- Can't drain blood from ghosts in duels anymore
- Ghouling mortal prisoners now correctly costs vampires prestige
## Fae Release
- 2 new splats: True Fae and Changeling
- A new bookmark (Dark Ages: Fae)
- 48 new bookmarked characters
- 278 new canon characters in total, 35 of which have custom portrait DNA
- 41 playable kiths (16 Kithain, 4 Jinn, 5 African Kiths, 6 Phyla, 10 Hsien)
- 66 new dynasties
- 46 new faiths
- 32 new perk trees, for a total of 219 new perks
- A new struggle: The War of Seasons
- A new sect: The Patron Council
- 11 new major objectives for all Fae, and 14 unique objectives for Fae houses
- 32 new Journeys to learn Arts and master the Realms
- 23 new special buildings for Fae around the world
- 21 new men-at-arms
- A ridiculous amount of new artifacts
- A variety of fantastical portrait choices
- "Dreams of Darkness" by Serial Symphony, a new 8 track sound track for the mod.
- New mechanics, new events, and much more
## Known issues
- Some portrait effects for full replacement forms have lingering assets like hair, eyebrows, teeth, eyes and the leaf.
## Vassal Contracts
- Kuei Jin and Shih now use the tax jurisdictions system for their contracts
- Base vampire contracts have been reworked for clarity and maintenance improvements
- A lot of new faction-/realm-/culture-specific contracts have been added for vampires, mummies, demons and inquisitors
## Predator Stories
- Added 61 events for Vampires based on the player's predator type
- Added some restrictions to predator type selection: e.g. vampires with a monstrous appearance can't be sirens
- Added a decision to change one's predator type
- Ability to ghoulify added to 2 events, as well as 2 unforgiving events having slight tweaks if you are a certain type of vampire and less unforgiving for everyone
## Umbra Adventures
- Traveling from one area of the Umbra to another now requires overcoming a series of challenges (unless there's a stationed explorer at the destination)
- Challenges can involve duels against spirits, skill checks, or a chance for treasure
- Fast-traveling with the Umbra Map now requires having level 1 knowledge of your destination
- Added many new umbra realms
- Deep Umbra access is now unlocked independently from Spirit Wilds access
- Overhauled some of the more overpowered Umbra interactions (Inventium)
- You can now discern the local Gauntlet and Shroud directly in the Umbra window
- Added "being in the umbra" check to more actions
## Kuei-Jin balance
- Kuei-Jin now don't get lifestyle experience bonuses from their Dharma anymore. Instead, they get Umbra exploration speed and reduced Stress gain
- Changes to Dharma trait experience:
- Face of the Gods: You now get Dharma experience every 3 months if your capital has your faith
- Inward Way: You now get Dharma experience for completing an Umbra adventure
- Resplendent Crane: You now get Dharma experience every 3 months if your capital has your culture
- Thousand Whispers: You now get a new decision that lets you sacrifice relationships for dharma experience
## Torment
- The Demon trait now has an experience track, representing the demon's Torment
- The lower a Fallen's Torment, the longer their hosts will last before they die
- Certain Arcana perks can now only be taken at high Torment
- You gain Torment by: Committing murder, torturing prisoners, gaining rivals, or making sacrifices to greater demons
- You lose Torment by: Gaining positive relationships, or gifting money or artifacts
## Roguelike Mode
- An OPTIONAL hard mode that can be selected via game rule.
- The game will switch you to a random one-province ruler on the map. Alternatively, you can let the game generate a fully randomized Vampire for you, with random traits and disciplines.
- Your ruler will also be cursed. You can select one of the following curses:
- No Wealth: -100% Domain Tax
- No Love: -1000 General Opinion
- No Rest: +300% Stress Gain
- No Belongings: -100 Domain Limit
- No Curiosity: Unable to learn new Disciplines, Arts, or Numina
- No Guile: -1000% Hostile Scheme Success Chance
- Alternatively, you can let the game select a random curse for you, or gain all of the curses at once.
- You only have one life. If your initial ruler dies while they're still cursed, it's game over
- Finishing one of the major objectives will remove your curses. Good luck
## Gameplay
- Gold and Renown values (e.g. costs or event rewards) now don't scale as much with technological eras anymore
- Added the Gargoyle Primogen court position
- Added Rookery buildings for Gargoyles
- Resonance XP from drinking blood now scales linearly with the amount of blood taken (instead of exponentially)
- Manually feeding on herd members once again doesn't award resonance xp (like before the hunger rework)
- The prestige cost of the Learn New Abilities Journey now increases by 500 every time you learn a new ability this way
- Journey progress now isn't blocked by anything. You can gain progress during the Planning Phase even when traveling or in an activity. However, you are still blocked from starting the Travel Phase if it doesn't make sense for your character to travel
- Removed travel points of interest from Kingdom/Empire capitals and walls
- New Secrets:
- Demonology is now a secret
- The Journey to learn Demonology can now be undertaken by anyone, but it's a lot more costly
- Demonology is now considered criminal or shunned based on Infernalism crime doctrines (with a reduced opinion penalty)
- You can now gain hidden "trait experience" in demonology even if the trait is secret. Hidden trait experience unlocks character interactions and decisions (but no stat boosts). When the secret is revealed, hidden trait experience gets converted into actual trait experience
- Sorcery is now a secret
- The Journey to learn sorcery is now available to everyone. Characters whose faith considers magick a crime will now gain sorcery as a secret instead of a trait
- The Sorcery decision to become immortal can now be taken even if Sorcery is a crime in your faith, but it will reveal your Sorcery secret
- The character interactions Purification (Valeren), Fugue (Fae), and Propaganda (Grand City) can now also hide Sorcery
- You can no longer blackmail fellow Coterie members for secret abilities that would be useful during an adventure (Unbondable, Sorcerer, Infernalist)
- Characters now need to study before they can edit others' traits. Mummies and Fae will need to study true names, and Vicissitude users need to study anatomy
- Changed the triggers for many vanilla travel events that required the presence of vanilla buildings. This should make travel less repetitive
- Artifact pieces can now be merged into more powerful artifact pieces, or grafted onto existing artifacts
- Teleport abilities can now also be used to teleport your entourage to the next destination when traveling
- Becoming an Infernalist while having True Faith now makes you lose it, gain massive stress, and become depressed
- Baali and Wu Kuei now get their own version of the Learn Demonology Journey. It's free, Planning Speed is instant, and it doesn't increase the cost of other Journeys
- Owning the Blood Horn or successfully drinking from the Holy Grail now gives your character infinite blood
- The "Forever Indomitable" decision now actually destroys the Masquerade, removing Masquerade mechanics from every splat
- The diarchy power balance now shifts slower towards equilibrium, which should leave more time to influence it
- AI Golconda Seekers now slowly accumulate insight on their own
- AI Golconda Seekers who aren't in the same Coterie as a player will attempt the Suspire on their own. The higher their bravery, the sooner they will make the attempt
- Added decisions for getting rid of surplus perk points in vanilla lifestyle trees
- Unburden the Bestial Soul (Valeren interaction) now also removes the Frozen Grief modifier
- You can now use Coterie skills when trying to imprison a high-prowess character
- Winning a war with the Final War CB (Demon objective) now converts each target province to your faith, to prevent ungodly amounts of Inquisition factions
- The Soultaker artifact now also acts as an energy vessel
- Piety loss for characters who injure/exsanguinate an innocent mortal while following a Conscience faith is now doubled if that mortal is a child
- Inviting other players in multiplayer to your Coterie now has no restrictions. You can do it regardless of opinion, location, or splats
- Fixed a building inconsistency
- Vampires with their capital in India can now always employ a Ravnos primogen, even if they aren't Ravnos themselves
- Justicar's cost for claiming titles is now higher
- Removed a too sunny vanilla event
- Removed the free state government type from the mod #Never really used for anything meaningful, its theme and flavor will be improved by using them in a vassal contract rework context
- Added visceratika advanced as an option to evade the fire during the survey event
- Removed a non working Iberian CB for the AI
- Demonic thralls can't be ordinated as Inquisitors anymore
- Lowered the gold cost per soldier define #which should make raising levies less of a very bad idea
- Added a rework of the Mummy tomb event chain into decisions #Thanks Aaron for the bulk of the script
- Tweaks to tribal authority to not be misleading anymore, and be actually rewarding at higher levels
- Herdify is now restricted to courtiers #The previous unlimited range led to exploits, bypassed many other mechanics (those helping bring people to court or finding great courtiers) and was silly tone wise ("Hello fellow Prince, don't mind me walking on your land and poaching your best courtier.")
- Tribal authority now provides new bonuses, including the ability to disable vassal wars
- Recommend embrace interaction now properly removes pre existing relation like ghouls hooks
- The frenzied critters event is now less punitive
- Elope, for the AI, can now only be started if they care about pregnancy or if they are still young and foolish (less than 100 years old)
- Added Sophoniba's dead sire #because someone noticed
- Small sorcery nerfs
- Small nerfs to demon buildings to account for their new contracts
- Clarified the Lay of hands and Restoration perks descriptions
- Tweaked a vanilla tour event
- Removed the scandalous priests events. Again.
- The AI is now less likely to give gifts
- Mood of the clans part of the primogen removed #The primogen court positions are still there as usual. This only removes the part where clans get angry if you don't have primogens. We are thinking of more interesting ways to represent their political influence.
- AI will now only consider gifting common artifacts
- Removed revenants dynasty perks tooltips talking about feudal contracts since those aren't used anymore
- Wraiths buildings are now less spookingly OP
- Nerfed the gold gain from pillage and battlefield looters perks
- Fixed some stress events pulling torpored characters
- Random infernalist spawned via Daimoinon decisions are less godlike (heh)
- Reduced the AI likelihood of asking for excommunication and overloading a player head of faith
- Added 5 unique Point of Interest travel events
- Lowered the Learning requirement for the Tremere Visceratika decision (35 -> 30)
- House Eater now has resistance to to the Discover True Name scheme. The Eater himself is completely immune
## Graphics
- 23 new 3d models for animal forms, used by Pooka (and secret future stuff...)
- Added female versions of plate armor, ancient greek war armor, ancient egyptian clothing, and the smurfy phrygian cap
- Added fog to all the dank alleyways
- Added trippy shaders to certain Golconda events
- Added fire shaders to the Survey event where a fire breaks out
- The following infernal investments now change your character's appearance and reveal you as a demon worshipper: Claws, Horns, Wings, Demon Hide
- Added four Resonance Coat of Arms Emblems design from Vampire: the Masquerade -- Blood Hunt
- Added Fae and some other outstanding COA Colored Emblems to COA Designer GUI
- Gave Roc men-at-arms an illustration and icon
## Quality of Life
- Added a "Torture all Prisoners" decision
- Added a "Demand Payment for all Hooks" interaction when right-clicking your own character
- Added a character interaction when right-clicking yourself that rolls back the progress of schemes that got stuck at 100%
- When a Journey ends and you still have paused Journeys below 100% progress, one of them will get automatically resumed
- If you return from an activity or travel plan and got some paused Journeys at 100% progress, the game will now ask you if you want to resume one of them
- Mummies now get notified by an event when their resurrection process has completed
- The interaction to buy perks after achieving Golconda now lets you buy multiple perks at once
## Interface
- The game now notifies you if you're using the Search & Trade Artifacts mod without the compatibility patch: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3108318083
- Opening the travel planner when a Journey is finished now pauses the game
- Moved the message feed a tiny bit to the left so it doesn't get blocked by POD's giga-sidebar
- Removed trait tooltips from Journey names so that the buttons are easier to click
- The Princes of Darkness "DLC" is now "enabled"
- Added the PoD event earmark to some events that were missing it
- Hid the Theocracy and Gender Equality doctrines in the UI since they're the same for 99% of faiths
## Bugfixes
- Journeys that got stuck in the travel phase after returning home should fix themselves automatically now
- Splats without the Masquerade shouldn't end up with Masquerade modifiers anymore
- Vampires who lose all their blood after getting fed on will no longer go into torpor. This should hopefully curtail the recent Torpor Epidemic
- The game now checks if battle modifiers can be cleared after every battle, to prevent them getting stuck during raids
- More safeguards to prevent canon artifacts from getting destroyed
- Fixed some edge cases where knights on Golconda would still kill enemy knights
- Characters will now properly lose injuries and illnesses when resurrecting after an accident
- The "Lilith, the Mother" tenet now awards piety on torture as intended
- Characters with increased life expectancy (e.g. Revenants or Werewolves) will no longer look super old when they turn into Vampires
- Fixed an issue where Thralls would not become Infernalists under some circumstances
- Just characters will no longer get stress for executing hostile splats (e.g. Inquisitors executing Vampires)
- Fixed Werewolves not gaining any buildings after conquering a non-tribal holding
- Fixed double ordination interactions for custom inquisition knightly orders
- Can't drain blood from ghosts in duels anymore
- Ghouling mortal prisoners now correctly costs vampires prestige
- 4
- 2