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Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide", Version, Change Log, 12/25/2023
  • # Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide", Version, Change Log, 12/25/2023

    ## Fae Release
    - 2 new splats: True Fae and Changeling
    - A new bookmark (Dark Ages: Fae)
    - 48 new bookmarked characters
    - 278 new canon characters in total, 35 of which have custom portrait DNA
    - 41 playable kiths (16 Kithain, 4 Jinn, 5 African Kiths, 6 Phyla, 10 Hsien)
    - 66 new dynasties
    - 46 new faiths
    - 32 new perk trees, for a total of 219 new perks
    - A new struggle: The War of Seasons
    - A new sect: The Patron Council
    - 11 new major objectives for all Fae, and 14 unique objectives for Fae houses
    - 32 new Journeys to learn Arts and master the Realms
    - 23 new special buildings for Fae around the world
    - 21 new men-at-arms
    - A ridiculous amount of new artifacts
    - A variety of fantastical portrait choices
    - "Dreams of Darkness" by Serial Symphony, a new 8 track sound track for the mod.
    - New mechanics, new events, and much more

    ## Known issues
    - Some portrait effects for full replacement forms have lingering assets like hair, eyebrows, teeth, eyes and the leaf.

    ## Vassal Contracts
    - Kuei Jin and Shih now use the tax jurisdictions system for their contracts
    - Base vampire contracts have been reworked for clarity and maintenance improvements
    - A lot of new faction-/realm-/culture-specific contracts have been added for vampires, mummies, demons and inquisitors

    ## Predator Stories
    - Added 61 events for Vampires based on the player's predator type
    - Added some restrictions to predator type selection: e.g. vampires with a monstrous appearance can't be sirens
    - Added a decision to change one's predator type
    - Ability to ghoulify added to 2 events, as well as 2 unforgiving events having slight tweaks if you are a certain type of vampire and less unforgiving for everyone

    ## Umbra Adventures
    - Traveling from one area of the Umbra to another now requires overcoming a series of challenges (unless there's a stationed explorer at the destination)
    - Challenges can involve duels against spirits, skill checks, or a chance for treasure
    - Fast-traveling with the Umbra Map now requires having level 1 knowledge of your destination
    - Added many new umbra realms
    - Deep Umbra access is now unlocked independently from Spirit Wilds access
    - Overhauled some of the more overpowered Umbra interactions (Inventium)
    - You can now discern the local Gauntlet and Shroud directly in the Umbra window
    - Added "being in the umbra" check to more actions

    ## Kuei-Jin balance
    - Kuei-Jin now don't get lifestyle experience bonuses from their Dharma anymore. Instead, they get Umbra exploration speed and reduced Stress gain
    - Changes to Dharma trait experience:
    - Face of the Gods: You now get Dharma experience every 3 months if your capital has your faith
    - Inward Way: You now get Dharma experience for completing an Umbra adventure
    - Resplendent Crane: You now get Dharma experience every 3 months if your capital has your culture
    - Thousand Whispers: You now get a new decision that lets you sacrifice relationships for dharma experience

    ## Torment
    - The Demon trait now has an experience track, representing the demon's Torment
    - The lower a Fallen's Torment, the longer their hosts will last before they die
    - Certain Arcana perks can now only be taken at high Torment
    - You gain Torment by: Committing murder, torturing prisoners, gaining rivals, or making sacrifices to greater demons
    - You lose Torment by: Gaining positive relationships, or gifting money or artifacts

    ## Roguelike Mode
    - An OPTIONAL hard mode that can be selected via game rule.
    - The game will switch you to a random one-province ruler on the map. Alternatively, you can let the game generate a fully randomized Vampire for you, with random traits and disciplines.
    - Your ruler will also be cursed. You can select one of the following curses:
    - No Wealth: -100% Domain Tax
    - No Love: -1000 General Opinion
    - No Rest: +300% Stress Gain
    - No Belongings: -100 Domain Limit
    - No Curiosity: Unable to learn new Disciplines, Arts, or Numina
    - No Guile: -1000% Hostile Scheme Success Chance
    - Alternatively, you can let the game select a random curse for you, or gain all of the curses at once.
    - You only have one life. If your initial ruler dies while they're still cursed, it's game over
    - Finishing one of the major objectives will remove your curses. Good luck

    ## Gameplay
    - Gold and Renown values (e.g. costs or event rewards) now don't scale as much with technological eras anymore
    - Added the Gargoyle Primogen court position
    - Added Rookery buildings for Gargoyles
    - Resonance XP from drinking blood now scales linearly with the amount of blood taken (instead of exponentially)
    - Manually feeding on herd members once again doesn't award resonance xp (like before the hunger rework)
    - The prestige cost of the Learn New Abilities Journey now increases by 500 every time you learn a new ability this way
    - Journey progress now isn't blocked by anything. You can gain progress during the Planning Phase even when traveling or in an activity. However, you are still blocked from starting the Travel Phase if it doesn't make sense for your character to travel
    - Removed travel points of interest from Kingdom/Empire capitals and walls
    - New Secrets:
    - Demonology is now a secret
    - The Journey to learn Demonology can now be undertaken by anyone, but it's a lot more costly
    - Demonology is now considered criminal or shunned based on Infernalism crime doctrines (with a reduced opinion penalty)
    - You can now gain hidden "trait experience" in demonology even if the trait is secret. Hidden trait experience unlocks character interactions and decisions (but no stat boosts). When the secret is revealed, hidden trait experience gets converted into actual trait experience
    - Sorcery is now a secret
    - The Journey to learn sorcery is now available to everyone. Characters whose faith considers magick a crime will now gain sorcery as a secret instead of a trait
    - The Sorcery decision to become immortal can now be taken even if Sorcery is a crime in your faith, but it will reveal your Sorcery secret
    - The character interactions Purification (Valeren), Fugue (Fae), and Propaganda (Grand City) can now also hide Sorcery
    - You can no longer blackmail fellow Coterie members for secret abilities that would be useful during an adventure (Unbondable, Sorcerer, Infernalist)
    - Characters now need to study before they can edit others' traits. Mummies and Fae will need to study true names, and Vicissitude users need to study anatomy
    - Changed the triggers for many vanilla travel events that required the presence of vanilla buildings. This should make travel less repetitive
    - Artifact pieces can now be merged into more powerful artifact pieces, or grafted onto existing artifacts
    - Teleport abilities can now also be used to teleport your entourage to the next destination when traveling
    - Becoming an Infernalist while having True Faith now makes you lose it, gain massive stress, and become depressed
    - Baali and Wu Kuei now get their own version of the Learn Demonology Journey. It's free, Planning Speed is instant, and it doesn't increase the cost of other Journeys
    - Owning the Blood Horn or successfully drinking from the Holy Grail now gives your character infinite blood
    - The "Forever Indomitable" decision now actually destroys the Masquerade, removing Masquerade mechanics from every splat
    - The diarchy power balance now shifts slower towards equilibrium, which should leave more time to influence it
    - AI Golconda Seekers now slowly accumulate insight on their own
    - AI Golconda Seekers who aren't in the same Coterie as a player will attempt the Suspire on their own. The higher their bravery, the sooner they will make the attempt
    - Added decisions for getting rid of surplus perk points in vanilla lifestyle trees
    - Unburden the Bestial Soul (Valeren interaction) now also removes the Frozen Grief modifier
    - You can now use Coterie skills when trying to imprison a high-prowess character
    - Winning a war with the Final War CB (Demon objective) now converts each target province to your faith, to prevent ungodly amounts of Inquisition factions
    - The Soultaker artifact now also acts as an energy vessel
    - Piety loss for characters who injure/exsanguinate an innocent mortal while following a Conscience faith is now doubled if that mortal is a child
    - Inviting other players in multiplayer to your Coterie now has no restrictions. You can do it regardless of opinion, location, or splats
    - Fixed a building inconsistency
    - Vampires with their capital in India can now always employ a Ravnos primogen, even if they aren't Ravnos themselves
    - Justicar's cost for claiming titles is now higher
    - Removed a too sunny vanilla event
    - Removed the free state government type from the mod #Never really used for anything meaningful, its theme and flavor will be improved by using them in a vassal contract rework context
    - Added visceratika advanced as an option to evade the fire during the survey event
    - Removed a non working Iberian CB for the AI
    - Demonic thralls can't be ordinated as Inquisitors anymore
    - Lowered the gold cost per soldier define #which should make raising levies less of a very bad idea
    - Added a rework of the Mummy tomb event chain into decisions #Thanks Aaron for the bulk of the script
    - Tweaks to tribal authority to not be misleading anymore, and be actually rewarding at higher levels
    - Herdify is now restricted to courtiers #The previous unlimited range led to exploits, bypassed many other mechanics (those helping bring people to court or finding great courtiers) and was silly tone wise ("Hello fellow Prince, don't mind me walking on your land and poaching your best courtier.")
    - Tribal authority now provides new bonuses, including the ability to disable vassal wars
    - Recommend embrace interaction now properly removes pre existing relation like ghouls hooks
    - The frenzied critters event is now less punitive
    - Elope, for the AI, can now only be started if they care about pregnancy or if they are still young and foolish (less than 100 years old)
    - Added Sophoniba's dead sire #because someone noticed
    - Small sorcery nerfs
    - Small nerfs to demon buildings to account for their new contracts
    - Clarified the Lay of hands and Restoration perks descriptions
    - Tweaked a vanilla tour event
    - Removed the scandalous priests events. Again.
    - The AI is now less likely to give gifts
    - Mood of the clans part of the primogen removed #The primogen court positions are still there as usual. This only removes the part where clans get angry if you don't have primogens. We are thinking of more interesting ways to represent their political influence.
    - AI will now only consider gifting common artifacts
    - Removed revenants dynasty perks tooltips talking about feudal contracts since those aren't used anymore
    - Wraiths buildings are now less spookingly OP
    - Nerfed the gold gain from pillage and battlefield looters perks
    - Fixed some stress events pulling torpored characters
    - Random infernalist spawned via Daimoinon decisions are less godlike (heh)
    - Reduced the AI likelihood of asking for excommunication and overloading a player head of faith
    - Added 5 unique Point of Interest travel events
    - Lowered the Learning requirement for the Tremere Visceratika decision (35 -> 30)
    - House Eater now has resistance to to the Discover True Name scheme. The Eater himself is completely immune

    ## Graphics
    - ORB
    - 23 new 3d models for animal forms, used by Pooka (and secret future stuff...)
    - Added female versions of plate armor, ancient greek war armor, ancient egyptian clothing, and the smurfy phrygian cap
    - Added fog to all the dank alleyways
    - Added trippy shaders to certain Golconda events
    - Added fire shaders to the Survey event where a fire breaks out
    - The following infernal investments now change your character's appearance and reveal you as a demon worshipper: Claws, Horns, Wings, Demon Hide
    - Added four Resonance Coat of Arms Emblems design from Vampire: the Masquerade -- Blood Hunt
    - Added Fae and some other outstanding COA Colored Emblems to COA Designer GUI
    - Gave Roc men-at-arms an illustration and icon

    ## Quality of Life
    - Added a "Torture all Prisoners" decision
    - Added a "Demand Payment for all Hooks" interaction when right-clicking your own character
    - Added a character interaction when right-clicking yourself that rolls back the progress of schemes that got stuck at 100%
    - When a Journey ends and you still have paused Journeys below 100% progress, one of them will get automatically resumed
    - If you return from an activity or travel plan and got some paused Journeys at 100% progress, the game will now ask you if you want to resume one of them
    - Mummies now get notified by an event when their resurrection process has completed
    - The interaction to buy perks after achieving Golconda now lets you buy multiple perks at once

    ## Interface
    - The game now notifies you if you're using the Search & Trade Artifacts mod without the compatibility patch: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3108318083
    - Opening the travel planner when a Journey is finished now pauses the game
    - Moved the message feed a tiny bit to the left so it doesn't get blocked by POD's giga-sidebar
    - Removed trait tooltips from Journey names so that the buttons are easier to click
    - The Princes of Darkness "DLC" is now "enabled"
    - Added the PoD event earmark to some events that were missing it
    - Hid the Theocracy and Gender Equality doctrines in the UI since they're the same for 99% of faiths

    ## Bugfixes
    - Journeys that got stuck in the travel phase after returning home should fix themselves automatically now
    - Splats without the Masquerade shouldn't end up with Masquerade modifiers anymore
    - Vampires who lose all their blood after getting fed on will no longer go into torpor. This should hopefully curtail the recent Torpor Epidemic
    - The game now checks if battle modifiers can be cleared after every battle, to prevent them getting stuck during raids
    - More safeguards to prevent canon artifacts from getting destroyed
    - Fixed some edge cases where knights on Golconda would still kill enemy knights
    - Characters will now properly lose injuries and illnesses when resurrecting after an accident
    - The "Lilith, the Mother" tenet now awards piety on torture as intended
    - Characters with increased life expectancy (e.g. Revenants or Werewolves) will no longer look super old when they turn into Vampires
    - Fixed an issue where Thralls would not become Infernalists under some circumstances
    - Just characters will no longer get stress for executing hostile splats (e.g. Inquisitors executing Vampires)
    - Fixed Werewolves not gaining any buildings after conquering a non-tribal holding
    - Fixed double ordination interactions for custom inquisition knightly orders
    - Can't drain blood from ghosts in duels anymore
    - Ghouling mortal prisoners now correctly costs vampires prestige
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    Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide", Hotfix, Version, 1/2/2024
  • Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide", Hotfix, Version, 1/2/2024

    Change Log:
    # Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide" hotfix, Version, Change Log, 1/2/2024

    ## Gameplay
    - The Tapestry of Fate now adds scheme power to learning true names. It also unlocks a decision that lets one learn new true names at the cost of stress
    - Added a dynasty legacy track for Wu T'ian
    - Overcapping on Glamour or Resolve no longer reduces stress
    - Added a stress loss bonus to the Glade building
    - Inanimae and Hsien won't be affected by the Shattering anymore
    - First Born True Fae are no longer immune to murder schemes
    - The Cauldron of Fear artifact will now be destroyed when completing the "Schemes of the Ratkin" Rat Exterminator objective decision.
    - House Dougal's "Gold to Iron" objective decision requirements modified to add Strathcruach forge. If a gold mine is completely controlled, the cost of 10,000 gold can be bypassed.
    - House Dougal/Nocker/Boggan Objective Decision "Inert Cold Iron" will now make First Born True Fae immune to murder schemes.
    - Inert Cold Iron decision difficulty and cost increased.
    - Fae "Bring back the Prodigals Objective Decision" made much more difficult.
    - Fae Destroy Shadow Inquisition decision now requires the complete control of Roma.
    - Prowess duels during the Antediluvian hunt now take prowess values beyond 100 into account
    - Smoothed the prowess scaling of some Ante hunt duels
    - All Werewolves get Deep Umbra access now
    - You can now force your Ghouls to divorce
    - Become Santa decision can now be done by female rulers
    - Added a new curse to Roguelike Mode: No Demands (Unable to revoke titles from vassals)
    - When rolling a random character in Roguelike Mode, you can now elect not to gain any curses. This will disable permadeath and basically let you play normally with your new character
    - Added most of the Fae objectives as valid objectives to Roguelike Mode
    - Number of Bai Ze Tu Fragments so there is still a chance to create the entire grimoire even if some of them are destroyed.
    - The kingship Caern of the Crescent Moon as a Silver Fang and Siberkah holy site is now properly located in the Ural Mountains (specifically in the county of Ural), its effect increases vassal limit. The titular kingdom Sept of the Crescent Moon remains in the same location. https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Sept_of_the_Crescent_Moon
    - Severely nerfed the prestige gain by some specific duel moves
    - Made Umbra enemies more difficult by giving them the Blademaster trait
    - Nerfed the prestige gain from rejecting Umbra buffs after winning an Umbra duel
    - Made some contracts available for non mummy liege of mummy vassal
    - Added new option to ignore shattering event if Fae has Immortal trait

    ## History
    - Added 3 Mummies characters #The Horus loyalist vizir of Asia in the Maldives and the first two playable Wu Tian
    - Pressyne's triplet daughters added: Melusine, Melior and Palatyne. The Toreador Melusine d'Anjou has murdered Pressyne's daughter Melusine, and assumed her identity. Pressyne is now a rival of Melusine d'Anjou. Because the French Toreador did not have enough drama.
    - Bookmarked Jinn now have Ojo and Iku related faiths matching their character histories.
    - Added 23 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
    - Horus is now 100% more of a chad
    - Fixed some historical Vampires having no generation trait
    - Changed Bookmark Emperor titles to Seasonal empires rather than duchies
    - Adjusted Marconius' portrait look, as well as his childer and grandchilder

    ## Interface
    - Clickable resource bars:
    - Clicking the Glamour, Chi, Sekhem, or Resolve bars will now show the various ways these resources can be regenerated
    - The tooltips of the Chi bars now show your Yin/Yang Virtue
    - The tooltips of the Rage and Gnosis bars now show the likelihood of these resources regenerating each month
    - Added a hint about clickable bars to certain tutorial events (Vampire, Mummy, Fae)
    - If you have an artifact that can store blood (e.g. the Odious Chalice), it now shows up when clicking your blood bar
    - Characters with lore now keep their lore button after death
    - Added an encyclopedia entry for Deep Umbra access
    - The Umbra adventure events where you can choose an artifact now show you a preview of the choices
    - Removed the "No Glamour" and "No Sekhem" interface alerts since clickable bars act as the tutorial now
    - Various typo/grammar/tooltip fixes
    - Changed the look of Wayland to match future Weyland of House Dougal.
    - Made an event for checking your character's total prowess: event POD_debug.1
    - Compressed some graphic files

    ## QoL
    - Added an option to exclude "Partial True Name Known" hooks when demanding mass payment
    - The repeatable True Name Study event will now prompt you to select a new category when you've learned all true names of your current category
    - The decisions "Twist Fate" (Arcana) and "Request Wealth and Influence" (Investiture) now let you spend multiple perk points at once
    - Added Mrs. Claus nickname and Become Santa immortality for primary spouse

    ## Bugfixes
    - Fixed the imperial ambition event reoccurring
    - Fixed omega_gold_value being less omega than intended
    - The Underbridge decision and CB now expand the Underbridge kingdom instead of the duchy, to prevent it from swallowing up duchy capitals
    - Added a safeguard to prevent the titular Fae season titles from being destroyed
    - Fixed the tooltip of the Covet cantrip
    - Added some missing traits to Reweaving
    - Become Santa objective decision checks for Soothsay Advanced as well as Soothsay now
    - The Penance interaction (True Faith) now properly shows its effects
    - Fixed a bug that let one store Energy (Blood, Glamour, etc) in any artifact
    - Removed the Kinain trait from Melusine
    - Fixed a masquerade breach event where a mortal didn't spawn with blood resonance
    - Fixed some triggers for access to Inquisition buildings and lifestyles
    - Numerous small typos and tooltips fixes
    - Only characters who can actually learn Serpentis can get it from visiting Ombos now
    - The Last Cathar event won't proc for infernalists anymore
    - The Venator nickname won't override an existing nickname anymore
    - The vanilla burying the hatchet event won't happen for nemesis anymore, since it doesn't do anything for those anyway
    - Disabled a nonsensical event for immortals (sell titles event spawning a long lost mortal sibling)
    - Upped the grace period before the mod "locks" your clan choice for clan content/custom character purpose
    - Ancient Egyptian females will no longer default to wearing Nemeses. Female player characters can still choose the Nemeses as will any female Pharaoh (in honor of Hatshepsut)
    - Unveiling: canon female characters in Europe are will now not default to having additive headgear of veils. Pressyne is still wearing a veil for reasons.
    - Various minor fixes (typos, weird events, tombs for wutian etc)
    - Solved a gifting artifact issue
    - Fixed some issues with portraits for Fera/Monster forms and pieces

    • 2Like
    Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide" "the Revenge of Mrs. Claus", Version 1.11.4, Change Log 1/24/2024
  • Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide" "the Revenge of Mrs. Claus", Version 1.11.4, Change Log 1/24/2024
    • Compatibility with Crusader Kings 3 version 1.11.4 (Peacock)
    • Compatibility with North African Attire Content Creator Pack
    • Congratulations from the POD team to El Tyranos on your successful DLC release
    • Fix for Mrs. Claus nickname
    • 2Like
    Princes of Darkness, "Imbolc", Version 1.11.5, Change Log 2/6/2024
  • Princes of Darkness, "Imbolc", Version 1.11.5

    Change Log 2/6/2024:
    • Compatibility with Crusader Kings 3 version 1.11.5 (Peacock)
    • Compatibility with "Couture of the Capets" DLC


    Salianna and Geoffrey du Temple are only trying on this drip for the purposes of this screenshot. You can select the Capet Couture in the barbershop and some random French characters may wear the new clothing, but the canon characters will continue to wear their earlier outfits.

    We are going to have some big changes to clothing based on house color in the future.
    Work in Progress teaser:

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    • 4Like
    Hunters & Heists
  • \*record scratch\* \*freeze frame\* Yup, that’s me. Karl Schrekt. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.


    Well, it all started when they said Princes of Darkness wasn’t difficult enough…

    A New Bookmark


    So here are the true underdogs of the World of Darkness: Hunters without the backing of the Church. Some of them might look familiar to you, if you’ve played the mod before. Others are new to the scene. What unites them is their difficult starting position. Most of these are Counts with only a single province to their name. Most of these don’t even have True Faith! So get ready for an uphill battle.

    Our contestants are:
    • Bayezid and Basil Gantenbein, the infamous “Ghoulbros” of Calomena’s Forsaken. Their economy is as atrocious as ever, and they received a new intro event letting you choose which of the two brothers to start as.
    • Ma Yi Yuan of the Shih, an Asian order of Hunters who use Chi for supernatural feats.
    • Demetrios Chomatenos of the Akritai, an Eastern Orthodox order who can mend the schism with their Catholic brethren.
    • Ishaq ibn Jamil of the Ikhwan al-Safa, Muslim Hunters who can unleash the power of the Black Stone inside the Kaaba if they take Mecca from the Vampires.
    • Nachmanides of the Judges, a Jewish order of Hunters who can rediscover the esoteric magics of Theurgy.
    • Emerik of the Warriors of Dazbog, Slavic Pagan Hunters fighting a losing battle against the Tzimisce.
    • Qorjin of Qorjin’s Baghatur, Mongol Hunters who uniquely have friendly relations with Werewolves.
    • Karl Schrekt. He’s Karl Schrekt.
    Not pictured in this bookmark screen is Jeanne Roullet, a new one-county Hunter of the Shadow Inquisition, sitting in the powder keg that is supernatural France. She’s seen some things.


    And if Karl Schrekt is your favorite childe, fear not. If you don’t start the game as him, he will quietly disappear from the map, so he can show up later during his event chain.


    To level the playing field against the creatures of the night, pious characters get access to some new toys. The Beatific trait now has an experience track, representing True Faith above 5 dots.


    Which isn’t to say these powers are easy to come by. You can reach level 2 by healing others or having your Court Chaplain convert county faiths, but beyond that, you gain experience mostly by hunting Demons and sending them back to Hell. Check the changelog for the full list of details.

    You can also gain experience through an expedition to the Astral Reaches. Speaking of…

    Umbra expeditions

    The Umbra is ever-shifting, and its rules are ever-changing. If you have explorers stationed in any of its realms, they might report back to you with the interesting discoveries they make. Then, you can go get them via the Slay-the-Spire minigame from the last update.

    What kind of discoveries? Well…


    You will have to find out for yourself.

    Infiltration missions

    Are you excited for landless play? We are too. It’s still a ways off, but that won’t stop us in our tireless quest to add Hot Tabletop Gameplay to this map-painting game. So here’s something new for your Coterie to do.



    Ah yes, Ocean’s Eleven. Truly the most archetypical of tabletop plots. Walk into someone else’s court like you own the place, rob them blind, and leave, with your victim being none the wiser. While you’re there, maybe enjoy some of the amenities.


    You can gain some sweet rewards by exploring your enemies’ havens and gossiping with their courtiers. But the more you linger, the more you will attract attention. How much do you want to push your luck?


    New Graphics

    For the Toreador among you, this update adds a number of improved character shaders. Here’s prettyboy Bezariel modeling the new Light Form, Shadow Form, and Umbra travel graphics.


    Pictured here: One stressed and one chill Ondine.


    But that’s not all. We delved too greedily and too deep, and unearthed some Advanced Shader Jank that lets us set clothing colors via script.

    What does that mean? Well, a few things. For one, you can now set a dresscode for all the members of your house if you’re the House Head. We look forward to the neon pink monstrosities our community will come up with.


    In addition to this, almost every house on the map will have some default colors set.


    We like the new opportunities for visual storytelling this adds to the mod. For example, the Tvarivich Twins are united in purpose, but the Fiefs of the Black Cross are divided between white-black-gold Hardestadt and purple-gold Antasia.


    There are SO many styles to discover. Like, so many.







    So what are you waiting for? The denizens of the night need to see your drip.
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    Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Version 1.12.1, Change Log, 1/5/2024
  • Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Version 1.12.1, Change Log, 3/5/2024​

    • Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 Version 1.12.1 "Scythe" and "Legends of the Dead" DLC
    • Version control
    • Nightification of "Legends of the Dead" DLC Event Windows and Story Illustrations

    Hunter focus​

    • Added a new hunter bookmark
    • Added a generic set of localization for the find lair scheme
    • Added Qorjin's Baghatur and the Warriors of Dazbog hunter faiths
    • Ikwan al Safa now accept Mages and Magick in general; They are allied to the Taftani in lore. So will be relevant later
    • Added Jeanne Roullet, the founder of the order of St Joan, as a playable character. Intended for those looking for a difficult Inquisitor experience. The order of St Joan can only initiate women (like the sisters of st john) and doesn't benefit from Shadow Inquisition's blessings and other powers. Jeanne herself is a theurgist however (the first playable) and can initiate her pupils into being theurgists themselves.
    • Hunters now have their own set of buildings. Inquisitors, who already have theirs, aren't impacted. Shih now use the hunters buildings instead of the inquisitors ones.
    • Find lair can now be used to hunt werewolves, fae and demons in addition to the usual vampires. These hunts are smaller events than the big vampires ones, but help hunters having new targets to hunt in the battle royale map
    • Non Inquisitors hunters now have unique dynasty legacies
    • Polished and expanded the existing ikhwan, judges and akritai objectives
    • Added objectives for the Qorjin's Baghatur, Warriors of Dazbog and Independent Hunters faiths
    • Added characters for the non Inquisitors hunters, landed at least one of them for each faction
    • Added an introduction event to explain non Inquisitors hunters
    • Small provincial religious changes to account for new hunters starts
    • Added lore buttons for the canon indep hunters
    • Bookmarked indep hunters have a starting event with some context and choice
    • Added Coats of Arms to Independent Hunter Dynasties and starting Realms
    • Leopold von Murnau now wears a black cassock like a proper Dominican
    • Added 6 indep hunters portraits by Anastasios
    • The Shih objective now requires killing 20 Kuei-Jin instead of expanding your realm
    • Tweaked the ghoulbros start and added a starting event to them

    Infiltration missions​

    • A new type of Journey that lets you and your Coterie sneak around in someone else's court. Make sure not to let your Suspicion get too high!
    • New Journeys in this update:
      • Steal Gold: Take as much gold from another's treasury as you can get away with
      • Artifact Heist: Steal an artifact and try to smuggle it out
    • Kemintiri now starts with -25 Suspicion during Infiltration missions. Helena will start with -15 after she finishes her objective

    Umbra Expeditions​

    • You can now freely travel between Umbra realms, without having to complete the adventure minigame every time
    • Instead, you gain access to Umbra expeditions when your stationed explorers find interesting things in the Umbra. The likelihood of this is based on their Umbra exploration speed
    • Umbra expedition nodes will no longer have artifact chests in them. Chests might instead spawn at the very end of an expedition
    • Certain Umbra events (like Dah for Kuei-Jin) were turned into rewards for Umbra expeditions. There are also many new ones. Can you find them all?
    • The Umbra map now closes the Umbra window and shows a list of all currently stationed Umbra explorers
    • You can now use Coterie skills during Umbra expeditions
    • Certain splats can now physically enter Umbra expeditions, which makes failures during skill checks result in wounds (instead of stress gain)

    Gameplay additions​

    • Miracles
      • Beatific is now a tiered trait, opening up various Miracles
      • Gain trait XP through:
        • Lay on Hands (up to 25 XP)
        • Converting a character to your faith (up to 25 XP)
        • Converting a county to your faith with your Court Chaplain (up to 50 XP)
        • Banishing Demons via interaction, or hunting them via Journey
        • Finishing Inquisition Objectives
        • Gaining the final perks of Holy Arts
        • Gaining Theurgy perks
        • Through a rare Umbra Expedition in the Astral Reaches
      • Lose trait XP by committing theft (**10 XP) or torture (**100 XP)
      • Artifacts that once gave Beatific now give a specific Miracle instead.
      • There are less characters starting with TF now and almost no character starting with Beatific. Lowered Vittoria's health penalty to compensate
      • Beatific characters with 20+ trait XP can now banish Demons. At 80+ trait XP, they can do so without knowing the Demon's Celestial Name
    • Added various House Lore lifestyle trees from Demon: The Fallen
    • Added a new lifestyle tree for Chi-using Infernalists: Investments of Soul. Players can get perk points by exploring the Yomi Wan (Thousand Hells) in the Umbra
    • Added 4 new perks to Hellweaving (Kuei-Jin Demon Arts)
    • Added 7 possible events that may interupt the embrace scheme
    • Fae can now steal children and turn them into Changelings via character interaction
    • Fae can now turn their dreamers into Changelings via character interaction
    • Fae can now get heirs by turning a sprite into a Fae via decision. This works like the similar Kuei-Jin decision
    • Added a unique objective for Hsien
    • Characters who've explored the Yomi Wan can now send their bound Wraiths to hell, which might turn them into Kuei-Jin
    • Certain perks that let you command animals now also let you call your pets to war
    • Exploring the Great Engine in the Deep Dreaming now lets you add a Development growth bonus to provinces where you control the Umbra
    • Added an interaction to Fae that lets them call other members of the Patron council to wars
    • Added an option under Command Puppet that is usable on hunters to have them use the Inquisition Hunt scheme against your target
    • Added 4 artifacts
    • Added 10 new Plasmic and Whistimmu men-at-arms that can be discovered via Umbra Expedition
    • Demons can now change another character's sexuality with the Revelation perk
    • Added the Great Maelstroms, which will make the Shadowlands more dangerous to explore during times of great upheaval (like the Black Death)

    Gameplay changes​

    • Demons now have cultists in addition to thralls. Most mechanics that previously used thralls (like Arcana XP gain) now use cultists instead. You can now only have a limited amount of thralls (based on your Intrigue)
    • Demons no longer get the Fallen trait when possessing a human host
    • Added Kuei-Jin lifestyle XP bonuses to Dharma traits
    • Nerfed effects that debuff Fort Level across the board
    • Teleport abilities now only work if the army you command has 1500 soldiers or fewer
    • You can now only attempt to bind the same Wraith every 10 years
    • Changelings can now be ghoulified
    • Characters from the Ruler Designer can now become Changelings by interacting with a lover/friend
    • The energy costs of Reweaving and Will over Form are now paid after selecting traits, not before
    • Piety and blood costs for Will over Form are now in line with other abilities if used on your own character
    • Mummies and Fae can now learn the true names of traits via a character interaction on characters whose full true name they know
    • Characters with Vicissitude Advanced can now learn anatomy via a character interaction on prisoners. It also has the same effects as torture (and shares a cooldown with it)
    • The decision to learn anatomy now has higher costs and stricter requirements (need to be a physician or whole of body)
    • Any necromancer bloodline can join the Camarilla now, not just the Cappadocians
    • Brujah crime doctrines now apply to True Brujah as well. Cappadocian crime doctrines now apply to all necromancer bloodlines
    • Certain faiths now accept Demonology, while still considering Infernalism a crime
    • Hsien are now fully immortal (with resurrection) and infertile
    • Fae can no longer just ignore mental defenses
    • Demons now lose stress when successfully completing Tempt/Corrupt Schemes
    • Journeys that can be started via character interaction (Hunt, Find Hiding Place, Find Lair) are no longer limited to one. You can start as many of them as you want
    • Removed risk of incapable in hunt (vanilla) events
    • The AI is now more likely to refuse being turned into a Vampire or Shifter by sorcerers, especially if their faith despises those splats
    • Destroying the Masquerade via the Forever Indomitable decision now stops Inquisition factions from spawning
    • Breaking up with a lover now always gives stress instead of only if you are lustful
    • Nerfed nightmare trods
    • Increased the cost of Rhapsody
    • Refactored vanilla war declarations contracts to allow for banning individual vassals from waging wars
    • Nerfed a vanilla travel event potentially giving free prowess
    • Effects that remove injuries now also remove infections and gangrene
    • True Fae and spirit-type characters (like wraiths) can't get infected wounds anymore
    • The Santa decision no longer requires the Comfort Eater trait, since getting it through stress breaks is too inconsistent
    • The Gilgul interaction no longer requires Realm Actor relationships
    • The Transmogrify interaction can be used on rulers if they are in your prison
    • The mesmerize scheme now takes into account some perks, personality traits and generation difference for both the attacker and defender. The scheme encylopedia and in game tooltips describe which perks are relevant
    • Splats other than vampires now have defenses against mesmerize
    • Tweaked a potentially nonsensical vanilla death event
    • All characters who start with the Infernalist trait can now do the Demonology Journey for free
    • Bloodbonding scheme is no longer blocked by strong mental defenses, but is overall harder to succeed, uses a combination of both intrigue and prowess and the Unbondable trait or secret now correctly blocks the scheme and prisoner interactions
    • Removed the Gods and Monsters legacy track. No actual gameplay change. ==This "half track" was a bandaid back in the day to assign some rewards that were limited to dynasty perks. It's not needed anymore, it will reduce confusion to not have a bizarre locked half dynasty legacy at the top of the screen.
    • Web of Knives rework, client side : In regions where the WoK is present, you can now put a contract on another vampire (non Assamite) head. You will get clearer options and feedback on the cost, when to expect results and what kind of results they will most likely be
    • Web of Knives rework, assassin side : As a Banu Haqim on the road of blood religion, you will be offered contracts (roughly every 20 years). If you accept, you can use intrigue (lower risks, but not diablerie possibility) or a duel (to the death, can diablerize if you win) to fulfill it
    • Ephorate improvement : If an Ephor dies and a player is eligible, there is now an event to force your way in the Ephors without relying on randomness
    • Ephorate improvement : Ephors now have access to three unique and powerful court positions (strategoi, lictor and tribunes)
    • Increased the initial cost of the Sorcery Journey to 1000
    • You can now invite your spouse to your Coterie, even if they're not in the same realm as you
    • Direct vassals cannot use the Masquerade Exposure CB against fellow vassals if their liege does not practice the Masquerade
    • Gaining a new host as a Demon now resets Resolve to 0 instead of costing 5 Resolve, to prevent excessive stress gain from "overdrawing" Resolve
    • Fleshcrafted artifacts now give an opinion bonus with adherents of the Road of Metamorphosis, to offset the general opinion penalty
    • The Realm 5 perks don't require the Realm Mastery traits in non-fae bookmarks anymore, since the Realm Mastery Journey is impossible there
    • Degulo now actually swaps base stats with the victim
    • Dharma 10 now also lets one bypass strong mental defenses
    • Added opinion bonuses with Seelie faiths to the Faerie Kin perk (Fianna Tribe Gifts)
    • Added opinion bonuses with Unseelie faiths to the Unseelie Faerie Kin perk (Black Spiral Dancer Tribe Gifts)
    • Allows Demons to properly recommend embraces to their enthralled vassals
    • Allows Demons to soulforge wraiths without a Journeyman, as per lore they are capable of doing so
    • A Demon who uses the Healing Touch interaction now loses 1 Torment
    • Vampires now gain an opinion bonus from their victim after drinking their blood. Except for Giovanni, who get an opinion malus as per their clan curse
    • Added a 5 year cooldown to Bind Demon
    • Cannot Cross the Broken Mirror as a non-infernalist (Will be re-enabled after a re-work of Yomi Wan)
    • Fleshcrafted artifacts now take more of the victim's traits into account when determining the artifact's stat bonuses
    • You can now exchange grace for gold when communing with Charon. He no longer offers overpowered armies. (RIP)


    • Yorak and the Dracon now start with full knowledge of anatomy
    • Gave Elder Vicissitude to the Dracon (and the other "Dracon", after the takeover)
    • Added a missing Mummy (veil of night)
    • Made Nepos more stupid
    • Lore of the clans full read (10 characters, loading quotes, setup and history changes etc)
    • Added Maahes as the reincarnated cub of Sekhemet.
    • Created Per-Bast as Bubasti realm in the Nile Delta.
    • Fixed issues in the De Laurent dynasty
    • Initial creation of latest patron characters. those characters are: Galeria, Antonius, Dagaal, Constanza de Tudela, Sylven ap Sorel, Jayde, Aren Darkwell, Adrahasis, Alarvyne, Vincent Roaché, Ariyah

    Trolle, Träumer, Tiefe Wälder​

    • New Aesin Houses: Gibichung, Volsung, Nibelung
    • New Dynasties: Rubezahl, Lorelei, Hofmystikern
    • New Characters: Siegfreid Hein Gibichung, Gunther Volsung, Mairead Liam, Rubezahl, Edigna von Puch/Eileen, Georg, Lorelei, Kathrin Hofmystikern
    • New dead Characters: Gunther Gibichung, Siegfreid Volsung, Hagen Nibelung, Volsung, Sigmund Volsung, Alberich Nibelung, Kremhild Gibichung, Oda Gibichung, Gibica Gibichung
    • Added 8 nicknames
    • Melusine la Bretagne is alive and revised, per A Darkening Sky. Rivalry between Pressyne and Melusine d'Anjou ended.
    • New Coat of Arms Colored Emblemms: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Swords, Inanimae, Changeling
    • Title Coat of Arms Changes for Spring Court, Summer Court, Autumn Court, Winter Court, Wayland, Tandoor, Kapherah, Nicnivin, Taulandryn
    • New Landed Titles: Black Forest, Lost Legion, Krkonose (Giant Mountains), Rhineland
    • Fae Bookmark added Siegfried Hein, Halostian and Rubezahl
    • New Diarchies/Power Struggles: Androjai/Halostian, Donovan/Aife, Gunther/Primus
    • New Decisions: Reclaim Borbetomagus, Kingdom of Rhineland, Imperial Rhineland
    • Verdoren, the Green Man, now has a new look thanks to anastasionthearchivist. Subsequently, Verdoren has displaced Lailoken as the bookmarked Ghille Dhu Kithain Noble.
    • Diplomat Lifestyle trait spread around generously among landed Truce-Bearers to speed defensive negotiations alliances.
    • Truce-Bearers now have an Oath Truce tenet rather than Pacifism. More changes to tenet to come in the future.
    • Truce-Bearers now have Balanced Triat aligned
    • Militants are either Wyld or Wyrm aligned
    • Constantinian faiths now see saints as virtuous.
    • Most Summer Court faiths now have Summer Traditions tenet rather than Legalism (which was too similar to Oathsworn).
    • Most Spring Court faiths now have Spring Festivals tenet rather than Sanctity of Nature.
    • Most Autumn Court faiths now have Autumn Caucuses tenet rather than Sacred Lies.
    • Some Winter Court faiths now have Winter Rites tenet rather than Gruesome Festivals.
    • For the Unseelie morality, patient is no longer a sin and impatient is no longer a virtue.
    • Black Forest holy site is now b_sankt_blasien, still c_breisgau
    • Portrait Statue Effects: White Ladies all get white marble shader
    • Nicnivin is now a Troll because she is described in folklore as "ogress-like figure, a hag and giantess"
    • Increased Nicnivin's Diplomacy
    • With her new diplomatic acumen, Nicnivin has realized that keeping Callicantzaroi and the Duchy of Salerno is more trouble than its worth, and she has cut him loose.
    • Removed Polotsk, Vitebsk and Orsha from De Jure for Duchy of Underbridge
    • Added three Scottish folklore children for Nicnivin, helfpul for alliance marriages: Fachan (canon), Caoineag and Seonaidh
    • Added Court Languages to Sidhe Noble House Kingdom Titles
    • Fixed issue with Domari language invalidating Season Court Language map colors
    • First Born Fae who were Scottish will now be Gaelic, as Gaelic is still in play on our 1230 bookmark.
    • Added Black Spiral Dancer dynasties to Hive of the Unshriven Zealot/Scotland: Lamont, MacGriogair, MacNeil, Sandrison and MacLeod. Names are call backs to Final Nights Wyrmish characters. Added 7 Werewolf characters and adjusted the age of Siunod for Black Spiral Dancer/Unseelie breeding and alliance purposes. Aidan Farwatcher hates this.
    • Added many fomori wyrm worshippers to the Hive of the Unshriven Zealot courts.
    • Vaticinators/Via Deorum Vigilans (Path of the Watchful Gods) now has a Blood Pact tolerance with Unseelie Fae faiths. Hail Olympus!
    • Helios Truth doctrine now has reduced vassal religion discontent rather than legalism parameters to reduce overlap with Oathsworn.
    • Changed the default displayed characters in main menu to some Fae.
    • Fixed some province religions for Fae: particularly Lost Legion, Black Forest, Krkonse, Inanimae and African kith
    • Added Changeling: the Dreaming pre-Shattering canon troll characters: Coruisk, Cullen, Moira the Mountain, Red Rory, Leander, Grayson, Pythos, Ynyra ferch Nissian and Alyss the Norn. Added Wallach from Dark Ages Fae.
    • Added folklore troll character to Black Forest: Haymon the Premonstratensian Giant
    • Added portrait DNA for: Kathrin Hofmystikern
    • Gwydion 'the Grey' now has grey hair and grey eyes, as it is in canon. He wears green and gold colours though--for reasons!
    • Added some ancestors for the Rhinelanders: Rerir, Konr, Rig, Sigi, Heimdallr and Odin.
    • Most Tuatha de Danaan in Arcadia are now tall
    • Danu now looks like a Goddess
    • Heimdallr is now an Albino
    • Tuatha de Danaan dynasty cleaned up into one tree


    • The Minions tab now displays the caps for Herd members, Ghouls, Dreamers, and bound Wraiths
    • Fera tolerance doctrines can no longer be voted on during the Council of Thorns, which should make certain tooltips less huge
    • Executions that involve devouring a prisoner's mind now show their cooldown in the interaction
    • When an Umbra Explorer reaches a new level in an Umbra realm, the interface message now shows which realm they're stationed in
    • Clarified the tooltip from the Periphery interaction in the Umbra: it gives an inspiration to a random courtier, not the player
    • Clarified the game concepts of Drain the Life and Phobia
    • Dynasty names are no longer displayed in localization, which fixes goofs like "Leopold von Murnau von Murnau"
    • Reformatted the regional intro events so that the text links to the relevant characters
    • Various tweaks to perk descriptions
    • Minor typo fixes
    • Tooltips and encyclopedia information updated for Entrance, Bloodbond and Mesmerize
    • Some interface adjustments to the Golconda interaction "Meditate on Humors"
    • Refactored the Local Umbra button so that it shows up even if another mod overwrites window_county_view.gui


    • Added an interaction for demanding conversion from all vassals, courtiers, or house members. Right-click yourself to access it
    • Added functionality for running arbitrary code from interface alerts
      • Added an interface alert for Vampires to remind them they can hunt in their capital
      • Added an interface alert for Werewolves to remind them they can train with their pack
      • Added an interface alert when the player can go on an Umbra Expedition
    • Mummies now have some new character interactions for commanding their effigies more easily
    • The following abilities now show an interface message when they're off cooldown: Psi Leech, Spirit Eating, Absorb the Mind, Feed the Caul, Devour Soul
    • The AI will now try to recreate Fae head of faith titles if they were destroyed for some reason
    • Added a decision to get rid of surplus True Faith perk points
    • Added an interaction for Fae to release Dreamers
    • An interface message will popup 6 months before Yorak's Cathedral of Flesh modifier will expire
    • Fixed some province religions for Code of Horus Mummies
    • Some fixes to the Were Lion/Simba Crinos form, with and without mane. Chonky Bastet is now more well defined but still chonky. More work to be done.


    • House heads now get a decision that lets them set the colors of all their house members' clothes
    • Most Vampire, Fae and Hunter houses will now wear colors associated with their lore and/or Coat of Arms
    • Updated Canon (not Patron) Bookmark Portraits for new house colors clothing
    • Portrait shader refactor
      • Adjusted the following statue shaders: Gold, Copper, Green Jade, Umbra
      • Added new statue shaders: Silver, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Light, Sand
      • Added a smoke effect to several splats and shapeshift modifiers that would previously be transparent
      • Added subtle flowing animations to Blood and Water forms. The Water form flows faster the more stressed the character is
      • Statue properties can now be toggled and adjusted separately. You can test this in debug mode: event POD_debug.2
    • No more white eyebrows on long dead Vampire Antediluvians and Arcadian Sidhe
    • Anconia's endowment increased
    • Added toothless gums to Sluagh
    • Added unique graphics to the Glamour bar
    • Made the header of the Journey window a bit more fancy
    • Via Archangeli Byzantine Court will now have Christian religious iconography
    • Nightified CFP Norse Royal Court throne room
    • Adjusted some light colors on Byzantine and HRE filler lights
    • Gave Ivory skin to Mnemach
    • Fixed issue with random Red Caps not getting Grey Skin by default.
    • Camilla COA colors changed to black & gold
    • Added Flandre Scarlet's wings as an easter egg: effect add_character_flag = POD_portrait_monster_flandre_wings_flag
    • Added illustrations to bygone and animal men-at-arms


    • Reduced size of Royal Court throne room darkened window dds
    • Removed some unnecessary CFP Papal daylight window dds
    • Reduced Court Graphic sizes from 170 MB to 6.15 MB
    • Compressed Unicorn Horn diffiuse and normal dds, reducing size from 24 MB to 696 KB


    • Resonance now gets automatically initialized when a character shows up in an event, gets imprisoned, or gets selected in the character window
    • Fixed a maintenance event that used to remove duchy buildings too often, which should lead to AI Vampires actually having high-tier Princedoms
    • You can no longer stack ALL the education traits with Reweaving. Sorry
    • Effects that increase the capture chance of prisoners during raids now work properly
    • Hostages can no longer be taken from incompatible splats after wars. No more hunters with vampire garden hermits
    • Disbanding your Coterie now actually works (whoops)
    • Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent you from clicking Journey buttons
    • Fixed the missing eyes of various Crinos forms
    • Camarilla/Sabbat members who enter torpor now properly abandon the positions they held in the sect
    • Converted a bunch of old checks from tiered traits to trait XP
    • The major Fae objectives (Inert Cold Iron, Beyond Reason, Inquisition objectives) now prevent the Shattering, as intended
    • The Imperial Overextension event is now tracked per dynasty, so it doesn't trigger again after every succession
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from being assigned as an explorer in the Umbra
    • Fixed certain murders circumventing resurrection mechanics
    • Using Dominate to make someone else start a murder scheme now always counts as murder for the purposes of Golconda
    • Using Dominate to make an Inquisitor start a hunt now counts as murder for the purposes of Golconda
    • Fixed the demon auto-thrall mechanic circumventing thrall restrictions and turning Fae into thralls
    • Journeys will no longer send you to sea tiles
    • Fixed some POD travel events triggering on sea tiles
    • Fixed the Mrs. Claus nickname
    • Bezariel realized his dagger is easier to wield if it's removed from its pedestal first
    • The Fae realized that the longbow Eilaf is easier to fire if you take it out of its chest first
    • Fixed a bug that would cause Umbra events from the wrong regions to be triggered
    • Fixed Inquisition faction leaders not spawning with blood resonance
    • When your heir is in the same Coterie as you, you will no longer be asked whether you want to join it upon succession
    • Added a bunch of artifacts templates to can_equip in addition to can_benefit to bypass a vanilla issue
    • Tweaked a vanilla event resulting in cross splats friendships
    • The "Raid for Captives" casus belli now actually gives captives when used by a Road of Metamorphosis ruler
    • Fixed some contracts in events issues
    • Fixed the Skin of Chameleon shapeshift modifier (Visceratika) not getting removed properly
    • Mesmerized characters shouldn't immediately leave your court anymore after recruiting them
    • AI logic for joining a Bloodbond scheme more in line with other agent schemes. Opinion malus is now applied correctly if the scheme fails and has a possiblity of progressing a rivalry
    • Blood Sorcery spell Theft of Vitae will give you blood as intended
    • Re enabled the missing decision to restore the Diet of Olives
    • Masquerade exposure events no longer give multiple options like imprisonment for faiths that don't practice the Masquerade
    • The decision "Horus' Crusade" now only checks for independent Setites (instead of wrongly checking for ALL landed Setites)
    • Wraiths who turn into Kuei-Jin don't look super old anymore
    • Fixed the aptitude checks for the objectives Dazzling Grandeur and Avenge Arikel's Shame
    • Multiple loca tweaks and fixes

    Patron build only​

    • Added canonical consequences when attempting to turn Fera into Abominations
    • Added trait XP tracks for Wraiths and Spectres
    • Added a dynasty legacy track to Wraiths
    • Consolidated the many Wraith government types
    • Overhauled some Wraith objectives
    • Wraiths can now choose to bind themselves to a necromancer
    • Added 5 Arcanoi perk trees
    • Added 10 Dark Arcanoi perk trees for Spectres. Wraiths can also get them if they reach level 3 in the Labyrinth
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    • 1
    Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Hotfix 2, Version, Change Log, 3/8/2024
  • Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Hotfix 2, Version, Change Log, 3/8/2024
    • Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 Version "Scythe" and "Legends of the Dead" DLC


    • Added a new objective for Demons that lets them create a Primordial Sin Dragon
    • Added lifestyle perks for the Lore of Awakening and Lore of the Firmament for the Asharu dynasty
    • Added an intro event and objective for Persephone
    • Added an accolade for Wraiths
    • Enabled the Blood and Kin dynasty legacy tracks for certain splats that can have children
    • When selecting a character to play on the map, the interface now shows their splat
    • The character view now uses DLC backgrounds when applicable
    • Gave the character portrait at the bottom left nighttime lighting. Also made it bigger because why not
    • Changed the map font
    • Some more tweaks to the map table lighting
    • Saved the map texture with mipmaps so it doesn't look pixelated when zooming out
    • Fixed health modifiers displaying the wrong values
    • Made the county view slightly bigger to prevent clipping
    • Using Alchemy to turn into a Shapeshifter now properly removes all incompatible traits
    • Various tooltip fixes
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    Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Hotfix 3, Version 1.12.3, 3/19/2024
  • Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Hotfix 3, Version 1.12.3, 3/19/2024
    • Compatibility with 1.12.3
    Gameplay additions
    • Added a loyalty mechanic to knights:
      • Knights will now leave your court if their opinion drops below 0. You get a 1-year grace period to raise their opinion again
      • Knights are automatically loyal if: you have a strong hook on them, they're your bound wraith/herdmember/dreamer/thrall/host, they're under a geas of protection, or they're your spouse, councilor, Coterie member, friend, or soulmate
    • Added a new optional game rule: Samuel Haight Mode. It is DISABLED by default. Enabling it loosens various restrictions on splat-mixing:
      • Certain decisions and interactions from the character creator are unlocked by default, e.g. asking for the Embrace, or becoming a Ghoul by draining a Vampire prisoner
      • Any splat can learn all the Numina
      • True Faith and Infernalism are no longer mutually exclusive
      • Every embraced Shapeshifter becomes an Abomination
      • Fae-blooded characters keep the ability to use Cantrips after the embrace
      • Supernatural characters might get the Lament or Psychic traits on birth
      • The Dhampyr trait is no longer mutually exclusive with other splat traits on birth
      • Half-splats (like Ghoul) are no longer removed upon Chrysalis, the First Change, or becoming a Shapeshifter via Alchemy
      • Shapeshifters can be ghouled
      • Ghouls don't lose Kinfolk or Kinain traits
      • Any Vampire can awaken their Hun & P'o if they befriend a Salubri Watcher
    • Added Storyteller Mode, intended for more experienced players:
      • Increases the opinion requirement for knight loyalty to 50
      • Decreases resonance experience gain for every discipline you have beyond the starting 3 (-20% each)
    • Added some legitmizing Legends for the Fae
    • Added a new duchy building for Bane Mummies
    • Added an effect to the Favour of the Yama Kings perk (Kuei-Jin Demon Arts)
    • Inner Circle members of the Camarilla now get the option to nominate Justicars of their choosing
    • Custom characters now also have the option to become an Asekh-Sen or get possessed by a Demon when changing their splat
    • A Thrall trying to put their demonic master in prison might get a Nasty Surprise
    Gameplay changes
    • Added Epidemic resistance and Legitimacy effects to many POD perks
    • Infiltration mission changes: They're mostly harder, but you can also improve at them over time
      • You now need to find a key before you can open the vault. Illustrious artifacts require 2 keys
      • Suspicion events now have more difficult skill checks and harsher Suspicion penalties
      • Skill checks on the map increase more in difficulty at higher Suspicion. Failures will cause wounds or stress. Also, Prowess checks are harder than the other stats
      • Negative modifiers from Infiltration events now last for 10 years instead of 5
      • Raised the general opinion penalty for getting caught (-20 -> -30) and it now lasts for 20 years instead of 10
      • Lowered the Suspicion cost of side objectives to make up for the increased difficulty of the main objective
      • Added 3 new suspicion events (many thanks to karde)
      • Exiting an Infiltration now makes your victim wary (whether you succeeded or not). Infiltrations against the same target are more difficult for 20 years
      • Infiltration Journeys will now send you to the target's capital, not their location
      • After finishing 3 Infiltration missions, you get a modifier that makes future Infiltrations slightly easier. This stacks up to 5 times
    • Changed the mechanics around the Summon scheme
      • The diplomacy and intrigue challenge fires when the scheme is started
      • Along with the regular success/fail, you can also critically fail or succeed on the challenge either hastening the scheme or preventing you from using it on the target for a set amount of time
      • Maintaining the summon scheme may cost a blood point per month
      • Halved the opinion penalty for summon, and if the target already likes you, negating it
      • Failing the scheme prevents summoning the target for 10 years, critically failing for 50 years
      • Further details are in the Summon scheme encyclopedia entry
    • The "Bring the Plague" interaction (Daimonion) now makes the caster fall out of Golconda
    • Added dev growth to cultural innovations #A starting stopgap measure that should help ease the plague apocalypse going on
    • Nerfed demonic lores stuff
    • Ghoulifying a parent after the mother already became pregnant won't result in Revenants anymore
    • Vampires get preference in multiplayer when a Great Person spawns
    • If a player in multiplayer refuses to take a Great Person, they won't be forced on other players anymore
    • Refusing someone who challenges you to a boardgame now only makes them mad for 5 years, instead of forever
    • The Black Death game rule from pre LoD is back #So you can disable the BD as before if you prefer
    • Replaced pacifism with unrelenting faith as a Shih doctrine #Pacifism made little sense for them, they are hunters after all, and blocked holy wars and raiding
    • Nerfed the Qiao lifestyles #Since the above is an overall buff to the Shih, nerfed their unique lifestyles to keep them as the intended relatively difficult faction
    • Removed or replaced most instances of faith_creation_cost_mul #While we don't expressly want to remove faith creation as an option, we also don't want to encourage it either due to the numerous issues it causes
    • Made the Ventrue objective harder to achieve for the AI only #Reports of it being routinely achieved in the battle royale bookmark
    • Lowered the stat penalty for clones (like Shadow Twin) since they only copy the original's base stats now
    • Certain interactions that previously only worked on Mortals now also work on half-splats
    • Updated some religion requirements to take all supernatural versions of Abrahamic religions into account
    • The opinion bonus/penalty from drinking blood as a Vampire doesn't stack anymore
    • Nerfed Perfection of the First Age (Kuei-Jin Soul Arts)
    • Nerfed Implacable Vengeance (Demon Arcana)
    • Tweaked building cost scaling with cultural eras
    • Added legitimacy gains (and some losses) to some PoD decisions
    • The epidemic frequency game rule now defaults to "fewer" in PoD #You likely will have to reset your game rule to default
    • Closing the trait editing window (e.g. from Reweaving) now doesn't trigger the cooldown from its respective character interaction
    • Wraith clones (like the Separated Khaibit) can't be bound anymore
    • The Dream Time cantrip is no longer blocked by strong mental defenses
    • Added 4 canon coteries
    • Added 23 lore buttons. Scripted the stats of those characters.
    • Added a tutorial event when opening the Umbra window for the first time
    • Changing one's splat now opens the introduction event again
    • You now get an interface message when one of your Thralls or Dreamers dies
    • The Dharma trait track now links to the mentioned religions and faiths
    • Updated the map mode GUI with the new map modes from the DLC (Epidemics and Legends)
    • Added 60ish character portraits by Sithia
    • Added placeholdery icons to court positions since it's now needed
    • Copying a character's appearance now properly copies visual aspects like their hairstyle and beard
    • Vampires in torpor now use the sleepy time death animation as their idle in their character records and lore events
    • Vampires in torpor in lore events now have catacombs or ossuary event backgrounds depending upon DLC
    • Charon lore event now has a Dark Kingdom background
    • Fae that are dead (or in Arcadia) now have Umbra portrait shader
    • Added some new graphics for Demons who complete their secret quest
    • Added support for shaders that don't get applied to clothes:
      • Ondines now wear normal clothes instead of watery ones. Mudhib wears normal clothes instead of golden ones
      • The metal shapeshifts of Mummies now only change the character and not their clothes
    • Turned off bloom in court scenes since it causes visual issues with certain shaders. This should fix the long-standing flickering glitches with statue graphics
    • Got rid of an expensive maintenance event. The mod should now run ~10% faster overall
    • Various fixes to prevent buildings in progress from getting demolished
    • Various fixes to prevent immortal characters from getting diseased
    • Gave Inquisitors access to Legitimacy
    • Fixed a bug that led to Inquisitors getting no taxes
    • Fixed a bug that would lead to Gargoyles being created with no generation trait
    • Fixed wrong allocation of disciplines in some revenant houses
    • Replaced the potentially lost k_venice by the always there c_venezia as prerequisite for restoring the Giovanni family
    • Fixed Cultists seeing the Resolve bar despite not having Resolve
    • Fixed non-demons gaining Cultists
    • Fix for the "Request Enthrall" interaction
    • Fix for travel teleport abilities not working if the army teleport requirements aren't met
    • Fixed another potential diseased immortals edge case
    • Vassals now properly consider war declaration restrictions to be against their best interests
    • Fixed the requirements for the "Guilty Suicide" interaction for Beatific characters (it now requires the third Level of Devotion instead of 3 Piety)
    • Fixed faction leaders sometimes having the Mortal trait in addition to another splat trait
    • Fix for clipping Kuino quad-eyes
    • Fixed a bug when a demon uses Mark For Return on the mortal they're possessing
      Removing weather cantrips no longer results in opinion penalties or rivalries
    • Ordinating a Hunter will now remove the Turned Hunter trait
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the changed title names from the Clan mapmode to get stuck
    • Fixed an exploit that allowed Anadja to get unlimited base stats
    • Various fixes when giving titles to auto-generated barons
    • Various Umbra fixes
    • Various minor loca fixes
    Patron build only
    • The Bastet interaction "Judgment of Pestilence" now spawns an epidemic using the new mechanics
    • Added proper tenets and doctrines to Guild faiths
    • 2Like
    "The Final Heist" ModCon3 Presentation: Fae & Heists
  • “The Final Heist” presentation for ModCon3 highlighting our expansion to the mod based on Dark Ages: Fae and Changeling: the Dreaming. Adventure with Siegfried and “The Professionals” to steal gold from Mammon, the Demon of Greed, using the mod’s new Journeys and Heists mechanics. The Dark Ages Fae bookmark including Journeys and Heists is available for download to play now on Steam Workshop, Mods at Paradox Plaza, NexusMods and ModDB.

    Queue the funky sound track!

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    Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Update, Version 1.13.0, 9/24/2024
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    Constantinople, Demons, Sorcery, Psychics, Síocháin and Mummies
  • Hello everyone!

    I am VecsonON, one of the new devs for Princes of Darkness, and I am explaining my additions in the coming update

    New objectives for Demons

    The first thing I made was adding 2 new objectives(decisions) for demons!


    Now for demons to get an objective, they first must go through all dynasty legacies in ‘Infernal Eminence’. Then in the final event you will decide what objective you will gain. Will you ascend with the help of faith from millions of mortal, or will you bring destruction upon all of creation?

    Rework of Sorcery, Psychic and Theurgy




    Say goodbye to old Sorcery, and welcome new one! Now with 19 paths straight from the TTRPG. Mortals will have a little more to do than before. With paths of Alchemy, Herbalism and Spirit Walking, sorcerers can now live much longer than normal mortals could! With mastery in Alchemy, mortals can even become immortal!

    Other paths give other powers, In more detail, Alchemy and Herbalim give the possibility to brew potions, which can increase health, fertility, some attributes, or even make you immortal! We have paths giving you powerful modifiers like divination giving huge scheme resistance! Other paths give you access to new character interactions costing stress and piety to achieve some effect, similar to fae’s cantrips!
    But everything nice must have some drawbacks, in our case, level 6th of sorcery is shaky lore wise. That is why there exist gamerule to disable them, for players that want 100% lore gameplay!





    Psychic is very similar to Sorcery, Main differences between these two are

    the fact that in psychic most if not all powers use stress. Another difference is that Psychic is less common and overall harder to get than sorcery, this is balanced with the fact that psychic is stronger in some regard than sorcery.


    The smallest of the Numina reworks, Theurgy is mostly a more acceptable version of Sorcery in the eyes of Shadow Inquisition. Where Sorcery is a crime, Theurgy is mostly accepted!

    Unfortunately, acceptance of theurgy is one of only positives in comparison with other 2, Theurgy is the smallest, and least powerful from all numina, but it still has some unique powers to use.


    Next thing I have added, is possibility to become síocháin–an immortal, banality free, changeling. To become síocháin, you must first get desperate enough to try something thought impossible, or be knowledgeable enough to try it anyway!

    To start your journey towards síocháin you must first, start /journey/…

    Then you will start your long quest towards famed immortality! Will you succeed?

    Way to learn new Lores

    Another dev has done all demonic lores, so I decided to make some way to learn them all!

    There are two ways to learn new lore: Via bounded demon, or you go into the abyss in search of a demon you will compel into teaching you.


    Demon Sin Building

    A new building has been added for each demonic sin.


    Constantinople: Second Grand city!

    And here is a big one. I have created a second grand city with 3 different versions!
    Similar to Rome, Constantinople too has different versions based on the holder, but as Rome’s versions come from which race/splat holds it. Constantinople is based on culture!

    There are 3 versions of second grand city:


    Constantinople for rules with: Latin, Germanic or Iberain culture will plunder what is left from Constantinople until it is left dry, then these rules maybe will try to rebuild it with their new perspective, but if you plunder whole city to ground, don’t expect reforming and rebuilding this will be easy nor cheap.



    But not everyone will plunder this great city! Rulers with Byzantine roots, Russians and Romans may choose to rebuild it to its former glory! This process won’t be easy, but when finished, Constantinople will be the greatest city ever built!



    but again, not everyone will rebuild nor plunder this great city. Some will be just happy with reforming the city to new occupants. This process is much easier than rebuilding, but the result will not be as great as rebuilding it.


    Independent Mummy Objectives

    Have you ever thought, “Caibiri and Ishamilites' objective is just bad”? Then I have some great news for you! As I thought exactly the same some time ago!

    Now independent mummies have 3 new objectives. Only two are ever available in one game! In all games you will force Horus into a conservation. Then you will be able to decide what Horus will do! Will he accept independent mummies as his ally? Or will he deny any such idea? Well, nevertheless you will get an objective as an independent mummy addressing the issue, Will you ascend to the position of Judge of all mummies? Or will you completely break free from horus with your new dark kingdom?

    Rework of Blood magic

    The next big one, we have completely reworked blood magic with a whole new GUI!


    Blood magic is divided into paths and traditions. Path is a single line of perks, some of which gives access to spells! All paths are gathered in traditions, like Thaumaturgy, Akhu and more! Each Tradition also gains a ritual, which is a spell that requires additional resources and time to achieve a more powerful effect!

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  • Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 2, Version, 9/27/2024
    • Compatibility with Crusader Kings III "Basileus" Hotfix and "Roads to Power" DLC

    Known issues
    • The game will occasionally crash to desktop after the first loading screen. This seems to happen more frequently if your RAM is low. Try closing other applications before launching CK3 (especially web browsers)
    • Rectangular artifacts in the main menu background. Seems to happen only when using Vulkan as the renderer (e.g. on Linux)

    Gameplay changes
    • If you're a landless adventurer traveling for a contract, you can now finish the Hunt in Capital and Pack Training Journeys without going home first
    • Adapted the PoD court positions for landless play, either making them unavailable or free of charge
    • Brunhilde now receives the Gallivanter trait automatically from her landless event option, preventing her from inheriting or being placed on a throne. You can remove the trait via decision if you wish.
    • Only very weak (prowess wise) characters can be killed by the death of a commander event now
    • Small landless balance events tweaks

    • Added Sithia's portraits for the Valkyries
    • Removed the 'stache of Marconius. It was too powerful

    • Fixed a vanilla bug leading to crashes to desktop when hovering over artifact requirements
    • Fixed the crash to desktop when hovering over the monthly Umbra exploration progress value
    • Ensured a game over when losing all land after a conquest, instead of ending up in a weird limbo state where you're landless with no adventurer government (vanilla adventurer functionality will be reenabled once it's more polished for PoD)
    • Added another fix to prevent characters from leaving the player's court without warning (maybe it'll work this time)
    • Fixed the overly intense red lighting for main menu characters and Antediluvians on AMD graphics cards
    • Removed the "Fix Frozen Schemes" interaction since it's obsolete after the scheme rework
    • Fixed a broken trigger that would prevent landless adventurers from using the Befriend scheme
    • Fixed various bugs that would prevent characters from resurrecting if they die during scheme contracts
    • Overhauled the scripts and localization of Childe education events so they work with landless adventurers
    • Fixed the broken localization when doing the "Visit local settlement" decision on a Grand City
    • Hunters can now only ordinate characters at the same location, rather than anyone in diplomacy range
    • Made sure the world actually ends if you end the world as a Demon
    • Bloodheal now works properly for Ghouls and Revenants.
    • Landless adventurers can no longer join wars on behalf of hostile splats
    • Fixed localization of Labyrinth umbra realm.
    • Fixed localization of Compel perk.
    • Reworked and fixed the ranking for fera events (Bastet can now properly rank up)
    • Fix the broken rune crafting material (because PDX added its own rune loca and flag)

    Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 1, Version, 9/25/2024


    • Kiasyd can have beards again

    • Fixed male Nosferatu forms. They are beautiful again.
    • Fixed the "Release from Prison" interaction not actually releasing prisoners
    • Fixed all PoD clothing to use the new ground joint, preventing them from deforming.
    • Fixed animations missing the new ground joint, eliminating error log spam.
    • Fix some loca issues
    • Reactivate the chiro forms, those weren't broken after all
    • Fixed the wraith trait being too verbose and thus not possible to deselect in RD for some resolutions
    • Fixed a wrong option in the demon intro event
    • Removed a CK3 advice telling you to give away your last held title. It's not good advice.
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    Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 4, Version 10/4/2024
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    Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 4, Version 10/4/2024​

    • Compatibility with Crusader Kings III "Basileus" Update and "Roads to Power" DLC

    Scheme overhaul​

    • The following schemes have been turned back into personal schemes: Embrace, Ghoulify, Herdify Mortal, Herdify Vampire, Musing
    • The following schemes have been turned into basic schemes with no agents and 100% success rate, since the resolution happens during the ending event anyway:
      • Embrace, Ghoulify, Herdify Mortal, Bloodbond, Ordination, Tempt to Infernalism, Enslavement, Entrancement, Curse of Insanity, Soulbond, Spirit Eating, Emotion Injection, Project Negative Psychic Energy, Mesmerize, Cast Hekau, Skuld Fulfilled, Summon, Enthrallment
    • Reworked the following schemes:
      • Herdify Vampire: Uses agents and advantages. Added a failure event.
      • Discover True Name: Uses advantages, but no agents.
      • Tempt: Uses agents and advantages. Characters who have the appropriate sin trait, the same sin faith, or a demon-worshipping faith like Via Diabolis are valid agents. Also added agent selection options in the character interaction
      • Corrupt: Uses agents and advantages. Characters of the same sin faith or a demon-worshipping faith like Via Diabolis are valid agents. Also added agent selection options in the character interaction
    • Added a Vampire scheme icon to a number of Vampire-related schemes
    • Fixed some localization issues with scheme tooltips

    Gameplay additions​

    • Added a "Diplomats" option when hunting in your capital so that all education types are accounted for
    • Landless adventurers now get the option to travel with their entire camp when starting the travel phase of a journey

    Gameplay changes​

    • Modified Demon tempt and compel schemes to allow intermediate events that boost success chance to fire for Earthbound demons
    • You can no longer teleport your travel entourage if you're also taking your domicile with you
    • Clarified some returning "died falling from their horse" death reasons
    • Dracon (and Nikita post Dracon) is now Greek so that he can rebuild Constantinople
    • Non werewolf shapeshifters can now also try to stop the Flaying Plague
    • Reverted back the cost of destroying titles/laws to vanilla but hid the button to remove realms laws #Before the cost was made prohibitive since we don't want people removing elective from our laws but it had the side effect of making destroying titles too expensive (since destroying a title costs a flat amount + the laws destroyed in the process)
    • Sanity check on some Daimoinon powers
    • After 3 years, AI characters will have their masquerade automatically reduced to level 4 (if they are at level 5)
    • Decision requirements that require a title to be destroyed are no longer valid when using the Shattered World game rule
    • Made the decision to adopt a personal Coat of Arms free
    • Slowed down innovations growth a little
    • The holy legend seed for theologian can now only happen once instead of infinitely


    • Added a Knights detail breakdown view for any character. This is accessible from the character window by clicking on a new button over their military power
    • Added some icons to the options of Hunt in your Capital
    • Added new decision categories for PoD decisions



    • Added some conditional graphics to the events triggered by the WoD lore button, e.g. for Antediluvians
    • Gave POD's hostile scheme interactions an appropriately bloody header image
    • Added the new stained-glass header backgrounds to POD event themes
    • Added 6 portraits by Rex and Sithia
    • Added the "ignore cappadocian look" flag to several more Cappadocians never seen in their "true" form
    • Volker has been given a spa visit so that he looks closer to his canon appearance.
    • POD icon added to POD additions to Barbershop
    • Added various triggers and flags for ep3 portrait content
    • Added BDW's excellent Nosferatu portrait to Caradoc
    • Fachan's burn moved to opposite side of face. Personal coat of arms modified to match.
    • Christof Romuald now wears a Knight of the Red Cross Crusader tabard, as is proper. Sir Cuthbert would be proud.
    • Gave Berchta 'the Iron-Nosed" a metal nose (Usurper's Prosthesis).
    • Fixed Pox skin
    • Great pox and Lover's pox restored as Barbershop monster skin options
    • Smallpox Griet now looks like she has the pox
    • Added Ka Luon Form
    • Added Isanwayen portrait
    • Fixed numerous portrait bugs related to portrait modifier triggers
    • Zulo form/Dracul form, etc... no longer should get clothing overlap
    • Removed some POD clothes that are no longer needed because of house/character color decision and scripted effect
    • Helena has Greek Princess' Coiffure hair
    • Michael got imperial threads and a halo
    • Fixed some bookmark portraits
    • Fixed Antediluvian clothing (now with less cloaks!)
    • Added some animation poses to Antediluvian and a few Methuselah lore events


    • Added monstrous categories back to the ruler designer
    • Fixed the custom mapmodes (they all broke after the DLC)
    • Fixed some issues with Umbra realm tooltips
    • Fixed a bug due to auto-translated flags in the Hunt in your Capital Journey
    • Fixed a faulty trigger that would prevent you from blackmailing others for being a secret Sorcerer, Infernalist, and the like
    • Updated the odds_prediction for Demon tempt and compel schemes to be slightly more accurate. They are still quite inaccurate, though.
    • The torpor animation works correctly again.
    • Fixed an issue with court positions availability depending on order of assignment
    • Added missing formatting to certain game concept links
    • Fixed Tzimisce childer not leaving after telling you they want to leave
    • Fixed (mostly, it's janky) players ending up with kids of another shapeshifters kind if they marry that other kind.
    • Changed event background triggers to prevent Vampires from waltzing around in the sunlight in some cases
    • Fixed a few typos
    • Fixed an issue making a maintenance event consider litany gov forbidden for werewolves, which resulted in constant reset of realm laws
    • The vanilla event where travelers offer to join your court will no longer give you the option to convert their faith if it's invalid for their splat
    • Fixed the issue that made the spawned inquisitors not declare any wars
    • Cleaned the masquerade breach events
    • Added godbodies lifestyle image placeholder
    • Fixed some localization issues with Umbra crafting ingredients


    • Chinese translation by Chilemiao

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    Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 5, Version, 10/8/2024
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    Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 5, Version, 10/8/2024
    • Compatibility with 1.13.1
    Gameplay additions
    • Fleshcrafting someone who knows Blood Sorcery into a book now grants that artifact a bonus to Blood Sorcery lifestyle xp (based on the amount of Blood Sorcery perks of the victim). However, you need to know the same Traditions as the victim to make use of such a book
    Gameplay changes
    • Added the Lexor Brujah house
    • The translate lore perk now adds 5 max languages instead of 5 max languages schemes
    • Improved Grey Umbra event
    • Removed the ability for the AI to complete the Arabia Ikhwan objective #Could result in silent game over for players
    • Brought back the fluff text for Vassal obligation levels. Due to engine limitations, these are only visible in a nested tooltip (hover over the obligation level's name to see it)
    • Added a special icon for fleshcrafted books
    • Leaf be gone! The leaf has been removed from shapeshift full body forms.
    • Also, other artifacts like floating teeth and eyeballs were also removed in all full body forms.
    • Residual clothing should also no longer appear on full body forms. If it does, you can remove it via barbershop.
    • Bloodworm and LERMU form added.
    • Changes the order of appearance of monster forms, additions like wings are first, then the most common vampires forms, then fae kiths and then more obscure forms.
    • Glabro was moved to the Fera form list.
    • Added more Byzantine garb triggers to better control for canon character assignment.
    • Added new buildings icons for Constantinople, Paris and the Courts of Love #Thanks to Rex
    • Unwanted COA Crest should stop appearing, but still selectable under secondary headgears in barbershop.

    • Fixed an issue where the recruit guest interaction wasn't working
    • The hunter hunted event now properly happens in the vampire bookmark
    • Fixed issues in Thessalonika starting dev
    • Adding more safeguard to diseases for supernaturals
    • Fixed a wrong scope in wrath of god interaction
    • Fixed godbodies lifestyle art (again)
    • Loca fixes
    • Torpored characters who somehow find themselves imprisoned will now be released immediately.
    • Fixed Cabirus modifier
    • Added check for blood potency 10 during predator type selection. This should make no actual difference but it was missing so it has been added for the purpose of things looking nice.
    • Reduced unintentionally high xp gain from herded vampires to intended levels
    • Blood heal now takes into account diplomatic range
    • Strengthened some artifact prerequisites
    • Fixed several issues and inconsistencies related to Constantinople #Survey capital new opportunities will now have a chance to give +1dev to Constantinople since its buildings slots start maxed
    • Removed a tooltip for a spell not yet implemented in koldunic sorcery
    • Empathic psychic healing now gives psy xp to the healer and not the healed
    • Removed several new ways that the AI can randomly marry
    • Allowed guests to once again be added to herds
    • Potential fix to a successions of things leading to not being able to revoke an holy order lease
    • Fix to Mohammad al Sahuir's nickname so no one confuses him with a Toreador Einherjar in Finland.
    • Updated the Knights window to be sorted by prowess
    • Chinese translation by Chilemiao
    • 2Love
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    Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 6, Version 10/11/2024
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    Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 6, Version 10/11/2024
    • Compatibility with
    • Added Dio's portrait by Rex
    • Fixed the Fae inquisition objective not differentiating Bavaria and House von Murnau
    • Fixed an issue making you pay double dread and stress when releasing prisoners without any demand
    • Removed the "mass demand conversion" interaction #It made characters accept the demand that they wouldn't otherwise
    • Fixed (maybe) the wraith summon on death interaction
    • Made the Umbra Explorer salary modifiers scale properly so you don't end up with an excessive amount of them
    • Chinese translation by Chilemiao
    • 1Like
    Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 7, Version 1.13.2 10/23/2024
  • Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 7, Version 1.13.2 10/23/2024

    • Compatibility with 1.13.2
    Clothing color improvements
    • Improved the GUI for selecting clothing colors:
      • Added sliders for selecting colors
      • Added HSV values alongside RGB
      • Added the ability to copy&paste color schemes
      • Added the ability to save colors as favorites
    • Added a character interaction for copying another character's clothing color scheme to your clipboard
    • You can now set a personal clothing color scheme for your own character, even if you aren't a house head. You can also set a color scheme for your Coterie
    • Added the Lexor Brujah CoA by Rex
    • Chinese translation by Chilemiao
    • Children born from a shapeshifter player + a Fae couple will now follow the shapeshifters scripts instead of the Fae one #To avoid game overing yourself by having your shapeshifter dynasty replaced by Fae just because you had a one night stand with a pointy eared lady in the woods at some point
    • Tweaked the challenge house head event
    • Added 20 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
    • Clan Novel DA Lasombra full read (15 new characters, coteries changes etc)
    • More checks in vanilla events to reduce nonsensical imprisonments
    • Restored the Norman culture in Normandy
    • Enochian can't be hybridized to bypass its outdated nature anymore
    • Fixed AI mummies marrying randomly
    • Fixed an issue potentially disallowing same sex marriage game rule for some faiths
    • Fixed the Babylon decision not spawning the hanging gardens
    • Fixed some instances of marriages between courtiers bypassing the usual checks
    • Fixed (probably) some instances where the Camarilla transfer prisoner interaction wasn't working
    • More fixes to Constantinople Grand City
    • Small Fae fixes (Moraan being unlanded, Iberian loca for CB, Kinain not being able to enchant)
    • Fixed wrong trigger for the black tortoise expedition
    • Fixed Fae appearing in non Fae bookmark
    • Fixed some artifact history
    • Journeys to learn new abilities will no longer give you teachers who are imprisoned, torpid, or Wights
    • Fixed the "burning building" event sound effect getting stuck even after closing the event
    • Fixed tolerance advantage not applying
    • Reworked Degulo to be less exploitable and less prone to break. Also added more pointers about how to use this convoluted system.
    • You now can only learn the base discipline trait from the victim now but you also don't lose your own disciplines, only paying in resonance instead
    • Removed an event giving vanilla buildings
    • Your marshal won't send you a message telling you they did a thing while actually not doing the thing anymore
    • Small fae fixes (solstice seeing legacies they can't take, stealing Iberian loca, wrong bookmark religion, using wraith government)
    • Fixed an house unity steering issue
    • Fixed demon perk causal influence not increasing county conversion speed as stated
    • Changed the umbra training modifier to % malus instead of flat piety to avoid modifiers "underflow"



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