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  • Mummies​

    What are Mummies?​

    Mummies are a type of supernatural creature in the World of Darkness. The ones you probably know are the Amenti, the Mummies created with the Spell of Life. There are four types of Mummies you can play. The Egyptian Amenti, the traitorous Bane Mummies, the rogue Ishmaelites, who broke from Horus but refused to serve Aophis, and the Cabiri, those taught by the Ishmaelites that formed their own path in Greece.

    Unlike Vampires, Mummies are creatures of life and vitality. They are creatures that dedicate themselves to a cause. They learn much faster than Vampires, often opposing them, as Servants of the monstrous Set, the traitorous uncle of Horus. The Setites are the greatest enemies to the Amenti, and they must ready themselves against them. The Undying are enemies of Apophis, a great beast of destruction that threatens to corrupt all of creation. The vampires are some of their greatest champions, and you stand outnumbered and vulnerable. But you can take back the lands the vampiric servants of corruption took from Balance.

    In Princes of Darkness, you can play the Mummies by going to the 1230 Inquisition Bookmark, which has them placed in several locations. The Amenti are in Upper Egypt, in the Southern Nile to the south of Nubia, the Ishmaelites along the North-Western African Coast, the Cabiri in Naissos in Bulgaria, and the Bane Mummies hidden in the Steppes, in the Kingdom of Zhetysu. There is also the option to create your own mummy, of one of these 4 groups of Immortals.

    Playing Mummies​

    Mummies, like Vampires, are ageless creatures, but they can still be destroyed. Instead of the Embrace, the Mummies have the Spell of Life, a powerful spell that costs 10000 piety if you are playing as Horus or Cabirus, that makes the prospective mortal an eternal mummy, but otherwise, you are very few in number. However, unlike vampires, you are still fertile. You can have biological children, but these children will be mortal. If you are killed, you can even come back to life! Mortals will be key to expanding your power base, as Neteru. You can make mortals your Neteru based on your personality, or your biological children will follow you as Neteru.



    Sekhem is the Vampiric equivalent of Blood. You regenerate it at a slow pace every month (Mummy Duchy Buildings do not affect this), and is the main source of power for your abilities. With it, you can heal wounds, give yourself buffs, manipulate the weather, use true name powers, summon animals, and shapechange. This reservoir of spiritual energy is critical for your more powerful effects, and can be game changing if used correctly. However, in order to regenerate it, you have to be in the heartlands of old power, the Lands of Faith, which is Northern Africa, the Middle East, and the Ancient Persian Heartlands. For the Cabiri, you can generate Sekhem in Anatolia and Europe.


    Sekhem exists on a scale of 10 to -9. 10 is the max you can hold, and is drawn from as you use your abilities. Different abilities use different amounts of Sekhem. If you go into the negatives, your body begins to deteriorate, which is represented as health penalties. If you hit -9, you have drawn too much, and you will die. Be careful!



    Mummies learn faster than Vampires. Instead of Disciplines, you have 6 trees of abilities. The smallest of these trees has 32 perks! A sufficiently old mummy can be a terrifying foe. Most of them offer modifiers similar to vampiric disciplines, but are a bit more varied in scope. Additionally, all Mummies have access to their 6 trees, and thus, your choice of mummy won’t have lost access to any content.

    The Lifestyles of the Undying​

    Mummies have 6 lifestyle trees, and they are as follows:
    • Alchemy, the Magic of Understanding how things are and how they’re made.
    • Amulets, the Magic of wards of power and using talismans for magical means.
    • Celestial, the Magic of Weather, fate, and the stars, and manipulation thereof.
    • Effigy, the Magic of symbols and the flow of powers through dedicated figurines.
    • Necromancy, the Magic of the Underworld and the flow of souls.
    • Nomenclature, the Magic of true names and the power they hold over others.
    Each of these lifestyles represent the powers Mummies can wield. The perks each tree has ranges from modifiers, unlocking duel moves, special abilities, new interactions, and new terrifying abilities. The most experienced mummy you can be in the mod is Horus himself, the Egyptian God of Kemet itself, the greatest of the mummies. However, given time, your very own custom mummy might rise above and become the greatest champion of balance, or possibly the worst evil unleashed by Apophis. The possibilities are immense, and an experienced mummy can put even a Master Methuselah to shame in battle.



    Like Inquisitors, Vampires, and Kuei-Jin, Mummies have their own unique lines of buildings. There are 5 as of writing, as well as a line of duchy buildings. These buildings are different then the ones vampires have access to. Mummies don’t need to worry about things like the Masquerade or Blood, and thus, work a little differently.

    The 5 main buildings you have access to are as follows:
    • Mortal Army, which represents your martial mortal followers, which increases Levvies and Damage your Men at Arms do, with static and percentage bonuses.
    • Sets of Worshippers, which represents your mortal cult, increasing your tax income, control growth, popular opinion, and piety.
    • Comprador Residence, which are the vampires that have sided with you and where they reside, giving you additional piety and prestige based on knights, and increasing their effectiveness.
    • Tomb, where you reform your body where it might be destroyed (what is a self respecting mummy without their pyramid!), which increases Fort Level, Defender Advantage, Garrison, and the damages and toughness of certain Men at Arms.
    • Legacy, your mark on the mortal world, which increases taxes, prestige, and renown.

    Finally, instead of Princedoms, in the duchies of the Lands of Faith, you have access to the powerful web of faith, a lattice of spiritual energy that spans the Middle East, Northern Africa, Eastern Africa, and Persia.

    Like Princedoms, the Webs of Faith are incredibly valuable. From building construction to development, to personal bonuses and duchy wide effects, the Webs of Faith do it all. Duchy Capitals are thus very important sites for mummies to hold. Holding and upgrading these fonts of power are going to be the subject of numerous wars, as you do everything you can to take and hold these precious zones of power.


    The Powers of the Hekau​

    Hekau, or the lifestyle powers you have, open up a whole new avenue of crafting. Mummies are industrious and ingenious, and don’t need inspiration to let forth their creative energy. As such, once you have the relevant perks in their respective lifestyles, you can make artifacts, called Effigies, Amulets, and you can perform rites of Alchemy. You will see them available once you have the right perk in the Decisions tab.


    When crafting, you may first choose from materials. Higher quality materials will yield you better results, at certain costs.


    Effigies are functionally courtiers that are bound to you, servitors to your will. They can perform different functions and other tasks, and you can use them to mimic others and gain access to their skills in your court. Effigies are grayed out mortals, usually innocent, and can be quite usefl depending on what you want them for.

    Amulets are artifacts you can create. They offer bonuses based on what perks you have and what you invest in them. Like effigies, you can be quite versatile with them, and you can gain quite a lot of different tricks with them. As with effigies, you will get more functionality as you better understand the Amulet Lifestyle, and further grow what you can do with this master of artifice.

    Alchemy is just as versatile. You choose materials, and then you make several skill tests (Learning), as you perform several rituals to make alchemical products.

    What you gain can vary, but you can get quite a few products from the get go. The quality of these items will depend on the materials and the results of your test, and once completed, you will be told what items you got. Then, when you right click on your character, you will see ‘Use Alchemical Product’ under Mummy. Clicking on that will tell you what products you have, and then each one will tell you what modifiers they give you. Most last for 3 years once used, and you can stockpile them. Say you want someone assassinated, use a dangerous poison beforehand to increase your odds. If you’re hurting for gold, you can also sell them to other rulers, using your alchemical knowledge to bolster your economy.

    Celestial Magic is your ability to divine the stars and manipulate weather. Mummies may seem a bit silly with their bandages and their unusual d4s in the deserts, but vampires stop laughing when a swarm of meteors destroy their haven!

    Based on learning and with the expenditure of Sekhem, you can unleash some truly horrifying effects on your enemies. Your magic is usually going to be aimed at an enemy realm, but more experienced Mummies can perform terrifying feats of global destruction. You make a learning test, and then your target is hit with a debuff based on the power you chose. You get access to more through the Celestial Lifestyle.

    Necromancy is your understanding of death and souls. It can be used similar to how vampires use Wraiths, but as a living creature, you have access to an even greater aspect of the Umbra, the Spiritual Worlds

    Above the Royal Court Icon, there will be a symbol of two crescents, and that is the Umbra. Once you have developed yourself in Necromancy, you can step into the Umbra and explore all it has to offer for yourself.

    Nomenclature is the magic of names. You can learn them through decisions and practice pronunciation. Learning them isn’t like learning a language, but rather the mastery of their ‘ren’ , the essence of their name.

    For learning the ren, there will be an option under mummies for the relevant true name. For example, learning Tree’s ren gives Horus access to the Tree option in ‘Asking the Trees’, allowing me to invoke the true name for a buff.

    True Names can also be used more deviously, for various abilities. You will need to scheme against them, depending on intrigue. Once you learn their true name, it gives you a hook you can use for a variety of things, based on the perks you have.


    The Endgames:​

    Mummies have a Major Decision based on the type that they are. The type of mummy you are will determine what Decision that is. This means the religion and type of mummy you are determines the bigger Decisions you can make as a Ruler.

    The Shemsa-Heru, those loyal to Horus and starting in Alwa, will have their major decision surrounding the reclamation of Kemet, and taking the land back from the foul Setites. The Ishmaelites, political breakaways against Horus, will need to maintain good terms with their vassals and prevent natural disasters in order to finish theirs. The Cabiri are much the same, but they also lose the enmity of the Shemsa-Heru, proving themselves to be Wardens of Balance. Finally, Bane Mummies complete their Major Decision by living up to their destiny as the chosen monsters of Apophis, by despoiling all those before you, and embracing the cataclysms Apophis desires.

    This primer on mummies should give you a good understanding of the Champions of Ma’at, and help you understand how to play them. Of course, it is often best to learn how to play through experience, but the information here can hopefully help you not just survive, but thrive in the night, and take your place as a true Prince of Darkness.

    Check the Princes of Darkness Wiki for the latest updates to this guide: https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Mummies
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    Traveler's Guide to the Umbra
  • Traveler's Guide to the Umbra​

    Princes of Darkness has added the Umbra, a special domain beyond the material world. Numerous types of supernatural creatures can enter these strange domains, and between lifestyle experience, special events, and unique choices and benefits, there is much one can gain from exploring these interesting domains. Note: The Umbra is still in development, and thus, this guide can be subject to change. The Umbra is integral to the World of Darkness, so we are regularly working on it. We plan on expanding it more when we add in and expand upon Wraiths and Garou, but for now, it has more limited functionality.


    Entering the Umbra

    Entering the Umbra is a relatively straightforward process. On the right sight of the game on your toolbar, between the Decisions and the Royal Court Tab (As of 1.6.01). Clicking on that icon will bring up the 'Reaching: Skinlands' screen. These are the Gates into delving into the Umbra.


    Here, you can access the 4 main places of the Umbra. The Spirit Wilds, the Shadowlands, the Astral Planes, and the Near Dreaming. Certain Supernaturals can enter certain parts of the Umbra, for example, Western Vampires can only enter the Shadowlands with certain disciplines like Auspex and Necromancy, while Kuei-Jin can enter any of the main four domains. Some areas are unique to certain supernaturals, like Mummies entering the Dark Kingdom of Sand through the Shadowlands, Wraiths entering Hades, Wyrm-aligned creatures in the Wyrm domains, and others. So no matter what you are, there is plenty to explore! If you cannot enter an area, a tooltip will tell you what traits you need to enter the Umbra. Now, let's enter the Umbra, in order of how they appear. Certain events will happen based on the perks and buildings you may have, so the more experienced you are, the safer entering and travelling the Umbra is. The Kuei-Jin can even get the Dah Modifier here as well! For the purposes of this Guide, I will explore the Umbra with Greater Ancestor Fan, the Retired Empress of the White Exiles, as a Kuei-Jin, she can enter of the four main domains. Without further ado, let's leave the world of the living.

    The Spirit Wilds

    The Spirit Wilds are another name for the Middle Umbra, particularly the space between the Near Realms. This part of the Umbra reflects the natural environment, both in its pristine state and the controlled domains of the areas humans dwell in throughout the Dark Ages. It is routinely visited by Garou, though some mages also make regular visit here. Kuei-Jin can also enter these wild places.

    In the Spirit Wilds, you get access to Aetheria, Atrocity, the Battleground, Erebus, the Flux, Pangea, and the Wolfhome.

    In Aetheria, you can visit three Incarna, the godlike beings that form the three main celestial bodies of the World of Darkness, Helios the Sun, Luna the Moon, and Gaia the Earth, as well as the firmament. But be wary, there are dangerous places to tread here, including the Dreaded Malfeas, the dreaded domains of the Wyrm. Here, stress abounds, which can have dire consequences...


    Next, we have Atrocity, a domain of pain. At the moment, there isn't much to do here, but it will likely be expanded on later.

    After Atrocity, we have the Battlegrounds. It doesn't expand into any realms currently, but meditating here might potentially yield insights into war, possible giving you a commander trait, based on your martial skill.

    Next we go to Erebus. From here, we can examine the Domains of Spiritual Cleansing, a realm of Hell for the Garou, but purification for others. Currently, there isn't much to do yet in Erebus.

    Following Erebus, we have the Flux. The Flux is a font of the purest energies of the Wyld, the energy of raw creation. Like Atrocity and Erebus, we will expand on the Flux Realm later.

    The Legendary Realms are the place where the Garou commune with their ancestors. This will be an important place for them, and like the other realms save Aetheria, it is easy to go back into the Spirit Wilds for further exploration.

    Pangaea is a reflection of the world before we knew it today, further into the dark ages, and before the classical ages, even dating back before civilization itself. It feeds back into the spirit wilds like the Legendary Realms.

    Wolfhome is one of the dwelling places of the garou. It will be expanded upon later when the Garou are added to Princes of Darkness.

    The Shadowlands

    The Shadowlands are the domains of the Dead. An uncanny reflection of our own domain, this place is a mirror of our own. You can find wraiths here, and they feel at home in these wasted places. From here, you can enter the Spirit Wilds, or enter the Dreaded Tempest. Within the Tempest regions, you can get lost, but across its domains one can access a good deal of minor artifacts that you can have wraiths forge greater pieces. Additionally, you have access to stress farming, as being in this realm is quite maddeningly. Just be careful, it can be quite easy to get lost...


    This place is one most can access, so be sure to explore it if you can, if you want to fully utilize the new power the manipulation of the dead can give you.

    Astral Planes

    The Astral Planes are, for the purposes of exploration, one of the smaller realms. The Courts of the Higher Heavens lie here, and are planned upon for doing more in the future.


    For now, it also one of the hardest to get lost in, so if you want to mediate in the Umbra, this is the place to do so. Dah lies in plenty here, and is a safe place to take in the wisdom of creation.

    Near Dreaming

    The Dreaming is as it sounds, its the place closest to the Skinlands where our dreams permeate the Umbra. It isn't too deep currently, with the Near Dreaming leading into the Far Dreaming, which leads into the Deep Dreaming, in singular paths with no loops, so as long as you remember with direction you're going, leaving the Dreaming is easier than any other Umbral Realm, so, like the Astral Planes, this is a good place to mediate for experience when the material world doesn't need you.

    This guide is subject to change with the release of new updates. This guide is up to date as of 'Iberia by Night' 1.6.01.

    Check the Princes of Darkness Wiki for the latest updates to this guide: https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Traveler's_Guide_to_the_Umbra
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    Princes of Darkness mod updated for 1.6.1. "A House Divided"
  • Princes of Darkness mod updated for 1.6.1. "A House Divided"

    Updated for CK3 1.6.1 (Castle), "Stabilizing the Iberian Peninsula"

    A new use of the struggle mechanic for the Banu Haqim of Alamut in Persia!







    Change Log
    • Updated for CK3 1.6.1 (Castle), "Stabilizing the Iberian Peninsula" update, June 21, 2022.
    • The wiki has gotten a big update, please check it out: https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki
    • Added "A House Divided" struggle for Banu Haqim over Alamut and Persia.
    • Befriend scheme fixed.
    • Added and completed Thauma's lifestyles script: The big change here is that you won't see the "exotic" disciplines trees that you don't have access for at the moment. It's a purely visual change and doesn't change how you can acquire new disciplines This will allow us to continue making new disciplines without fear of completely bloating the lifestyle screen with trees that will most likely not be relevant for you, like Abombwe if you are playing in Iceland
    • Adds two new artifacts, Djangalbi and Set's Emasculation Artifacts, and relevant scrips for additional content
    • Work to prevent Holy Wars firing instantly, now they'll fire in 1300 or if the big button was pressed
    • Ghouled Pets shouldn't die, but it needs lots of actual testing in case I missed something
    • Fix several drain famulus bug and other tweak
    • Kuei-Jin a seperate splat from vampire, and appear as such on splat map
    • KJ added to weight watchers
    • Protected the newly non vampires Kuei Jin from infirmity
    • Add kj tree missing desc
    • kj own bulding, make kj as indepent splat trait, allow kj breed dhampyr and other fix
    • Fix kj ai don't regenerate chi
    • Fix kj adopt having vamp trait
    • Kuei-Jin Wiki Guide: https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Ancestor's_Guide_to_the_Kuei-Jin
    • New Game Rule allow you to choose if Patron characters exist or not
    • Many new portraits
    • Added a warning to the first umbra screen that you will lose access to basically everything while in the umbra
    • vamp and umbra traveler won't be invited to feast and other fix
    • Add an umbra event, and other fix
    • Umbra guide added to wiki: https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Traveler's_Guide_to_the_Umbra
    • The "footstool" event has been functionally disabled, it's just too big of a swing (it will randomly unland one of your allies to start)
    • You can now control instead of destroy the relevant titles for the Faith in Shadows objective
    • The torturer lifestyle tree has been nerfed (again)
    • Added another effect for Toreador primogens. Those lacking RC don't have any otherwise
    • The Brujah cadre interaction now has a cooldown and a cost
    • Add a objective decision for east Salubri
    • Portrait clothing and shapeshifting form improvements
    • freestate use clan tax
    • Custom shih faith fix
    • Allow shih gain early acess to 6-7 Qiao when finish objective, since those perk is alredy implemented and modern bookmark is far away
    • fix shih getting inqui faith
    • fix imprision saying hunter is hell spwan
    • vamp can't survive suntrial
    • pope won't hate hunter
    • Added two new sections to the religious screen, Supernatural Tolerances and Doctrines of the Blood.
    • Added the incompatible splats triggers to hide some more interactions, like learn language
    • change from religion = religion:roadofset_religion to faith = { has_doctrine = special_doctrine_set_pillars_kindred }?
    • Change some ai value and fix non trait baron remove building bug
    • Corrected which type of xp was required to train characters in Abombwe
    • Don't allow buy higer level mummy craft perk with out low level one, fix a typo
    • Unvalid weather magic interaction if don't have any option
    • Less annoying mummy necromancy and more flavoured unmaking
    • Fix two mummy interaction, adapt marriage modifier to multisplat
    • Add sekhem check in most mummy interaction, shih phoenix perk now only resurrect once, remove can't resurrect without lifeforce restriction since nobody read introduction and dying asking why
    • more inteligent sekhem vessel, added frozen to avaliable trigger and removed some duplicate trigger that already is contained in avaliable
    • Mummy Easter Egg character for the Cabiri
    • Mummy building loca partial
    • Add Asekh-Sen trait for banemummy
    • Add cabiri only ducal building
    • Implement first level of wutian tan
    • Make bloodgorged age increase event apply to every immortal
    • fix for same sex fertility care
    • Lifestyle initiation for non hunter/vamp/ghoul
    • WereWolf model fixed
    • WWs can now shapeshift by decision
    • WW and Mummy dynasties added
    • WW are now able to designate their heirs as they please
    • WW are now especially hard to convert, as their "faiths" represent more tribes than religions
    • WW choose heir interaction is less costly
    • Wraith arcanoi traits, graphics and start of eight arcanoi lifestyles
    • Wraith government added
    • Wraith Replace potency with Pathos, add passion mechanic, two building line and sort off
    • Added three wraith faith and other thing
    • some weavy wraith convert to kj
    • Implemented fetter mechanic
    • Random spawn wraith now gain 3 random arcanoi trait, Player can learn arcanoi trait from wraith friend
    • Wraith now convert to spectre when lose all Corpus (die), and can't be risen
    • Allow risen acess to certain discipline
    • Fix spirit opinion trigged as province modifer
    • Local spirit generation fix
    • Disabled WW and wraiths for now for Steam Workshop and Paradox Plaza Mods.
    • Removed the house bonus for the DLC mediterranean decision #It goes crazy with the number of house members in the mod
    • Code cleanup and optimization. Code style guided added to github and wiki: https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Coding_Style_Guide
    • Improved Horus' victory localization
    • building fix
    • Fix via ferita icon display error
    • Various localization fixes
    • History files tweaks (TC1)
    • History files tweaks (TC2)
    • History files tweaks (TC3)
    • Additional Chinese Translation


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    Ancestor's Guide to the Kuei-Jin
  • Ancestor's Guide to the Kuei-Jin​

    To most of the Vampires of the West, there are rumors of a strange lineage of creatures with unusual disciplines. These myths of gthe bane of Clan Ravnos and the enemies of Cainites are curious, but to most, they are but a simple, fanciful fairy tale, an odd myth of the Ravnos and the legends of Neonates. But the truth?

    The Truth is the Hungry Dead are far more powerful than the Western Cainites could imagine.

    What are the Keui-Jin

    The Kuei-Jin are most easily known as 'the Vampires of Asia', but the reality is more complex than that. The Kuei-Jin are demonic undead that have escaped the hellish domains of Yomi, once mortals that had died, but managed to escape the Hells of Yomi, and emerged as the Kuei-Jin. Kuei-Jin, at a glance, seem like vampires, but they behave very differently. Whereas Cainites burn in sunlight, Kuei-Jin rot, becoming a corpse again. Where vampires drink blood, the weakest Kuei-Jin must eat flesh, until they grow in understanding, next being able to drink Blood like other vampires, until they can drink souls themselves, until at their final level of understanding, they may feed on the ambient energy of creation. Rather than 'Embracing' chosen mortals, Kuei-Jin of Yin Balance can have children called Dhampyrs, and mentoring younger Kuei-Jin, other survivors that freshly escaped hell.

    Kuei-Jin, in place of blood, use Chi in Princes of Darkness. Chi empowers their various abilities, which is what leads to their personal source of power. Yin Chi is the Chi of Life, and Yang Chi is the Chi of death. You get Yin Chi from the living, and Yang Chi from the undead. A Kuei-Jin usually focuses on one or the other, but your current 'balance' can be changed through a decision.

    Kuei-Jin otherwise use similar buildings to vampires, but are less concerned about the masquerade. In game terms, you have the same buildings as the Cainite Vampires, but in place of religious buildings, you have the Low War Building, which gives Intrigue and Learning based on stress, but otherwise, buildings are the same. You also have a unique Duchy Building, called the 'Dragon Nests' that are weaker points between the Umbra and the Skinlands. The wall rating (which you can lower with lifestyle perks and chi, accessed through the Umbra tab) must be 3 or lower to make the initial building.


    These can then be upgraded later, and can offer a truly massive bonus going forward. If you can, these buildings can be an incredible boon to hold and construct, equal to the Princedoms.

    Dharmic Paths​

    Just like Cainites have their Roads of Morality, Kuei-Jin have Dharmas. Dharmas are the Kuei-Jin True Faiths, and the path they take to achieve enlightenment and ascend to the Thousand Heavens. In game terms, they are religions, with different tenants and the like. 5 Dharmas, the Song of the Shadow, the Thrashing Dragon, the Thousand Whispers, the Devil Tigers, and the Resplendent Cranes are of the Fivefold Path, the more accepted Dharmas, who consider each other Righteous, similar to the Gnosticism tenant.


    Meanwhile, the 'heretical' Face of the Gods, the Rising Phoenix, Inward Way, and Ten Thousand Screams represent Dharmas not regularly accepted in the Middle Kingdom Interior. As CK3 takes place on the fringes of Kuei-Jin society, with their heartland in China, Japan, and Korea, the Kuei-Jin of the Steppes, India, and Tibet have potential to deviate from their fellows in the East. Do note, if you create a Dharmic Path, even if you were once part of the Fivefold Path, you no longer will be, and will thus fall into being considered a Heretic by the practitioners of the Fivefold Paths.


    As Kuei-Jin cannot embrace mortals, they are a bit different from other Vampires. For one to become a Kuei-Jin, they must escape Yomi. But that's not to say you have no way to secure heirs.

    For Kuei-Jin, their parents are their mentors, called a Sifu. For dynasties, your children are your students, and your parents are your mentors. In order to find students, you must have at least 500 gold, and fulfil a court position called a 'Infant Devil Civilizer', whose purpose is to find Kuei-Jin that recently escaped Yomi, and bring them to the Ancestor-Elders. There, you will be adopted into the families of the Kuei-Jin.


    Beyond this unique form of adoption, Kuei-Jin have one final interesting trait. If a Kuei-Jin is focused on the Chi of Life, they become fertile, and may have Dhampyrs, Half-Kuei-Jin, so for those of you on the Path of Yin Chi, be careful with rampant seduction and playing around. Unlike Cainites, you may leave behind a child...


    Where Cainites have Generations, how far they are removed from the first vampire, Caine. Meanwhile, the Kuei-Jin have Dharmas, how close they are to enlightenment. For a comparison, think of a Kuei-Jin's Dharma as Generation, with their Dharma being roughly equivalent to a Cainite of 13 - their current Dharma. For example, a Kuei-Jin with 0 Dharma is roughly equal to a 13th Generation Cainite, a Kuei-Jin with 5 Dharma being equal to an 8th Generation Cainite, and a Kuei-Jin with 10 Dharma being equal to a member of the 3rd Generation, give or take.


    Unlike Cainites, all Kuei-Jin started at 0 Dharma. But as they grow older, they rise in Dharma. While Kuei-Jin can consume each other, it is less useful than if a Cainite commit Diablerie. Given time, Kuei-Jin can ascend past their elders, and grow more powerful. Your Arts, your lifestyles, are dependent on your Dharma. For example, if you have Dharma 5, you can have 5 perks in a Soul Arts tree.

    In order to go up a Dharma, you usually need one of two things, a TON of piety, or a 'Dah' Modifier, which you get whle exploring the Umbra. Dah is a flash of enlightenment, that one can use to ascend Dharmas. However, there reaches a point when even the greatest Kuei-Jin struggle to breach the final barrier. At 9 Dharma, the final barrier to becoming a Kuei-Jin with 10 Dharma is difficult, one which only the most pious of people can attain, or those with a very unique insight. For those of a Dharma of pain, a thousand souls may have to be spent to attain enlightenment, or for the others, the insights must be found another way. Perhaps in the wilds, or among the regular mortals, you may find these precious insights...

    With these principles in mind, you may be able to last as the Hungry Dead. The Cainites are pressing against your lands, and are becoming more and more of a threat. They push further and further, and threaten the Middle Kingdom. They interfere in the paths of dharmas, and threaten the sanctity of creation.

    Apotheosis awaits.

    Check the Princes of Darkness Wiki for the latest updates to this guide: https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Ancestor's_Guide_to_the_Kuei-Jin
    • 3Like
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    Princes of Darkness, "Return of Ceoris"
  • Princes of Darkness, "Return of Ceoris", Hotfix, Version, Change Log, June 22, 2022
    • Ceoris has been saved from PDX hostile takeover
    • Fix for the lifestyles disappearance case #For the future, the rule seems to be that if a lifestyle family has more than 3 lifestyle trees and tries to hide some of them, it must always have at least 3 visible at all time to avoid the issue
    • No changes needed to address the CK3 hotfix
    • Building Localizations so every stage is unique
    • Mummy building localizations
    • Wraith building localizations
    • 9th arcanoi: Keening
    • Mold away the old: Vicissitude now supports changing the apparent age of ghouls. It cannot, however, de-age a character below 19 years of apparent age
    • Allow ghoul rev as mortal, no more
    • shorten some random list with pick tech
    • Small Canon Adjustment Regarding Adisa
    • hunter wouldn't call hunter blood sucker... again
    • Fixed some new (but benign) error log issues post 1.6.1
    • 2
    Lord Haywire's Interview with Sparc about Princes of Darkness Mod
    • 1
    • 1Like
    Hotfix for 1.7.1
  • Hotfix for 1.7.1 is uploaded.

    Princes of Darkness, "Undying", Hotfix, Version 1.7.1, Change Log, September 15, 2022
    • Fixes for CK3 1.7.1
    • Removed the script destroying memories. Instead scripted memories duration so that memories fade more organically in time, and depending on your importance (unlanded chars won't keep memories for long, landed keep for longer, players for even more etc)
    • The diablerie opinion modifier has been reduced, now that the AI actually tries to find secrets
    • Added more umbra events
    • Finished adding umbra flavor events for now
    • Adding a warning about custom mummies outside of the land of faith
    • Gargoyle content re-enabled
    • Spawned gargoyles aren't underage anymore
    • Removed the additional pre requisites for Gargoyles MaA, not explained to the players and confusing
    • Started adding events for integrating Sithis' non illustrious artifacts
    • A fix for the Unbound Dynasty so they don't hate each other.
    • Logic error fix for Effigies
    • Attribute fixes for characters with two stat allocations
    • Some loading screens
    • Vanilla religions and faiths removed GUI
    • Werewolf animation fixed
    • removal of some loading screens
    • Remove unused "Road of Night" religion, "Path of Night" faith still exists for Moncada.
    • Name fix for "Marc de Barbant"
    • Chinese translation update
    • Gargoyle potrait flag fix
    • Error log cleaning
    • Additional error suppresion
    • Update to frontend_main.gui
    • Removal of werewolf, demon, etc... from ruler designer splat trait choices
    • Fix title holder with variable got instant killed in initiation
    • Fill in missing holy order loca
    • Update POD_soulmate_frenzy_events.txt
    • Update 01_prison_interactions.txt
    • Umbra restored
    • Update 00_POD_personal_character_interactions_spawn_troops.txt
    • Update portraits.gui
    • Update POD_health_effects.txt
    • Bugfix for health cost for shroud crossing
    • Update 00_POD_regiment_types_special.txt
    • Making wutian trait use cloud seal script
    • Sekhem adjustment
    • Mandate of Heaven
    Werewolves When? Werewolves Now!
  • Princes of Darkness, "When Werewolves?", Version 1.7.2, Change Log, October, 2022


    Its the Month of Darkness! Weretober! ModCon2022!

    Please enjoy our update to the mod featuring the Garou from Werewolf: the Apocalypse

    Check out our presentation on YouTube for ModCon 2022.

    Princes of Darkness Werewolf Presentation for ModCon 2022

    Wiki guide to soon be updated.

    Werewolves are quite playable.

    Werewolf features:
    • Werewolf Bookmark
    • Werewolf Lifestyle Gifts: Breed, Tribe, Auspice and Planetary Gifts
    • Werewolf Breeds
    • Werewolf Reproduction Mechanics
    • Werewolf Litany Government
    • Werewolf Auspices
    • Werewolf Tribes and Camps (Religions & Faiths)
    • Werewolf Gnosis and Rage
    • Werewolf Shapechanging, including NPCs
    • Werewolf Crinos 3D model, fur shaded by hair color in homid form
    • Werewolf Glabro portrait form
    • Werewolf Duel Moves
    • Werewolf Healing
    • Werewolf Realms
    • Werewolf Dynasties
    • Werewolf Buildings
    • Werewolf pack dynamic events
    • Werewolf introduction events
    • Werewolf objective decisions
    • More than 150 Werewolf Characters
    • Werewolf lore for certain canon characters
    • Werewolf special character content for bookmarked Werewolves
    • Werewolf Artifacts
    • Expansion of the Umbra, and quests to find 56 werewolf artifacts
    • Werewolf Glyphs and Coats of Arms
    • Werewolf Tenents and Doctrines
    • Werewolf Tolerance Doctrines
    • Werewolf Men at Arms
    • Werewolf Tribal Dyansty Legacies
    • Werewolf Totem Dynasty Legacies
    • Werewolf Minor Court positions
    • Wyrm Faiths
    • Abominations
    • Christine de Pizan will now spawn as Kinfolk

    Hint: Werewolves (with the exception of the Warders of Men), thrive with lower development rather than higher development.


    Change Log:


    Mod Optimization:

    Through compression of graphics and audio files, clean up of unfinished projects, and great efforts are reducing errors,
    the size of the mod has been cut down from more than 2GBs in half to 1GB+. You may experience better loading times and
    performance from this optimization. More optimization may be posslbe in the future by reworking many of our event triggers.

    • Valeren Discipline
    • Spiritus Discipline
    • Necromancy Discipline Expansion
    • Temporis Discipline
    • Dementation Discipline
    • Melpominee Discipline
    • Added an active power that can be improved to the Celerity tree
    • Additional powers for Obfsucate Discipline
    • Added some new minor effects to the Potence tree
    • Court Seer position
    • Gehenna Omens delivered by Court Seer
    • Toreador clan bane event: Distracted by Beauty


    • Ritual to create Gargoyles
    • AI Tremere create Gargoyle servants
    • Gargoyle sire create Gargoyle childer mechanics (inherit caste, disciplines)
    • Multiple Castes of Gargoyles: modifiers, disciplines, aesthetics
    • Flight trait
    • Gargoyles added to Custom Character Decision (CharGen)
    • Gargoyle Embraces
    • Gargoyle Stone/Marble Portrait Effect
    • Gargoyle Wings Attachment
    • Gargoyle Horns thanks to Lord of Kings mod
    • Gargoyle Grotesques Portraits
    • -Gargoyle MAA varieties
    • Gargoyle Dynasty
    • Gargoyle Dynasty Legacy Track
    • Gargoyle Canon Characters
    • Gargoyle Coat of Arms Colored Emblems/Charges
    • Event where Gargoyle characters randomly present themselves to a landed Gargoyle's court. Most of the time, the character is what they appear and willing to serve the Gargoyle lord
    • Gargoyles on 1230 War of Princes Bloodlines Sub-Bookmark for Rock Lord
    • Gargoyle Bookmark Character Special Content: Rock Lord decision to stay independent, become a vassal or return to the masters.
    • Gargoyle "clothing", or lack there of.
    • Statue form thanks to Terapass


    • Added Holy Arts lifestyles: Sophia Patris, Sedulitas Filius and Boni Spiritus
    • Added interaction icon for Judgement of Heaven and fixed the one for Penance to match the others
    • Tweaked the "Ask Pope for Funds" decision to make the safe option less of a no-brainer
    • The Von Murnau now favor male heirs Kukul's Papal Bull XVII
    • Upped Inquisition AI building willingness values for upgraded tiers cause they need just a little bit of extra help to get to the sweet spot and AI values are my kink
    • edited 1430 Inqusition spawning characters to give them more flavour
    • Tweaked Influence Lawgivers building cause what I did with it last time was just sloppy
    • upped hunter AI willingness to do healing spells
    • boosted endowment xp rewards cause I don't see new AI having the perks
    • added faith perks to "remove hunter perks" effect
    • Fixed acre endowment file being broken
    • Applied the universal POD_is_unholy trigger to more powers to keep Inquisitors from e.g. healing demons
    • Made Theurgy turn into True Faith on SI ordination, made Sorcery disappear on SI ordination
    • Made Shadow Inquisition commoners not spawn with Theurgy
    • Made Sorcery not learnable by or teachable to Shadow Inquisition characters
    • Added Holy Arts masteries to "remove hunter traits" effect
    • Turned off hunter rebellions for hunters

    • Slashed potion sale prices and amulet primary stat bonuses
    • Nerfed weather magic while trying to make it more flavourful
    • Increased cooldown on gold and silver conjuring to 3 years
    • Made the "Asking the Trees" county modifiers more useful
    • Boosted prowess gain from potion to make it worth mor than a primary stat point
    • Tweaked a building, nerfing gold income
    • Fixed common_effigy_ongoing referring to "mediam"_stress_gain
    • Immortals other than vampires will now also be helped about stress #This should help the very stressed unlanded mummies floating around
    • Added dynasty legacy tracks for Mummie
    • Added lore buttons for the bookmarked Mummies
    • Added Mummies to the true age script

    New Cosmetics:
    • Burned Decals
    • Longer ears courtesy Lord of Kings
    • Improved portrait shaders and fixed normals thanks to Buckzor


    • Many new Decision and Event illustrations with some help from AI art.
    • Found a way to trick the relation between destroy title cost and remove law cost #For the player, it basically means that destroying titles will now be at a reasonable cost
    • More work on AI changing and picking relevant lifestyles #The vampires and werewolves AI shouldn't pick focus in trees they can't finish anymore (for example a homid born WW won't focus on breed gifts if they have already finished the homid gifts tree since they can't actually finish the lupus one)
    • Added Gallant as a virtue for the honor tenet of via equitum
    • Reformatted the perks checkpoint event
    • Fixed the AI not being able to progress on lifestyle trees starting with two level one perk
    • Tweaks to Iberia setup to help the Shadow Reconquista stands up a little more to the Midnight Crescent
    • Added 14 Great Persons characters and events
    • Kiasyd characters now get Obtenebration instead of Oblivion
    • New interaction icons.
    • New Crime and Doctrine icons.
    • The bloodlines bookmark now displays dynasty houses instead of dynasty, thus telling you at a glance which bloodlines are presented
    • Added Adisa as a bookmarked character, gave her special content
    • Added a regional event for 1426 Italy
    • Ilias is now correctly bisexual
    • Reworked the Holy Grail/Grail of the Bitter Ashes for vampires.
    • Added 43 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
    • Added the Sisterhood of Erinyes faith and setup support for it (CB Assamite Revised)
    • Added the Via Redemptio faith and setup support for it (France by Night)
    • Fixed Durga Syn's portrait "issue" (?)
    • Tweaked Kukul's buildings uploads to account for warder of men
    • True Brujah lost their access to the Carthage objective and gain a specific new one instead. Catubodua is an exception and has access to the two
    • AI Kuei Jin won't pick blood legacy anymore, players still can
    • The doppelganger from the vanilla mirror event now has a fixed age instead of copying the age of the player
    • Removed the script destroying memories. Instead scripted memories duration so that memories fade more organically in time, and depending on your importance (unlanded chars won't keep memories for long, landed keep for longer, players for even more etc)
    • The diablerie opinion modifier has been reduced, now that the AI actually tries to find secret
    • Added Prias' missing sword
    • Fixed vassals and lieges of attackers being able to join holy wars against their lieges and vassals
    • Nerfed prison of water. Again
    • Upped Inquisition AI building willingness values for upgraded tiers cause they need just a little bit of extra help to get to the sweet spot and AI values are my kink
    • edited 1430 Inqusition spawning characters to give them more flavour
    • Via Furores will now always convert to Anarch during the revolt (and not just "very often convert to")
    • The "Far from home" event won't pull incompatible splats together anymore
    • Solved a vendetta between the vanilla and PoD Cardona houses
    • Restructured the dna_data folder. Thanks to BDW for the command and the troubleshooting
    • Fixed a vanilla issue preventing anything above loading tip 69 to be displayed. As such, all 125 quotes are now visible.
    • Nerfed the duration of the strong bloodbound hook #It's now double the weak blood bond hook, and not10*
    • Added 80 quotes from the WoD to the loading screens and main menu
    • The Eye of Hazimel won't work for characters without disciplines now
    • The AI is now less good at finishing the Banu Haqim struggle, leaving more time for players to interfere
    • The Codex Mortis now give Giovanni Necromancy instead of Oblivion
    • Royal Court events are now less frequent and give more time before timing out
    • Simplified the Persian foothold decision
    • Added another effect for Toreador primogens #Those lacking RC don't have any otherwise
    • The "footstool" event has been functionally disabled, it's just too big of a swing (it will randomly unland one of your allies to start)
    • Update POD_error_suppression_events
    • Chinese Translation
    • Typo fixes
    • 7Like
    • 3Love
    Whenwolves Hotfix
  • Princes of Darkness, "When Werewolves? Hotfix", Version, Change Log, October 10, 2022
    • Werewolves are now possible in custom character decision
    • Fixed duels, high prowess supernaturals with lots of special duel moves will stop losing so often to low prowess mortals without special duel moves
    • Wiki Guide to Werewolves: https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Elder's_Guide_to_the_Garou
    • Gift training
    • Baptimism of Fire Rite
    • Auspice Renunication Rite
    • Re created Adisa's intro that Sparc removed because he hates her and her bloodline
    • Salubri now value choleric instead of phlegmatic (because valeren)
    • Secure med vanilla decision now bring the new kingdom under the sea of shadows
    • Removed culture_tradition_events.0141 from the mod which made some wonky conversions happen
    • Added support for only_concubines doctrine in vanilla files
    • Rebalanced the new patrons chars, fixed some issues in the file
    • Added the new patrons faiths to the patron faith trigger
    • Random vampires may have certain traits commonly associated with their clan
    • Update to adbuct scheme
    • Changes to Quietus and Mytherceria
    • Fixed faith/has_faith. Added more safeguards to the "childe convert away behavior"
    • Fixing the small likelihood of not having a valid knight to train during Elysium
    • Improved reincarnation
    • Perk commander buff
    • Chakal and Milarepa will now have a negotiated alliance during her intro to avoid cross splats issues
    • Added Anezka
    • Red talons now can't marry as intended (as lupus, they get kids by event)
    • Ecaterina now has her new portrait in the bookmark screen
    • Clarified some prerequisites for the Werewolf neutral dynasty legacy
    • Warden of men now don't need low dev for all their buildings, not just their caerns
    • Integrated the fp2 legacy for our court positions
    • Landed most of the patrons that weren't yet #Some of the requests and the files are difficult to parse though, so let me know if your char has been forgotten
    • Added the Ashirra pillars tolerance to the code of samiel
    • Quotes and history tweaks (Cb Giovanni and Giovanni revised)
    • Increased the chances of the lupus events (both for lupus rulers' pups or just random lupus showing up)
    • Patron updates
    • More decision art
    • More objective event decision art
    • Wilderness throne room from Witchs and Alchemists Modjam mod from ModCon2022 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2870506215
    • More Garou Gaian faiths now shun ghouls
    • Fixed Virstania's bookmark being broken by the gargoyles change
    • Fix to body shapes and bust sizes for common DNA for canon and patron characters
    • Revised Auspice, Garou and Fomori trait icons
    • W5 Tribe Glyphs
    • Changes POD_education_events.104 (An Education : Faithful Childe) to change the faith of the childe to that of the sire in case they are different since that was the expected outcome of getting this event.
    • Fix for the nomarriage doctrine not working for Werewolves
    • 2Like
    A Hell of an Update 1.8.1
  • PoDFallencommunic.png

    Demons are now fully playable in the Hunters and Hunted and Werewolf Bookmarks!

    Demons have everything you have come to expect with a Splat release from Princes of Darkness: Lifestyles, Canon Characters, Character Lore, Dynasty Legacies, custom mechanics, objective Decisions and Artifacts. Learn the story of the fallen angels in the World of Darkness and remember your demon's memories. Demons can shape shift into human, angelic and apocalyptic forms, and you have the usual options monstrous options in the barbershop.







    Update 1.8.1 "A Hell of an Update!", December 13, 2022.
    • Update for CK3 1.8.1 "Robe" Hotfix
    • Demon additions
    • Prerequisites of the second demon objective rebalanced to be more prowess heavy but less resources intensive, to account for the secret ending
    • Vampires on demonic faiths won't be affected by the Anarch revolt/thorns/sabbat chain of events anymore
      • Lore
      • Lash of Corruption
      • Soulforge tooltip and Scale earthbound
      • Soul pact and Demon Bound
      • No invitation for demons
      • Bind demon only for infernalist
      • Demonology trait
      • Pact Request
      • Lesser demon summon
      • Discover Celestial Name
      • Demonic Sacrifice
      • Split possessed lifestyle
      • Added demonic Investiture lifestyle
      • Demonbreed icon
    • Fixed broken faith tenet icons; added new faith tenent icons.
    • Fix to GUI for additional sin/virtue trait icons in faith window
    • Oblivion updates
    • More safety checks for characters that shouldn't be disturbed
    • Beatific now protects from the Sword of Nul, as True Faith already does
    • A missing frenzy event is now correctly prevented by the various "no frenzy" methods
    • Localization fixes
    • Spend extra faith point
    • Fixes to Bookmark graphics: start buttons, etc...
    • Update for ingame encyclopedia and remove duplicates
    • Arcana xp gain reduced
    • Arcana icon
    • Artemis Orthia is now in torpor instead of dead #Forbidden religions book source
    • Hidden council : Added files for an upcoming feature not yet activated
    • Error log suppression additions
    • Chinese Translation
    • 3Love
    • 2Like
    • 1
    1.8.2 update "Lore of the Clans"
  • Update 1.8.2 "Lore of the Clans", April 5, 2022.

    Specialized Content for Vampire Clans: https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Clan_Content

    Compatible with CK3 1.8.2 Robe/Elegance of Empire.

    Now compatible with Full Screen Barbershop (FSB) and Community Flavor Pack (CFP) with no compatibility submod patch required. If you are using Full Screen Barbershop (FSB) and/or Community Flavor Pack (CFP), put them BEFORE Princes of Darkness Mod in your load order.
    Now compatible with CFP without requiring an additional patch mod!


    Change Log:
    # Princes of Darkness, "Lore of the Clans", Version 1.8.2, Change Log, April 5, 2023
    - Updates for CK3 1.8.2 (Robe/Elegance of Empire)

    - CFP compatiblity with no patch necessary! Improved potrait and throneroom compatibility: This will greatly help future updates from vanilla CK3 as well as make the mod more easily compatible with Community Flavor Pack. Also, some changes to make CFP provided throne rooms in their night version, as well as have some CFP clothing and headgear to appear appropriately on canon characters. Changes to the intro event that check for CFP (like we check for FSB) and provide appropriate warnings and load order advice. A few canon character portraits may need tweaking to match their author's version. As a bonus the player character can pick some fantasy colors for hair. I plan to turn down their saturation a bit in the future. In the future there will be some more fantastical hair colors on fae and other appropriate characters.
    - Makes CFP throne rooms work logically with POD faiths. Known issue: Remove the whiteness from windows in the HRE/Fiefs of the Black Cross court.
    - Fix for portrait shaders for Vulkan API renderer (Mac/Linux relevant)
    - Fix issues with CFP African, Iberian and Andalusian Throne Rooms
    - Added support for Norse Throne Room
    - Changed texture files for Elegance of Empire drip
    - Added support for choosing Elegance of Empire drip
    - A patch for EPE will be made in the future, merger of shaders values is needed.


    __Clan Content___

    ___Banu Haqim___
    - Vizirs, sorcerers and warriors devoted to their vision of their founder, Haqim.
    - Weakness : Banu Haqim's skin darken with age. Represented as a game rule in the mod. Their second weakness, the Baali curse, happens during gameplay as a major event.
    - Content : The Web of Knives, allowing Banu Haqim to pursue contracts placed on other vampires for gold.
    - Overhauled the Izhim event
    - The Web of Knives has had a facelift and various improvements
    - Ur-Shulgi no longer kills characters he has been told to not bother.
    - Assamite factions influence has been capped to be clearer to players

    - The warriors scholars of Carthage and Hellas are bitter and angry, devolving into a rabble of rebels looking for a cause.
    - Weakness : Brujah are prone to frenzy. In the mod, they are more likely to get the various frenzy events.
    - Content : A dynasty legacy unlocks a unique Brujah Warmaster court position.
    - Replace the Brujah cadre dynasty legacy by an unlock of a new minor court position. The Brujah cadre interaction was sort of clunky and a court position achieves the same end result in a more streamlined way

    - The scholars of death, cursed to go in cycles of death and rebirth for eternity.
    - Weakness : Cappadocians, past mortal age, will always look like corpses (both in lore and the mod).
    - Content : A dynasty legacy unlocks the Lamia bodyguard, representing the unique relationship between Cappadocians and the daughters of Lilith.
    - Reworked the Lamia bodyguard perk to be a chain of events with several choices
    - Added a tolerance between Lilin religions and via ossium (so that Lamia can work alongside Cappadocians as intended)

    ___Followers of Set___
    - Devoted followers of their God Set, ready to bring freedom and corruption to the world.
    - Weakness : Setites take double damage from the sun. Not represented in the mod.
    - Content : If you play a character with the via set religion, you can"corrupt" any vampiric religion that you hold at least 3 holy sites of. Corrupting here means making them a part of the pillars of Set, righteous to you and other members of this secret pact.
    - Added the Setite special clan content (religious content more specifically) : corrupting other faiths
    - Expanded and improved the "warriors of glycon/witches of echidna" event
    - Added a chain of event for Egyptian rulers featuring Baybars' purge. Procalmation of Red Tears/Baybars Event Chain: In lore, Baybars' reign was a catatlysmic affair for the Egyptian supernatural, resulting in the entirety of clan Setite fleeing Egypt during his reign and Ombos itself (their capital) being sacked by the Mameluke. It is said that the Setites' reaction to later Inquisition in Europe was basically "Heh, Baybars was way worse". It's now represented in the mod. At the start of the event chain you can choose to follow the canon choice of the setites : fleeing. It will be very costly but you will be out of reach of Baybars' follow up attacks. It's the prudent choice. Or you can choose to stay. Whatever your choice, Baybars will ramp up his attacks in the following years, resulting in even more devastation. What precisely will be his attacks is randomized from playthrough to playthrough. But it will always culminate attacking one of the supernatural wonders of Egypt (like Ombos, or the Fire Court). Their owner can try to defend it, but it's difficult. For those that have managed to stay in Egypt until the end of Baybars' reign, they will have an opportunity for payback. But it will be difficult. The AI follows exactly the same rules as the players. Meaning Egyptian AIs will be very very weakened during Baybars' rule, which might open opportunities for neighbors. Finally, since it is quite the painful chain of events, a game rule allows you to disable it.
    - Setup changes (Clan Book Setite/Setite Revised full read)
    - Greatly expanded Kemintiri's special content
    - Faiths with the Osirian league doctrine will now lose it if corrupted by Setites
    - Childer of Warriors of Glycon and Witches of Echidna now get the right disciplines instead of their standard clan spread.
    - Warriors of Glycon get Potence, Prescence and Serpentis. Cadet Houses created from Warriors of Glycon keep the same behavior.
    - Witches of Echidna get Animalism, Presence and Akhu (Blood Sorcery). Cadet Houses created from Witches of Echidna keep the same behavior.
    - Corrected Disciplines of The Last Glycon character that spawns as part of Setite clan content. (Had Protean advanced, now has Serpentis Advanced)
    - Updated the Character Creation decision to reflect the change in Warriors of Glycon disciplines. (Used to get Protean, now gets Serpentis)
    - More safety checks to the end of Baybars' purge

    - Nomads, wanderers, the Gangrel work with the Beast, not against it.
    - Weakness : Gangrel gain an animalistic feature when frenzying, both in lore and in the mod.
    - Content : As a dynasty legacy, Gangrel rulers can unlock the Rite of Status to formally introduce themselves to one another.
    - Replaced the Challenge for Alpha Gangrel interaction by a more in depth Rite of Status chain of events
    - Small setup changes, new characters (Clan Book Gangrel and Clan Book Gangrel Revised full read)

    - The Venetian necromancers, a bloodline sworn to the Cappadocians, but with their own ambitions and methods.
    - Weakness : While most other vampires' bite is a blissful experience, Giovanni's bite is always painful. In the mod, it disallows some predator types.
    - Content : GIovanni get access to the Familial Embrace mechanic, where they can nurture of their own mortal family for potential Embrace.
    - Added a Giovanni familial childe event system

    - The ruthless social darwinists, draped in shadows of their own creation.
    - Weakness : Lasombra cast no reflection, making them obsessed with their appearance. In the mod, it is represented as a potential chain of events.
    - Content : Lasombra get access to the Courts of Blood, allowing them to Petition for Sanctioned Diablerie of fellows Lasombra, and the Amici Noctis, their secretive leading organization steering the clan towards their own ends.
    - Added events related to joining and using the Amici Noctis
    - Diablerizing a Lasombra sentenced by the court of blood doesn't count as a murder anymore (so no murder secret or kinslaying). Still does make you a diablerist though because, well, you are
    - Fixed Courts of Blood's victim already being a nemesis edge case

    - Seers and madmen, the Malkavian see truth and falsehood much clearer than other clans.
    - Weakness : Malkavian all have a derangement, represented as the lunatic, depressed, paranoid or possessed traits in the mod.
    - Content : Some dynasty legacies unlock the Madness Network interactions. Using them can lead to various events down the line at you explore it.
    - Expanded the existing Madness Network interactions
    - All the permanent vanilla naked modifier (tied to lunatic trait) have been changed to temporary ones. To avoid all Malkavian invariably ending up naked as time goes on.
    - AI use of Malkavian powers has been sanitized (heh) to follow the new AI powers usage rules
    - Added a missing Malkavian lineage/house from France by Night
    - Nerfs to the Knossos labyrinth wonder to make it less front-loaded

    - Deformed beyond belief, the Nosferatu must also face the wrath of their sadistic founder.
    - Weakness : All Nosferatu has hideously deformed, both in lore and in the mod.
    - Content : During your game, you will have reports of strange events in your domain that put your Nosferatu brethren in a fearful frenzy. Claiming those events are the work of the dreaded Nicktuku, they will ask of you to make (costly) preparations for defense. A large majority of the time, these events will be red herrings, just simple paranoia... but sometimes, it will indeed lead to a confrontation with a Nicktuku, where the preparations you made might save your unlife.
    - Added the Nosferatu clan content, related to the Nicktuku

    - Indian vampires, divided by castes, embroiled in an unending war for their homeland.
    - Weakness : Ravnos have compulsions, be they good or bad, to do a specific action even at the most inopportune of times. Not represented in the mod.
    - Content : Ravnos are divided by Jati (castes) represented as Houses in the mod. Each Jati has a mini objective to improve their starting house modifier.
    - Reworked the Ravnos family tree, fixing some issues and adding new houses. Basically to include all of their Jatis/castes so that we have an easier time scoping to them for extended content
    - Added mini objectives for the Ravnos Jati
    - Some setup tweaks (Clan Book Ravnos/Ravnos Revised full read)

    - Aesthetes and poseurs, leeching off humanity's imagination to feel alive.
    - Weakness : Toreador can get entranced for hours by something or someone they think beautiful. In the mod, it is represented as a potential chain of events.
    - Content : As their last dynasty perk, Toreador get access to 5 "mini wonders", powerful but expensive buildings.
    - Added 5 unique buildings as the last Toreador dynasty perk. Toreador don't have secret societies or fancy activities, so they get something to lean on their more humane/artistic nature. These five buildings are "mini wonders", expensive but powerful.
    - Volgirre now get the right disciplines instead of their standard clan spread. Volgirre get Auspex, Celerity and Vicissitude. Cadet Houses created from Volgirre keep the same behavior.
    - Added support for Volgirre to the Character Creation decision.
    - Tweaked the Rayeen'al fen house modifier

    - The Usurpers, former mages who wrestled immortality from other vampires, and must now fight to retain it.
    - Weakness : Tremere are especially easy to blood bound, both in lore and in the mod.
    - Content : The Inner Council, the ruling body of the Tremere, is a special mechanic available to all loyalist Tremere.
    - Added the Tremere Council feature for early testing
    - Added 5 events related to the Tremere Council system
    - Completed the Tremere Council system

    - Monsters and fiends, sending shudders down other vampires' spines.
    - Weakness : Tzimisce must always sleep close to some soil of their homeland. Not represented in the mod yet.
    - Content : The Rite of Release is a tradition for Tzimisce childer that happen several years after their Embrace, it happens as a small chain of events. Tzimisce also are especially geared towards "Revenant play" but it's not strictly limited to them.
    - Added a small chain of events for Tzimisce childer several years after their Embrace, the Rite of Release. Tzimisce already have several "almost clan unique" mechanics like the Revenants and Vicissitude shenanigans. So this addition is on the small side, mostly to highlight the often forgotten "tradition bound" part of the clan.

    - Nobles and tyrants ruling the night.
    - Weakness : Ventrue have particular tastes and can only drink blood from a specific subset of mortals. Represented in the mod as a choice during the starting events.
    - Content : The Ventrue Ephorate is the shadow council of the 12 elders debating the stance and philosophy the clan as a whole should follow. As a game mechanic, it can give important dynasty modifiers to the Ventrue and open new events to a Ephor character.
    - Added the Ventrue Ephorate
    - The Ventrue clan bane event is now more talkative, including actually telling you what "young" means in game terms. The predator type event also now explain what they are.
    - Mithras now has a starting event to hide his early nights secret
    - Some predator types don't give an automatic herd anymore, or aren't available to Ventrue. New player picks Ventrue because recommended. New player picks a feeding weakness. New player picks a predator type with auto herd that doesn't take into account the weakness. New player dies of constant stress in a matter of weeks. Bad.
    - Added a way to reforge the Shattered Spear of Artemis Orthia
    - Used @Sarg 's laurel icon for Camilla laurel artifact

    - Added Valeren as a "reward" for a specific ending in the Tremere Antediluvian hunt
    - Allow Salubri Watcher awake Hun and P'o, gain access to (nearly) all Kuei-Jin powers
    - Zao zei is now correctly a woman
    - Added an event if all "Saulot is evil" artifacts are gathered
    - Updates the files for the Salubri Third Eye so that skin and eye color matches the character.

    - Fix Kuei-Jin players don't get Dharma
    - Yin Mantle unlock wraith Men At Arms and enchant weapon interaction
    - Eightfold Yin Mantle unlock shade Men At Arms, enchant armor interaction and summon Yin artifact interaction
    - Touch of Rust allow you to make target lose all their gold.
    - Semblance will reduce time to unlock nexus building
    - Yang Prana Rework
    - Chi'iu Muh Rework

    ___Miscellaneous Vampire Changes___
    - The court tutor minor position has been re enabled for vampires. It now reduces the prestige cost of the mentoring event depending on the tutor's aptitude.
    - Added mentoring events for Dominate, Animalism and Auspex. The logic behind mentoring stays the same but you now must get through some thematic events before acquiring the discipline. This makes it a little costlier hunting for each discipline, but also more flavorful for each one.
    - Added mentoring events for Celerity, Potence, Obfuscate, Presence, Protean, Vicissitude, Fortitude, Blood Sorcery, Chimerstry, Obtenebration, Abombwe, Serpentis, Daimoinon, Necromancy, Temporis, Spiritus, Melpominee, Dementation, Valeren, Quietus and Mytherceria
    - Fixed a childe trying to mentor themselves during education event
    - Added BDW's herd fix
    - Masquerade War Casus Belli
    - Kinslaying for vampires had some general changes. There is no kinslaying possible for killing someone loosely related to you (of your dynasty) anymore. Close family (siblings, childer, sires) kinslaying is still a thing. Killing a clanmate that is very loosely related to you is really not considered a crime in vampiric society
    - Fixed a duplicate Auspex text
    - Gargoyles don't need mass sire secret to be recruited as Men at Arms anymore. We're tired of answering the "Why can't I recruit Gargoyles? I have the dynasty legacy!" question. And having Gargoyles troops doesn't make you a mass sire really anyway, it's not like you are going around biting people and they become Gargoyles
    - Added the early Midnight Circus vampire triumvurate for potential future use
    - Dominate tweaks
    - Revenants and ghouls can also choose to recruit from torpor instead of killing
    - Mytherceria's steal the mind cooldown has been increased
    - Raktasadhus religion can now build the Mahabodhi temple
    - Ashirra religion can now build the Imam Ali mosque, the great mosque of Mecca
    - Everyone can now use the Pit of Malkav
    - Added more explanation about the dominate secondary target thing
    - Forgetful mind has been reworked to be sleeker. While the previous interaction was technically impressive, it was also 30000+ script lines long and very maintenance heavy.
    - Setup changes (Children of the Revolution full read)
    - Feral lorekeepers now correctly get access to commission epic
    - You aren't informed when vampires get wounded anymore. Since they recover automatically, it doesn't matter and it will stop the AI from picking potentially lethal "treatments"
    - Torpor decision has been dropped down the menu to avoid misclick
    - Setup changes (Rites of the Blood full read)
    - Two artifacts have been modified to be useful for the existing Antediluvian hunts
    - Added Okhin's Daughter of Cacophony chargen fix
    - Fixed the failed mesmerize opinion malus not triggering
    - Fix new vampires don't have Masquerade

    - Added 7 new music soundtracks by Serial Symphony, Werewolf themed
    - Werewolves maintenance events have been removed from yearly_everyone, the most engine intensive on_action
    - Werewolves yearly_everyone event for shapeshifting has been removed. Replaced by a check when a war is declared (not a raid) that shift all werewolves knights (and AI leaders) participants in the war to crinos form for a while
    - Werewolves yearly_everyone events for wounds and diseases have been moved to yearly_playable instead. Which will result in unlanded WW being weaker to diseases and wounds, a price I'm willing to pay for better optimization. And WW health bonus should carry then to recovery with vanilla mechanics anyway
    - Werewolves can now use Sherwood
    - Fix ghouling kinain werewolves
    - Commented out the Bastet characters for now as they aren't the focus anymore and cause weirdness
    - Fixed Bastet changes making Abomination not being able to pick Homid Born gifts

    - Fix Holy Heal can't heal others
    - Hunters will lose Hunter trait if make pact in Abyss
    - Reworked the ask pope decision for hunters
    - Fixed a potential issue for the First Inquisition warning event

    - Added a tomb building event chain for mummies. This compensates for the above nerf, letting Mummies ramp up faster if the tomb is invested in
    - Added a missing Mummy character
    - Added new Mummy artifact
    - Fixed Draw Sekhem interaction; makes it so that Draw Sekhem properly works on creatures that do not have Sekhem, as the perk describes.
    - Removed some starting perks from Mummies. While lore accurate, the sheer number of options Mummies start with is overwhelming and doesn't leave much room from gameplay growth
    - Mummies are now less fertile. An attempt to curb the crazy mummy dynasty numbers in late game

    ___Demons, Baali and Infernalists___
    - Reworked how mortals acting as vessels of demons lose their lives. Now higher prowess vessels last longer than low prowess ones.
    - Added support for Demons creating a new Sin faith. This does not change which sin it follows but allows for some customization while still allowing the Tempt and corrupt interactions to work as intended.
    - Overall nerfs to the infernalist stuff
    - The demon chargen house choice now doesn't create a cadet house, only flavor. Creating a cadet house, or putting you in an existing dynasty, would result in not having control over your dynasty legacies, which is important for demons
    - Demons can now use Ceoris and Iglesia
    - Nergal and Moloch are now alive, but unreachable like Baba Yaga and Ur Shulgi
    - Infernalist trait now gives a serious stress malus. Selling your soul to demons isn't a net positive anymore
    - The Grail of the Bitter Ashes will now always reject infernalists

    - Commented the Umbra file for future ease of adding events, added some safeguards. So that you can't walk in the Copernicus space station before Copernicus is even born
    - Added 6 small Umbra events
    - Grace, the Umbral currency, is more costly to gain
    - Umbra exploration now has piety cost for who has stress gain -100%
    - Enter Umbra require gold depending of gauntlet level now
    - Remove umbra travelling time in normal realm
    - Receive fallback if no event in Umbra exploration

    ___Patron War___
    - Patron War bookmark returns
    - Patron Characters: Armand, Haldor Mjölnir, Ion Ilie, Barachiel, Gualtiero Romano, Anubis the Imperishable, Gabriel Lancaster, Daxaniel Angelista, Lev Caran, Magno Branco, Petrus Zonaras, Abhartach, Jaroslav Putnik, Seonjong Yi, Dàniel De na Seinneadairean, Nelson, Pandora Ashurbanipal, Occulta Larva, William Lee, Alcesimarchus Caerellius, Neferkheperu, Neferure

    - More lore: Added 47 new lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
    - All piety costs for Men at Arms have been moved to prestige. While an interesting idea, CK3 just doesn't support piety as cost for MaA, messing the display and confusing players about their sudden and unexplained piety deficit
    - Replaced all remaining pluralistic faiths by righteous ones. Having evil faith vassals stay post Holy War cause a bunch of issues and weirdness
    - Characters older than 100 (except ghouls and revenant) will now refuse baronies titles. A baron is basically an always loyal and content vassal revokable at will, which makes keeping powerful immortals in line too easy
    - if a character is already landed, they will now accept being given baronies. Basically, you can't make an old immortal a baron by granting titles, but you can give them baronies if already landed
    - Replaced torturing prisoners give piety (which doesn't seem functional in vanilla) by more likelihood of joining schemes for Goratrix' council doctrine
    - The AI will now almost always pick its clan dynasty legacy for the first tree to start and complete. Since more and more stuff is tied to dynasty legacies, this resolves the issue of the AI picking something else than their clan one that would delay accessing the special content for the player
    - Added 10 new great persons. 191 total now. Russia is now complete GP wise.
    - Added 15 artifacts
    - Added 4 new wonders
    - Removed special building mapmode.
    - Changed the GP steppe region to a broader one
    - Chimera Men At Arms
    - The odd smell event won't happen for AI anymore and has a longer CD for players, to avoid overwhelming the world with perfume
    - You can't give land to innocents via a Fate of Iberia event anymore
    - Fixed naked patrons looking like aliens
    - Added a warning event if an AI ends the French struggle
    - add BDW's new cosmetics for tar eyes makeup
    - Fixed some small issue in an education event
    - Increases max amount of displayed traits to a new maximum of 3+80 or 4+64 traits depending on if you have 3 or 4 personality traits.
    - Bark Skin cosmetic
    - Fixed some issues in two dynasty trees
    - No Wyld true believer can't get Gorgon now
    - Men at Arms numbers tweaked based on BDW's calculations
    - Re enabled the Napoli vanilla university
    - Ancient Egyptian don't start with Iberian Caballeros unlocked anymore
    - Small setup fix
    - More safeguard for unreachable characters
    - Some dynasties legacies nerfs
    - Added Tom's 4 portraits
    - Reduced the likelihood of AI hybridizing cultures if that rule is turned on . Can get spammy with our "unique" cultural setup
    - Setup changes. Thanks Seeamoebe for the translation of relevant Wien um Nacht parts and the back and forth conversation about it
    - Nerfed the vanilla adventurer trait. Used more broadly in PoD
    - Most of the innovations debuffs have been moved to era modifiers, to make them clearer
    - Recruit bygone is a button instead of random event now
    - Modifier form powers that apply to knight in war as commander also apply in duel now
    - Added Crepe's Drone upload
    - Added a way to reconstruct the Bai Ze Tu if all fragments are gathered
    - Fertility tweaks. Main thing being that woman fertility per child already born decreases faster
    - Pelesit Men at Arms numbers have been capped for AI like the other swarm MaA
    - Updated Portraits
    - Jod properly renamed to Job
    - Enheduanna's character entry has been reworked to follow her historical counterpart more
    - Added a fix to intrigue mentor vanilla event not avoiding unavailable characters
    - Bookmark character age is now hidden once again

    **In addition, as always:**
    - Fixes and Tweaks
    - Various localization updates
    - Additional Chinese translation
    - Misc, More Misc and various other types of Misc

    - Prep Dark Ages Fae Bookmark work. You do not need to report bugs or localization/typo issues with Fae at this time. It is very much a work in progress.
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    Archduke's Guide to Demons
  • Archduke's Guide to Demons​

    Fallen Angels. Lords of Sin. The Voices in the Earth. The Tempters. Those that Loved Humans Too Much. Demons.

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    Demons are a long time staple of Dark Ages Fantasy, and the World of Darkness is no different! The Storytellers of the Princes of Darkness have delved into forgotten and profane lores to bring them to life, to bathe the world in sin and bring woe to the children of men. The Demons of the World of Darkness are powerful Fallen Angels, a third of the heavenly host that rebelled against God in protest of the fate of humanity, who, since their tortures in the Abyss, have returned as horrifying dark reflections of themselves. Since their return from the machinations of Lucifer, they walk the Earth once more.


    What are Demons?

    The Demons of the Dark Ages of the World of Darkness have a lot alike with your 'basic understanding' of Demons, but there are a few differences worth noting. They are Fallen Angels, former servants of God meant to create the world, who have since fallen from grace. All Demons have suffered in a horrifying realm called 'the Abyss' which has warped them and filled their hearts with torment. The Demons you play in Princes of Darkness are those that escaped the Abyss, and have returned to God's Creation.

    As a Demon, the first thing to know is there are two kinds of Demons:

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    Fallen are Demons who use a Human body as a host. In game terms, one of your followers, a 'thrall' can be designated as a Vessel. That is the doomed human soul you are possessing. This process is irrevocably destructive on the human body though, and they will begin to die. And once they do, you must choose a new Thrall to give themselves onto you. However, if your vessel has any children, they will become your Laham, or your demonic children.
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    Earthbound are Demons who posses a Relic (an Artifact) or the land itself rather than a Human body. Unlike fragile Humans, Earthbound do not need to worry about their vessels burning out. You possess an Artifact or a Title, and so long as you hold that title, you can potentially endure indefinitely. However, should you lose the Title or Artifact, you will need to find a new host quickly, lest you risk being pulled into the Abyss.
    Don't feel like this is a permanent choice. Demons can later take the Perks 'Abandon Vessel' and 'Transfer Vessel' to more readily change Hosts.
    Finally, all Demons embody a Sin, represented in Princes of Darkness as their Faith. These are the '7 Deadly Sins' and they are more or less how you go about corrupting mortals and advancing your aims.

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    These sins, to an extent, define your Demon's methods of corrupting mortals. They choose tenants and a Special Doctrine, setting the fundamental sins and virtues of your faith. Notably, the most central virtuous trait of your sin, the Personality Trait that is connected to it (like Lustful for Lust), is critical for making mortals fall into your wicked embrace.

    Demon Primary Mechanics

    The core gameplay loop of Demons revolves around 'Thralls' and 'Tempt' and 'Corruption'. Let's go over these things so you can better overthrow God's work.

    Thralls and Corruption

    Demon 5.png

    Thralls are your bread and butter for Demon Gameplay. A thrall is a mortal or supernatural that has vowed their soul to you. Most Thralls are mortals, but they can be any other kind of Supernatural. This can allow Demons to build a multi-supernatural realm unlike any other, being able to wield all the strengths of the supernatural in their realm into a single cohesive whole. Thralls are your ideal vassals. Any time you land a random noble, for example in a Barony, they will be a thrall. But sometimes, there is a being that you really want to be your thrall. How do you go about that?

    Demon 6.png

    Enthralling is a Character interaction that is based off of Opinion, and one that costs some prestige. It costs the demon's special resource 'Resolve' to do so as well, which can be gained by doing the 'Revelation' interaction on mortals, as well as some later perks grant you additional means. If they accept, the Target will become your thrall and become an Infernalist, and will usually accept vassalage. If, however, they don't like you, that's where you can slowly twist them to your Sin.

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    The process of corrupting a soul to sin is a two step process. The first 'Temptation' is a scheme where you seduce your victim to your sin, where, if successful, gives them the central Personality trait to your sin, such as Wrathful for Wrath, Lazy for Sloth, etc. Then, you can perform the 'Corrupt' interaction on them, which, if successful, will convert them to your religion. Both of these will almost always grant you the positive perception needed to make them a thrall. Finally, the amount of Arcana Experience, your special Lifestyle and Demonic Perks, you get from a month increases with the amount of thralls you have. The more thralls you have, the more Experience you get.

    Arcana, Resolve, and Revelation

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    The Demon supernatural resource is 'Resolve'. Resolve is a Demon's spiritual power and fortitude, and their ability to change God's creation around them, empowered by Faith. As the Abyss was so traumatic on them, Demons no longer have faith in god, and must instead take the faith of mortals instead. To do this, a Demon reveals their full glory to a mortal, in a process called 'Revelation'. To do this, you must use the Shapeshift Interaction on yourself to become Angelic or Demon, and then use the Revelation interaction on a mortal. This will give the mortal stress and the 'Knows too Much' trait, but will grant you some Resolve. Doing this lets you maintain your supernatural power.

    A Demon's End Goal

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    Unlike other supernaturals, Demons know where their road ends. Back in the Abyss, or spiting God and destroying creation.

    As a Demon, your primary Goal begins in the Major Decision 'Corrupt the World'. This is the first step along a chain of major events where your end goal is to throw the world into so much sin and madness, that reality crumbles away and you can lead the infernal hosts in the final war that should hopefully dethrone the monster that threw you into the Abyss. Along the way, you'll get access to a new Lifestyle, as well as the potential for Fallen to expand on the children of their Vessels, the Laham, into the Greater Nephilim.

    However, as you grow closer, you may begin to remember things about the past, about the times before the fall... of times when all you had was love for humanity.
    Is redemption really impossible?

    Future updates to this Guide will be found on our Wiki: https://www.princesofdarknessmod.com/wiki/index.php/Archduke's_Guide_to_Demons
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    Princes of Darkness, "Torture and Toreadors", Version
  • POD_TT-update.png

    Princes of Darkness, "Torture and Toreadors", Version, Change Log, May 11, 2023
    Updates for CK3 (Lance)
    • This is a patch to just have POD be playable, we will be looking to solve many outstanding known issues mentioned below in the near future.
    • If you have the Tours and Tournaments DLC, certain canon characters will be sporting DLC clothing.
    • Tournaments are completely disabled (too off flavor wise for now), we will return to this in the future for things more themeatic to World of Darkness.
    • Grand weddings are enabled for players, except the "feast" phase
    • Everything else from the DLC is in, except some specific events for specific splats as usual
    • All buildings global MaA bonus are now stationed MaA bonus instead except for wonders (to make them stand out even more) and hunters (MaA are their specialty)
    • Buildings slots unlocking now follow vanilla's rules of being unlocked by cultural innovations/eras. PoD is way more generous with it though, so you should start with a little less slots than before instead of a lot less. Various buildings now also add building slots.
    • Era bonus/malus for MaA aren't a thing anymore. Some nerfs have been made to compensate.
    • Some opinion modifiers scripts (obedient, non aggression pact) have been deprecated
    • The revenant followup objective has been disabled (used activity script)
    • Free states only gets clan taxes/levies (per opinion) but gets a vassal opinion and limit bonus instead (representing their decentralized nature).
    • Council positions file has become very prone to silent crash. Handle with care.
    • The focus and royal court buttons on the left of opened character portraits have been removed. Simply not enough room left for WoD lore buttons with PDX adding the barbershop button there otherwise. Royal courts are still openable by the right menu button and lifestyle by the bottom left one.
    • The scrollbar PoD added to the character interactions menu doesn't work anymore. Back to vanilla (which can open issues for some extreme GUI resolutions).
    • Statue graphic effects are missing: Gargoyles are fleshy, no golden God form, etc...
    • Script notes : add_building_slot doesn't work anymore and has been replaced by a modifier using building_slot_add. Event background is now called reference. Hidden_effect_new_artifact has become hidden_effect_new_object.
    • Fix for a potential break in the childe education event chain
    • Reduced Umbra Cost
    • Revised Demon and Mummy House Modifiers
    • Dark Ages Fae / Changeling: the Dreaming development continues
    • Replaced Michaels Obfuscate Advanced with Chimerstry Advanced as written in his sheet
    • Markus Musas is now Claudius grandchilder
    • Gave Blood Sorcery Advanced to Byebolg, who while lacking a sheet is described as being a Koldunic Sorcerer with mastery over waters and weather and having created his own Revenant line.
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    POD 1.9.2 update "Praxis"
  • chiroduel.png

    Princes of Darkness, "Praxis", Version 1.9.2, Change Log, 6/15/2023
    • Compatibility for CK3 1.9.2 "Lance"
    • PDX accolades interface rework included
    Power Struggles, Diarchies
    • Some Kindred struggles for Praxis are now represented with Diarchies using CK3's Power Struggle mechanics for regencies.
    • Power Struggles now have various modifiers. For the liege : +Domain limit (scale by the diarch stewardship), +knight limit (scales by diarch martial), +vassal opinion (scales by diarch diplomacy). +stress gain. For the diarch : +stress gain, +prestige.
    • Being in a Power Struggle can now be beneficial to you if your diarch is loyal and competent. So getting rid of them is a trade off.
    • Characters with an intro starting in a power struggle now have their intro mention it
    • Hardestadt and Julia Antasia in the Fiefs of the Black Cross now start in a power struggle.(situational, Julia stance Selfless)
    • Salianna and Geoffrey in the Courts of Love now start in a Power Struggle (Salianna dominated, Geoffrey stance : self interested). As such, they aren't "married" anymore and Salianna's custom content has been adapted to this change. A power struggle is a way better representation of their 1230 relationship than a non existent marriage
    • Qarakh and Deverra in the Ferals of Livonia now start in a Power Struggle (balanced, Deverra stance : selfless)
      Sylvester de Ruiz and Moncada in the Shadow Reconquista now start in a Power Struggle (Moncada dominated, Moncada stance : self interested)
    • Fan of the White Exiles now starts in a Power Struggle with Fang Liwan (selfless but utterly dominant)
    • Yuri Tvarivich now starts in a power sharing with his sister (balanced, Sophia is selfless)
    • Added a way to dynamically start a Power Struggle for both AI and players, finishing to fully enable this mechanic for PoD
    • The succession part of the Diarchy/Regency window has been removed. Diarchies aren't inheritable in PoD so it was useless clutter.
    • Dynamic diarchies now start at 50 power balance instead of 5. It's now much harder getting rid of a diarch, requiring much more power balance in the liege's favor
    • The AI won't try to get rid of a selfess diarch anymore (the player as a diarch is always considered situational loyalty, so can still be dismissed)
    • Tweaks to remove some uneeded vanilla intro events and replace some vanilla localization
    • Some tweaks to vanilla regencies tooltips for more clarity
    Kuei Jin
    • Kuei Jin buildings now have a drawback like their vampire "cousins". Since KJ buildings are overall stronger and not gated by dev/tech, the drawback gets stronger each level instead of going down like for vampires.
    • Kuei Jin titles now get elective succession like their vampire counterparts as intended
    • Kuei-Jin Age Banners
    • Kuei Jin are less good at navigating the umbra, making it costlier and slower for them
    • Vampires and Kuei Jin can't get the incest secret anymore as they aren't related to their "children"
    • Repenting very hard about your diablerie doesn't not make you a diablerist.
    • Malkavians can't be cured of their lunacy with true faith anymore
    • Fixed Giovanni not having access to Cappadocian/Giovanni primogen post objective
    • Fixed a Baali dynasty tree issue
    • Allow changes to clothing color in barbershop: You can now choose the color of your shirt like a big boy!
    • Nudity returns, you perverts.
    • Royal Courts Darkened. Initial patch for 1.9 lacked night time throne rooms. They have been restored.
    • Replaced a bunch of illustrations by placeholder night versions. We never replaced BP1 illustrations actively since they were barely used, but they are now used a lot when characters are moving. So we had a lot of instances of sunny backgrounds still
    • Compression/Optimization of various CoA/Texture/Illustrations .dds files. Mod should be about half the size it was.
    • Made the sunny day event localization less sunny
    • Werewolf "skin" will now be a similar color to the werewolf hair. That is a color the player can change in Barbershop.
    • Small history changes (Elysium full read)
    • Tweaked a travel event behaving weirdly with supernatural secrets
    • Tweaked a pilgrimage event removing your secret, it's now used only to remove stress coping traits.
    • Another check to make sure that the AI can't sneakily take the disabled activities dynasty legacy
    • Elemental MaAs are less numerous
    • Horrid reality is now a little less horrid
    • Tweaks to lighten an engine intensive niche event (the game looking all the time to make sure the cardinal of the inquisition is an inquisitor)
    • Tweaks to berserker kill
    • Barons can't build Influence merchant and influence underworld anymore, the two buildings that give county wide control malus
    • AI abominations can't embrace anymore
    • Fix the AI being petty and being able to put contracts for 0 gold in the web of knives
    • Fix for a tour event looking way too deep to find a criminal
    • Added drawbacks to some of the most powerful cultural traditions that didn't have one yet
    • Fixed an issue with vampires reverting to confederate partition
    • Some tweaks to the game setup starting events to avoid spamming players with "your councilor/guest has been killed" at the start (when unwanted splat characters are killed)
    • Do not disturb characters moved to Charon's court to reduce the likelihood of them interacting with players in unintended ways
    • Fixed a small edge case Elysium event issue
    • Teach and Ask for Mentoring Demonology
    • As the Possessed, call spirit to possess courtier to make the Possessed
    • Valeren update
    • Chi Heal update
    • Scope fix for Heart of Darkness
    • Mummy alchemy interaction
    • Torpor check for Ventrue Ethic of Succor interaction
    • Mummy effigy interactions
    • Shih fixes: Yomi Wan hostility, Gifts from Heaven modifier
    • make realm_actor_custom proof against RECIPIENT = this
    • marriage modifiers update
    • Rename Ishmaelite.dds to lowercase (fixes missing icon on Linux)
    • Fixed missing building icons
    • Some nerfs to the bonus given by the possessed traits
    • Patron character additions
    • Updated POD_patrons.info
    • Monster forms: new Chiropteran Maruaduer alternative form, Aquarii Gangrel Mariner, Chulorviah Elder Form
    • Wraith: move fetter tier checks to right click interaction
    • Fera unreleased development: Auspices, Traits, Lifestyles, Rites, Models, Insults, Adoption, Litany
    • Fae unreleased development: Arts (Pyretics, Metamorphosis, Kyros, Aphrodesia ), Bookmark, Decisions, enable Tournaments, random Kith diversification
    • Error cleaning and suppression
    • Localization fixes
    • Chinese Translation
    • 1Love
    • 1
    Princes of Darkness mod updated for 1.10.1 "Roma Aeterna, Brujah Panegyra"
  • Princes of Darkness mod updated for 1.10.1 "Roma Aeterna, Brujah Panegyra"

    Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 version 1.10.0 "Quill" update, Wards & Wardens Event Pack DLC

    Brujah Panegyra

    What it is? Described in Libellus Sanguinus, this is an event where the Brujah clan celebrate their Greek roots by re enacting their own, tweaked, version of the Olympics games.


    What's in game? They can be held (Brujah only, AI or not) as a normal activity They can be joined (any vampire, except infernalist, Brujah are healing their public relations) You can participate in the contests, win prizes (money, prestige, stress loss). Various events will happen to help or hinder your performance and give you some flavor about this competition. As tournaments are disabled for them, this is also the only way for vampires to earn the Hastiluder (renamed Contestant in the mod) trait and level it up.


    What to not expect? A vanilla tournament like interface. It's DLC locked so it can be used and very difficult to recreate from scratch as well. So it’s closer to the “small activities” like hunts in scope and presentation. An advantage of that being that the Panegyra is available to every player, and isn’t locked by Tours and Tournaments DLC.

    Grand Cities

    What is a Grand City? Well basically, we missed the Great Works from CK2 so much that we turned an entire city into one.

    Some locations in the World of Darkness are very important to both the mortal and the supernatural world. Yet we don’t have a good way to portray this unique flavor, since in CK3, all holdings are the same. All castles are the same and all cities are the same. And we can’t really get around that, unless we were to create an entirely new holding type from scratch.


    So we did just that.

    Rome is our first Grand City, and we hope to add more in future updates. Being the ruler of such a prestigious location should feel exciting and unique, and so each Grand City will have hand-tailored mechanics attached to it. They take a lot investment, yet offer a big pay-off.

    There are 3 different versions of Rome, depending on the type of character who holds the city. Well… technically Werewolves have a fourth version, but it’s basically “ignore the city and go frolicking in the woods instead”. Everyone else can occupy the Grand City, and get unique mechanics in return:

    Roma Aeterna (Rome for Vampires)

    A Vampire who holds Rome will be able to build up its 13 historical districts, each of which is assigned to a specific Clan.


    If you want to upgrade the buildings beyond tier 1, you will need to employ a Primogen of the respective Clan. Higher upgrades require higher-skilled Primogen. This could be more or less difficult, depending on the Clan. At tier 3, the districts will unlock new abilities for their owner.


    This is a common theme with Grand Cities. Upgrading them is more difficult, but there’s always something exciting in store for those who do.

    Note that you can only build a district if your Clan has access to the Primogen position in the first place. So only Setites can build the Setite district, for instance. We made sure that those “minority” Clans get some especially strong abilities in return, considering they’d have to wrest control of Rome from Camilla first. (I’m quite a fan of the Ravnos and the Banu Haqim districts, myself.)

    St. Peter’s City (Rome for the Shadow Inquisition)

    Inquisitors will notice that they have a new objective pointing them in the direction of Rome.


    Beating Camilla as a Hunter is a tall order, but if you manage to do it and take Rome for yourself, you can create a new headquarters for the Inquisition in the monastery of San Michele.

    Upgrading its buildings to the maximum tier will require you to help the other Inquisition Orders. These are late-game objectives, and the buildings will appropriately unlock powerful abilities.


    Eternal Rome (Rome for everyone else)

    Other supernaturals might not have such an intimate history with Rome, but they can still make use of its historical landmarks.


    What would you do if you could restore the Colosseum to its former glory?

    See more details on the POD Wiki: Grand Cities

    Change Log:
    Princes of Darkness, "Roma Aeterna, Brujah Panegyra", Version 1.10.0, Change Log, August 22, 2023
    • Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 version 1.10.0 "Quill" update, Wards & Wardens Event Pack DLC
      • Only hunters get access to the adult education activity
      • The rite of passage decision is moved from tribal only to werewolf only
      • The hostages DLC mechanic is in, but our characters generally care less about it than vanilla mortals
      • The (powerful) new 5th tiers of education have been given to a very select number of great persons and canon characters
      • Nightification of some illustrations
    • The Brujah Panegyra
      • What it is? Described in Libellus Sanguinus, this is an event where the Brujah clan celebrate their Greek roots by re enacting their own, tweaked, version of the Olympics games.
      • What's in game? They can be held (Brujah only, AI or not) as a normal activity. They can be joined (any vampire, except infernalist, Brujah are healing their public relations). You can participate in the contests, win prizes (money, prestige, stress loss). Various events will happen to help or hinder your performance and give you some flavor about this competition. As tournaments are disabled for them, this is also the only way for vampires to earn the Hastiluder (renamed Contestant in the mod) trait and level it up.
      • What to not expect? A vanilla tournament like interface. It's DLC locked so it can be used and very difficult to recreate from scratch as well. So it’s closer to the “small activities” like hunts in scope and presentation. An advantage of that being that the Panegyra is available to every player, and isn’t locked by Tours and Tournaments DLC.
      • Panegyra hosts now get a dynasty prestige bonus (depending on accommodations level) at the end of a successful panegyra
      • Added 3 Panegyra archery downtime events
      • Added three downtime events for the Panegyra Kerykes
      • Added 6 events for the Panegyra (boxing and board game contests)
      • Added 6 Panegyra events (horse race and wrestling downtime)
      • Tryharding during a Panegyra contest now give you a chance to up your contestant trait
      • The grace period to join a newly created Panegyra has been extended
      • Players winning a panegyra contest will now get the contestant trait 100% of the time, not just a shot at it
      • Removed the DLC (ToTo) lock on the Panegyra. Wanted to clarify some things before doing it, it's now available as a normal activity for everyone as intended, instead of a grand activity for only ToTo owners
    • Grand City of Rome
      • What is a Grand City? Well basically, we missed the Great Works from CK2 so much that we turned an entire city into one.
      • Some locations in the World of Darkness are very important to both the mortal and the supernatural world. Yet we don’t have a good way to portray this unique flavor, since in CK3, all holdings are the same. All castles are the same and all cities are the same. And we can’t really get around that, unless we were to create an entirely new holding type from scratch. So we did just that.
      • Rome is our first Grand City, and we hope to add more in future updates. Being the ruler of such a prestigious location should feel exciting and unique, and so each Grand City will have hand-tailored mechanics attached to it. They take a lot investment, yet offer a big pay-off.
      • There are 3 different versions of Rome, depending on the type of character who holds the city. Well… technically Werewolves have a fourth version, but it’s basically “ignore the city and go frolicking in the woods instead”. Everyone else can occupy the Grand City, and get unique mechanics in return:
      • Roma Aeterna (Rome for Vampires): A Vampire who holds Rome will be able to build up its 13 historical districts, each of which is assigned to a specific Clan. If you want to upgrade the buildings beyond tier 1, you will need to employ a Primogen of the respective Clan. Higher upgrades require higher-skilled Primogen. This could be more or less difficult, depending on the Clan. At tier 3, the districts will unlock new abilities for their owner. This is a common theme with Grand Cities. Upgrading them is more difficult, but there’s always something exciting in store for those who do. Note that you can only build a district if your Clan has access to the Primogen position in the first place. So only Setites can build the Setite district, for instance. We made sure that those “minority” Clans get some especially strong abilities in return, considering they’d have to wrest control of Rome from Camilla first. (I’m quite a fan of the Ravnos and the Banu Haqim districts, myself.)
      • St. Peter’s City (Rome for the Shadow Inquisition): Inquisitors will notice that they have a new objective pointing them in the direction of Rome. Beating Camilla as a Hunter is a tall order, but if you manage to do it and take Rome for yourself, you can create a new headquarters for the Inquisition in the monastery of San Michele. Upgrading its buildings to the maximum tier will require you to help the other Inquisition Orders. These are late-game objectives, and the buildings will appropriately unlock powerful abilities.
      • Eternal Rome (Rome for everyone else). Other supernaturals might not have such an intimate history with Rome, but they can still make use of its historical landmarks. What would you do if you could restore the Colosseum to its former glory? I’ll let your imagination fill in the rest.
    • Vampire Disciplines
      • Advanced Auspex
        • Discern the Aura: Spawn custom mortal (with gui to set stat). Disabled the discern the aura perk, which is probably not balanceable. It's not the cost that is the issue, it's that you can summon a superhuman with all the traits
        • The Mind Revealed: Reveal scheme
        • Personality Metamorph: Change personality trait of yourself
        • Supernal Awareness: Get warned of scheme agains family or lover
        • Omniscience: Reveal secret
        • Master of the Dom: Gain or upgrade building in all provinces of capital
      • Advanced Celerity
        • Precision: Modifier
        • Tireless Tread: Modifier
        • Quickness: Remove decision cooldown, remove scheme cooldown
        • Physical Defiance: Modifier
        • Time out of Time: Add scheme progress to every scheme
        • Between the Ticks: Temporary buff
      • Advanced Chimerstry
        • Horrid Blade of the Demons: custom weapon artifact
        • Mass Horror: Horrid Reality 2.0
        • Aid of the Gandharvas: Modifier
        • Mirror's Visage: Another clone that can coexist with shadow twin
        • Pseudo Blindness: Modifier
        • Sensory Deprivation: Make target blind, deaf...
        • Mask of Janus: Copy/Paste DNA from target
      • Advanced Obfuscate
        • Veil the Legions: Modifier
        • Visit Faerieland: Access to dreaming, umbra exploration bonus
        • Horrid Countenance: Dread shapeshift option
        • Old Friend: Become friend with target
        • Create Name: Remove every hook, claim, truce, secret knowledge and relation from target
        • Cloak the gathering is now also travel safety instead of advantage
      • Advanced Potence
        • Relentless Pursuit: Modifier
        • Crush: Modifier, War debuff
        • Fist of the Titans: Wound every target's knight. Fist of the titans has been nerfed and now has a cost.
        • The Forger's Hammer: Buff the weapon
        • Lend the Supernatural Vigor: Make target get same prowess as you have for 1 year
        • Might of the Heroes: Lot of Prowess
      • Advanced Protean
        • Adaptability: Modifier
        • Homunculus: Create a mortal clone of yourself. Protean homonculus has been nerfed
        • Turnabout: Modifier
        • Mythic Form: Bygone shapeshift option
        • Adaptation: Modifier
        • Draught of Phoenix Blood: Resurrection
        • Earth meld now gives less scheme resistance, but also travel safety
      • Advanced Vicissitude
        • Chiropteran Marauder: Reuse old Chiropteran Marauder shapeshift
        • Living Testudo: Turn character into artifact (mark for return compatible, so you can solforged them after)
        • Liquefy the Mortal Coil: Make character lose bodypart (won't heal for 10 year)
        • Will over Form: Vicissitude menu gui on other character and allow modify physical trait
        • Oathbreaker: Gain unbondable. Unboundable now correctly makes you immune to Dominate/Presence during diablerie attempts
        • The Last Dracul: Reuse old Dracul shapeshift
        • face shapeshift option really allow you vicissitude face
        • Prevented canon portrait Tzimisce from getting additional Vicissitude monster blendshape faces
        • Tzimisce now get an innate travel speed debuff modifier to represent that their weakness is basically "don't travel"
        • Tzimisce custom characters can pick a non vicissitude option in the chargen now
        • Simplified Vozhd/Szlachta recruitment
      • Temporis
        • Iron Crown modifier fix
        • The (very powerful) Temporis interactions now have a cost ( This isn't "Dirty secrets of the Black Hand : the mod" yo )
      • Valeren
        • Small nerfs to the Valeren tree
    • Ventrue Selective Feeding Clan Weakness reworked
      • Feeding on the wrong type of characters for a Ventrue doesn't give stress anymore, just no blood. Except animals right now
      • As a Ventrue, you can't hunt or herdify a character if they are unsuitable to your weakness anymore. A first step into making the Ventrue weakness more player friendly. More to come later on.
      • The Ventrue weakness secrets now actually tell you what "young" or "middle aged" means
        Ventrue drinking from animals doesn't give you stress anymore, but instead has a chance of being rejected (costing hunger instead of sating it)
      • If a Ventrue herd member isn't suitable anymore (like not "young" anymore), they will be removed from the herd automatically
      • More starting Ventrue weakness event clarifications
      • Removed the herd alert for Ventrue characters, since it misleads into an illegal prey
      • Added a warning that ghouling a member of your herd will drastically reduce their resonance
      • The mortal from the know too much masquerade event now has their resonance properly set and can't be exsanguinated by Ventrue anymore
      • Cleaned and straightened the automatic removal from Ventrue herd script to avoid some potential instances of interface message spamming or other weird behavior
    • Miscellaneous Vampire Changes
      • Added 23 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters. We are now at 613 unique lore buttons. (Ohgodthatswaytoomany, what am I doing with my life. I should stop counting )
      • Added encyclopedia entries for "Primogen", "Primogen Aptitude", and each of the 14 Primogen court positions, so that their aptitude requirements can easily be checked ingame
      • For the Polish Tzimisce objective, Krakow now only requires 15 dev, realm size needed is reduced to 35 but prestige upped to 1500
      • No more Setite El-Shulgi
      • Random Nosferatu are now less likely to escape getting monstrous blendshapes
      • Added a warning about the mutually exclusive Nosferatu objectives
      • Prevented canon portrait Gangrel from getting additional beast look monster blendshapes
      • Malkavians that already have a madness trait will not be assigned an additional madness trait at random
      • Upped even more the willingness of the AI to build princedoms
      • Scripted the stats of the "dead" Enochian, so that players looking behind the curtains don't see random numbers
      • Fixed several torpor character shenanigans
      • Fixed a badly structured on_action file that had a lot of consequences : Masquerade, knights, flavor, gehenna seers, midnight circus vampire events can now properly fire. Modding note : DO NOT use two (or more) random_events blocks in the same on_action. This causes the game to silently ignore everything after the first one. Trigger another on_action from the base on_action instead*
      • Disabled a travel event nonsensical for vampires
      • Fixed several torpor character shenanigans
      • Torpored characters can't be caravan masters anymore
      • KJ effect of imbalance now properly handled
      • Fix for edge cases in Elysium events
      • Scripted effects to give elder perks for future use
      • Fixed an issue with the can't frenzy trigger
      • Tweaked the Nagaraja house modifier
      • Tweaks to Mokur's house modifier
      • Added an event for Camilla to upgrade his laurel crown after finishing the political sin objective
      • Added 4 starting events for Helena about her existing childer
      • Added a starting event for Anna Comnena and the Alexiad
      • Streamlined vampire buildings giving MaA modifiers (overall buffed)
      • Lamia starts with a relation bonus modifier with Japhet now to avoid her being that rebellious. She doesn't like the guy, but respects the covenant with clan Cappadocian
      • Added a safeguard trigger to mass embraced vampires MaA
      • Osmosis now has a cooldown
      • Fixed quickness not working on diablerie schemes
      • Fixed two events potentially targeting torpored characters
      • Tariq el Haqim faiths can now do Hajj
      • Mecca added as a holy site to the Tariq el Haqim to allow for the Hajj
      • The Cult of Zilah now accepts diablerie
      • Via Luminis now has Inner Journey instead of Pursuit of Knowledge
      • Streamlined the Izhim's awakening event to make sure he gets properly landed with an army at the end of it
      • Added a special tolerance doctrine between the Cainite Heresy (and adjacent) and Via Divinitatis
      • To Sift Through Bitter Ashes full read (5 new characters, some setup changes)
    • Hunters
      • Added a major decision: Occupy the Monastery of San Michele (Shadow Inquisition only)
      • Added two missing conditions curable by touch of the saints
      • Reinforced the artifacts giving TF triggers (no Baali TF, since faith is their weakness, or possessed TF since they aren't themselves)
      • Integrated Dee's tweaks to the True Cross behavior during find lair events. Fixed an issue in it (name used instead of modifier)
      • Vampire cannibals can't eat true faith prisoners anymore. A sentence you never expected to write in your life spotted
      • Added a tooltip to explain why a crisis of faith is happening
      • Fixed a case where the Pope mechanic could break for long Inquisitors campaigns
      • Slimmed down the very verbose tooltip when finishing introducing a new character to an Inquisitor order
      • Removed an accusation of witchcraft event for non hunters
    • Mummies
      • Neferu and Nefertiti now start with a correct flag to be able to use their existing necromancy trait
      • Nerfed the amount of Sekhem given in Dark Kingdom of Sand
      • The Ma'at haven building now only require a special building slot from tier 4 upwards instead of from the start. This gives adventuring Shemsu Heru something to build in ducal slots when outside of the lands of faith in holdings with no special slots
    • Demons
      • Demons can't get true faith by artifacts anymore
      • Set Ares to wearing ancient Greek armor by default
      • Binding more demons should not sabotage your existing investiture income. It is counter-intuitive that binding additional demons makes you less powerful and less able to acquire investiture. Thralls still lose progress if they make a pact with a demon that hates them, as being hated by your masters should have some consequences.
      • Removed demonology stuff from the first bookmark, since there are no demons here. Might be the most confusing and asked question at the moment, so that clarifies it
    • Werewolves
      • Stains Glass' bookmark portrait is now in Crinos form
      • Lupus characters can now properly get heirs by events
      • Swapped out the balefire neon green for light green in Wyrm/Black Spiral Dancer randomly generated coats of arms
      • Plasmid bonus given by the gauntlet nerfed
      • Beheading has been added as a common execution method to avoid some edge cases like vampires having to exsanguinate werewolves to kill them
      • Nerfed the gauntlet MaA bonus
    • Diarchies and Power Sharing
      • Diarchy monthly swing toward balance has been reduced significantly, to give more time for both players and AI to try to "win" the diarchy
      • Diarchs can now do pilgrimages
      • Imprisoned vassals can't ask for power sharing anymore
      • Added a decision for players wanting to give up on a power struggle
    • Prowess rebalance
      • Overall prowess numbers tweaked
      • Standardized the prowess given by discipline traits (not lifestyles).
      • Prowess education characters also get their martial dynasty perk trait now
      • Prowess education now gives another bonus to increase its utility
      • Reduced the cooldown in the diarchy power scale swing interaction #Still trying to find the right balance here
    • Travel system flavorization
      • Added ten events for travels in the WoD (danger related or not)
      • Added four new travel options to represent how different splats travel
      • Added twelve WoD travel sites
      • Added PoD modifiers for the travel master court position aptitude
    • Artifacts
      • Added 7 artifacts (Technically, one is in two parts can be reconstituted and another has 13 copies of it). 3 of those artifacts are named mounts, using added slot for those. If this test goes well and no issues are reported with mount "artifacts", we might add more in the future.
      • Non-decaying artifacts prevented from get damaged in combat. Artifacts like Dagger of Thorns were degrading in the hands of NPCs and this damage effect may be the culprit.
      • make sure theocracy_government stays disabled
      • Another pass at various events potentially destroying artifacts needed for collection quests
      • Nerf to the Achen artifact
    • Buildings
      • Buildings with a negative county wide effect can only be built in the county capital now. Barons won't wreck your county with their choices anymore
      • New tweaks to make AI barons not build negative county wide buildings
      • A court event giving vanilla buildings can't do that anymore
      • Removed the script creating great buildings for religious holy sites. We have a ton of religions, and vanilla do as well, so the map is cluttered with these useless (99% of the time, since you need to be of the right religion) special building slot that confuse players since they can't be built
      • Removed the boom vanilla effect making every AI frenzying to fill all its buildings slots at start. The AI still frenzies over holdings slots, but considers upgrading existing buildings more
      • Tweaks to the Toreador musicians building
    • Miscellaneous
      • Added 32 PoD flavorized new accolades for all splats
      • Main menu displayed default characters are now canon characters from the mod rather than hold overs from Vanilla CK3
      • Disabled the "seek automatically for successors" accolade decision that didn't work for PoD anyway. You can obviously still appoint successors manually if needed (but immortals being immortals, this might not even be needed).
      • Numerous typos, bugs, scope fixes, building bonuses, Coat of Arms errors, missing localization and duplicate DNA thanks to amtep's ck3-tiger https://github.com/amtep/ck3-tiger
      • Fix some bad illustration filenames
      • Fix inspiration cost logic to account for sponsor's perks
      • Mortals will no longer be eligible for council positions in supernatural councils
      • Chinese Translation
      • Added a bonus to culture traditions about hunts so that they aren't useless for characters that can't hunt
      • Nerfed Animate MaA
      • Tweaked a pilgrimage event potentially giving the monk trait to everyone
      • Added a "Battle Modifier" text to modifiers that look infinite but actually disappear after a battle, for clarity
      • Removed a sunshine reference in a vanilla even
      • The AI will never choose to be wed during the Bruising Bride event. Players are still free to do as they please.
      • Renamed the Hastiluder vanilla trait for a broader use
      • Fixed the possibility for people outside the French struggle area to finish it
      • Monarch of beauty and noblesse nickname don't override existing nicknames anymore
      • Seek the Spirits decision has less chance of giving a permanent good trait
      • Added 4 portraits by Red Grail
      • Fixed an issue with Karnof's dynasty
      • The convert to withcraft scheme has been made less easy to pull off
      • Commented out some useless 867 vanilla startdate scripts slowing down game start
      • The (very strong) sparring leader of knights modifier now lasts only one year
      • Replaced a vanilla event localization to be broader
      • Grandeur interaction now has a hefty cost balancing its hefty power
      • Reduced the AI likelihood of starting house feuds. Big dynasties in the mod, so house feuds tend to end up as worldwide murder fests
      • Meditation chances of critical success (+learning stat) have been reduced
      • The Romance scheme events now give lifestyle xp instead of straight up perk points
      • Removed some death by hunting accident adjacent risks for the AI
      • Replaced some bright ocean event illustrations by our sunless sea one
      • The vanilla murders at court story cycle has been disabled. Was responsible for a lot of nonsensical deaths of important characters
      • Age isn't a factor in AI factions calculations anymore
      • Added 12 Great Persons. This batch finishes the Middle East, Scandinavia/Baltics and the Steppes area, and also raises our number of GPs to the symbolic "200+"
      • Small nerfs to vanilla university stats
    • Patrons
      • Patron War Fixes
      • Mew Patron War Landings
      • New Patron Special Titles
      • Latest Patron Character Histories
      • New Patron Nicknames
      • New Patron Dynasties
      • Added new Coats of Arms for new Patron Dynasties/Houses and Realms.
      • Added DNA for various new Patron characters
      • Picked some outfits for new Patron characters, and fixed some missing outfits for older Patron characters
      • Added various monster visual effects to certain new Patron characters
      • Updated Patron War Bookmarks DNA with new a changes
    Last edited:
    • 4Love
    • 2Like
    Update 1.10.1, "Roma Aeterna, Brujah Panegyra", August 31, 2023
  • Princes of Darkness, "Roma Aeterna, Brujah Panegyra" , Version 1.10.1, Change Log, 8/31/2023
    CK3 compatibility 1.10.1 "Quill"
    • Version Number Increment
    • Recommend embrace interaction : Can be used on childe or grand childe in your own realm. Cost prestige. Makes the childe embrace a mortal of your choice (that is in your court or theirs) if they accept (must like you).
    • Touchstones added as court position for humane faiths that care about them.
    • Added a link to their new encyclopedia entries to each Primogen's description
    • The Quincunx Vanguard invasion also gets the capital buff and will insta declare war on spawn. They will stop warring once all their Anda religion neighbors are destroyed.
    • Cobbled together a custom portrait for Mnemach. I was tired of seeing her look like a horror movie monster instead of the weirdly attractive Nosferatu she is supposed to be
    • Removed not working and weird lore wise clan virtues from the vengeance of Lilith doctrine
    • Spiritus' aid from spirits now has a cost and a cooldown
    • Fix to vassal contracts with blood oaths vassal desire
    • Who will contest (or obtain if no player) Great Persons is now much more random
    • Fixed a panegyra scaling rewards issue
    • Fixed an issue that could prevent the alert about joining an open Panegyra to show up
    • Spawned Inquisitors now get a buff to their capital to make it hard to siege and insta win the war
    • Spawned Inquisitors get a war fervor modifier to make them more aggressive
    • In "apocalyptic" game rule, spawned inquisitors will instantly declare wars when appearing and will continue doing so after each victory
    • Added a modifier to spawned end game inquisitors to make them more aggressive
    • Changed the the descriptions for some Inquisitor buildings that showed the wrong requirements
    • Added 24 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
    • Taking education 5 in consideration (no for spamming characters)
    • Fixed an issue in the "hook, line" event
    • Degulo now a much higher piety cost
    • Nerfed the den of screams
    • Added more information in the masquerade modifiers
    • Unlock all the options in the "Survey your Capital" decision if your capital is a Grand City
    • Disabled the "Animal Sighting" events for splats that can't hunt
    • In the Umbra interactions that spawn special troops, show a preview of the type of troops you'll get in the tooltip
    • Additional nightified character view illustrations
    • Who will contest (or obtain if no player) Great Persons is now much more random
    • Fixed some inheritance issues
    • Additional icons for POD specific war types
    • Time Out nerfed
    • Proofreading and added formatting for all building descriptions
    • Added "Splat" as an encyclopedia entry, with an explanation for which splats are available in which bookmark
    • Localization fixes
    • 4Like
    Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" , Version 1.11.0, updated November 9th, 2023
  • Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" ,
    Version 1.11.0, updated November 9th, 2023

    CK3 compatibility 1.11.0 "Peacock" and Legacy of Persia DLC

    This update is packed, stacked and absolutely jacked. Here’s some of the stuff that’s coming your way.

    Coteries and Journeys

    When you start up the game after the new update, you will notice a new alert at the top of your screen.


    What’s this? Well, this might sound crazy, but before Vampire: the Masquerade became the setting for the hottest CK3 mod, it existed as a tabletop RPG. And something the mod has been missing so far is the ability to team up with your mates and go on adventures and have a grand old time.


    So now you can team up with your mates and go on adventures and have a grand old time.

    What are these adventures, you ask?


    Let’s take Inquisitors as an example.

    Hunting Vampires used to be done as a Scheme. Now, Schemes are alright, but they’re also inflexible. They lack granularity, and it’s impossible to get rid of their RNG elements. So now, it’s a new type of interaction, called a Journey.


    Journeys usually have two phases. What you see here is the Planning Phase. Unlike Schemes, a Journey will progress at a constant rate every month. This rate is based on various factors, depending on the Journey. Usually they’re quite straightforward, but of course, hunting an Elder Vampire is anything but straightforward.


    Once the Planning Phase is done, you get the option to start the Travel Phase. That’s right! If you want to dunk on Camilla, you have to physically travel to Rome to do so.


    If this is an inconvenient time, you can also postpone the Journey and travel at a later date.

    Once you’re on the hunt, you can decide to take your Coterie with you. This is where they come in handy. During a Journey, skills are shared between Coterie members. So if a Coterie member is a better fighter than you, skill checks will use their Prowess, not yours.


    Some interactions that used to be Schemes have been converted to Journeys in this way. So if you want to wake Gilgamesh from torpor, you can now take the whole gang on a road trip with you.

    But wait! There’s more.

    Hunt in your Capital

    It hurts me every time I watch some Vampire gameplay on Youtube and see how much clicking one has to do just in order to get a snack.

    Right click yourself, Find Mortals, confirm. Click each character to confirm resonance, pin the good ones, confirm. Right click, start hunt scheme, confirm. Wait for the scheme to end. Drink. Right click another pinned character, start hunt scheme, confirm. Repeat.

    Bull. Shit.

    Here’s how it works in the new update. The “Find Mortals” interaction was removed entirely. Instead, there’s a shiny new button in the sidebar.


    This is where you can see an overview of all the available Journeys.


    “Hunt in your Capital” is like the Hunt scheme and the Find Mortals interaction, merged into one. It gives you all the options you are familiar with from before. What’s new is what happens after your hunt is completed:


    This is what the event looks like for Camilla. He’s skilled in Auspex, so he can immediately see everyone’s resonance. He’s also a Ventrue, and he can see at a glance whether these mortals fit his feeding restrictions.


    See that checkbox? It lets you automate the Journey. Just set it and forget it. Let your character focus on Sexy Vampire Stuff instead of micromanagement.

    But wait! There’s more.

    Learn new Abilities

    We sometimes get asked how one can learn new Disciplines. The mod used to have the option to get mentored by friends or lovers, but that was quite obscure. Now there are Journeys for it.


    The Travel Phase will let you physically travel to a mentor. If you take your Coterie with you, they will learn the ability as well.

    But wait! There’s more.


    Diablerie used to be the only way for a Vampire to grow in power and get access to those juicy elder perks. There was no meaningful alternative for humanitarian Vampires, until now.


    That is not to say it’s an easy road to take. Many problems in CK3 can be easily solved by killing or stealing. Can you resist these temptations while you slowly accumulate the necessary insights into your Beast?


    But wait! There’s more.

    Reveal yourself to the Vatican

    All the Journeys mentioned so far have been about roleplay, camaraderie, or quality of life.

    This one goes out to all the min-maxers out there.


    Don’t listen to the red text. Do it. Go down in the history books.

    Because if you survive, you have a chance to vindicate yourself.


    If you do survive, that is.

    Now on to the rest of the updates for POD for CK3 1.11.0 ...

    Sect Mechanics

    Reforming the Code of Tremere

    Inner Council members of the Tremere can now change the doctrines and tenets of their faith, if they can get the other council members on board.


    It might take some bribes and threats, but you too can make Nudist Etrius a reality, if you dare.

    There is one other religion that can be reformed this way. Speaking of which…

    The Camarilla

    During the Council of Thorns, the involved rulers will put the doctrines and tenets of the Camarilla to a vote. But that’s not all. The Camarilla has received a custom GUI and all-new mechanics.


    The founders of the Camarilla will go on to become Inner Circle members. They get to abuse their authority project Leadership Qualities by seizing gold or titles from other Camarilla members. All for a good cause, of course.

    Characters with criminal traits can be declared Anathema. This essentially turns them into outlaws who can be hunted down by any enterprising Prince.

    Every decade or so, the Inner Circle will convene to decide on the future of their Sect. Among other things, they can decide to put Anathema on the Red List — the most wanted criminals of the Kindred world. If you started on the 1510 bookmark, you will see some familiar faces on there.


    The difference between the Red List and the other Anathema is that killing them will award you with a trophy, giving powerful buffs to your character. Happy hunting!

    The Sabbat

    If you prefer a more meritocratic approach to vampire politics, you may consider joining the Sabbat instead.


    Cardinals get some new privileges, similar to the leaders of the Camarilla. However, all you need to do to become a Cardinal is to conquer a new geographical region for the Sabbat. Might makes right, after all.

    Local Umbra

    Can you see ghosts? Why not have a little chat with them, and see if you can strike a deal.


    Every province now gets a little button next to the holding window (similar to the GUI for hospitals in CK2). There, you can take control over the local Umbra and commune with its spirits. And it’s very well worth it, because they have some good stuff to offer.


    Like Dinosaurs.


    Necromancy has received a big overhaul. First off, a necromancer now gets to use ALL the Arcanoi their bound wraiths have access to.


    You can also send your wraiths to the Shadowlands to learn some new abilities, or have them teach their known Arcanoi to each other.

    Crown Authority

    This mechanic is like a lite version of the More Interactive Vassals mod. At maximum Crown Authority, your vassals automatically get called to war if someone declares a war on their borders.


    As you can see, reaching this level now has some steep stat requirements.

    Keep in mind that this mechanic goes both ways. Some big AI realms now start at Crown Authority 4, which should make them more stable and much harder to conquer.

    New bookmarked characters

    For those who like to play canon characters, there are 29 new ones in this update. Almost all of them are Vampires, but there are also 2 new mummies to play with. Each of them comes with unique content and mechanics.


    I’m quite partial to this fella. He is doomed to live an interesting life.

    New Disciplines

    There are 2 new disciplines for Vampires and those who share their blood.


    Bardo can be learned via the new Journey system. You’ll have to travel to a sage who teaches you ancient martial arts on a mountaintop. As is proper.

    The other discipline, Visceratika, has yet to be discovered at the start of the game. A Gargoyle who has broken free from their masters can do so once they reach Kingdom-tier.


    Alternatively, a Tremere can also unlock this Discipline by performing some experiments on Gargoyles (very ethical, very cool).

    Quality of Life

    And last but not least, this update has a bunch of additions to make your unlife just a little bit more comfy.


    The Blood and Masquerade bars are now clickable, which opens up a window that lets you see the different ways you can refill these resources.

    There are many more QoL changes in this update, here’s just a small selection of them:
    • Ventrue characters can see at a glance whether another character fits their feeding restrictions
    • Demons get a “Thralls” tab in their character window, letting them demand payment from all their thralls at once, or release them during the redemption quest
    • You can directly see the resonance of each Herd member in the “Manipulate Herd” window
    • An interface alert in the Current Situations tab will show you if a nearby Mummy has alchemical products on sale
    • By default, the Faith tab will only show you faiths that your character can follow (e.g. Werewolf faiths are now hidden for Vampires)
    For the nitty gritty, see the Change Log.

    Change Log:
    Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" , Version 1.11.0, Change Log, 11/9/2023
    Compatibility Crusader Kings III 1.11.0 "Peacock" and "Legacy of Persia" DLC

    • CK3 compatibility 1.11.0 "Peacock" and Legacy of Persia DLC
    • House Unity is added to vampires as a concept. It uses many of the same mechanics as the new vanilla clan government but with some tweaks
    • Added an house decision to challenge for leadership of vampiric houses Allows to avoid having to murder your way to the top or having to create a cadet branch
    • Many houses have been scripted a specific starting unity when there is a lore appropriate reason to do so Example : De Ruiz and Narses houses start as completely antagonistic while many Nosferatu houses start as more united
    • Some dynasty legacies now give bonus to specific house unity decisions

      DLC only stuff included :
      • Court scholar position and events.
      • DLC Locked cultural innovations.
      • DLC Locked dynasty legacy.
      • Some of the Persia only events.
      • Master Assassin court position and Fedayeen tenet for road of blood.
      • Some of the DLC locked house unity decisions.

      DLC only stuff excluded :
      • Persian struggle (we already have our own)
      • Vizier stuff (we already have our own with power sharing)
      • Islam and Zoroastrian decisions (might be enabled for the relevant PoD religions later but need review)
    • Journeys let your character go on adventures around the world.
    • They can be started via character interaction, or from the new Journeys & Coteries window in the sidebar.
    • You can only be on one Journey at a time, but they can be paused and resumed at a later date.
    • New Journeys in this update:
      • Hunt in your Capital: Like the “Find Mortals” interaction and the “Hunt” scheme merged into one, with less clicking necessary
      • Learn new Abilities: Look for a mentor who can teach you new Disciplines, Arts, or Numina. If your Coterie members accompany you, they will also learn the ability
      • Learn to Master your Beast: Learn that Golconda exists
      • Make Peace with your Beast: Walk the path of Golconda... very slowly
      • The Suspire: The final test to achieve Golconda
      • Reveal yourself to the Vatican: Trigger the Inquisition and all its followup events early. THIS IS A BAD BAD BAD IDEA. (...Unless?)
    • The following schemes have been turned into Journeys:
      • Hunt (Vampires/Kuei-Jin/Bane Mummies)
      • Find Hiding Place, aka Wake from Torpor (also lifted the diplomatic range requirement)
      • Find Lair, aka Inquisitor Hunt
    • The following decision has been turned into a Journey:
      • Pack Training (Werewolves)
    • Disabled the following interactions and decisions since the new Journeys made them obsolete:
      • Find Mortals
      • Ask for Mentoring
      • Learn Demonology
    • A Coterie is an adventuring party which can accompany you on your Journeys.
    • Skill checks during Journeys are done by the Coterie member most proficient in that skill.
    • You can invite characters in the same realm who have at least 50 opinion of you.
    • A Coterie member who leaves (either by dropping below -25 opinion or getting kicked out) will become your rival.
    • Adapted the following event chains to take Coterie stats into account:
      • Find Hiding Place
      • Find Lair
      • Pack Training
    • Added 21 different names for adventuring parties, based on your splat, religion, and other factors
    • Added 28 canon Coteries

    Sect Mechanics
    • Camarilla mechanics:
      • Added a GUI window in the sidebar for Camarilla members
      • Founders of the Camarilla now vote on the tenets and doctrines during the Council of Thorns
      • Justicars and Inner Circle members can tyrannically seize money, courtiers, or prisoners from other Camarilla members, or depose them
      • Justicars and Inner Circle members can declare other characters Anathema, which lets them be hunted or targeted by the Blood Hunt CB. Other Camarilla members can petition the leaders for Anathema status
      • Anathema can be put on the Red List, with trophy bounties associated with the clan that put them there
      • Added new Court Positions for Camarilla members
      • Camarilla setup for 1510 (Inner Circle, Justicars, Red List)
    • Sabbat mechanics:
      • Added a GUI window in the sidebar for Sabbat members
      • Cardinals can tyrannically seize money, courtiers, or prisoners from other Sabbat members, or depose them
      • Cardinals can excommunicate other Sabbat members. Other Sabbat members can petition Cardinals for excommunication
      • Added decisions for Sabbat members to establish new Cardinal positions when conquering a new region
      • Added a decision for Sabbat members to join the Black Hand
    • The Code of Tremere can now be reformed by Inner Circle members

    Umbra rework
    • Added a new window for interacting with the local Gauntlet and Shroud of a province
    • Entering the Umbra now requires a ruler to discern the local Gauntlet/Shroud in this window
    • Rulers can gain province-wide buffs by interacting with the local Umbra
    • Added an Umbra map

    Necromancy rework
    • Necromancers can now command their wraiths to use any Arcanoi they know on others
    • Necromancers can now make their wraiths teach each other Arcanoi

    New Disciplines
    • Added 2 new disciplines: Bardo and Visceratika
    • Added Quietus Elder Perks
    • Added a decision to unlock the Visceratika discipline for Gargoyles
    • Added Bardo and Quietus Elder Perks to a few characters

    • Added 6 new mentoring event chains for Bardo, Numina, and Demonology, courtesy of karde

    • Crown Authority rework
      • Crown authority isn't tied to innovations anymore. Passing higher levels require more prestige and passing some stat checks instead.
      • The AI will try to stay at a Crown Authority level that makes sense rp wise. For example, Werewolves will stay at Low, while Road of Kings characters aim for Absolute.
        • Crown Authority 0 : Malus to vassal tax/levies, bonus to vassal opinion and limit.
        • Crown Authority 1 : Lesser versions of the above
        • Crown Authority 2 : Mostly a neutral medium.
        • Crown Authority 3 : Ducal and Kings Vassals bordering (land only) an attacker will join their liege in defense. Malus to vassal opinion and limit.
      • Some realms start with an higher Crown Authority level at the start, representing a greater than usual cohesion
      • Crown Authority 3 doesn't forbid vassals from waging any wars at all anymore. CA2 still disallows vassals wars if you don't have a hook though.
    • You can now get rid of appearance-based clan curses (Nosferatu, Cappadocian, Banu Haqim), either through the "Uncanny Beauty" Infernal Investment or by reaching Golconda
    • Many changes to buildings for consistency
    • Edited many "totally not murder I swear officer" type interactions so they count as murder now
    • Added a new option to reduce Masquerade exposure
    • Eased the aptitudes prerequisites for some primogens
    • Removed the v5/v20 game rule
    • Added 5 new decisions for getting rid of excess resonance perk points
    • Landed characters can now become acclaimed knights
    • Changed requirements for learning Numina:
      • Lament can now be learned by Ghouls and any splat that isn't immortal
      • Theurgy can now be learned by anyone who doesn't consider Magick a crime. The crime restriction is ignored by faiths with Abrahamic roots (Road of Heaven, Ashirra, Blood Gnosticism, Hunters, Constantinians)
      • Psychic powers can now only be learned by Mortals or Hunters
      • Game rules:
      • Added a game rule for adjusting Journey costs (multipliers: 0x, 0.5x, 1x, 2x)
      • Added a game rule for lifting the restrictions on the "Reveal yourself to the Vatican" Journey
    • Forgiving characters can't "forgive" the hooks on their herd, ghouls, thralls, and dreamers anymore
    • Being astray faith doesn't matter to factions modifiers anymore. Being hostile matters less. Only affects characters, not counties factions. Evil faith still matters as much.
    • Being of a different culture almost doesn't matter to characters for factions anymore
    • Fabricate hook is now quite a bit harder to pull off
    • Helena now has a starting event to bury her diablerie of Minos secret Like Mithras, to ease new players' experience. Diablerie secret is quite nasty.
    • Added character interactions for mentoring other Golconda Seekers and guiding others through the Suspire
    • The "Consolation of Philosopy" artifact now contains Golconda lore, letting you skip the first Golconda journey
    • The Yasaq objective "Thunder of the Steppes" now also adds a +1 domain limit bonus to the faith
    • Using Heart of Darkness to put someone into torpor now costs 750 piety
    • Added Serpentis advanced as a virtue for road of set religions
    • Some targeted Mummy nerfs (ducal and MaA, learning true name now is harder the older the target is)
    • Masquerade Exposure events (the nasty ones) have been reworked to use a weight system making them more likely at high exposure and less at low. They now also have a tooltip to explain why they are happening.
    • Added 3 new wonders for Kuei Jin
    • The flaming mountain has been given the full wonder treatment (multiple building steps) and is now two different buildings (as it's two different dragon nests in lore)
    • The Iron Pillar of Delhi, which exists in vanilla, has been WoD flavorized and given the full wonder treatment (multiple buildings steps)
    • Standardized Influence the Lawgivers
    • Buffed the dynasty legacies that only buff vanilla MaA *Since those tend to be weaker overall*
    • Matasuntha's legacy now also enhances horse archers
    • Reorganized the vampire buildings order to be presented in a more sensible manner
    • Another (probably doomed) attempt to stop AI Menele and Helena from allying
    • Syria and Jerusalem now become de jure Followers of Set if their objective is done
    • Hazimel now has Chimerstry and will always succeed in taming the Eye of... well, his eye
    • The Compel perk now gives +10 invite to court base acceptance instead of now useless +hunt scheme power
    • The Codex Mortis has been reworked Now requires to handle Titia Sabina's wraith so that she accepts to let you use it
    • The adventurer CB is no longer locked to the tribal era
    • Added the Pillars of Lilith tolerance doctrine to the Tal'mahe'Ra
    • The pyramid tenet now only disallows internal wars if the liege also has the pyramid tenet
    • Tweaked blood essence
    • Buffed the Giovanni Mausoleum to help Augustus' start
    • Ghoulifying a hunter (except Calomena Forsaken) now result in them being disinherited to not mess with inquisitors succession
    • Nerfed the antlers of your local deer to not be as legendary as they were
    • "Alexander" now has a 5th tier martial education

    Quality of life
    • Clickable resource bars:
      • Clicking the Masquerade bar will now open the Cover up Masquerade character interaction
      • Clicking the Blood bar will now show various ways for slaking your hunger
    • Added a Thrall/Neteru tab in the character window for demons/mummies
    • Added a checkbox during the Hunt event that lets you immediately start another hunt after completion (only when using the Hunt in your Capital Journey)
    • Characters with the Cthonic Womb perk (Lamia Necromancy) get a checkbox to choose whether to turn their victims into Wraiths during the Hunt event
    • Added a checkbox during Werewolf Pack Training that lets you auto-repeat the Journey
    • Your herd members’ resonance is now visible in character lists, like in the “Manipulate Herd” window
    • You can now target mortals with the Hunt Journey even if they're suffering from blood loss
    • You can now drink larger amounts when interacting with your herd members
    • The Blood Potency modifiers now show their effects on feeding from mortals
    • Ventrue QoL
      • Whether a character fits your feeding restrictions is now displayed in the character window and during the Hunt in your Capital Journey
      • The Herdify alert is re-enabled for Ventrue, and automatically selects a character that fits your feeding restrictions
    • Added an interface alert in the "Current Situation" list if the Cover up Masquerade interaction is available and off cooldown
    • Added an interface alert in the "Current Situation" list when a mummy has alchemical products on sale
    • Added some buttons to the faith window to hide/show faiths that your splat can't follow. Invalid faiths are hidden by default
    • The Umbra interactions that grant artifacts now show a link to the artifact in the tooltip
    • New music from "Dreams of Darkness" album thanks to Skip/Serial Symphony for our Dark Ages Fae bookmark
    • Added meta data like title, track number, album and artist to "Princes of Darkness" and "Pacts of Darkness" albums
    • Added some POD music to certain events and struggle starts
    • Created a simple juke box you can access with debug console command: event sparcjukebox.1
    • Added 29 new bookmarked characters and their special content
    • Merged the "Dark Ages: Werewolves" bookmark into the "Hunters & Hunted" bookmark
    • Added the Golconda trait to the following characters: Calida, Guillaume, Lucius Aelius Caesar, Milarepa, Saulot
    • Added the Golconda Seeker trait to the following characters: Adnun, Angiwar, Byzar, Catubodua, Cretheus, Eshmunamash, Genevieve d’Orseau, Gotsdam, Khalid al-Rashid, Menele, Mokur, Pentweret, Rebekah, Rothriel, Sarmis, Si'Djeha
    • Gave the canonical Golconda Seekers some initial trait experience, based on how close they got in the lore
    • Added a new Salubri Methuselah house (Cairo by Night)
    • Removed the Psychic trait from Ming Yin
    • Re-enabled Rocklord's bookmark
    • Improved the Von Murnau family tree following Jackm's suggestions
    • Added BDW's revised Mnemach portrait
    • Durga Syn now has the appropriate flag to initiate her necromancy discipline
    • Some True Brujah history tweaks
    • To Dream of Dreamers Lost full read
    • Updated Demons DNAs Thanks Aransentin for the file
    • Added education martial prowess 5 to a few characters
    • To Speak In Lifeless Tongues full read (some history changes)
    • Patron characters
    • Added some custom WOD flavor to the "This is you" section of the character window, under certain conditions (can you find them?)
    • The description of the Scry the Soul perk now mentions that it lets you see the resonance of others
    • Added a tooltip to the "Befriend" interaction to clarify that it has a cap
    • Feeding code full rewrite:
      • Fixed a LOT of inconsistencies in how feeding is handled
      • Taking someone's blood will now always award the appropriate resonance xp. Yes, that includes Nocturne. Time to schlorp
      • Taking blood from supernaturals (e.g. werewolves, fae, mummies) will now always result in the appropriate Consequences. Maybe schlorp responsibly
      • Drinking blood from a mortal is now subject to Blood Potency limitations in all circumstances (not just when herding)
      • Fixed a bug that would sometimes make the player end up with multiple hunger modifiers
    • Characters shouldn't end up with duplicate Masquerade Exposure modifiers anymore (and if they do, the problem will fix itself)
    • Diarchs can go on pilgrimages now (for real this time)
    • AI created childer will now be of the culture of the sire's capital province instead of the sire's culture itself Camilla won't find stray Romans to embrace in 1230 Italy anymore
    • Made an experimental change that should prevent unlanded characters with Court Positions or Accolades from wandering as much
    • Non-Iberian Kingdom tier rulers in Iberia should no longer get an all black throneroom.
    • The "Dazzling Grandeur" Toreador objective should correctly account for Primogen aptitude now
    • A Ventrue who drinks blood from a character outside their feeding preferences will no longer gain resonance XP
    • Embraced Changelings now correctly get the full Mytherceria tree, instead of just the Mytherceria Advanced trait
    • Multiple instances of Demon pact buffs will no longer stack
    • Banishing a Demon to the Abyss will now properly clean up hooks and pact buffs
    • The "Influencing the Lawgivers" building line will now properly increase Tyranny loss, instead of decreasing it
    • Fixed a bug in the Find Lair event chain that made it easier than intended when hunting very old vampires (don’t blame me if Mithras kicks your ass now)
    • Fixed a bug in the Find Lair event chain that sometimes prevented it from giving out rewards when using prowess
    • Many character interactions will now refund their cost and not go on cooldown if you choose not to use them after the triggered event
    • Cloned characters no longer become super old when their traits refresh
    • Fixed a gamebreaking bug that would cause clones not to inherit the original's sexual orientation, leaving you unable to smooch them
    • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to rebuild Hunter Rome after it gets destroyed by the Black Death
    • Mortal children of Hunters now also have access to St. Peter's City
    • Deaths during the Find Hiding Place event chain won't circumvent resurrection effects anymore
    • Fixed a pilgrimage event that could let a Vampire ruler gain a Werewolf knight because it didn't check for splat compatibility
    • Added some checks to prevent Earthbound from giving away or destroying the artifact they inhabit during events
    • Fixed a vanilla bug that caused single combat duels to end prematurely under certain circumstances
    • "Fixed" female portrait bug with eye when getting open mouth animation by redirecting portraits to use other blendshapes to open mouths
    • Fix Troglodytia's generation
    • Solved an edge case in the Alamut struggle
    • The AI will now only buy claims for famed or illustrious artifacts
    • The AI will now only demand the dynasty banner if they are rival or liege of the current owner. Not just because they can.
    • Fixed a vanilla event not accounting for incapable and such
    • Newly spawned Neteru won't always be peasant leaders now Not really sure why they were
    • Fixed some edge cases in the Ante hunts when playing specific characters
    • Fixed Quietus elder powers not being available to non warriors
    • Solved an issue that could make Baali barons spawn more often than usual, especially in Germania
    • The Toreador objective is less hard on Gangrel dynasty prestige Negative overflowing is bad
    • Tweaked several events/effects to not damage non decaying artifacts
    • Blood potency added to the Dracon's takeover event
    • Potential fix for a potential crash in the ante hunt
    • Fixed two nonsensical for the mod vanilla events
    • Reduced accolade prowess prerequisite to avoid ping ponging during wars with debuffs
    • The artisan from the commission artifact decision will now always be a mortal to avoid them running away
    • The mendicant travel event can't convert people anymore
    • Torpored characters can't be used as hostages
    • Disabled the adoption option for the feral kid vanilla event
    • The lantern of the night father artifact now correctly gives Obfuscate
    • Removed the text saying that gargoyle dynasty legacy 2 unlocked a scheme to recruit gargoyles as it was never scripted
    Last edited:
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    Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" Hotfix 3, Version 1.11.1, Change Log, 11/23/2023
  • 1700768107603.png

    ("This bird is plucked and ready to cook", work in progress screenshot for the Dark Ages Fae/Changeling: the Dreaming bookmark.)

    Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" Hotfix 3, Version 1.11.1, Change Log, 11/23/2023
    • Compatibility with Crusader Kings III 1.11.1 "Peacock" Hotfix
    Known issues
    • Journeys can sometimes get stuck in the travel phase even after completion. To get them unstuck, run this console command: effect POD_journey_cleanup_effect
    Kuei-Jin overhaul
    • Kuei-Jin buildings were rebalanced and now have 5 tiers
    • Kuei-Jin now have access to the Blood Tax building
    • Dharma 10 lets one enjoy sunlight again
    • Dharma traits now have an experience track. The way you gain trait experience is based on your faith
    • You gain experience by:
      • Devil Tiger: Committing murder
      • Face of the Gods: Converting the faith of a county with your Court Chaplain or via True Faith mass conversion
      • Inward Way: Meditating, or when gaining perks in one of the Kuei-Jin lifestyle trees
      • Resplendent Crane: Gaining titles, or converting the culture of a county with your Steward
      • Rising Phoenix: Constructing a Kuei-Jin building
      • Song of the Shadow: Binding wraiths, or passively while having bound wraiths and/or staying in the Yin world (Shadowlands)
      • Ten Thousand Screams: Constructing a corrupted Dragon Nest, torturing prisoners, sacrificing prisoners/holdings/regions to demonic patrons, or passively while being a thrall or diabolist
      • Thousand Whispers: Gaining or losing relationships (lover, soulmate, friend, best friend, rival, nemesis)
      • Thrashing Dragon: Completing Sway/Seduce/Romance schemes, having sex, or passively while staying in the Yang world (Astral Reaches, Spirit Wilds, Dreaming)
    Umbra changes
    • Added the realms of the Dreaming
    • Added the hells of the Yomi Wan, letting an infernalist gain access to demonic men-at-arms
    • Added the sun. Yes, the sun. Try touching it
    • Liderci men-at-arms now require full exploration of the Malfeas, instead of just being stationed there
    • Added two mentoring events for the Visceratika Journey, courtesy of karde
    • Halved the Planning Speed of Hunt Journeys
    • Added a game rule for adjusting the Planning Speed of Hunt Journeys (5 months / 10 months / 20 months)
    • Greatly nerfed skill training in the Umbra: it now happens once a year instead of once a month
    • Lifestyle xp given by travel points of interest has been reduced
    • Added House Unity to Kuei-Jin
    • Demons can now toggle whether to automatically enthrall new vassals, barons, or children, by right-clicking your own character. Auto-thralling costs 75 prestige each
    • Faiths of the Road of Metamorphosis can't raid anymore. They instead get access to the Raid for Captives casus belli
    • Certain decisions that required you to be friends with canon characters can now also be completed by making them Coterie members
    • Jocastians have access to a new decision that lets them commit suicide by asking their heir to diablerize them
    • Third-generation vampires can now bypass strong mental defenses
    • A successful Antediluvian Hunt now makes you fall out of Golconda, as intended
    • If you somehow reach 100 Golconda Seeker trait experience without having unlocked the Suspire before, you are guaranteed to unlock it
    • Teaching Bardo to a Wight now cures them
    • Becoming a Wight now removes Bardo traits and gets rid of positive relationships
    • Finishing the Antediluvian Hunt increases Blood Potency to 10 now
    • You can now invite clones (like Obtenebration Shadow Twins) to your Coterie. Enjoy
    • The interaction to kick Coterie members now can be used regardless of diplomacy range
    • Kicking a Coterie member outside of diplomacy range doesn't make them a rival
    • Demons can now command their thralls to transfer vassals
    • Energy vessels (Sekhem/Glamour/Pathos/...) are now usable by every splat that spends resources (except rage)
    • Energy vessels now get automatically refilled if one regenerates energy while already being full
    • Added The Odious Chalice fleshcraft option
    • Ghouls and revenants can now choose to recruit torpored characters during the awaken from torpor Journey
    • Perks that unlock animal men-at-arms (like Animal Psi) now properly unlock all the mundane animals
    • Vampires in Golconda don't get a lowered Masquerade Exposure cap from their predator type anymore
    • The Eye of Hazimel now gives different, more appropriate, disciplines as rewards
    • The foul blood perk now gives +1 max herd size
    • AI Camilla now has a decision to create Romagna #To bypass vanilla prerequisites of Catholic only for AI creating Romagna
    • Some tweaks and fixes to reduce the number of torpored AI happening recently
    • Philosopher's stone bonus have been reduced
    • Delayed the clans/splat systems intro to make sure that chargen created characters have the proper one
    • Draining your pet slakes somewhat less hunger now (you monster)
    • A safeguard has been added to replenish the Tremere/Ventrue councils if something unexpected happen #Might cause some small issue in the Ventrue one, but better than nothing
    • A clan only modifier changed in the unity mechanic
    • Panegyra now wait much longer before starting, giving more time for more guests to arrive
    • Chi Mastery can no longer be used to Bleed the Chi of characters who have no chi (or energy) left
    • Spiritus aid from spirits is now costlier
    • Wraith strengthen artifact now require more arcanoi
    • Buffed the reward for the Furores objective
    • More prep work for vassal contracts rework
    • Improvements for the cult of zilah/alamut struggle #Thanks Tryz for the suggestion and most of the scripts
    • Dehydrate now has a cost
    • Heart of Darkness is now less easy to pull off
    • Dagon's call cooldown increased
    • Ventrue "Martial" prey preference now also includes martial prowess education as a possibility
    • Removed Gruesome festivals tenet for Einherjar and Tantabus #Vampires can't hold gruesome festivals. Replaced by communion for Einherjar (who are boisterous, honest and have many rituals) and esotericism for tantabus (BY is the witch)
    • Buffed the Wandering Good Man modifier (Cabiri/Ishmaelite objective)
    • Added 23 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
    • Added 5 portraits by Tyronis #the way the DNA were added make it difficult to parse what hairstyles were intended so those might be off
    • Added 2 portraits by Sithia
    • Added a living Jocastian faith character #meaning the faith is not considered dead in 1230
    • Added a 5th member to some canon coteries
    • Added CK3 vanilla universities to the cities where they existed before 1230 #Thanks Ian for the research
    • Moved the Erciyes Holy Site to correspond to the Erciyes wonder location
    • Various characters tweaks on Jackm's suggestions

    Localization & UI
    • The Skinlands Umbra window now shows which area the player character is in and how many Explorers they're currently employing
    • Diablerie now displays the chance of an Unconquered Soul event happening
    • Added fancypants event earmarks because all the hip TCs are doing it
    • Traits that confer immortality now say so in their tooltip
    • You now get an interface toast when feeding on an animal results in XP gain
    • The Nocturne game concept now mentions that the power drains the blood of enemy knights
    • Interactions that target titles (like Clio's Kiss) now properly show when and why they get invalidated
    • Complete refactor of event illustrations. Daytime and nighttime illustrations now get applied consistently depending on the splat
    • Nightified some more Legacy of Persia DLC illustrations
    • Added some more loading screen quotes
    • Added a trait icon for Asekh-sen
    • Gave Jürgen his Ü back
    • Minor changes to the HUD sidebar
    • Reordered the game rules a bit
    • Fix for Battle Modifiers getting stuck permanently on knights
    • Drinking larger amounts of blood no longer lets one bypass Blood Potency limits on hunger
    • Abilities that let you change someone's visual (immortal) age now only work on immortals
    • Guiding someone through the Suspire will now clear their yearly Golconda Mentoring action
    • The Dharmic Pacifism tenet isn't allowed for Tremere/Camarilla reformation anymore, to prevent them from achieving DOUBLE PACIFISM
    • Fix for thralls sometimes not getting the correct faith
    • The Food Taster Court Position is now available to any splat that eats food (including Vampires who achieved Golconda)
    • Dinners during a Grand Tour will now appropriately check whether the involved characters can actually eat food
    • The game is now more consistent when checking whether your splat can have sex
    • Fix for a Bardo interaction checking for the wrong perk
    • Fix for a Valeren interaction checking for the wrong perk
    • Fix for ghouled Werewolves not being able to convert to Werewolf faiths
    • Murdering your target during the Find Hiding Place Journey now actually works
    • Teaching someone psychic powers now correctly increases their resonance intensity
    • Fix for the Salubri Camarilla membership decision checking for the Banu Haqim trait by mistake
    • A travel event now correctly checks to see if you are not at sea (heh)
    • Removed open mouth weirdness with portraits
    • Some torpored shenanigans fixes
    • An antediluvian hunt event now takes into account unbondable
    • Streamlined successions prerequisites to ensure that primogeniture is indeed the default (doesn't affect title elective)
    • Many small script logic changes for struggles #The most important fix related to this is that struggle events will now properly proc
    • More safety checks for councilors replacement
    Patron-only content
    • Wraiths who completely possess another character using the Puppetry Arcanos can now switch to that character and play as them via character interaction
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    Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" Hotfix 4, Version, 11/25/2023
  • 1700974091148.png

    Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" Hotfix 4, Version, 11/25/2023
    • Fixed issue with LOP DLC Persian hairstyles and beards being ubiquitous
    • Simplified Armor and Clothing modifiers to allow for easier maintenance
    • Adjusted some Antediluvian looks
    • Western armor will now occur much less frequently non-western vampires
    • Fixed long standing issue with Wizard Beard ( male_beard_rtt_01 ) on certain Canon and Patron characters
    • Gilgamesh has a proper "Babylonian" Beard
    • Vanilla/DLC clothing and headgear modifiers simplified. This should make for easier maintenance going forward.



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    Yuletide Development Diary
  • Yuletide Development Diary

    Yuletidings! Lets see what Ilmarinen has in his bag for you! Wait, who is Ilmarinen? Why, I’m glad you asked! Many of House Dougal's greatest smiths and crafters became Lost Ones during the Shattering. The most famous was Ilmarinen. His fantastic workshop excelled in the production of beautiful items of whimsy and Glamour: toys. He and his wife, along with his nocker and boggan servants, closed themselves off in the cold wastes of what is now Finland or Norway. He sends a chimerical simulacra of himself to distribute his chimerical toys to children all over the world via a large sled. Unfortunately, the Mists now confuse his legacy. A few changelings have visited Ilmarinen with no ill effects, but most of the Lost Ones are extremely dangerous.


    Wait, does this mean what you think it means? Is the Princes of Darkness development team part of the “War on Christmas”? Thats an easy question with a complicated answer!

    Yule and the Fae
    Yule, also known as the Winter Solstice, is celebrated on December 21-22. The Solstice occurs on the longest night of the year whatever the date. Many Unseelie childlings are born during the Winter Solstice or undergo their Chrysalises at that time. These are thought to be changelings who completely embrace their dark sides and have greater knowledge of how to conquer and utilize Banality rather than being destroyed by it. Many Unseelie celebrate the holiday in a manner similar to the Christian celebration of Christmas. Greenery is brought into the freehold and presents are exchanged, but the symbolism is quite different. Evergreens symbolize their endurance. Patiently working behind the scenes, the Unseelie gather Glamour, planning for the coming Winter while their Seelie counterparts live Summer, refusing to see that darkness approaches. Like the evergreen, the Unseelie plan to still be here when Endless Winter again turns to Spring. The presents which the Winter Court exchanges at this time are items imbued with Glamour. Many believe that Glamour must be used to create treasures that will survive the dearth of creativity which presages Endless Winter. They give these treasures to one another in the name of spreading Glamour to all the Winter Court’s followers. Yule is a time for glittering parties that mock both the inner and outer darkness as well as welcoming celebrations for the new childlings among the Unseelie. Paradoxically, it is also a time of reflection when the Unseelie begins to examine those aspects of him or herself embraced at Samhain. Thus, the Winter Court celebrates the night, reveling in its concealment and perversity, while acknowledging that the Solstice inevitably marks the time when the days begin to lengthen, driving out the darkness in favor of the light.

    Wait, does this mean what you think it means? Yes, the Princes of Darkness development team has snuck into your house and tucked the Dark Ages Fae (DAF) / Changeling: the Dreaming (CTD) bookmark for the Mod into your Christmas stocking! Its jampacked full of everything you expect in a major splat update for the mod.

    It includes:
    • 2 new splats: True Fae and Changeling
    • A new bookmark (Dark Ages: Fae)
    • 48 new bookmarked characters
    • 278 new canon characters in total, 35 of which have custom portrait DNA
    • 41 playable kiths (16 Kithain, 4 Jinn, 5 African Kiths, 6 Phyla, 10 Hsien)
    • 66 new dynasties
    • 46 new faiths
    • 32 new perk trees, for a total of 219 new perks
    • A new struggle: The War of Seasons
    • A new sect: The Patron Council
    • 11 new major objectives for all Fae, and 14 unique objectives for Fae houses
    • 32 new Journeys to learn Arts and master the Realms
    • 23 new special buildings for Fae around the world
    • 21 new men-at-arms
    • A ridiculous amount of new artifacts
    • A variety of fantastical portrait choices
    • "Dreams of Darkness" by Serial Symphony, a new 8 track sound track for the mod.
    • New mechanics, new events, and much more

    What are the Fae?


    The Fae are the old gods, or at least their demigod children, or possibly legendary heroes, or maybe echoes of a bygone age, or the personification of folklore myths. In the World of Darkness they spirits of imagination from Arcadia. They come in three varieties, the immortal First Born Fae, the nature spirits called Inanimae, and the fae spirits who share a body with a human mortal to protect their magical self from soul-crushing banality. In the Dark Ages setting, the First Born “True Fae” are still present on earth, though their powers are waning in response towards humanity seeking answers through the Church and increasingly through reason and what will eventually come to be known as Science and Technology. Also, bureaucratic paperwork – the future sounds just awful. In other ways, the Fae are more like humanity than other supernaturals and have full access to CK3 activities like grand tournaments, grand tours, grand weddings, feasts, hunts and pilgrimages. Fae can also form Coveys (similar to Coteries) and go on journeys to learn new abilities such as magical Arts and mastery of Realms. Fae rulers also have access to all CK3 court positions in addition to some minor court positions that are exclusive to Fae.

    Fae also have access to a number of fantastical men at arms like : Brownies, Duergar, Goblins, Malicious Faerie, Night Elves, Nuckelavee, Ovinniks, the Sidhe Wild Hunt, Skoogra, Troll Berserkers, Feral Chimera, Fire Salamanders, Firebirds, Mist Dragons, the Monster Under the Bed, Nervosa, Nocnitsa, Sprites and Urban Legends





    The Fae are creatures of Glamour. Glamour is nothing short of the magical energy of creativity. It is the mana by which humanity creates art, and also the energy from which Fae derive all their mystical powers. Like a vampire might feed off the emotionally resonant blood of human beings, the fae need the energy of creativity to survive. They have a number of ways to acquire it: by resting in places of inherent glamour, by harnessing their own creativity, by musing a mortal to absorb the imagination that comes from humanity creativity, or even by draining a human of their creativity by force.








    The Shattering Begins


    One way to prevent the Shattering – the Prophecy of the Rat


    Nullify the Order of Reason
    Destroy the Inquisition
    Seasons Greetings

    In Dark Ages Fae, these creatures of imagination are divided into a number of rival courts based on their affiliation with the Seasons, primarily Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. At the start of 1230 AD, a century long oath truce between the Seasonal Courts has just expired and the Courts are returning to a devastating struggle known as the War of Seasons. Our initial bookmark highlights some of the most influential characters in both the Oath Truce and the War of Seasons.In addition to the Seasonal Courts, there are a number of political agendas that stretch across the courts: the militants who wish to renew the War of Seasons, the Truce-Bearers who wish to preserve the Oath Truce, the Humanists who are fascinated with Humanity and the Constantians who are fascinated with the most powerful human institution – the Church. In the mod, the Courts are represented as Religions with their political agendas further expressed as Faiths.





    Some of the potential endings of the War of Seasons





    The Noble Sidhe Houses


    While each Fae is unique, there is some commonality to myths which has caused Fae to be grouped together in Kiths. The dominant Kith among the Fae are the “Sidhe”, sometimes called Elves. The Sidhe have a system of clan affiliation similar to the feudal society of humanity, where the Sidhe have divided themselves into thirteen “Noble Houses”. While many of these House members are related by blood and through lines of descent, many other Fae are not and are adopted into the houses for political reasons. In the mod, the Sidhe Noble Houses are represented as Dynasties that have their own objective decisions.

    The Sidhe in Changeling: the Dreaming are largely (but not exclusively) based on Celtic mythology of the descendants of the Tuathan de Danaan. As such, they have a genealogy and relationships nearly as complicated as the Vampire clans. In developing the mod, we made a detailed chart of their ancestry. Our chart key is: purple for canon founders of Sidhe Noble Houses, blue for canon characters from DAF and CTD, green for characters from mythology and folklore, and red for a fanon character we created as the progenitor of a Sidhe house.


    The Kithain

    There are far more kith of Fae than only the Sidhe. Some of the most prominent Kiths are known by names like Boggans, Pooka, Nockers, Redcaps, Satyrs, Sluagh and Trolls. There are even more kith than that based on folklore throughout the world. The Sidhe have political dominance over the Kithain of Europe and treat the majority of other fae as “commoners” compared to the Sidhe “nobility”, though some exceptional Kith are able to gain recognition from tie Sidhe as nobles in their own right. Some of these noble Kith rule their own freeholds and will be playable characters on the map; though the majority of these Fae will be found as commoner courtiers who will still prove extremely important to their Sidhe lords.



    What about outside of Europe?

    If this all sounds very Western and Eurocentric, thats because it is. Initially, White Wolf primarily based Changeling the Dreaming and Dark Ages Fae lore and world building on the basis of European mythology. Since that initial offering, developers of the World of Darkness have sought to expand the setting to include kith based on myths from around the world. This includes from Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition the Djinn of the Middle East and a variety of African Kiths. In the Land of Eight Million Dreams, White Wolf detailed the Hsien, or Shinma, are the "little gods" of the Middle Kingdom of Asian mythology.

    In the following maps, landed Fae rulers are represented by the color orange.


    The Djinn

    While it is great the CTD 20th Anniversary Edition added Jinn Kiths, there is little material about canon characters. We turned to folklore for our Jinn, basing them on the Seven Jinn Kings. Also on that bookmark is a canon Eshu storyteller of stories about Jinn who requires no introduction – Scheherazade.



    The African Kithain

    While the Eshu have always been a core part of CTD, and their lore has always been tied to the Orisha of the Yoruba, and the Eshu had cultural names for various local kith analogs to their European counterparts, Africa is still a very big place with many landed holdings even with the limitation of the vanilla CK3 map. Further, CTD20 added additional 5 African kiths unfortunately without any canon characters. One of our newest developers, Dust Devil, has been doing the research and adaptation or regional folklore into the Dark Ages Fae framework. The implementation with this update is partial and you can expect more development in the future.



    But what’s going on outside of Faerieland?



    Don’t worry, we didn’t forget about the other splats.

    Like in the other mixed-splat bookmarks before, you can select the Fae bookmark, then select “Play as any character” to play other supernaturals. Invite Sluagh to your goth coterie. Be the most fashionable Toreador at the local Unseelie tournament. Or see what happens when you create a Kinain-Kinfolk-Nephilim-Revenant hybrid. (Did you think you could hide, Breeding Enjoyers? We know what you’re into.)

    But even if you’re in a world without Fae, this update got some spicy new content.

    Predator Stories

    Our newest developer General_Profit has been cooking up a big batch of flavor events for Vampires, all about the many things that can happen during the hunt.

    These events are based on the predator type you select at the start of the game. So now, whether you hunt among the nobility or lowlifes will have more consequences than just a few stat boosts. And if you’re a bloodleech? Prepare for some dangerous encounters. Vampires aren’t the only predators stalking the night.


    There’s also a decision to change your predator type later on in the game, if you want a change of pace.

    Umbra Adventures

    The Umbra has always been the optimizer’s best friend — a place where you can go to juice up your character, find treasure, or collect some powerful men-at-arms.

    And you can still do that… but you’re going to have to work for it.


    If you travel between the realms, you now have to go through a series of challenges, laid out in a branching map not unlike Slay the Spire. They’re the very definition of “high risk, high reward”. So better make sure you can handle them before you go petition Charon for his super-ghosts.


    Sorcery and Demonology are now available to everyone.


    What this means is that if Infernalism or Magick are illegal in your faith, you learn these abilities in secret instead. You can even gain hidden trait experience in Demonology, which unlocks new character interactions just like the regular trait.

    Just remember… if an infernal perk tells you it gives you horns or wings? That’s literal. And if you take it, your secret won’t stay secret for long.



    Speaking of blasphemy, Demons have a new mechanic that tabletop players will be familiar with.


    All Demons start at maximum Torment. You can lower it by making friends or lovers, or giving gifts to others. But inhuman acts like murder or torture will raise it again. At low Torment, Demons get another personal scheme slot, making it easier for them to cultivate more relationships… or find new members for their cult.

    Quality of life

    There’s now an interaction to demand payment for all hooks when you right-click yourself.


    There are some more QoL features, like a “Torture all prisoners” decision. See the full changelog for more details.

    Event shaders

    You will have noticed some fancy new graphics in the previous screenshots. They look even better in motion.


    Dark alleys are now more foggy, snow is more snowy, and fire can truly strike fear in the heart of any Kindred.

    Roguelike mode

    Last but not least… for those of you who think PoD is too easy, here’s a new game rule to spice things up.


    You can either let the game pick a random character on the map, or generate a fully randomized Vampire with random traits, disciplines, and so forth. The character you get will also receive a curse.


    Finishing a major objective will lift all curses. It will also add a crown next to your character’s name. It doesn’t do anything, but it’s shiny. Enjoy!

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