# Princes of Darkness, "Lore of the Clans", Version 1.8.2, Change Log, April 5, 2023
- Updates for CK3 1.8.2 (Robe/Elegance of Empire)
- CFP compatiblity with no patch necessary! Improved potrait and throneroom compatibility: This will greatly help future updates from vanilla CK3 as well as make the mod more easily compatible with Community Flavor Pack. Also, some changes to make CFP provided throne rooms in their night version, as well as have some CFP clothing and headgear to appear appropriately on canon characters. Changes to the intro event that check for CFP (like we check for FSB) and provide appropriate warnings and load order advice. A few canon character portraits may need tweaking to match their author's version. As a bonus the player character can pick some fantasy colors for hair. I plan to turn down their saturation a bit in the future. In the future there will be some more fantastical hair colors on fae and other appropriate characters.
- Makes CFP throne rooms work logically with POD faiths. Known issue: Remove the whiteness from windows in the HRE/Fiefs of the Black Cross court.
- Fix for portrait shaders for Vulkan API renderer (Mac/Linux relevant)
- Fix issues with CFP African, Iberian and Andalusian Throne Rooms
- Added support for Norse Throne Room
- Changed texture files for Elegance of Empire drip
- Added support for choosing Elegance of Empire drip
- A patch for EPE will be made in the future, merger of shaders values is needed.
__Clan Content___
___Banu Haqim___
- Vizirs, sorcerers and warriors devoted to their vision of their founder, Haqim.
- Weakness : Banu Haqim's skin darken with age. Represented as a game rule in the mod. Their second weakness, the Baali curse, happens during gameplay as a major event.
- Content : The Web of Knives, allowing Banu Haqim to pursue contracts placed on other vampires for gold.
- Overhauled the Izhim event
- The Web of Knives has had a facelift and various improvements
- Ur-Shulgi no longer kills characters he has been told to not bother.
- Assamite factions influence has been capped to be clearer to players
- The warriors scholars of Carthage and Hellas are bitter and angry, devolving into a rabble of rebels looking for a cause.
- Weakness : Brujah are prone to frenzy. In the mod, they are more likely to get the various frenzy events.
- Content : A dynasty legacy unlocks a unique Brujah Warmaster court position.
- Replace the Brujah cadre dynasty legacy by an unlock of a new minor court position. The Brujah cadre interaction was sort of clunky and a court position achieves the same end result in a more streamlined way
- The scholars of death, cursed to go in cycles of death and rebirth for eternity.
- Weakness : Cappadocians, past mortal age, will always look like corpses (both in lore and the mod).
- Content : A dynasty legacy unlocks the Lamia bodyguard, representing the unique relationship between Cappadocians and the daughters of Lilith.
- Reworked the Lamia bodyguard perk to be a chain of events with several choices
- Added a tolerance between Lilin religions and via ossium (so that Lamia can work alongside Cappadocians as intended)
___Followers of Set___
- Devoted followers of their God Set, ready to bring freedom and corruption to the world.
- Weakness : Setites take double damage from the sun. Not represented in the mod.
- Content : If you play a character with the via set religion, you can"corrupt" any vampiric religion that you hold at least 3 holy sites of. Corrupting here means making them a part of the pillars of Set, righteous to you and other members of this secret pact.
- Added the Setite special clan content (religious content more specifically) : corrupting other faiths
- Expanded and improved the "warriors of glycon/witches of echidna" event
- Added a chain of event for Egyptian rulers featuring Baybars' purge. Procalmation of Red Tears/Baybars Event Chain: In lore, Baybars' reign was a catatlysmic affair for the Egyptian supernatural, resulting in the entirety of clan Setite fleeing Egypt during his reign and Ombos itself (their capital) being sacked by the Mameluke. It is said that the Setites' reaction to later Inquisition in Europe was basically "Heh, Baybars was way worse". It's now represented in the mod. At the start of the event chain you can choose to follow the canon choice of the setites : fleeing. It will be very costly but you will be out of reach of Baybars' follow up attacks. It's the prudent choice. Or you can choose to stay. Whatever your choice, Baybars will ramp up his attacks in the following years, resulting in even more devastation. What precisely will be his attacks is randomized from playthrough to playthrough. But it will always culminate attacking one of the supernatural wonders of Egypt (like Ombos, or the Fire Court). Their owner can try to defend it, but it's difficult. For those that have managed to stay in Egypt until the end of Baybars' reign, they will have an opportunity for payback. But it will be difficult. The AI follows exactly the same rules as the players. Meaning Egyptian AIs will be very very weakened during Baybars' rule, which might open opportunities for neighbors. Finally, since it is quite the painful chain of events, a game rule allows you to disable it.
- Setup changes (Clan Book Setite/Setite Revised full read)
- Greatly expanded Kemintiri's special content
- Faiths with the Osirian league doctrine will now lose it if corrupted by Setites
- Childer of Warriors of Glycon and Witches of Echidna now get the right disciplines instead of their standard clan spread.
- Warriors of Glycon get Potence, Prescence and Serpentis. Cadet Houses created from Warriors of Glycon keep the same behavior.
- Witches of Echidna get Animalism, Presence and Akhu (Blood Sorcery). Cadet Houses created from Witches of Echidna keep the same behavior.
- Corrected Disciplines of The Last Glycon character that spawns as part of Setite clan content. (Had Protean advanced, now has Serpentis Advanced)
- Updated the Character Creation decision to reflect the change in Warriors of Glycon disciplines. (Used to get Protean, now gets Serpentis)
- More safety checks to the end of Baybars' purge
- Nomads, wanderers, the Gangrel work with the Beast, not against it.
- Weakness : Gangrel gain an animalistic feature when frenzying, both in lore and in the mod.
- Content : As a dynasty legacy, Gangrel rulers can unlock the Rite of Status to formally introduce themselves to one another.
- Replaced the Challenge for Alpha Gangrel interaction by a more in depth Rite of Status chain of events
- Small setup changes, new characters (Clan Book Gangrel and Clan Book Gangrel Revised full read)
- The Venetian necromancers, a bloodline sworn to the Cappadocians, but with their own ambitions and methods.
- Weakness : While most other vampires' bite is a blissful experience, Giovanni's bite is always painful. In the mod, it disallows some predator types.
- Content : GIovanni get access to the Familial Embrace mechanic, where they can nurture of their own mortal family for potential Embrace.
- Added a Giovanni familial childe event system
- The ruthless social darwinists, draped in shadows of their own creation.
- Weakness : Lasombra cast no reflection, making them obsessed with their appearance. In the mod, it is represented as a potential chain of events.
- Content : Lasombra get access to the Courts of Blood, allowing them to Petition for Sanctioned Diablerie of fellows Lasombra, and the Amici Noctis, their secretive leading organization steering the clan towards their own ends.
- Added events related to joining and using the Amici Noctis
- Diablerizing a Lasombra sentenced by the court of blood doesn't count as a murder anymore (so no murder secret or kinslaying). Still does make you a diablerist though because, well, you are
- Fixed Courts of Blood's victim already being a nemesis edge case
- Seers and madmen, the Malkavian see truth and falsehood much clearer than other clans.
- Weakness : Malkavian all have a derangement, represented as the lunatic, depressed, paranoid or possessed traits in the mod.
- Content : Some dynasty legacies unlock the Madness Network interactions. Using them can lead to various events down the line at you explore it.
- Expanded the existing Madness Network interactions
- All the permanent vanilla naked modifier (tied to lunatic trait) have been changed to temporary ones. To avoid all Malkavian invariably ending up naked as time goes on.
- AI use of Malkavian powers has been sanitized (heh) to follow the new AI powers usage rules
- Added a missing Malkavian lineage/house from France by Night
- Nerfs to the Knossos labyrinth wonder to make it less front-loaded
- Deformed beyond belief, the Nosferatu must also face the wrath of their sadistic founder.
- Weakness : All Nosferatu has hideously deformed, both in lore and in the mod.
- Content : During your game, you will have reports of strange events in your domain that put your Nosferatu brethren in a fearful frenzy. Claiming those events are the work of the dreaded Nicktuku, they will ask of you to make (costly) preparations for defense. A large majority of the time, these events will be red herrings, just simple paranoia... but sometimes, it will indeed lead to a confrontation with a Nicktuku, where the preparations you made might save your unlife.
- Added the Nosferatu clan content, related to the Nicktuku
- Indian vampires, divided by castes, embroiled in an unending war for their homeland.
- Weakness : Ravnos have compulsions, be they good or bad, to do a specific action even at the most inopportune of times. Not represented in the mod.
- Content : Ravnos are divided by Jati (castes) represented as Houses in the mod. Each Jati has a mini objective to improve their starting house modifier.
- Reworked the Ravnos family tree, fixing some issues and adding new houses. Basically to include all of their Jatis/castes so that we have an easier time scoping to them for extended content
- Added mini objectives for the Ravnos Jati
- Some setup tweaks (Clan Book Ravnos/Ravnos Revised full read)
- Aesthetes and poseurs, leeching off humanity's imagination to feel alive.
- Weakness : Toreador can get entranced for hours by something or someone they think beautiful. In the mod, it is represented as a potential chain of events.
- Content : As their last dynasty perk, Toreador get access to 5 "mini wonders", powerful but expensive buildings.
- Added 5 unique buildings as the last Toreador dynasty perk. Toreador don't have secret societies or fancy activities, so they get something to lean on their more humane/artistic nature. These five buildings are "mini wonders", expensive but powerful.
- Volgirre now get the right disciplines instead of their standard clan spread. Volgirre get Auspex, Celerity and Vicissitude. Cadet Houses created from Volgirre keep the same behavior.
- Added support for Volgirre to the Character Creation decision.
- Tweaked the Rayeen'al fen house modifier
- The Usurpers, former mages who wrestled immortality from other vampires, and must now fight to retain it.
- Weakness : Tremere are especially easy to blood bound, both in lore and in the mod.
- Content : The Inner Council, the ruling body of the Tremere, is a special mechanic available to all loyalist Tremere.
- Added the Tremere Council feature for early testing
- Added 5 events related to the Tremere Council system
- Completed the Tremere Council system
- Monsters and fiends, sending shudders down other vampires' spines.
- Weakness : Tzimisce must always sleep close to some soil of their homeland. Not represented in the mod yet.
- Content : The Rite of Release is a tradition for Tzimisce childer that happen several years after their Embrace, it happens as a small chain of events. Tzimisce also are especially geared towards "Revenant play" but it's not strictly limited to them.
- Added a small chain of events for Tzimisce childer several years after their Embrace, the Rite of Release. Tzimisce already have several "almost clan unique" mechanics like the Revenants and Vicissitude shenanigans. So this addition is on the small side, mostly to highlight the often forgotten "tradition bound" part of the clan.
- Nobles and tyrants ruling the night.
- Weakness : Ventrue have particular tastes and can only drink blood from a specific subset of mortals. Represented in the mod as a choice during the starting events.
- Content : The Ventrue Ephorate is the shadow council of the 12 elders debating the stance and philosophy the clan as a whole should follow. As a game mechanic, it can give important dynasty modifiers to the Ventrue and open new events to a Ephor character.
- Added the Ventrue Ephorate
- The Ventrue clan bane event is now more talkative, including actually telling you what "young" means in game terms. The predator type event also now explain what they are.
- Mithras now has a starting event to hide his early nights secret
- Some predator types don't give an automatic herd anymore, or aren't available to Ventrue. New player picks Ventrue because recommended. New player picks a feeding weakness. New player picks a predator type with auto herd that doesn't take into account the weakness. New player dies of constant stress in a matter of weeks. Bad.
- Added a way to reforge the Shattered Spear of Artemis Orthia
- Used
@Sarg 's laurel icon for Camilla laurel artifact
- Added Valeren as a "reward" for a specific ending in the Tremere Antediluvian hunt
- Allow Salubri Watcher awake Hun and P'o, gain access to (nearly) all Kuei-Jin powers
- Zao zei is now correctly a woman
- Added an event if all "Saulot is evil" artifacts are gathered
- Updates the files for the Salubri Third Eye so that skin and eye color matches the character.
- Fix Kuei-Jin players don't get Dharma
- Yin Mantle unlock wraith Men At Arms and enchant weapon interaction
- Eightfold Yin Mantle unlock shade Men At Arms, enchant armor interaction and summon Yin artifact interaction
- Touch of Rust allow you to make target lose all their gold.
- Semblance will reduce time to unlock nexus building
- Yang Prana Rework
- Chi'iu Muh Rework
___Miscellaneous Vampire Changes___
- The court tutor minor position has been re enabled for vampires. It now reduces the prestige cost of the mentoring event depending on the tutor's aptitude.
- Added mentoring events for Dominate, Animalism and Auspex. The logic behind mentoring stays the same but you now must get through some thematic events before acquiring the discipline. This makes it a little costlier hunting for each discipline, but also more flavorful for each one.
- Added mentoring events for Celerity, Potence, Obfuscate, Presence, Protean, Vicissitude, Fortitude, Blood Sorcery, Chimerstry, Obtenebration, Abombwe, Serpentis, Daimoinon, Necromancy, Temporis, Spiritus, Melpominee, Dementation, Valeren, Quietus and Mytherceria
- Fixed a childe trying to mentor themselves during education event
- Added BDW's herd fix
- Masquerade War Casus Belli
- Kinslaying for vampires had some general changes. There is no kinslaying possible for killing someone loosely related to you (of your dynasty) anymore. Close family (siblings, childer, sires) kinslaying is still a thing. Killing a clanmate that is very loosely related to you is really not considered a crime in vampiric society
- Fixed a duplicate Auspex text
- Gargoyles don't need mass sire secret to be recruited as Men at Arms anymore. We're tired of answering the "Why can't I recruit Gargoyles? I have the dynasty legacy!" question. And having Gargoyles troops doesn't make you a mass sire really anyway, it's not like you are going around biting people and they become Gargoyles
- Added the early Midnight Circus vampire triumvurate for potential future use
- Dominate tweaks
- Revenants and ghouls can also choose to recruit from torpor instead of killing
- Mytherceria's steal the mind cooldown has been increased
- Raktasadhus religion can now build the Mahabodhi temple
- Ashirra religion can now build the Imam Ali mosque, the great mosque of Mecca
- Everyone can now use the Pit of Malkav
- Added more explanation about the dominate secondary target thing
- Forgetful mind has been reworked to be sleeker. While the previous interaction was technically impressive, it was also 30000+ script lines long and very maintenance heavy.
- Setup changes (Children of the Revolution full read)
- Feral lorekeepers now correctly get access to commission epic
- You aren't informed when vampires get wounded anymore. Since they recover automatically, it doesn't matter and it will stop the AI from picking potentially lethal "treatments"
- Torpor decision has been dropped down the menu to avoid misclick
- Setup changes (Rites of the Blood full read)
- Two artifacts have been modified to be useful for the existing Antediluvian hunts
- Added Okhin's Daughter of Cacophony chargen fix
- Fixed the failed mesmerize opinion malus not triggering
- Fix new vampires don't have Masquerade
- Added 7 new music soundtracks by Serial Symphony, Werewolf themed
- Werewolves maintenance events have been removed from yearly_everyone, the most engine intensive on_action
- Werewolves yearly_everyone event for shapeshifting has been removed. Replaced by a check when a war is declared (not a raid) that shift all werewolves knights (and AI leaders) participants in the war to crinos form for a while
- Werewolves yearly_everyone events for wounds and diseases have been moved to yearly_playable instead. Which will result in unlanded WW being weaker to diseases and wounds, a price I'm willing to pay for better optimization. And WW health bonus should carry then to recovery with vanilla mechanics anyway
- Werewolves can now use Sherwood
- Fix ghouling kinain werewolves
- Commented out the Bastet characters for now as they aren't the focus anymore and cause weirdness
- Fixed Bastet changes making Abomination not being able to pick Homid Born gifts
- Fix Holy Heal can't heal others
- Hunters will lose Hunter trait if make pact in Abyss
- Reworked the ask pope decision for hunters
- Fixed a potential issue for the First Inquisition warning event
- Added a tomb building event chain for mummies. This compensates for the above nerf, letting Mummies ramp up faster if the tomb is invested in
- Added a missing Mummy character
- Added new Mummy artifact
- Fixed Draw Sekhem interaction; makes it so that Draw Sekhem properly works on creatures that do not have Sekhem, as the perk describes.
- Removed some starting perks from Mummies. While lore accurate, the sheer number of options Mummies start with is overwhelming and doesn't leave much room from gameplay growth
- Mummies are now less fertile. An attempt to curb the crazy mummy dynasty numbers in late game
___Demons, Baali and Infernalists___
- Reworked how mortals acting as vessels of demons lose their lives. Now higher prowess vessels last longer than low prowess ones.
- Added support for Demons creating a new Sin faith. This does not change which sin it follows but allows for some customization while still allowing the Tempt and corrupt interactions to work as intended.
- Overall nerfs to the infernalist stuff
- The demon chargen house choice now doesn't create a cadet house, only flavor. Creating a cadet house, or putting you in an existing dynasty, would result in not having control over your dynasty legacies, which is important for demons
- Demons can now use Ceoris and Iglesia
- Nergal and Moloch are now alive, but unreachable like Baba Yaga and Ur Shulgi
- Infernalist trait now gives a serious stress malus. Selling your soul to demons isn't a net positive anymore
- The Grail of the Bitter Ashes will now always reject infernalists
- Commented the Umbra file for future ease of adding events, added some safeguards. So that you can't walk in the Copernicus space station before Copernicus is even born
- Added 6 small Umbra events
- Grace, the Umbral currency, is more costly to gain
- Umbra exploration now has piety cost for who has stress gain -100%
- Enter Umbra require gold depending of gauntlet level now
- Remove umbra travelling time in normal realm
- Receive fallback if no event in Umbra exploration
___Patron War___
- Patron War bookmark returns
- Patron Characters: Armand, Haldor Mjölnir, Ion Ilie, Barachiel, Gualtiero Romano, Anubis the Imperishable, Gabriel Lancaster, Daxaniel Angelista, Lev Caran, Magno Branco, Petrus Zonaras, Abhartach, Jaroslav Putnik, Seonjong Yi, Dàniel De na Seinneadairean, Nelson, Pandora Ashurbanipal, Occulta Larva, William Lee, Alcesimarchus Caerellius, Neferkheperu, Neferure
- More lore: Added 47 new lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
- All piety costs for Men at Arms have been moved to prestige. While an interesting idea, CK3 just doesn't support piety as cost for MaA, messing the display and confusing players about their sudden and unexplained piety deficit
- Replaced all remaining pluralistic faiths by righteous ones. Having evil faith vassals stay post Holy War cause a bunch of issues and weirdness
- Characters older than 100 (except ghouls and revenant) will now refuse baronies titles. A baron is basically an always loyal and content vassal revokable at will, which makes keeping powerful immortals in line too easy
- if a character is already landed, they will now accept being given baronies. Basically, you can't make an old immortal a baron by granting titles, but you can give them baronies if already landed
- Replaced torturing prisoners give piety (which doesn't seem functional in vanilla) by more likelihood of joining schemes for Goratrix' council doctrine
- The AI will now almost always pick its clan dynasty legacy for the first tree to start and complete. Since more and more stuff is tied to dynasty legacies, this resolves the issue of the AI picking something else than their clan one that would delay accessing the special content for the player
- Added 10 new great persons. 191 total now. Russia is now complete GP wise.
- Added 15 artifacts
- Added 4 new wonders
- Removed special building mapmode.
- Changed the GP steppe region to a broader one
- Chimera Men At Arms
- The odd smell event won't happen for AI anymore and has a longer CD for players, to avoid overwhelming the world with perfume
- You can't give land to innocents via a Fate of Iberia event anymore
- Fixed naked patrons looking like aliens
- Added a warning event if an AI ends the French struggle
- add BDW's new cosmetics for tar eyes makeup
- Fixed some small issue in an education event
- Increases max amount of displayed traits to a new maximum of 3+80 or 4+64 traits depending on if you have 3 or 4 personality traits.
- Bark Skin cosmetic
- Fixed some issues in two dynasty trees
- No Wyld true believer can't get Gorgon now
- Men at Arms numbers tweaked based on BDW's calculations
- Re enabled the Napoli vanilla university
- Ancient Egyptian don't start with Iberian Caballeros unlocked anymore
- Small setup fix
- More safeguard for unreachable characters
- Some dynasties legacies nerfs
- Added Tom's 4 portraits
- Reduced the likelihood of AI hybridizing cultures if that rule is turned on . Can get spammy with our "unique" cultural setup
- Setup changes. Thanks Seeamoebe for the translation of relevant Wien um Nacht parts and the back and forth conversation about it
- Nerfed the vanilla adventurer trait. Used more broadly in PoD
- Most of the innovations debuffs have been moved to era modifiers, to make them clearer
- Recruit bygone is a button instead of random event now
- Modifier form powers that apply to knight in war as commander also apply in duel now
- Added Crepe's Drone upload
- Added a way to reconstruct the Bai Ze Tu if all fragments are gathered
- Fertility tweaks. Main thing being that woman fertility per child already born decreases faster
- Pelesit Men at Arms numbers have been capped for AI like the other swarm MaA
- Updated Portraits
- Jod properly renamed to Job
- Enheduanna's character entry has been reworked to follow her historical counterpart more
- Added a fix to intrigue mentor vanilla event not avoiding unavailable characters
- Bookmark character age is now hidden once again
**In addition, as always:**
- Fixes and Tweaks
- Various localization updates
- Additional Chinese translation
- Misc, More Misc and various other types of Misc
- Prep Dark Ages Fae Bookmark work. You do not need to report bugs or localization/typo issues with Fae at this time. It is very much a work in progress.